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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 32 -

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posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 05:21 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
Larger sample of mailed in ballots have just been examined in Arizona. 11% of that sample found to be not legal.

I’m wondering why the dems aren’t backing off yet and saying, “yeah this ain’t right. We need a revote.”
Seems a lot more convenient than picking up a rifle.

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 05:24 PM

RSBN link above for Georgia rally. Trump scheduled to start at 7pm EST. It’s live now, looks like a capacity crowd

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
So there is this pic of Loefflers aide that died in a car crash....

I do have to say I find this particular placement of vehicles very suspect.

It appears to be 3 vehicles. One sedan, one flatbed truck and one mangled something on the front of the flatbed.

So, the accident had to have happened well before the scene here and somehow the vehicles all came to a stop at this spot.

I have been on numerous accident scenes with fatalities and this is not how a accident with explosions and fire ends up.

This scene looks more like a low speed pass with something in one of the vehicles exploding as the pass occurred.

Or maybe my tinfoil hat is too tight.

It obviously is not a roadside bomb as there is no crater.

One of those vehicles was rigged to explode.

Anyone have any more one the story such as the other drivers involved?

Flat bed could have been carrying flammable tbh. Not uncommon for acetylene and oxygen to be carried on 'em. Looks more like whatever hit the flat bed was head on in the other lane; passing mishap. The Chrysler 300 up front looks like it was only fire damage? Why was that one damaged by the fire? Any information on the locale of this accident? Speedzones, stop signs/lights etc?

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 05:27 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
So there is this pic of Loefflers aide that died in a car crash....

I do have to say I find this particular placement of vehicles very suspect.

It appears to be 3 vehicles. One sedan, one flatbed truck and one mangled something on the front of the flatbed.

So, the accident had to have happened well before the scene here and somehow the vehicles all came to a stop at this spot.

I have been on numerous accident scenes with fatalities and this is not how a accident with explosions and fire ends up.

This scene looks more like a low speed pass with something in one of the vehicles exploding as the pass occurred.

Or maybe my tinfoil hat is too tight.

It obviously is not a roadside bomb as there is no crater.

One of those vehicles was rigged to explode.

Anyone have any more one the story such as the other drivers involved?

Wasn't the aide also dating Kemp's daughter?

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 05:27 PM
Here's a youtube link to the GA Trump Rally:

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 05:27 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: angelchemuel

Nothing to do with the UK Commonwealth of Nations, it's more of a declaration than an actual title. It's a point of pride here in PA, but doesn't confer any special governmental structure, nor does it denote squat.

The Commonwealth of England was the official name of the political unit (de facto military rule in the name of parliamentary supremacy) that replaced the Kingdom of England (after the English Civil War) from 1649–53 and 1659–60, under the rule of Oliver Cromwell and his son and successor Richard.

Res publica is a Latin phrase, loosely meaning 'public affair'. It is the root of the word 'republic', and the word 'commonwealth' has traditionally been used as a synonym for it; however translations vary widely according to the context. ' Hence a literal translation is, 'the public thing, affair'.[1]

Black's Second

One might see the symbology, clearly PA isn't "for the people" so turning it around might be at keystone.

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 05:28 PM
President Trump calls out Georgia Governor Kemp just before leaving for his Valdosta Georgia rally.

Is Kemp a wimp...or complicit in the fraud?

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: Phage

Experts said 11/100 couldn't be verified, but were counted anyways. Found to be not fraudulent. If they don't match they don't match. When 2=2+5 logic.

"Of the 100 envelope/affidavits reviewed, Plaintiff’s forensic document examiner found 6
signatures to be “inconclusive,” meaning she could not testify that the signature on the
envelope/affidavit matched the signature on file. She found no sign of forgery or simulation as to
any of these ballots.
Defendants’ expert testified that 11 of the 100 envelopes were inconclusive, mostly
because there were insufficient specimens to which to compare them. He too found no sign of
forgery or simulation, and found no basis for rejecting any of the signatures"
edit on 5-12-2020 by Metalcrack because: Context

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 05:30 PM
Eliminate “FRAUD” from the conversation.

Trump doesn’t have to show “FRAUD” or “why”.

If Trump shows;

- signatures do not match
- dead people voted
- under age people voted
- people voted more than once
- people voted no longer resident
- counting machines changed votes
- counting machines not secure
- ballot chain of custody not maintained
- states failed to follow own rules/laws

....not one case of FRAUD has to be proven. Just showing the variety of ways the counts are corrupted and not reliable for determining POTUS.

That’s it. Not a single person has to be charged or accused of FRAUD by Trump. That’s a DOJ/LE matter. Trump just has to show the counts are not legitimate. The “why” is for someone else.

There’s overwhelming evidence the COUNTS are not legit in multiple states. Those “errors” are weighted heavily against Trump. When corrected they show he won the LEGAL vote counts. Trump has to show a large enough #or % are ILLEGAL votes and/or States failed to follow their laws/rules.

Who did it.? Why they did it? Does not matter to Trump in regards to winning his case.

Alito/Thomas & Trump Trio await their turn.

ETA: Biden cannot be unjustly enriched. The ILLEGAL votes do exactly that. The fact state legislatures are starting to object to the voting counts is huge for Trump. He’s not alone in the objection. Those states deemed invalid ballot counts will have their electoral decisions made by the state legislatures. IMO

edit on 5-12-2020 by PilSungMtnMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

"How do you get the message of, yes, there is a place where you can go where people aren't at each other's throats, there's a place that deliberately stops the kind of arguments that are making your life miserable."

That pretty well hits the nail square on the head. Masonry has been painted to be this mysterious organization where it's members hide in the shadows. The acts are always secret and suspense is right around the corner. In actuality, Lodge is just like any other organization. We meet and discuss Lodge business. We bicker over what to spend finances on and vote what we are going to have for dinner next month. The only secret to Masonry is our modes of recognition. And no, the "handshakes" and such posted on line does not a Mason make. You can study on line for as long as you want, you will not be able to pull one over on us.

The main problem lies within the age old "changing of the guard". So to speak. In the '50 Masonry experienced a boom due to men who had a mindset for business. They saw the Lodge as a vehicle for making connections in the business world, having a captive audience for selling their wares, and a tit for tat atmosphere that was obligatory. That mentality still persists today.

New blood is coming in now. They are drivin by the promises made by movies and spy novels. They leave disappointed that there really was no goat. The ones that come for the true meaning of Masonry come to learn, to grow, to become better men. We make good men better, is our motto, and we offer insight to the human condition and our ancient connection with the Universe and our own soul. Unfortunately, many of the old guard were not members for this and many traditions have been waxed over. Those showing up knocking at the door, having been guided by a still, soft voice usually do not find what they are looking for. It is a sad state.

Masonry was not meant to be a conglomerate social club with its own periodicals, perks and parties. It was meant to stay in the background, a lighthouse shining a narrow path to those who are guided by something greater. Masonry is in the throws of an identity crisis. If Masonry is to return to its Glory of the days of the revolution, the days of Washington, it must take a hard look at itself and make some difficult decisions.

Everything that holds God's plan is blessed. When the tower of Babel was built too high to see in any direction and king Nimrod shot his arrows to heaven, the tower was destroyed. In it's ruble men learned humility and the nead for understanding.

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
President Trump calls out Georgia Governor Kemp just before leaving for his Valdosta Georgia rally.

Is Kemp a wimp...or complicit in the fraud?

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
So there is this pic of Loefflers aide that died in a car crash....

I do have to say I find this particular placement of vehicles very suspect.

It appears to be 3 vehicles. One sedan, one flatbed truck and one mangled something on the front of the flatbed.

So, the accident had to have happened well before the scene here and somehow the vehicles all came to a stop at this spot.

I have been on numerous accident scenes with fatalities and this is not how a accident with explosions and fire ends up.

This scene looks more like a low speed pass with something in one of the vehicles exploding as the pass occurred.

Or maybe my tinfoil hat is too tight.

It obviously is not a roadside bomb as there is no crater.

One of those vehicles was rigged to explode.

Anyone have any more one the story such as the other drivers involved?

I'm assuming this is the "accident" of Governor Kemp daughter's boyfriend, correct?

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: yuppa
a reply to: doobydoll

i know who invented it. the guy was trolling christians with it.

its funny these vaccinations have no microdots in them. a vital part of the beast system and they are too deep to make your skin show a glow as well.

It's the thing in the vaccine signed/marked Lucifer that's vital to the beast system, by a jab or some other means of jab or jabs. It doesn't have to make your skin glow, it just has to get inside you, be invited in, by whomever chooses it. And once it's in there's no getting it back out.

But whatever friend, I'll just leave you to it. Whatever you wanna believe is fine with me.

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 06:04 PM
Here we go... AF1 just landed at Valdosta!

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: doobydoll

heres a sure fire way to tell. IF they make it so this you have to buy or sell then you are right. Unless you can present proof of your mark and it can be scanned it is not the mark right? You could always lie and say you got a shot,but a scan would show you lied and cant be forged.

is the shot in your right hand? is it in your forehead? You are ignoring many literal things that will be used that cant be forged. A card can be forged. wait and let your sister get the shot. then test her jab and card if they give her one.

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Over 200K watching on RSBN - YT

Interesting to see if we get your phrases you quoted, or anything worthy.....

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 06:17 PM
Tail number on AF1 90017

9 + 0 + 0 + 1 +7 = 17

Rel, any other thoughts?

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 06:27 PM
One is a four door Jeep Wrangler. Which I find interesting because you see pictures with Harrison Deal in front of a two door older model Jeep.

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
So there is this pic of Loefflers aide that died in a car crash....

I do have to say I find this particular placement of vehicles very suspect.

It appears to be 3 vehicles. One sedan, one flatbed truck and one mangled something on the front of the flatbed.

So, the accident had to have happened well before the scene here and somehow the vehicles all came to a stop at this spot.

I have been on numerous accident scenes with fatalities and this is not how a accident with explosions and fire ends up.

This scene looks more like a low speed pass with something in one of the vehicles exploding as the pass occurred.

Or maybe my tinfoil hat is too tight.

It obviously is not a roadside bomb as there is no crater.

One of those vehicles was rigged to explode.

Anyone have any more one the story such as the other drivers involved?

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 06:28 PM
He just said insure is a very important word. We were right about that.

posted on Dec, 5 2020 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: Caled
One is a four door Jeep Wrangler. Which I find interesting because you see pictures with Harrison Deal in front of a two door older model Jeep.

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
So there is this pic of Loefflers aide that died in a car crash....

I do have to say I find this particular placement of vehicles very suspect.

It appears to be 3 vehicles. One sedan, one flatbed truck and one mangled something on the front of the flatbed.

So, the accident had to have happened well before the scene here and somehow the vehicles all came to a stop at this spot.

I have been on numerous accident scenes with fatalities and this is not how a accident with explosions and fire ends up.

This scene looks more like a low speed pass with something in one of the vehicles exploding as the pass occurred.

Or maybe my tinfoil hat is too tight.

It obviously is not a roadside bomb as there is no crater.

One of those vehicles was rigged to explode.

Anyone have any more one the story such as the other drivers involved?

The jeep would be the mangled one then.

What doesn't make sense is how close all of these vehicles are together. The damage suggests a somewhat high speed collision, but the pic suggests it was all just right there and exploded basically.

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