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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 32 -

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posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: Flesh699

It’s like someone is trying to wipe out humanity.

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 03:30 PM
The down ballot, or the case of CA the front ballot (Potus was last) is their own gun in mouth.

They are all assuming any action taken at any level leaves every other race set, thereby leaving the cheats in office. This assumption is born of ignorance and a reliance that what once was will always be (shill argument).

There is a real possibility that somewhere in the mix the CCP revelations about Mayors, Governors and Elected Officials may blown this all to bits in ways they didn't predict.

of note on that: Swalwell signaled to someone to look in his draft folders, shortly after he's outed as a CCP agent. This may get very interesting, as Pelosi claims they all know now what's what.

On the big stage the CCP isn't at issue yet. Lawfare wrote all their briefs with DJT claiming a win and declaring himself king in mind. How do I know this, the Talking Points told us - the were preparing us.

They counted on the SC case being about DJT demanding a vote recount, so the states rushed to certify it all and destroy the evidence. Biden declared, DJT went on offense.

As I understand the TX case, they are in part arguing the VP is the issue, and, by default, the POTUS. Their contention is powerful. If 4 states can collude to install a fraudulent VP to oversee the Senate, then the Senate is meaningless in the scheme of things, as the States that voted a true Rep are not only disenfranchised, but rendered null because of 4 states.

For the SC to dismiss this is to say the Constitutional protections for the Senate don't matter, while claiming their right to say this does matter because of the Constitutional protections. As I see it that is.

Then again, Roberts will come to the rescue and call voter fraud a "tax on life."

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 03:31 PM
Joe Biden's brother James is also under criminal investigation.

To quote our mainstream media during the Mueller era... "The walls are closing in on..."

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 03:32 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
Joe Biden's brother James is also under criminal investigation.

To quote our mainstream media during the Mueller era... "The walls are closing in on..."

Everyone knows those 3 stooges are thick as thieves. All financial activities were all co-mingled. If you’ve got 2 sides of the criminal triangle lined up... just a matter of time.

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 03:43 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

originally posted by: Flesh699

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
Does anyone know where Lance is? I thought he'd be weighing in on these cases? I hope he's okay.

He freaked out because there was too much talking about lizards. Lawyers are a weird bunch. Here I am having to go through page after page of poltical stuff when really all I want to do is talk about lizards.

I wouldn't say he freaked out but more about tired of all the various topics brought up in this thread which after all this thread is not for everyone. Some of us have really thick tin foil hats.🧙‍♂️😂

2020 Clown world politics is absolute toxicity. Gotta learn how to roll with the punches and move on.

Quite honestly, if Rel wasn't here I'm not sure anyone would recognise it as a Q thread. It could just be another US election thread. I don't want that taken the wrong way, as i understand fully why that is... but I do think it get's lost at times.
To me, Q is the big picture... which is why I think the wide range of topics is the best thing about this place.
I mean Q goes into so many facets of the overall conspiracy that has pervaded our reality, and helps show how it is all linked together, the election is just the current facet. Even Trump is just a facet, but obviously a figure head.

I see the overall conspiracy as a gigantic web of connected points, and I feel that what is happening, is that all the load baring strands have been identified, and are getting cut, one by one. At some point, enough will be cut that the whole thing collapses under it's own weight. At the same time, I can see infrastructure being put in place to fill the gaps left by the collapse ahead of time. That is why I urge people to look at the video I posted on page 174, it really explains a lot.

I'm sad Lance felt it necessary to make an exit, especially when everyone appreciates his input. Like Flesh, I find much of the election talk actually quite boring... but I recognise that it is very important too (maybe even most important). I'm just of a very strong position that all of this is planned out quite meticulously, and that the fear of losing isn't actually anywhere near as great as many fear. It's just a process of weeding out everyone who is a bad actor... top to bottom. They already have it in hand... I'm just looking forward to the part where they make their move so we can get to talking about the juicy part.
But that's just me.

Trump said at the rocket launch that next year was going to see some massive things coming out. He's never spoken like someone who is going to lose. A tweet from Trump in 2013 stated that to win, you move slowly and carefully until just the right moment, and then strike fast like a powerful animal (or words to that effect). That is what we're seeing. When it goes down, it will be swift and will shock many... the shot heard around the world. Trump knew what he was doing right now back in 2016...

Reporter - "What Storm Mr President?"
Trump - "You'll see"

I think the deep state fear what might happen, but i'm not convinced that they know that it will happen.

Anyways, back to my original point... I don't think varied topics should be shunned because it doesn't suit any one particular poster. It's very easy to scan posts and see if it is something you are interested in. I tend to skim a lot of the political stuff these days, because I think we know how much BS the left is peddling.. non of it a surprise... but that isn't to say it doesn't belong here. These threads are pretty much historical documents on the progression of events at this point. It'll be super interesting to look back on!

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

2 pieces of recent fiction come immediately to mind. Dan Browns “Inferno” and the show I’ve mentioned here a few times “Utopia”.

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

2 pieces of recent fiction come immediately to mind. Dan Browns “Inferno” and the show I’ve mentioned here a few times “Utopia”.

I’ll need to read inferno.

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
Joe Biden's brother James is also under criminal investigation.

To quote our mainstream media during the Mueller era... "The walls are closing in on..."

And yet they’ve gone out of their way to say Joe “is not implicated at all”. Yeah, just his son and his brother and probably everybody else in the Biden family were profiting MASSIVELY off the Biden name, but old Joe did not whet his beak at all.

If you believe that....

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

Notice that in 30 days it went from ;

- Russia DisInfo
- Hunter not involved
- No investigation
- Hunter involved
- Civil not Criminal
- James not involved
- FBI criminal
- 2 year old investigation
- James involved

......tomorrow...tomorrow... what happens tomorrow?

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

Notice that in 30 days it went from ;

- Russia DisInfo
- Hunter not involved
- No investigation
- Hunter involved
- Civil not Criminal
- James not involved
- FBI criminal
- 2 year old investigation
- James involved

......tomorrow...tomorrow... what happens tomorrow?

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Well, that is true. I can't argue with that. I just find it fascinating how some folks can sit there and type a load of stuff about their opinion without actually studying the source material. Seems weird to me. If there are inconsistencies in the source, then that is the chink in the armour to pick at... and quite frankly, if someone can find them, then I'm interested to hear it.
But, it's entirely obvious that given the way the information is delivered in a public way, there will be contention over what is delivered and when. Like showing your hand to everyone in a poker game. you just don't.

There is enough in the Q posts that connects directly to my own research for me to give it credit. I have a few little quibbles with some of the info here and there, but i can also see good reasoning for it too. Nothing has been tried like this before in history... and the enemy is far beyond most peoples actual imagining!
One thing I have deduced is that the intention is honorable... and I trust that. All these folks now fighting to support the corrupt establishment simply blows my mind though., when did they earn anyone's trust that people feel the urge to fight for them? I wonder how many people out there are merely creations of an A.I. in some bunker. Wouldn't surprise me in the least. But that needs proving, and not something I could ever say as fact.

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

The DOJ and the media committed outright Election Fraud by gaslighting us and trying to make everyone think there was nothing to all this until after the election. It’s really insidious.

Everything now coming to light was called Russian disinformation and outright conspiracy theories just 2 months ago. They all knew it was legit back then. They lied to help the Biden’s. Period.
edit on 10-12-2020 by PokeyJoe because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Bobulinsky testified before the FBI in late October and told them everything he knew about Joe Biden's involvement.

This would be bigger news if it was not for the Supreme Court case, and the covid-19 vaccine. Approval of the covid-19 vaccine is actually taking 90% of the news cycle today.

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 04:12 PM
Before all of this hit the SC I wonder if protection was set up for the justices. Most of their cases are controversial but not dangerous if they have an opinion that one party does not agree with.
Here we have a case of two very powerful opponents, with one party, the Dems watching their whole fraud plan unravel. They have had backing by the CCP and who knows what other bad actors. They cannot afford to fail but this was the end game because it had to go to the SC like in the playbook.
I can't imagine how brave these justices must be and they must be worried about their families and their safety.
Just like we have been told, 'This is no ordinary 4 year election', and this is no ordinary SC decision.
How long would they need protection. It seems like much has been done over many years so will they need protection for the rest of their lives?
I hope that they can remain strong, courageous and make the right decisions for the country, for our freedom.

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: carewemust
They are using the Covid to drown out everything and keep people in a state of fear. My children are being forced to test constantly because co employees have tested positive. It is an endless cycle. And no one is sick.
Then they fear for me but I have told them that we should continue to lead as normal a life as possible. They see I am not afraid and hopefully that is a stabilizing influence on their emotions.
But all of this is so wrong. My son is doing remote learning at college and one of his group members tested positive so now they all have to be tested but again no one has any symptoms.
Everyday the newspapers have endless articles about this, many articles just recycling information.
I am watching people driving in their cars alone wearing masks and people jogging, the few that dare venture outside, wearing masks.
They needs to be stopped because people's attentions are being diverted to the sideshow when the big show is just arriving in town. Events are going to happen and they will wonder...What has happened and how did we get here?

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Right. Very sad. This is not about the virus, it is about the election, just as Q has said repeatedly.

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
The DOJ still hasn't confirmed that Hunter Biden is under investigation. Never has. So why did the Biden Transition Team take the unusual step of issuing the statement that Hunter is under investigation for tax law violations?

It's a certainty they didn't do it out of a desire to be transparent, honest, and open with the American public.

If it becomes clear to the Biden team that all is lost, and there is no plea deal in place, they would probably seek to exercise damage control with a minimum of the truth exposed. They certainly wouldn’t admit that there was massive organized election fraud and that DJT actually won by a landslide.

Should he choose to bow out, without all the dirty election laundry being aired in detail, Biden might withdraw saying or implying that he is doing it to protect his son from the persecution of Trump’s IRS. Thus accusing Trump of using government agencies for political gains, and once again trying to undermine the President’s administration even in defeat. And setting up that excuse for whatever additional prosecutions might occur.

Which brings up an issue. Should Biden capitulate, all the constitutional issues headed for the Supreme Court would not need to be heard by that court. The President would be denied a forum for those questions. All that would remain would be the criminal fraud issues that would need to be resolved in criminal court. The FBI and DOJ have not exactly been vigorous with that type of thing so far. And that is where the Dems will claim that Trump is again using government offices for political purposes. They will attempt to cover their tracks and minimize their wrongs as much as they can. They will continue to stir up anti-Trump sentiment, and the MSM will continue to support them.

Really, when we have seen people lie and weasel ad infinitum up until now, is there any reason they would suddenly stop, even when caught red handed?

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 04:46 PM
Just a little rant from me. I went for lunch and of course it is outside and I hear everyone celebrating the $10,000 student loan forgiveness. If this is all it takes to get everyone on board I say Trump bring it on and do the same. That is all it cost for everyone to jump on the Biden bandwagon.
The student loan issue is huge and it is not going away. Trump should address this, especially since Biden was planning to steal all of the credit for Trump's accomplishments and make it $15,000. He will be a freakin hero!
P.S. please don't forget about the crushing Parent Loans.
But Trump knows this...The Gambler

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 04:52 PM
a reply to: carewemust
The Gambler Youtube will make you feel better. Trump is a master and he knows when to hold it, when to fold it and he will not walk away. There is a plan and we need to hold fast.
A terrible crime has been committed against us and our children but we will figure this out.
Thank you for all of your wonderful posts. You have encouraged me when I would start to feel low. You make a difference.

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Thoughtful1, we've had a couple of inputs in the thread about the Supreme Court's protection... A few days ago was the "LID" on the SC. Before that there was a post about a secret service director leaving and the need to beef up SC security.

Hopefully it's all in hand.

Being an ignorant englishman, I always assumed the US Marshalls should be primarily in charge of Supreme Court safety but what do I know. Surely their independence cannot be complete if they are dependent on another branch of government for security?
edit on 10-12-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

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