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Here We go Covid Lockdown #2

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posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 02:13 AM
I Personally know 15 people who got this virus. One of which was 91 and dies. There is a two year old that is in ICU for a secondary infection children can get after COVID.I work with many who have told me that their amily members who live else where have had it and there were no issues.
I think I may have had the virus in February. I had my flu shot. I was so sick. My Grandmother got sick as well as my Uncle and his girlfriend. My Fiancé got sick too. I took sick time off work for three days. I should have been home for at least the whole week. we were all winded and coughing for weeks. When I came back, I was far from 100 percent. My class went from 15 wild three year olds to 5. Kids. All the families got sick. Some of the children were out for almost a month.

COVID is real and it sucks. Everyone I know and the secondhand knowledge. I have of people getting through this is far greater than the q compication and the one death.

originally posted by: KansasGirl
a reply to: andy06shake

No, it’s not fake. Do you all know how to read?

Denying the deadliness and the severity of this virus does not equal saying the virus is fake. Obviously this virus exists, and has infected many people. I know close to 30 people first hand who have tested positive for it.

The claims and belief-shoving that this virus is serious? THAT is what is bullish!t. This virus is less serious than the seasonal flu. ALL of these measures forced upon us have been unnecessary for anything other than gaining more control over the general population.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 02:35 AM
New Mexico governor locking down state . AKA as the Drama- Queen. Really ..

Beginning Monday for 2 weeks and after that will make further evaluations after two weeks county by county.. People are very upset because most of them just got back to work and are have the rug pulled out from under them again. Business owners say they have done everything that they were told and then some with there business to prevent spreading. They are already laying off employees today , now. But the biggest failure of this will be no financial help . lots of people on Twitter complaining to The NM governor that they will not make it for two weeks. Food, rent, etc. So, she gets back on TV and states today she is trying to convene the legislature for a emergency session to help people out with food on the table, but don't know when that will happen ( Translation " in 3 weeks ") But what about rent, car payments etc. Did she do this without thinking about financial support for the people? The last lock down was complete disaster in New Mexico. Most peop!e did not get unemployment insurance for months some are just starting to receive their back payments now. The unemployment insurance fund for NM is nearly depleted as the governor states. I myself know the people here in New Mexico have been wearing masks and I have not seen anyone without one for months . All of a sudden. There is an extremely high infection rate? Numbers were going up about a week before the election Now it's 3,500 7 day average October 25 to Nov 4th. The state population is about 2 million ,a third of them living in reservations. The first lock down did not have anywhere near these numbers that are being reported. Lots of peop!e questioning it. If these numbers are even remotely true it just proves one point ,masks don't work. Or the numbers are entered wrong. There are new charts and graphs too. So,The freeways signs says hospitals full , so I asked my friends who work at few of them. They say no , one person did say There was a recent spike , but most all were released within days. The rest stated 3- 5 patients a week on average. This was for Albuquerque. I don't know about the rest of the state .

There was a run on stores early this evening , Wal-Mart, Costco, etc. And will continue until Monday and then some. The tone of the people on Twitter, including the local news interviews was very unsettling. I think people may just rebel this time.
edit on 14-11-2020 by SJE98 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-11-2020 by SJE98 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 04:27 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: SeaWorthy

Trump had it as well.

For about 3 days apparently.

End of the day it's just your Donald Duck i suppose.

COVID 19 is not the same as the flu because we don't have any real immunity yet.

Granted Flu is no joke, especially if you are getting on all the same.

How do you think living beings gained immunity throughout the history of existence?
Hint: it didn't involve locking yourself up.

Answer: Exposure.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Like Sweden did.

New cases of coronavirus are surging in Sweden.
Sweden has introduced stricter measures in 17 of its 21 regions - I think the 4 that haven't got these new restrictions are rural areas with few large population areas.

Their health care system is under severe strain.

Sweden's Prime Minister Stefan Lofven says the restriction is being introduced to help ease the burden on the country's health care system and intensive care wards.

Measures aren't as severe as other European countries but they are getting steadily more severe.

Is it only a matter of time?

As you know, I don't advocate national lockdowns but common sense and taking reasonable and responsible personal precautions do seem wise to me.

Last week I watched a rugby match between Australia and New Zealand.
Approximately 40,000 people in attendance, no masks.

That's because both countries acted early and with very strict measures.
Lockdown meant lockdown and there were no international flights etc either in or out of the country.

Their second waves were nowhere near the level we are encountering.

They acted swift and decisively whereas our respective governments pondered, considered people's sensitivities, did u-turns, talked absolute bollocks, misled people - for whatever reason - and generally made a complete arse of it resulting in the absolute mess we have now.

Both Australia and New Zealand are almost back to 'normal', things just keep getting worse for us.

Who got it right?

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 05:54 AM
Oregon is in lock down big time


posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 06:33 AM

originally posted by: Mandroid7
Shall we all just ignore that the cases are cases of false positive tests?

There has been a spike of bad testing in area x

Jfc dudes

Time to end the bs or end the leadership

I agree very much. That so much of the fear and anxiety is based upon the grossly inaccurate PCR tests is a sign of two things: mass hysteria and deception by the perpetrators of this scam.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: SJE98

I’ve read about her and that state, friends live there too. I’m surprised she’s not plastered over the news like Gretchen. She’s a complete condescending “talk down” to her own people biotch! I watched her conferences and I cannot believe how anyone voted for her nor have initiated a recall.

Seeing how New Mexico is pretty poor to begin with, she’s going to destroy that states economy.

Half the state has no modern broadband infrastructure, while I live in podunck town in the south With Fiber Optics, my friends live in a modern town in NM with no access to high speed internet! Satellite is a rip off I won’t go there.

edit on 14-11-2020 by 38181 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: Hecate666

When in history have we had the mass transit hubs and infrastructure across the globe, in place, in the same manner, we have now, that can enable pathogens such as covid 19, with extended incubation periods of up to 14 days, to spread across the globe?

When has there been 7.594 billion people on the planet before?

Keep your hints Hecate666, go pick up a science text or medical journal, the information you require is in there.

If you require heard immunity to take hold you are going to have millions of dead people.

Our best bet for defeating COVID 19 or at least getting it under control lies with the 90% effective vaccines that are apparently materializing around the globe, and stuff being first to try those out until we know the side effects.
edit on 14-11-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: SaneThinking

I'm like you. Cabin up in the Huron National Forest.

The Amish up there? Covid is hitting them too...and they live isolist.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: mysterioustranger
It's going to work its way through the population.

All we can do is delay it.

Again ... the question is whether or not the measures they are going to and fear they are ginning up is really worth the overall seriousness of the illness. The numbers say no.

Again, that's not saying that it can't kill you or that it can't be serious or even that it won't make you miserable if you get it. But again only that the numbers show that it's still not worth the extraordinary measures being put in place for it to try to "save" people since almost everyone who gets it ... lives.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

That is exactly what I’m saying. We now have evidence of what works and what doesn’t, time to face reality.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

We are absolutely being played. Local hospitals say they have more admissions due to Covid but the ICU patient count is as low as it was during the summer. County deaths are slowly climbing but only a few a week which is flat like it was during the summer. But the case counts have skyrocketed. Higher than when this was at its peak in March and April and May. Not everybody was diagnosed back then, doctors wouldn't let you in if you were sick, you were told to stay home or go to the ER if its was serious. The hospitals get a $75,000 tax payer paid check per Covid case they admit. And the death counts were inflated. You died and if you tested positive for Covid that was your cause of death. The car accident or terminal cancer or heart failure you had was ignored. My workplace hasn't had anybody out sick for months. We all had it. Its flat in my county, we have herd immunity, apparently. And if these cases are skyrocketing in other areas, then masks don't seem to do much. This is a parting shot at President Trump. Wreck the economy, fabricate the numbers and then when Usurper Joe gets in, suddenly the masks will work, the lockdowns will cure it and the number will drastically go down. But we'll still have to do as they say to protect ourselves from it. Its all George Orwell. Its all authoritarian BS. One year from now, we'll all beg Donald Trump to come back and throw that senile Cinderella Usurper Joe the hell out of there.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 10:15 AM
You wanna hear something really scary.... Biden’s COVID Advisor is F-ING CRAZY!!!

Check this out: -months External link

Biden’s COVID Advisor wants a 18-month lockdown!!!

Biden adviser, ObamaCare architect Zeke Emanuel says US should 'prepare' for coronavirus measures to last 18 months

Dr. Zeke Emanuel, an adviser to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden on the coronavirus, said this week that Americans could be dealing with strict social distancing measures to combat the coronavirus for 18 months and that the U.S. "will not be able to return to normalcy until we find a vaccine or effective medications."

He added: "We need to prepare ourselves for this to last 18 months or so and for the toll that it will take."

edit on 14-11-2020 by CraftyArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Here in Illinois, they are estimating that we will have reached 'herd immunity' in the first or second week of December if we just stay 'open', but our dumb, fat, power-hungry, billionaire governor wants to lock us back down again. Why? To prevent herd immunity?

And to those who don't believe we can achieve herd immunity I query - what use then would a vaccine be?

I agreed with the first lockdowns to slow the spread of this coronavirus, and it WAS slowed enough that those of us in healthcare now know how to treat it, and have built up a stockpile of supplies.

I don't agree with any further lockdowns. It is time now to let this 'burn out', as it should.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: Fowlerstoad

People here won't go for it.

This morning everyone was pretty much out and about. Everyone is wearing their masks, but they're out. My favorite coffee stop had to shut down for two weeks because of a "COVID Situation", and this morning was the first they were able to open. I went, and the line was enormous. People were not in the least put off, and they were showing their support of the small business.

I don't think a second lock down would be tolerated for any length in some places very well at all.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

That is awesome ... love hearing about your coffeeshop!

I don't think we are going to tolerate it here in middle Illinois either, and they don't have enough willing local police to 'make us'

Chicago? Hmm ... that might be a different story up there, but that place is populated by a bunch of drones and their masters anyway *shrug*. They are not as free in Chicago ....

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 12:16 PM
Oregon to send the cops after you IN YOUR OWN HOME.

They plan to police contraband Thanksgiving celebrations and you have to wear a mask in your own home for what little celebration they will allow.

Private Social Events – limited to two households or six individuals in a closed group (including Thanksgiving)
Wear a mask in your own home on Thanksgiving, only removing it when eating

So you can't have more than six in your house. I couldn't have my sister's family to visit. There are five of them. If I allowed the three of us, we'd have 8 - 2 over the legal limit.

Brown also said today that she has directed the Oregon State Police to begin coordinating with local law enforcement agencies to police the restrictions on in-home gatherings. Brown noted that households that violate the six-person limit will be committing a misdemeanor and could be to subject to citation or arrest.

So basically, if you have Thanksgiving in Oregon this year, you could get a criminal record.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: Freeborn

That is exactly what I’m saying. We now have evidence of what works and what doesn’t, time to face reality.

To Ketsuko above and's always been that simple.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Its really tough to make sense of what is going on in Texas....lines blare doom of Covid surge; but when you look at the numbers, yea.....they are up, but so is testing.

This gives you rundown:

I seriously doubt the Texas Governor will implement any orders of the new Faux POTUS...Texas will go it alone. That said, the Democrat Cities are cracking down on the usual targets, Bars and Restaurants.

The numbers ARE up in Texas; El Paso seems particularly hard hit. Not that many care about El Paso....its basically part of Mexico at this point.

Then of course.....who trusts the MSM reporting on this? How many cases said to be Covid are actually the ordinary seasonal flu?
Bottom line, we will never know the truth of this.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Noncompliance . Civil Disobedience . Constitutional Rights . You have to Challenge the Powers that Currently Be on the TRUE Legality of their Actions . After All , they are Nothing but " Civil Servants " Sworn to Uphold the LAW that should Only be Answerable to WE THE PEOPLE . REMEMBER That Citizens .........

edit on 14-11-2020 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

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