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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 31 -

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posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Adding to the list of Black White Left Right, DS coms.


posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 01:34 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: saladfingers123456

I've learned a lot from the Q posts, and from some of yours.

But at THIS MOMENT IN TIME (62 days till either Donald Trump or Joe Biden is sworn in), all the UFO, Clone, Vatican, Masons, Pedos, Maxwell, Epstein, Royalty, Space-X, Space Force, etc. topics, should (IMO) be at the bottom of the priority list for discussion.

If there was no President Trump, there would have been no Q to deliver so many revelations about how society and nature really works.

I'm just surprised and annoyed to see so many posts in this thread about those low-priority subjects, when Q and Q+ are 62 days away from either being renewed, or snuffed out.

In my opinion, that steadily closing window of time should make every one who appreciates Q and President Trump, focus primarily on discussions related to keeping Q and Q+ online for another 4 years.

I agree wholeheartedly. I would much rather see the discussion focus on confronting and eliminating corruption in the US and around the world. The election fraud scenario that's playing out before us seems the most important aspect of that at the moment. Epstein and UFO's don't really figure into that discussion much. They're actually kind of a distraction, in my opinion.

originally posted by: Aallanon
Is Rudy Under the impression that the FBI is going to rise in and save the day?

If he’s banking on that we’re screwed.

I think if you watch the press conference, based on his statements and his body language accompanying them makes it clear that he doesn't expect any beneficial activity from the FBI with regards to this election fraud matter.

Starts at 16:00:

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 01:36 AM
a reply to: carewemust

The easiest way to stop thread drift is when people come in here asking questions point them in the right direction. "Thinking for yourself" is all fine and good, but when people stumble upon a thread like this and start asking questions you can't expect those same people not to clog up the thread if no one is willing to help. Thus repeated discoveries clog up the thread. Also people are lazy, and ain't no one reading previous pages when so much stuff is ongoing in the world and they're trying to stay updated.
Most of ATS is political. This thread title is TheWhiteRabbit. Qanon is considered a cult because of the more crazy 'claims,' if people don't want Qanon to be considered a cult then you have to link why the 'cult' would make crazy claims. If people want the thread to be all about decodes and politics it should've been named otherwise. I stumbled in this thread because people were talking about clones. I've attempted to respond to people with questions by dropping 'crumbs.' We're watching a movie, right? Soon as Fingers gets his thread up and going that's where I'll be.
Edit: I've also been attempting to back off regarding other topics.
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Nephthys or Nebet-Het in ancient Egyptian (Greek: Νέφθυς) was a goddess in ancient Egyptian religion. A member of the Great Ennead of Heliopolis in Egyptian mythology, she was a daughter of Nut and Geb. Nephthys was typically paired with her sister Isis in funerary rites[1] because of their role as protectors of the mummy and the god Osiris and as the sister-wife of Set.

She was associated with mourning, the night/darkness, service (specifically temples), childbirth, the dead, protection, magic, health, embalming, and beer.

Nephthys was clearly viewed as a morbid-but-crucial force of heavenly transition, i.e., the pharaoh becomes strong for his journey to the afterlife through the intervention of Isis and Nephthys. The same divine power could be applied later to all of the dead, who were advised to consider Nephthys a necessary companion. According to the Pyramid Texts, Nephthys, along with Isis, was a force before whom demons trembled in fear and whose magical spells were necessary for navigating the various levels of Duat, as the region of the afterlife was termed.

Council of Nine. Nine World Order?

Hesiod (8th century BCE) writes in Works and Days about how Prometheus (cousin of Zeus) stole fire and gave it to men to make their lives easier. In retaliation, Zeus gave them Pandora and her box. They were told to never open the box, but Pandora's curiosity got the better of her: "…. the woman's hands raised the lid of the great jar, scattered the evils within it and laid up harsh troubles for men." In order to fully punish mankind, Zeus formed the Council of Nine, comprised of Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, Demeter, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Poseidon and himself. This reference to the Council of Nine does not refer to God and the Archangels.

Still another strand of New Age refers to them simply as "The Nine." Here, "The Nine" refers to the nine principles of the universe. Work on this premise began over 50 years ago with researchers interested in paranormal activity. An Indian mystic was, supposedly, able to channel The Nine's wisdom. Several years later a different group received another message from The Nine. More people became interested and more research was done. This led to a young Israeli who, while under hypnosis, was able to channel a conscious supercomputer aboard a spaceship. Further investigation revealed that The Nine gave the Israeli his superpowers. The researcher wanted to use the Israeli to tell the world that spacecraft would soon be bringing representatives of The Nine to earth, but the young psychic was swept away with his fame and couldn't have cared less. Desperate, the researcher found other psychics, wealthy partners, and healers. Gene Roddenberry (Star Trek founder) can be counted among them (remember Deep Space Nine?).

Other paths I've been going down for a couple hours:
Order of the Trapezoid
Order of the Vampyre
Order of Shuti
Order of the Scarab
Setian magic
edit on fFridayAmerica/Chicago1501699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 01:59 AM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: Justoneman

As is used by technical forensic analasysts.

However I don't think any authority has the software or hardware to analyze and by now they could all be wiped.

The only way to wipe files truly is to destroy the hardware. Smashed to burned to bits will do it. Otherwise, it is in there still unless the hardware is destroyed. We have successfully recovered files where the computer was wiped. The programs that wipe them do things to the files that makes it possible to undo the cleaning of the hardware. With timestamps being applied after any change to a file other than the name, it is easy to connect dots.

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 01:59 AM
a reply to: Flesh699

Some great info. I'm aware of those except for Nephthys. Looks like you been digging into Michael Aquino's works regards to Trapezoid and Vampyre.

Sections of Temple of Set known as Orders has interesting deep purposes, one of which is "Order of the Trapezoid".

Another is the "Order of the Vampyre" (it's not what you may think)

I'll post more if you're interested. Actually, very few are probably interested so I hold off on this subject till another thread.

The 'N' in NWO that Q left as another riddle I think is more on the side of political/esoteric group/Organization. Just a hunch for now.

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 03:36 AM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: Flesh699

Some great info. I'm aware of those except for Nephthys. Looks like you been digging into Michael Aquino's works regards to Trapezoid and Vampyre.

Sections of Temple of Set known as Orders has interesting deep purposes, one of which is "Order of the Trapezoid".

Another is the "Order of the Vampyre" (it's not what you may think)

I'll post more if you're interested. Actually, very few are probably interested so I hold off on this subject till another thread.

The 'N' in NWO that Q left as another riddle I think is more on the side of political/esoteric group/Organization. Just a hunch for now.

Could the "N" just simply refer to "Next"?

ETA: Came across this

No idea what is, but..

Looking back over the last millennium, old orders die and new ones arise when a cataclysm, marked by mass death or a maelstrom of destruction, coincides with some slower yet sweeping social transformation. Since the age of European exploration started in the 15th century, some 90 empires, large and small, have come and gone. In those same centuries, however, there have been only three major world orders—the Iberian age (1494–1805), the British imperial era (1815-1914), and the Washington world system (1945–2025).

edit on 11/20/2020 by imthegoat because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 03:39 AM

originally posted by: kwakakev
No comment is standard practice when the courts pickup a case, good news in some ways. Once the case is over more can be said with the findings and rulings. There is a strong case for systemic fraud in the system, proving who and how much takes a while.

With the scale and crimes around this case, lot of serious stuff wrapped up in it.

I think many things are in play here, just like you said "no comment is standard practice." I`d also throw in "rope a dope", let the reeeeeeeee be siphoned gradually, instead of all out chaos, so info is being drip fed and allow digital solders to red pill as many as possible which would also be again evidence just how much Q+ and Q team give a damn imo.

The next part is in general..

Its revolting and clear the system is broken when we have heard for many many years criminal's walk if they have enough MONEY.

We have compromised Judges Lawyers or those who are only after the $$$ and are only in it for themselves (I wouldn`t want those types on Trumps team and hopefully they are weeded out, those looking to make a quick buck out of the situation), or they can be blackmailed or the victims can be persecuted instead of the perp. Take HRC a Lawyer who laughed at getting a child rapist off and we wouldn`t know that if it wasn`t recorded, then ran and nearly became President with morons who follow her.

Rudy mentioned today about some Lawyers backed off because of threats also. Its the reason "they" want the SCOTUS stacked and we need good honest guys in there. I don`t begrudge those who have gotten real threats, but those people had better realize their future for themselves and possible children and all others are at stake. Sooner or later we will get someone who believes in something bigger than themselves who will risk life or limb for the greater good or most particularly someone with nothing to lose, someone with faith.

If a armed burglar broke into your house with the intent to rob rape and murder your family, its time to pick up a weapon and stop it, this is exactly what's been happening and what they are attempting to do to you all, POTUS Q team and 70-80,000,000 odd Americans will be a force to be reckoned with if need be, 2A territory if it came to it imo. Americas light was put out over the past decades in your government, that light has been lite again, something that will be hard to extinguish now.

Personally I would have never picked up a weapon and fought for the Clintons Bushes Obama but would most defiantly have for DJT.

At the end of the day this is do or die, for the US and the world, these evil criminal frauds simply cannot be allowed to succeed to be in power and destroy America completely.

Nether the less God will never allow Satan to completely conquer the world, evidence of that can be seen all the way back to Nimrod, it doesn`t stop Satan from trying, whether it be under the name of Nazism Communism etc etc, but it will get way way worse before it gets better.

Maybe that`s what the "N" is in NWO-Nimrod World Order from that particular Q post that ETMN recently posted, where I pointed this fight to Nimrod back in early threads?

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 05:04 AM
natural world order,
Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung (German: Natural Economic Order)

We went through this in thread 6 give or take

There was a manifesto
edit on 20-11-2020 by Aallanon because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 05:08 AM
Kamala still hasn’t stepped down

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Some of us have no fear of Trump losing. And if he does there is nothing texted on these walls that will change that.
I’ve been here a long time and have contributed more than my share of mundane information.
When you say these subjects aren’t important....that effing hurts man.
Some of us have PTSD from these very real phenomena that you obviously don’t think are real.
We are putting are lives and hearts into this
And you are saying it’s not worth even scrolling past.

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: carewemust
You're right, any critical directions to aim on for all specialists on topics?

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 06:43 AM
Revisiting the China Connection (As it Relates to Q) - Future Proves Past means their maybe some loose ends to look back at ....

Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Ties To China Go Way Deeper Than An Alleged Office Spy


I sometimes say that in my last life maybe I was Chinese.”—Sen. Dianne Feinstein

As media, intelligence agency, and political scrutiny of foreign meddling is seemingly at its apex, a story with big national security implications involving a high-ranking senator with access to America’s most sensitive intelligence information has been hiding in plain sight.

The story involves China and the senior U.S. senator from California, and former chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Democrat Dianne Feinstein. It was buried eight paragraphs into a recent Politico exposé on foreign efforts to infiltrate Silicon Valley, as a passing example of political espionage


Infiltration: Communist China's Campaign to Reshape U.S. Education

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is actively working to influence the next generation of Americans and Chinese students in America by expanding its soft power, attempting to control and threaten Chinese students, and using financial leverage over U.S. educational institutions.

For example, in mid-August, the U.S. Confucius Institute headquarters was designated by the State Department as a foreign mission due to its efforts to push CCP propaganda. Yet, there are still nearly 60 Confucius Institutes on U.S. college and university campuses. There are also about 500 Confucius Classrooms in K-12 schools.

Professors and students are pressured to refrain from addressing topics seen as sensitive by the Party if they want to retain access to China. This results in incomplete, watered down or inaccurate academic analyses of the totalitarian dictatorship.

Chinese students are also pressured to avoid engaging in any pro-democracy or anti-CCP activism. After speaking out against China's communist government, students at the University of Georgia—and their family and friends in China—were harassed by China's "secret police."

Accused ‘spy’ cop for China raised suspicions at party attended by AOC

The NYPD cop charged with spying for China raised alarms at a Tibetan New Year party that he attended in uniform — and where he was photographed sitting next to US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, The Post has learned.

A former president of the Tibetan Community of NY & NJ said the group became suspicious of Officer Baimadajie Angwang, 33, and “cut off the relationship” with him following the event at its community center in Woodside, Queens, last year.

Sonam Gyephel declined to say precisely what alerted members to the since-disgraced cop, who’s accused of gathering intelligence on fellow Tibetans at the direction of a handler stationed at the Chinese consulate in Manhattan.


How Bill Clinton Sent Manufacturing Jobs to China

It’s important to understand that at the time China’s MFN status was annually up for review by Congress. The effective law was passed in 1974. What Bill Clinton did, with an unconstitutional Executive Order, was to use “the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States” to rewrite a Congressionally approved treaty and change the terms. The way he changed it is eerily similar to the way Hillary practiced State Department decisions when she was Secretary of State from 2009 to 2012.

Dec 2019

Study finds Chinese Hardware Powers U.S. Voting Machine

Efforts by the federal government and campaigns to keep state sponsored hackers from Russia and China out of U.S. elections may have overlooked a one major source of vulnerability: the hardware and software ‘guts’ of voting machines.

A study by the security firm Interos has found that one fifth (20%) of the hardware and software components in a popular voting machine came from suppliers in China. Furthermore, close to two-thirds (59%) of components in that voting machine came from companies with locations in both China and Russia.

Friday Bonus - Video

"Your Watching A Movie"

Why You're Wearing A Mask! The Mask Ritual Exposed.

edit on 11202020 by MetalThunder because: 7 7 7

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 06:46 AM

originally posted by: Flesh699
a reply to: carewemust

Rudy said subpoenaing them is above his team, or something like that.

I heard him say he needs permission from a court to get subpoenas and that's just not been my experience in federal court.

A lawyer can issue subpoenas in federal court. It's up to the recipient to object to the judge.

Rule 45.

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 06:49 AM

originally posted by: LanceCorvette

originally posted by: Flesh699
a reply to: carewemust

Rudy said subpoenaing them is above his team, or something like that.

I heard him say he needs permission from a court to get subpoenas and that's just not been my experience in federal court.

A lawyer can issue subpoenas in federal court. It's up to the recipient to object to the judge.

Rule 45.

Maybe he is alluding to the fact that his team expects that the DOJ will be issuing subpoenas...... or indictments.

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 06:55 AM

originally posted by: LanceCorvette

originally posted by: Flesh699
a reply to: carewemust

Rudy said subpoenaing them is above his team, or something like that.

I heard him say he needs permission from a court to get subpoenas and that's just not been my experience in federal court.

A lawyer can issue subpoenas in federal court. It's up to the recipient to object to the judge.

Rule 45.

Granted I haven't read the actual court filings, but have they asked the courts for a protective order preventing the voting machines from being altered, or the ballots being destroyed or shuffled?

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 06:58 AM

originally posted by: LanceCorvette

originally posted by: Flesh699
a reply to: carewemust

Rudy said subpoenaing them is above his team, or something like that.

I heard him say he needs permission from a court to get subpoenas and that's just not been my experience in federal court.

A lawyer can issue subpoenas in federal court. It's up to the recipient to object to the judge.

Rule 45.

I am of the opinion they are playing team ball and the team wants Barr's DOJ to have enough to act. The Votes for Bucks arrest in Cincinnati is a step down that very path. I think they went out there fishing for others to come forward because they are there and if they DON'T come forward now, then we all know if this goes down that all in the mix are subject to being sentenced.

We all know which ones get pegged first will be the low hanging fruit. The low hanging fruit should be nervous and ready to make a deal. THAT is the purpose of yesterday, reel in the people thinking twice about their own personal involvement. This is rubber hits the road time for all sides.

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: LanceCorvette

Have they? Not to my knowledge

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: Aallanon

This is probably the most likely.

There was a thread authored on ATS not so long ago that purported to show that communism/socialism was Satanic in nature.

In reviewing Progress and Poverty, I briefly outlined my odyssey in trying to get to the bottom of which economic policies could actually lift humanity out of the mass poverty that currently characterizes its existence. Recently, I went to see my high school ethics teacher, Mr Silvano Borruso (twenty-four years after sitting in his class) to thank him for putting me on the track of Henry George. He asked me to read Silvio Gesell before coming to see him again. (Teaching habits, it seems, die hard.)

The Natural Economic Order is actually a more complete book than Progress and Poverty, for while Henry George identified only the privatization of land rent as a problem, outlining an elegantly simple solution for it, Gesell’s book tracks down the twin ills of both privately commandeered land rent as well as interest. His book proposes solutions for both. Having dealt with land rent in that previous review, and given that the matter was so completely and so poetically dealt with by Henry George, I hope to now explain my understanding of what Gesell’s views on that second form of unearned income, interest, were.

The central premise of Gesell’s book, as I understand it, is that money as we know it suffers from having two contradictory properties within it: (1) that it is a medium of exchange, and (2) that it is at the same time a store of value. These properties fight against each other. Now, exchange drives the economy; exchange is the economy. However, the fact that money is deemed a store of value fatally impairs its ability to act effectively as a medium of exchange. This imputed characteristic of money – that it is a store of value – prevents the quantum of demand from equating with the quantum of money in the economy. Savings – that proportion of money not involved in exchange because money retains its value when not immediately utilized – constitute the difference between the total quantum of money in the economy and the amount of money made available for the purchase of goods and services, i.e. for exchange.

This in itself would be harmless, except that money, in order to be enticed out of the pocket of the saver / the capitalist, exacts a toll. Money will not go to work unless this toll is paid, and it will refuse to do any work, however useful, that is unable to pay this toll. (In Proudhon’s words, money is the bolt that bars the market’s gates.) There are two harmful side effects of this. The first is that this toll is a form of unearned income, and any unearned income is a bane to economic justice and social equity. The second is that the failure of an economic / monetary system to freely provide the conditions necessary for work (i.e. its ability to create the conditions for unemployment) can arise simply from the fact that the needed work cannot return enough to pay this toll. We know this toll by its more common name: interest.

Gesell therefore traces the birthplace of what he calls basic interest to the circumstance that money can be hoarded and still retain its value, in contrast to the material goods / services whose exchange it is meant to facilitate. For while the potato farmer must sell his produce or lose it to the rot, and while the employee must offer his services to an employer or starve, the possessor of money can retain his money at no loss to himself. The possessor of money thus wields an enormous advantage over the offeror of wares or work, and monetizes this advantage, Gesell says, by charging interest in order to facilitate exchange.

Gesell’s solution to this problem, simply, is to make money as perishable as the potato.

Where money is as perishable as the goods whose exchange it is meant to facilitate, then buyer and seller meet in the market on equal ground. The buyer is as anxious not to return home with his money as the seller is not to return home with his produce. It can be seen from this that the solution, which Gesell proposes, is to circulate a form of money that loses value when it is retained.

His method (now outdated due to advances in technology, but useful for illustrative purposes), involved circulating a form of money that would automatically lose value at a steady rate, say each week in the year. This type of money would become invalid weekly (for example), but its ability to circulate could be reinstated by buying and affixing to it stamps of a value equivalent to the loss of value the money incurs in a week. So that, for example, a 100-shilling note could come with 52 empty slots for stamps. At the end of each week in the year, by affixing to it a 10-cent stamp, the bill could be re-enabled to circulate. The unfortunate who held the money at the end of any given week would be forced to pay 10 cents to be enabled to use the note the following week. At the end of the year, 5.2 shillings in stamps would have been paid to keep the note circulating, amounting to a depreciation rate of 5.2 shillings per annum, or 5.2%.

In this way:

a) Nobody would have an incentive to hold on to money;

b) Exchange, which drives the economy, could not be slowed by the hoarding of money, or (as in times of depression) stopped altogether;

c) Demand would immediately be equated to the quantum of money in the economy (this is important in determining and therefore maintaining price levels – the general price level could easily be controlled by increasing or reducing the quantum of money in the economy.);

d) The earnings on saved income would constitute – not the receipt of more money than one saved, but an undiminished amount from what one saved. One could only expect to get from the bank what one put in. People would still deposit their savings in the bank because to save money at home would eventually render it useless (Could this retention of value, in an environment where everything else loses value, also be an unearned income of sorts?);

e) The banks holding such savings as mentioned in (d) above would be greatly incentivized to lend to individuals or to business. Failure to do so would make them the purchasers-in-chief of the stamps that re-enable currency to circulate, at great cost to themselves;

f) The government would earn an income from the sale of stamps – a form of the socialization of an economic rent similar to Henry George’s land tax;

g) Interest rates would eventually, though not immediately, fall to zero.

In that last outcome, reader, the opening of the gates to economic paradise. The dethroning of interest – and not by means of law or regulation, which have often failed, but rather as economic reality – is genius. This is the power in Mr Gesell’s idea. Indeed, Keynes called Gesell "a strange, unduly neglected prophet."

The writing and language of the Natural Economic Order is inferior to that in Progress and Poverty, but this is not an accusation that can be levelled at Gesell himself since the book has been translated from Gesell’s native German. The import of the book, however, is practically without peer in secular economic literature.

Review from Goodreads

So this is how a reader from Goodreads tried to summarize what Gesell was after in his book which predates the Nazis.

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

It seems to me like they are out to more or less crash and devalue all currency if this is where they are headed. That would indeed set us up for a cashless society with digital currency for the means of exchange and allow for much tighter controls on what everyone has, is allowed to have. You can see the buzz words of "social justice" and "equity" in the review.

This is the most I could find and the most extensive thing I could find on it to see if it would lay into what we're seeing attempted to be done and if it would fit in.

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

Yes. Exactly. When you delete a file, you dont really delete that file. You delete the pointer to it in the memory, then like you said, eventually the rest of the file is overwritten thru time as the drive fills up again.

You have to actively zero out the drive if you want to truly erase the data. Even then, someone good enough COULD find some traces. The best way to to shred the drive, smash it with a large machine, or burn it.

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