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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 31 -

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posted on Nov, 8 2020 @ 09:21 PM
New today.

Joe Biden leads the state by just 10,000 votes. According to Becker, these votes are “highly likely ineligible to vote and have moved,” per source.

posted on Nov, 8 2020 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: Flesh699

Forward to trump or rudy and download it. Suprised it's been up for 2 days. Nice find, stuttering and body language says it all, nice big stack too
edit on 11/8/2020 by 772STi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2020 @ 09:26 PM

originally posted by: Flesh699

Where is the rest of the video, I hope he has more.

posted on Nov, 8 2020 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: Flesh699

There's a lot of celebrities that have been a disappointment, ones I thought were good people. Guess that's what their paid to do. Out of all of them Cosby really was a big blow. Grew up watching the Cosby Show. Almost like if it was a member of my own family. Sad times

posted on Nov, 8 2020 @ 09:31 PM

originally posted by: panoz77

originally posted by: Flesh699

Where is the rest of the video, I hope he has more.

On my phone atm, can someone please download just in case. I can't download from youtube on my phone

posted on Nov, 8 2020 @ 09:36 PM

If I were investigating the fraud, I would look first at videos from outside the polling locations, and count how many people actually walked through the door on election day, and compare it to cast # of votes.

I think the way to proceed is to compile evidence generated externally, and use that to gain access to internal records, thru the courts.

I'm in the middle of a ground-breaking RTKA/RTKL/FOIA case right now with disclosure of home addresses being central. Generally, the court performs a "balancing test", where the right to be left alone (literally) is balanced against public benefits of disclosure. In voter fraud cases, I imagine the public interest is paramount.

posted on Nov, 8 2020 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Yes ... that's the exact kind of number swing that happened in Virginia and happened while we were all watching.

posted on Nov, 8 2020 @ 09:38 PM
Let's take the Anon midterm exam. Each is responsible for their own scoring.

When Joe Biden was called the "projected winner" what did everyone do? Lie in the fetal position or do what Q has taught?

Origin of Information.

First order of business.

Second order of business was to go to The Constitution and look up the relevant points.

Next up is to look at After the Voting Ends: The Steps to Complete an Election For Each State

History would have led one to this...

Which would have directed one to this... Bush V. Gore Timeline

Which would have led one to this...

Supreme Court is about to have 3 Bush v. Gore alumni sitting on the bench

Judge Amy Coney Barrett, once confirmed, will be one of three current Supreme Court justices who assisted the legal team of then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush in the Florida ballot-recount battle that came down to a single vote at the Supreme Court.

Which would have led to this...

Which baby fits?

If one is crying baby I suspect step two was missed.

Trust The Plan.

edit on 8-11-2020 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2020 @ 09:40 PM

originally posted by: 772STi
a reply to: Flesh699

Forward to trump or rudy and download it. Suprised it's been up for 2 days. Nice find, stuttering and body language says it all, nice big stack too

This one too.

Got it all saved.

posted on Nov, 8 2020 @ 09:46 PM
Chuck Callesto
Level 1:
BREAKING REPORT: Trump campaign taps Rep. Doug Collins to LEAD RECOUNT TEAM in Georgia...



Also its flying about all over twitter that Trump is going to start doing rallies.

Great! we need the optics against the machine.

posted on Nov, 8 2020 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: LanceCorvette

As the most successful pro-se RTK litigator in the state, I skip the $.25c coping fee and just snap pics of everything.

From my requests, I have 10+ years of printed redacted records where a marker was used, I can read them all, and some are juicy. I still save the best for last.

Investigative records and notes are excepted...

1i. Loss of funds
1ii. Personal security
2. Public safety
3. Infrastructure security
4. Computer security
5. Health records
6iA&B. Personal identification information
6iC. Law enforcement/judicial security
7. Personnel records
8. Collective bargaining
9. Drafts of bills &c
10. Internal predecisional deliberations
11. Trade secrets
12. Notes and working papers
13. Donations
14. Unpublished academic material
15. Academic transcripts and exams
16. Criminal investigative records
17. Non-criminal investigative records
18. 911 records
19. DNA and RNA records
20. Autopsy records
21i. Draft minutes
21ii. Executive session minutes
22. Real estate appraisals
22. Environmental reviews
22. Audits / Evaluations
23. Library circulation records
24. Certain archived material
25. Sensitive geographical sites
26. Pre-award contract bids
27. Insurance communications
28. Social services
29. Constituent letters
30. Identity of minors

edit on 8-11-2020 by FlyingFox because: UNLEASH THE QUACKEN!

posted on Nov, 8 2020 @ 09:56 PM

edit on 1182020 by MetalThunder because: 7 7 7

posted on Nov, 8 2020 @ 10:03 PM

originally posted by: saladfingers123456
a reply to: chr0naut

The real question, is do you have a faith in God brother or sister?

If you side with those that willingly manipulate others, then you are truly lost.
Q is whatever Q is, but those that question and seek truth are on the side of light.
Deception and manipulation are of the darkness.
Picking a side is most easy in our current reality.
What do you really stand for? Where do you stand?

The sword swings to create a dividing line between good and evil, light and dark.
When everyone has made their choice, look to the skies.
We're approaching midnight.

I am a Christian of the born-again pentecostal protestant kind. A sinner who has been given a gift of forgiveness, out of love, and something that I could never deserve or repay.

But I see Donald Trump as a false Christ:
Someone who claims to be anointed by God, but isn't.
The man of sin.
The "little horn".
The great boaster.
Who by peace causes the death of many.
Someone who is unrepentant and therefore cannot be saved.
Who made a deal with Israel, but did so by betraying them and giving away the Temple Mount to the Palestinians.
Someone who waves God's word around, unopened, like it is a magic talisman.
Someone who acts as though his antecedents sanctification, somehow commutes to himself.
Someone who accuses the brothers.

Q is what Q is - a lie.

I stand against the system of this world and the compromised and worldly church as exemplified by the apostate Church at Laodicea about which Jesus said this:

"I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot; I would that you be either cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and are neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth.

For you say, 'I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing'; and you do not understand that you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked. I counsel you to buy from Me gold purified by fire so that you may be rich; and white garments so that you may be clothed, and the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and to anoint your eyes with eye salve, so that you may see

edit on 8/11/2020 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2020 @ 10:06 PM
I was unaware that Van Jones did stand-up comedy.

posted on Nov, 8 2020 @ 10:10 PM
Connections abound.....

posted on Nov, 8 2020 @ 10:23 PM


Looks like this gives us insight into the counter moves on the voter fraud failing.

Worth considering, how does anyone really know @snowden is mr. Contractor? I mean the HRC twit isn't run by her, is russia russia russia - if that's where he is, letting him twit with reckless abandon?

posted on Nov, 8 2020 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: LanceCorvette

As the most successful pro-se RTK litigator in the state, I skip the $.25c coping fee and just snap pics of everything.

From my requests, I have 10+ years of printed redacted records where a marker was used, I can read them all, and some are juicy. I still save the best for last.

Investigative records and notes are excepted...

1i. Loss of funds
1ii. Personal security
2. Public safety
3. Infrastructure security
4. Computer security
5. Health records
6iA&B. Personal identification information
6iC. Law enforcement/judicial security
7. Personnel records
8. Collective bargaining
9. Drafts of bills &c
10. Internal predecisional deliberations
11. Trade secrets
12. Notes and working papers
13. Donations
14. Unpublished academic material
15. Academic transcripts and exams
16. Criminal investigative records
17. Non-criminal investigative records
18. 911 records
19. DNA and RNA records
20. Autopsy records
21i. Draft minutes
21ii. Executive session minutes
22. Real estate appraisals
22. Environmental reviews
22. Audits / Evaluations
23. Library circulation records
24. Certain archived material
25. Sensitive geographical sites
26. Pre-award contract bids
27. Insurance communications
28. Social services
29. Constituent letters
30. Identity of minors

Get into the vote recount there!!! They need you!!!

posted on Nov, 8 2020 @ 10:27 PM
If I may interject into your conversation, please? While reading your comments up through the 10th page it made me realize something. What I received was "as within-so without". If the inner reflects the outer than we are watching our light and dark fight it out on center stage. It's like the Matrix, Mr Smith vs Neo. Change starts one person at a time..... Look within. What dark needs to be brought to the light? What do you need to heal or Forgive? Are you living a lie? Are you being your true authentic self?

I think about the mask coverings. As within-so without. People put on a mask every day way before CV19 came along. Now, they are being forced to physically wear a mask. Covering up who they really are, there identity they show the outer world is covered. Now all that left are the eyes to communicate. And what are the eyes but there window to the soul. Lockdown, isolation from the outside world. Time to be alone, be still, enter your inner world.

Politicians. All smoke and mirrors. Pretending. Cheating. Lies. Don't we all pretend life is wonderful even when deep down it's not? Are we cheating ourselves of who we really are? Are we being honest with ourselves or are we faking ourselves through life, job, career that's not bringing us joy? You want to know your life purpose? Where you have overcome your biggest fear/pain is your gift to humanity. It's time to heal within so the outer can reflect the inner. Heal ourselves, heal each other. Heal humanity

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: ketsuko

Ok no problem. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it as I'm fascinated by certain aspects of biblical vs the esoteric nature and how various people from all over are interpreting what they see, read, hear, and feel. I think it was an ancient Buddhist who said that everything in the world is interconnected.

posted on Nov, 8 2020 @ 10:40 PM

originally posted by: Quadrivium

Very good article about the "swing states" and how they will soon flip to Trump.

The comments are gold. There are some patriots on that site that make some good points. But that site has the trolls who are just idiots. I suppose like a certain silly person and similar friends who are all Huffpo type opinions garnered from troglodytes who are the "useful idiots" Stalin felt he could count on to play the fools they needed. These people can't answer simple questions due to the logic issues with the shill narrative. Crickets and then they use word salads to keep pounding the lies.

edit on 8-11-2020 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2020 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Fair enough. I have no objection to your viewpoint, and no one but God knows the full truth.
I see things slightly differently in how God moves. Everything for a reason. To say Q is a lie is dealing in certainty. I see it as a half truth. It serves a purpose, just as Trump serves a purpose.

The snakes have set upon one another.

I don't know about in other places, but I see very little of the notion that Trump is a saviour in this place.
The spiritual path, the higher view of the world affairs... discernment, means seeing things for how they are, not how we want them to be.
But that is in direct conflict with the living reality. Monastism, seclusion and insulation from the world is to avoid the challenge that the world presents. Events are a flowing river. Anyone with eyes recognises that the planned global takeover, made evident through "The Great Reset" removes all right to control of your own life or to even seek privacy or choice of belief. They have shown clear intent to usurp God.

If God is guiding the people of the world to make a spiritual choice, then it manifests in various ways.

This is why I bring up the sword. Whether Q or Trump turn out to be as you describe is irrelevant. It is a devising factor.
Right now, this division is guiding people one way or the other. Deep fundamental questions are being forced into the consciousness of every person, every soul. The actual real world outcome is immaterial when it comes to broader beliefs, God is in control, and that is the place of trust.

What is meant to be is meant to be.

I have seen many who have said that Trump (irrelevant of how you interpret this) has brought them back to God. Ignore that at your peril. You will not see that same statement made regarding Biden or Harris.

Your stand point, and what you wrote back shows your higher viewpoint. In the long term, it is entirely possible you're right. But all things need to play out, and the journey is for everyone. You have your answers and path, as does everyone here.


Your opening post in this thread is written with a clear intent to create opposition and contained a strange glee. To anyone reading it, you seem to be suggesting by the way you wrote what you did that as much as you might see Trump in a bad light, that you actually think that "the polls were correct". Investment in the narrative.

So, are you saying that you support Biden? Is that where you stand? If you have a higher stand point, then you should have totally abstained from voting at all. No one with true insight could in all good conscience have voted for the choice of the New World Order. The favourite of the global media, who endlessly lie. Deception. Manipulation. This doesn't need any more proof at this point. This has been evident for decades.

You appeared here in this thread for a reason. You might be against Trump, and you gave a fair Christian viewpoint on why that may be. I acknowledge that above. But now, to balance it out, how do you feel about Biden and the media?
Did you vote this year? If so, what do you think your vote represented?
You have to live this life despite your beliefs.

Thank you for the reply.
Much love.

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