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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 31 -

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posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 12:01 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
This is unusual: President Trump invited Michigan GOP lawmakers to the White House tomorrow.

Maybe he will show them highly-classified EVIDENCE that Democrats cheated bigly. As Q says, "You have to SHOW them". That's smart, and should apply to disclosing info to a 5 people, or to the entire country.

Most of our lawmakers in MI are cowards... it took them SIX MONTHS to file impeachment papers. Even as Whitmer’s nursing home policy was actually killing people. It took them 2 months after the Supreme Court said she violated 10 million people’s civil rights for 5 months. What exactly do ya got to do to get impeached around here?

Now those same legislatures, who sit on our Senate and House oversight committees are trying to meet without hearing from the Michiganders who witnessed the fraud at the TCF center. That was made public today by our “resident” constitutional attorney so I’m guessing from the timing that the plans to meet with them about that... whether that’s to show them something to change their mind or whatever, I don’t know, but he probably wants to make sure he’s had a say before they meet in their committees.

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 12:07 AM

originally posted by: Flesh699
a reply to: carewemust

Rudy said subpoenaing them is above his team, or something like that.

He was referring to subpoenaing officials in charge of the election in some states. But I thought it was neat when Rudy said, "If I was still a U.S. attorney, a whole lot of them would be indicted by now."

I was referring to the legal team not revealing what days they go to court to present their evidence, in a particular state.

For instance, I knew Rudy argued their case in PA court earlier this week. And today, a judge in Pittsburg did what Rudy requested, and threw out 2,400 mailed-in ballots that were not completed properly.

But I was wondering when is the Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia day in court, for producing the accumulated evidence?

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 12:08 AM
For those who frequent /qresearch and get the digits checkum!... POTUS all-time tweet count is currently up to:

55,518... should hit 55,555 in the next 48 hours!

It was a total coinkydinky that I posted this on page 250, promise!
edit on 20-11-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 12:13 AM
a reply to: saladfingers123456

Great! I created a new acct and my screen name is..."Not-Q"
C-ya soon.


When you're approaching Flash699 level...

Just kidding.🤣 Luv your & Flesh699 posts but understand not all wish to follow or interested and that goes for some of my posts as well. Everyone here has a good attitude on tolerance. We all have our varying degrees of interest and personal awakening aha moments of clarity.

There is this thing called humor, it's a great thing. There is also this thing called smiling and laughing, even better things. These "things" are good for the Soul. Laugh often and try to make others laugh too. Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. Though I have my days of just...Take Me Away.

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 12:14 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
As a side note, did anyone else know that the Thule Society used the Four Seasons as it's headquarters when they first started?

(hangs head in shame)
you know I did😔

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 12:22 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Cavv posted the link to the "Atkins" screed earlier.

Seems he might be our old friend David not Mike Rothschild - the abandoned offspring tasked with being shill for the family that disavowed him.


Cranky, that fellow's initials are interesting as well.


posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 12:24 AM
0 Posts,
27 POTUS tweets; 7 retweets of which 1 self-retweet, 1 Typo/Correction, 2 Deletions, 4 video tweets.
Total 27

Video tweets per Day Calendar for 18th & 19th gives C before D!

KU V19.59 20201119 to 4952 incl DECODE tools

Most linked posts in the day's decodes:
9 7,
7 2, 12,
6 8, 109,
5 4, 15, 28, 52,
4 3, 9, 47, 49, 51, 54, 89,
3 1, 5, 11, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 29, 34, 43, 44, 46, 53, 58, 85, 90, 98, 100, 101

edit on 20-11-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 12:27 AM
Have we just hit 20/20/20 vision on deep state?

Date = 11/20 2020

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 12:28 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: crankyoldman

Race Wars will begin soon. Hence the Black and White.

We are in a never-ending cycle in 2020:

Political corruption, Covid, race wars and riots... about time to move on from Covid.... that means riots on deck.

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 12:43 AM
Is this a coincidence? POTUS tweeted and self-retweeted this at 12:41:14 and 15:47:49 respectively:

"Dominion-izing the Vote"

Gematria for:
Dominion-izing = 158
izing = 65
Dominion = 93

Think #3525

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6bfd78 No.7222066 📁
Jul 27 2019 19:54:54 (EST)
Was the corn ripe for harvesting?
It is now.


Killbox periods added by me to allow count of spaces.
Chan post number encodes Nov 20th, today.

If 93 = Dominion (voting systems), what would dk mean in reference to them? "Did Knowingly"?

The spaces in [] give a date of 5/11, or Nov 5th (fireworks night and 2 days after election)

Eric Trump on media bias in CORN POLL (2019)

edit on 20-11-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 12:47 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Interestingly I moved into the countryside here in the UK some 5 months ago.
I regularly hear the church bell chiming the hour or owls hooting between 8.30-11.30 etc. Very Midsommer Murders sort of hamlet. UK members will know what I mean.

Lucky Angel!


posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 12:48 AM
a reply to: saladfingers123456

I've learned a lot from the Q posts, and from some of yours.

But at THIS MOMENT IN TIME (62 days till either Donald Trump or Joe Biden is sworn in), all the UFO, Clone, Vatican, Masons, Pedos, Maxwell, Epstein, Royalty, Space-X, Space Force, etc. topics, should (IMO) be at the bottom of the priority list for discussion.

If there was no President Trump, there would have been no Q to deliver so many revelations about how society and nature really works.

I'm just surprised and annoyed to see so many posts in this thread about those low-priority subjects, when Q and Q+ are 62 days away from either being renewed, or snuffed out.

In my opinion, that steadily closing window of time should make every one who appreciates Q and President Trump, focus primarily on discussions related to keeping Q and Q+ online for another 4 years.

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 12:52 AM
Is Rudy Under the impression that the FBI is going to ride in and save the day?

If he’s banking on that we’re screwed.
edit on 20-11-2020 by Aallanon because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 12:54 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

"did knowingly" makes a lot of sense, given the context of what Dominion is accused of.

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 12:57 AM

originally posted by: SuperStudChuck

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: crankyoldman

Race Wars will begin soon. Hence the Black and White.

We are in a never-ending cycle in 2020:

Political corruption, Covid, race wars and riots... about time to move on from Covid.... that means riots on deck.

Q did say "They Will Not Be Able To Walk The Street".

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 12:59 AM
a reply to: carewemust

I agree care!

What gets me is that #3525 was posted July 27th, 2019... almost a year and a half ago, and way before the fraud was actually committed.

Could only be Looking Glass if KU team knew over a year before hand that Dominion would knowingly commit election fraud from Nov 3rd to 5th 2020?

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 01:00 AM

originally posted by: Aallanon
Is Rudy Under the impression that the FBI is going to rise in and save the day?

If he’s banking on that we’re screwed.

There were a couple of times today when Rudy said he couldn't reveal things. At the time, I was thinking Top-Secret intel on Smartmatic-Dominion-Scytl. But it would have been regarding DOJ activities too. Thanks!

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 01:06 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I've read that it's likely Dominion pulled the same vote flipping/erasing/creation tricks in 2016, but it didn't give Hillary the win. Even though there were close states, Hillary didn't ask for audits, because her criminality would have been exposed.

This time (2020) Democrats planned a little better, and added the mail-in ballot "arrow to their quiver" evil Nancy Pelosi phrased it.

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 01:11 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Sidney points out this voter fraud even is World Wide. She is speaking to, and about, all the fraud that goes on world wide with this system alone.

This is why this matters, this is the world's stage, this is why this has to be done. The liberation aspect needs to be everywhere, and if we do it on the public stage we show the way.

CLip Listen to what she says at the end. That's not threat threat. Flip or be caged for sedition, and in fact, the places where dominion toadies did this in other countries = very bad charges indeed.

That link damn near gave me an OBE. I was so excited to finally see the discussion shift to facts that prove it is time to see the perp walks. Sidney Powell invokes my confidence.

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 01:20 AM
a reply to: carewemust

There were a couple of times today when Rudy said he couldn't reveal things. At the time, I was thinking Top-Secret intel on Smartmatic-Dominion-Scytl. But it would have been regarding DOJ activities too. Thanks!

No comment is standard practice when the courts pickup a case, good news in some ways. Once the case is over more can be said with the findings and rulings. There is a strong case for systemic fraud in the system, proving who and how much takes a while.

With the scale and crimes around this case, lot of serious stuff wrapped up in it.

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