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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 32 -

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posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 03:00 AM
More Nevada Election News:

A Nevada Judge has ordered Clark County (Las Vegas) officials to allow their voting machines, and "sealed containers" to be ready for inspection, no later than 1pm today (Dec 1st).



posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 03:16 AM
I hope I'm not too off topic here, but I truly wish LanceCorvette would come back and help with this Johnnylaw dude that's been sweeping through all of the election fraud threads. šŸ˜’

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 03:31 AM
IF and it's a big IF at the moment that the story about Obama is true, then it would make sense that the Government would keep it quiet. You round up your enemies first before you let rip publicly AND with irrefutable evidence of the charge.

Why on earth would anyone playing such high stakes give off a warning..."we've arrested Obama" thus alerting everyone else they are after? Second, can you imagine the sh*t storm it would cause in the public arena? There would be riots all over the place. No, you wait until all the big players are rounded up......

It's smoke and mirrors. While everyone is busy focusing on the election fraud/Dominion/State enquiries, there are bigger things at stake which we all talk about anyhow but they are all linked. So you start from the top of the pyramid don't start at the bottom with the 'nobody's'. It's like the drug trade...keep arresting the small guys at the bottom, but the cartel at the top keep replacing the small guys.

We shall have to wait and see....

edit on am123America/ChicagoTuesday2020-12-01T03:35:17-06:0003America/Chicago12000000 by angelchemuel because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 04:00 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel
Barack Hussein Obama's Twitter has been dark for 5 days.

Not a record, but rare.

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 04:37 AM
a reply to: dashen

A river of chocolate is tempting,
but I am holding out for a miracle.
The Best is Yet to Come.

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 04:52 AM

originally posted by: Parksy1981
a reply to: Murgatroid

I agree, from our point of view, are things actually going down this week...?

I can't speak to specifics, but this may even play out even beyond the EC if it needs to. My point is don't lose heart waiting for the hammer to drop (I am quite confident in justice playing out on this). This mess is very very complex. There are players on all sides who don't know who is who or who to trust including the President. This needs to unravel in the best way possible with the most people satisfied with the result and the most complete exposure of the fraud. Even though it seems chaotic, the process is going to be very thorough.

Keep at it guys.

-Falun Dafa Hao

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 04:57 AM
Itā€™s 5 am Tuesday morning CST

Do you know where your vote is?

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 05:01 AM
I don't think anyone has updated on this so far as I can see, but the website is up and working now after the countdown... A bit slow to load though. Probably high traffic.

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 05:15 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

What smoking does, particularly the nicotine in it, it attacks viruses (the nicotine) by shattering the protein capsule around the virus, thus rendering it dead before it gets a chance to attach to the ACE2.
No wonder you see very few smokers getting winter colds/flu's etc....until they stop!
As a Clinical Aromatherapist I even had a look at Nicotine Essential Oil (yes there is such a thing). I also remember way back at the beginning of this 'outbreak' that British American tobacco companies were looking into the nicotine angle. They were even being interviewed on the news. It was all very quickly hushed up.....wonder why?

My son and his wife both smoke. They work in a residential care home and they and their colleagues, and residents, are all covid tested every week.

The last few months there have been one or more people testing positive every week. My son and D-I-L have always had negative results back despite spending 12 hours every day with covid-positive residents, and working extra shifts covering for staff that have been sent home to isolate.

He was saying a few days ago how strange a co-inkydink it is that all the covid-positive people at work seemed to be the non-smokers.

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

QWiki creator and thread member JanAmosComenius is in Romania.

According to his profile he is located in CZ, that's Czechia (Czech Republic). His username confirms this:

John Amos ComeniusĀ (Czech:Ā Jan Amos KomenskĆ½; German:Ā Johann Amos Comenius;Ā Latinized:Ā Ioannes Amos Comenius; 28 March 1592 ā€“ 15 November 1670) was a CzechĀ philosopher,Ā pedagogueĀ andĀ theologianĀ from theĀ Margraviate of Moravia who is considered the father of modern education.

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 05:39 AM

originally posted by: doobydoll
a reply to: angelchemuel

What smoking does, particularly the nicotine in it, it attacks viruses (the nicotine) by shattering the protein capsule around the virus, thus rendering it dead before it gets a chance to attach to the ACE2.
No wonder you see very few smokers getting winter colds/flu's etc....until they stop!
As a Clinical Aromatherapist I even had a look at Nicotine Essential Oil (yes there is such a thing). I also remember way back at the beginning of this 'outbreak' that British American tobacco companies were looking into the nicotine angle. They were even being interviewed on the news. It was all very quickly hushed up.....wonder why?

My son and his wife both smoke. They work in a residential care home and they and their colleagues, and residents, are all covid tested every week.

The last few months there have been one or more people testing positive every week. My son and D-I-L have always had negative results back despite spending 12 hours every day with covid-positive residents, and working extra shifts covering for staff that have been sent home to isolate.

He was saying a few days ago how strange a co-inkydink it is that all the covid-positive people at work seemed to be the non-smokers.

I wonder if they also have never been flu immunized as well?

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 05:40 AM
a reply to: brewtiger

Nice linkage on the monoliths and White House sculpture, brewtiger!

The White House sculpture also seems to stress the triangular aspects of the broken monolith - like prisms.

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 05:40 AM
He's probably being fit for his boot for his twisted ankle. šŸ¤£

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: angelchemuel
Barack Hussein Obama's Twitter has been dark for 5 days.

Not a record, but rare.

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 05:43 AM
Sorry, I messed up the quote reply somehow.

Replying to: CoramDeo
ā€œThere is a good argument to be made that losing now is better for the long term outlook.

Pain. 23. 2023?


Obam a has a plan to have his pupet in the White House for 10 years. Well, 10 years - 1 day. See where I'm going?ā€

It worries me that people believe this because it will keep them from giving 100% on this fight. Exactly how do you expect another non swamp creature to be elected? I strongly suspect that the guy who cheated and the party who cheated and the supporters on the ground who all cheated and the RHINOs who helped pass policy to facilitate the cheating are not going to lift a finger to investigate or fix the cheating. This is a genie you canā€™t put back in the Bottle. If they cheat this blatant and there are no consequences there will never be another fair election again in the United States without a full Civil War. If this doesnā€™t get resolved now they will know they can in your face cheat at any level and no one will stop them. There will be no one to stop them from using these machines forever. There will be no one to stop them from continuing to keep patriots from observing ballot counting In the future. There will be no one to stop them from cheating at small local levels to install liberals and rhinos into all election offices, Secretary of Stateā€™s offices, state legislatures and bring all those swamp creatures back into the 3 letter agencies so no one investigated anything ever again. There is nothing to stop them from cheating until theyā€™ve turned everything blue locally without consequence so they can facilitate their cheating better at a national level. Even then, they donā€™t need to cheat ā€œbetterā€ because they cheated ā€œobviousā€
and no one stopped them.

This isnā€™t like Obama where they were trying not to expose the plan and wake Americans up because they were still a little bit concerned about the consequences. Americans are awake and the plan is exposed and everyone lived to tell the tale. They are in our faces with it and potentially consequence free to boot. That combined with the success of COVID lockdowns will empower them to levels that should scare everyone.

The only avenue we have left at that point is to literally fight back and, unfortunately, I'm not convinced a Civil War in this country would be won by Patriots. The other side has foreign governments willing to enter the ring on their behalf and even more foreign governments willing to take advantage of our country being distracted while fighting against one another. They could invade and fight a war on the ground here... while we are still distracted.

When Trumpā€™s team says this is it, they mean it.

edit on 1-12-2020 by FinallyFree72 because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-12-2020 by FinallyFree72 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 05:44 AM
Itā€™s way too early.
edit on 1-12-2020 by FinallyFree72 because: Double post

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 05:55 AM
Does anyone else feel like we are in the game Cards Against Humanity? I can't recall if there is an election fraud card or not. The media, virus, riots, have been played. Does anyone know if there was a voter fraud card? šŸ˜³

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 06:00 AM
This is just an update post on an older subject... 3 Gorges Dam. It doesn't need discussion, but I just wanted to relay some info.

Dutchsinse, who I'm sure many are familiar with by now (been going a long time), has got pretty good with predicting Earthquakes and how they move. Well...

2 big 6.0+ deep earthquakes have hit Russia and Chile. Long story short, using his method of understanding knock on effects, he is theorising that a big 6-7+ Earthquake could hit China as a consequence of the Russia one.
Now, this of course got me thinking about 3 Gorges Dam. If he was right, and it hit a bit too close to the dam... that might be all it takes to crack it right open.

Like I say, not much to discuss here, but really it's just a heads up on a potential. Dutch is pretty good these days, as I say.
With everything else going on in the world, something like this wouldn't surprise me.

Right, back to all the other insanity oozing out of every corner of the world... oh and Q.

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 06:03 AM

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: doobydoll

Well that's interesting!
Here is what Wiki explains luciferase as....
Luciferas e - Wikipedia

Ain't no way I'll be having it!

Angry Rainbows

Yall do realize that the mark of the beast is not something they can give you unless you first SWEAR to the antichrist your devotion right? You have to say his name,And they cannot trick you into it either. They named the Vaccine that because scientist are trolling the relgious people so they go into panic mode over this.

Also,God created all manner of creatures that have that in their bodies naturally so if you ate fish,you already had some inside you. Point is this is a over reaction. until the antichrist appears there IS NO MARK. When he appears THEN panic.

It matters not how you get it it is IF you get the mark. Not that you swore on an Antichrist.
Summary of the Scripture on the Mark of the Beast

You CAN worship the beast for your way into Hades, but it basically is saying don't be tricked into accepting the Mark.

edit on 1-12-2020 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 06:19 AM

originally posted by: BoomGiggle
Rumors are coming in that CIA Director Gina Haspel has died from apparently "natural causes." This just popped up on my feed and don't really have any proof other than an anonymous post regarding that she was "injured in firefight in Frankfurt and was airlifted to GITMO where she has had a tribunal. Apparently, she requested to corporate to avoid death penalty and receive a life sentence in helping Trump with disclosing all about the CIA's involvement in the election. Take it with a grain of salt but interesting nonetheless.

Twitter Post

The T has been removed. I did find this. [Don't know if someone has already posted this, so sorry if it is a duplicate.] Death Notice.

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 06:22 AM

originally posted by: Caled
a reply to: doobydoll

I'll just leave this here for your reading pleasure.

Make sure you keyword search for luciferase.

Thank you that material is gold. I do have a bunch of nerdy friends who can understand every word of that. I have already sent it out to a few with a wide range of opinions.
The Tatooing of DNA changing vaccines sounds scary as hell to me.

Science is dangerous in the wrong hands. Perhaps that is why "sorcery" was prohibited but that wasn't the issue. The issue is there are sick/delusional people that are willing to rationalize hurting another human being for more than a self defense incident. These sick people not the tech at their fingertips are the problem.

If we keep allowing those people a get out of jail pass, we will have a deeper hole to dig out of to leave this mess behind.

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