Final CranQy EsoteriQa.
What have we all seen and or learned since Q?
We discovered, Pedavores, Government control systems, hidden truths, human sacrifice, clones, misinformation, unseen manipulation, networks, chemical
control, mind control, technology control, Humans As Currency, and more.
What is all of that? Truth? Facts? Enemies to be defeated? Maybe, maybe not.
From POV they are clearly symptoms, but symptoms of what?
Follow me here as we turn the Earth metaphor upside down to see what the mirror shows us.
Creation is Creation. Creation Creates, it does NOT limit based on this or that. You think, you create = WE are the creator, which is The Only Truth
There Is. There is no external anything, no external god, no external you, only creation creating from within to be seen as without.
The reality created, PROJECTED, is a MIRROR of the "what" that is inside you. Everything in your reality right now is a mirror of that which is
within. There is no without, only within, and what we create, see and interact is a projection of the within as seen by an individuated aspect.
The symptoms list above are a MIRROR of what is inside. They are our creations.
So why are we creating pedavores, vax, 5g...? Why is it that we cannot create a reality of harmony, balance, joy, and one that fosters liberty for
all? We seem to create the opposite here on Earth, as we create everything but Liberty. In fact, we see Liberty as something a guy with a gun gives us
or god gives us if we kneel before him/her/it.
Can anyone with a "desire" race a Formula One car in a race? No. Why not? Can anyone take an F22 for joy ride? One must train. "How do you get to
Carnagie Hall?" "Practice, Practice Practice."
If one is going to create, without limitation, then one must train. Safely. Isolated. With supervision. But with the freedom to burn oneself out by
creating nightmares and unwanted things, nightmares the more evolved have learned about and have no interest in dealing with anymore. The best place
to do this is in a place where the creation process is really slow: Earth/3d. Over time that process gets faster, think 40 years ago vs. now, or 3d >
4d > 5d.
Those creations must be contained! No evolved race is going to invite Abromovic into their culture to wreak havoc. Those who have evolved well past
twitwars, vax, child killing etc. have ZERO interest in having to deal with our monsters attacking them in their curated reality.
"Why does it seem there are good and bad people?" "Why does it seem like there are great and awful things?" One cannot create in a vacuum because
there is no vacuum. Creation creates, it has no limits, so in order to "see" what one is creating one must have a reflection, something to help define
what is being created and that is: Contrast.
This means that in a world of symptoms, folks have to play the characters so each and every person can fully understand what the creation process
actually is. Bad guys show contrast for good, good for bad etc. Some bad guys show GOOD contrast to others, while some good guys show BAD contrast to
others. The brand of contrast is not absolute.
We are all here showing each other. The Q helps folks see what they are creating for the first time, clearly, and in real-time! We are seeing that
creating the nightmares of Control and Humans As Currency are NOT the way to go about creating! One can control others, or just as easily facilitate
the growth of others. If you crave controlling others - you are in planetary Q-uarantine, as you cannot be allowed to create freely. If your entire
reason for being is to control, dominate, cage, belittle, judge, criticize, hate etc. then you cannot be allowed to create beyond this containment
Facilitating the growth of others through Liberty, Freedom, Support, Compassion, Love, Forgiveness etc. then whoa! If you can release judgment, fear,
insecurity and the need to control others, then you are half way out.
Previously I posted
Many of us are playing the parts of a mirror, the contrast. Both to show us what we are creating and more importantly define for us what we should be
creating. This means we can never really know in any given moment what's what for others. For some the are working out X, while for me X is not a part
of my reality at all, only Y. For some they reflect the good, for others the bad, for others it is the neutral. Each giving each other what they need
- cooperation in evolution is right there!
We are all in fact cooperating with each other: Bad actors showing good how to create. Good showing bad the same.
At the core the above symbols represent control of others. Fear drives this. So why is the collective creating this madness? Fear, as most WANT a
system of control to keep them safe. More control=more safety. What you and I see as intrusion, many see as safety. What we see as a removal of
liberty, many see as a welcomed security systems. Their abject FEAR creates the antidote - The Control System.
These horrors we have exposed are all symptoms of folks learning the power of creation: our collective fears, insecurities, and monsters. They are the
missteps that occur within the early creation process. "But they are awful cranky..." "Can't God just get rid of them...?" Nope, the Creator is not an
arbiter. Limitations are set by those who have created, not the creation mechanism itself.
Is everyone finished with it?
Previously posted:
Creation from fear, insecurity and control etc. is the foundation for the monsters we create, they are born of OUR ENERGY. They are not
self-reflective, stand alone, or evolving. They go POOF when we stop fueling them. The demons, the reptiles, the monsters are reflections of us -
nothing more. They are there as long as we need them to be, or until enough have said it is time to move on. This is why those monsters continue to
need attention through ritual, secret group membership and fear patterns - the go poof without.
The entire Q + Anon process has given us all a glimpse into the nightmares we have been creating without even knowing it. It has shown all who are
interested levels of nightmare creation so deep as to be unfathomable prior to The Great Awakening. Can folks who create nightmares of pedavores and
secret society systems of control be let loose into realms where folks have long grown out of that level of creation? If you have created a loving,
clean balanced home do you want a group of methheads to just randomly moving in?
Really think about that. If you have evolved to the place where everyone in your particular planet is loving, kind, considerate, non-judgemental
would you really want to let a Paid Shill or Gates, Rothschild or the other poster children for hate into your realm?
You, I and every evolving expression here is just a baby trying to figure creation out. If we put down the fear for just a MOMENT, can we see
ourselves as deserving of the compassion, comfort and nurturing of a newborn creator? Forget about viewing others this way for a moment, see yourself
this way. Can we forgive the newborn? Even better can we champion the newborn for even trying?