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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 31 -

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posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 12:12 PM
Re: Peter Neffinger:

-Chairman of the Board SMARTMATIC
-Biden Transition Team (DHS)

On January 20, 2017, upon the beginning of the Presidency of Donald Trump, Neffenger stepped down as Administrator as required by federal law as his term had expired with Barack Obama leaving office.[6]

Since leaving TSA, Neffenger has become a distinguished fellow at both the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht Center for Resilience[8] and Northeastern University's Global Resilience Institute.[9]

In November 2020, Neffenger was named a volunteer member of the Joe Biden presidential transition Agency Review Team to support transition efforts related to the Department of Homeland Security.[10]

Neffinger is Chairman of the Board of Directors of Smartmatic, a multinational company that specializes in building and implementing electronic voting systems.[11]
edit on 15-11-2020 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan
Within an hour of AG Barr meeting with Mitch McConnell last week, McConnell took to the Senate floor to voice full support of Donald Trump's election challenge. Mitch was very skeptical prior to the meeting.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: 772STi
a reply to: carewemust

Someone went as far to claim she binks alot because she's lying. But she always blinks like that. My uncle has a neurological condition that causes him to blink no stop. It happens so some people no biggie.

You could slice her eyelids off and she would still lie.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: Trillium
Just Awesome answer
he actually says this to the BBC reporter after he asked him why won’t you concede Trump lost?: “Your country’s opinion stopped mattering in our country in 1776
The best video Eva!

Whew, that was great!
What intrigues me about this guy is he's the CEO of X Strategies and the X as in steganography secrecy is closely connected to Trump mil/aerospace circles including some of his security detail.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
Thank-you. That DJT Tweet ( ) very significant!

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 12:27 PM
Insani ty!

Fauci told Jake Tapper that even with a 90 to 95% effective vaccine we would have to keep masks and social distancing practices.

That should tell you this is about control, not saving anyone.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 12:28 PM
WOW getting real now
Text Messages Being Censored

I had a private message in Facebook censored the other day. Now text messages?!

h/t Conservative Engineer

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 12:30 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords
a reply to: IAMTAT

Isn't DLA Piper the company J_ames Corney's brother worked/works for?

Comey-Clinton Exposed

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: 0bserver1

For safe keeping, I've made an alternative version that might have more chance of staying live.
I've also enhanced the audio to make it a bit clearer.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: Trillium
WOW getting real now
Text Messages Being Censored

I had a private message in Facebook censored the other day. Now text messages?!

h/t Conservative Engineer
That happens to me regularly. Now its down to just one person, videos and photos. I can share with others. The censuring can be very specific, or just a outright ban.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 12:41 PM
There is an aspect to KU that I feel is equivalent to the study of the Holy Qabalah and specifically concerning how we decode and communicate.

The study of the QBL is an exorcise of the mind and spirit that brings a person through several phases of realizations about the true nature of the world. It acts much like the components that lead to waking up in a dream. One of these "stages" in becoming more aware is called "establishing communication with your holy angel". This is not necessarily a literal concept, in that it has no basis in any Dogma of any one religion. It is pointing out to that moment when you realize how to communicate with your "higher" self. That "guardian angel" or super conscious that sees the whole of our reality and helps guide us through life. In this moment we become aware that the conversation is not one way. We do not sit passively and listen, rather we set the tone of the conversation and the mode in which we communicate.

Think of it as if an alien civilization made contact. What is the basis for communication? We would not have a common tongue or even idea of the world we live in. The communication would start by one of us getting the others attention, then through cooperation, ideas can be substituted with items. Such as picking up an apple and pointing at it and saying apple. In this we choose how the communication is to proceed.

I believe KU uses this same logic. If you've noticed there have been many instances over these wondrous years sine KU started talking to us that an idea was put forth by us, the listeners, and that idea developed into a form of communication. KU doesn't just speak to us, but also listens. If we put forth an idea for a basis for communication then KU will begin to institute this into the drops. So, say if we were to accept that a certain decode method could be used to give a specific idea, then I believe KU may start to use this as a means of communication. Or if we adopt a symbol to mean something specific, then I believe KU may begin to use this.

"and it's whispered that soon, if we all call the tune, then the piper will lead us to reason."

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Yup. You can *drop the microphone* after that, K.

I am fist bumping your post, because it needs to be seen by more people, as many as possible.

I can attest that the political branch of healthcare (including Dr. Fauci) / big pharma isn't concerned about saving people, but rather, respectively: 'control' for the former, and 'their own pocketbooks' for the latter!

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 12:46 PM
Random thought: nobody has pointed out to my knowledge that Fauci is definitely one of the main players in this and has demonstrated that he is just a mouthpiece for whatever President is holding office.
If Im late to the party, please excuse the interruption. I’ve stated before, I get the right answer. It just takes a little longer.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 12:48 PM

originally posted by: SilentWindofDoom
There is an aspect to KU that I feel is equivalent to the study of the Holy Qabalah and specifically concerning how we decode and communicate.

The study of the QBL is an exorcise of the mind and spirit that brings a person through several phases of realizations about the true nature of the world. It acts much like the components that lead to waking up in a dream. One of these "stages" in becoming more aware is called "establishing communication with your holy angel". This is not necessarily a literal concept, in that it has no basis in any Dogma of any one religion. It is pointing out to that moment when you realize how to communicate with your "higher" self. That "guardian angel" or super conscious that sees the whole of our reality and helps guide us through life. In this moment we become aware that the conversation is not one way. We do not sit passively and listen, rather we set the tone of the conversation and the mode in which we communicate.

Think of it as if an alien civilization made contact. What is the basis for communication? We would not have a common tongue or even idea of the world we live in. The communication would start by one of us getting the others attention, then through cooperation, ideas can be substituted with items. Such as picking up an apple and pointing at it and saying apple. In this we choose how the communication is to proceed.

I believe KU uses this same logic. If you've noticed there have been many instances over these wondrous years sine KU started talking to us that an idea was put forth by us, the listeners, and that idea developed into a form of communication. KU doesn't just speak to us, but also listens. If we put forth an idea for a basis for communication then KU will begin to institute this into the drops. So, say if we were to accept that a certain decode method could be used to give a specific idea, then I believe KU may start to use this as a means of communication. Or if we adopt a symbol to mean something specific, then I believe KU may begin to use this.

"and it's whispered that soon, if we all call the tune, then the piper will lead us to reason."

I didn’t finish reading your post because I fear it will make me choose between Led Zeppelin and light.
And I ain’t ready to make that choice.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 12:51 PM

originally posted by: Trillium
Just Awesome answer
he actually says this to the BBC reporter after he asked him why won’t you concede Trump lost?: “Your country’s opinion stopped mattering in our country in 1776
The best video Eva!

Notice the BBC arrogance too? "I'm talking now"

This is why I stopped paying "TV license" in 2012. One of the best things I ever did.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: saladfingers123456

I got the same gut reaction. “Well he’s YOUR guest ,asshole. You can talk to yourself all day long.”
This is why I get so rude to people that don’t live here.
Their tyranny just made this guy an American meme hero.
He deserves a date with all our women. Not really. Just saying.
edit on 15-11-2020 by Guiltyguitarist because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: Flesh699

I accidentally discovered the origin of Q yesterday (at least I'm fairly certain), the idea in the least. Few noticed, and the ones whom know maybe aren't speaking about it. Which is totally fine!
Well, good, glad to know I'm not the only one. But like Hillary said "at this point, what difference does it make".

Yes, we are mems who only play out the game. Individually, we can have little impact on the outcome of the ending, but during that rally i saw something in real world, well, our view of it anyways. And that was a whole bunch of pawns pulling together to produce one hell of a big pawn. True, waking the masses to the truth is always a good thing, but not having the machine in place, or at least a machine that works correctly, will have what outcome? The machine (Government) is only as good as the people that man it.

Which brings me to the quality of those individuals. We hope, we pray, Trump has replaced enough of those faulty parts of the machine for it to work correctly, but that depends on one factor, what is or isn't inside each one of those individuals. Even today we find dishonest treasonous personnel still in the machine. Its like Trump driving a vehicle with faulty brakes, and he doesn't know.

A human being is someone with a heart, spirit, soul, conscience, who knows instinctively some things are just not right. These defective humans, minus the soul, are nothing but placeholders, bots, and self serving demons, who only pretend to be the real deal. Is Wray, one of them? And if so, why does he still sit where he is? Was the machine in a position to deal with this current situation of massive electronic voter fraud? Or, is Wray a sleeper for Q?

Soon, the truth will be revealed. One way, the world will be rid of the phony humans. On the other, there will be a purge of the souls, people who have the courage to stand up and be counted. History tell us the outcome.

We just have to wait until the rest of collective mind wake up, and if not.....we fight!
Why wait?

A personal message to the real Q:

Here I sit now realizing the scope of our situation, hear on earth. I wonder if you have taken into consideration that the good guys play the game by the rules, laws. It would be the last thing on their mind to break the law just to win the game. I wonder if you realize that our common enemy does nothing but break the rules and laws in order to win. The good, God loving people of this country, world, do not realize they live behind enemy territory. They do not realize the entire "system" is in place to control the masses as nothing more than cattle, sheep, to be done with how ever this enemy wishes. They murder us in mass as pleasure to them. When, will we be allowed to break the law in order to compete on the same level as the enemy does?

It is not my intention to question or even judge you. Except to ask, WHEN?

But I'm very glad to be here with you all regardless of your stance.
For myself I am amazed I haven't been banned before this. I am quite certain I came close a few times. But no matter the outcome of our present situation, it has been an extreme honor to be present, if nothing more than rubbing elbows with some of the most honorable beings I will ever known.

Interesting, why is the white ball used in billiard called the Q ball. Because that ball is used to move all the other balls. Its just a coincidence it happens to be spherical, and white............

God bless all of you...........

Too many pupils are aware of the situation. Q got the message out to the people it needed to get it, almost divinely.

I understand where you're coming from totally. But I think we sometimes get depressed and forget about the human spirit. Like probably most of us here when the media called it for Biden. We sometimes neglect to see the bigger picture.

It will get crazy, I'm sure. When you back a dog in a corner they bite back. But I'm willing to bet that there's a good many people involved in this thing that aren't playing by the rules. They probably understand the scope at which you must play the game, and when you play that game you have to get dirty. I suspect that's what all that Hunter laptop was about. I mean, showed up in a phone booth if I'm remembering correctly? That's not counting the things we do not see. It was another small droplet of proof we've been lied to about something.

To sit and think that the United States (focusing on my country) will crumble to a bunch of violent and stupid people is ridiculous. It will be the equivalent of the depression perhaps. Communities will form, people will share, people will eat, people will be warm. Think of it like this: You have children maybe? What would you do if they were hungry? Would you play by the rules to get them food? Would you consider doing something not so good to make sure they have shelter and a blanket? If so, that doesn't make you a bad person you're just trying to survive....and as I see it currently we're all just trying to survive. It probably will get crazy but there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
Day by day people are seeing they've been lied to and they're seeing that perhaps we don't actually need government.
Humans will prevail.

I'm still pretty young so perhaps it's just nativity talking. But I think it's a safe bet to bet on the human spirit. Once the programming breaks people will return to a not so fast and ridiculous selfish lifestyle, I hope.

Edit: I'd also like to share this for no real reason. I've been giving my bosses absolute hell. I'm tired of their # and I'm one comment away from telling them to # off and walking out. Be damned what happens next. I'll find a new job, already have had two screw em.

This thread alone has changed my life and way of thinking.
edit on fSundayAmerica/Chicago4701699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I don't think it would be as hard a choice as you think. On one hand you would have to choose between getting paid what you are worth and keeping that pay, or you can choose to lose all of that pay and getting to forcibly work for the state. On the other hand you have to choose between keeping everything you hold dear like freedom, family possessions, and personal items, or you can choose a lifestyle that the state says you will like.

If the world goes with this owe nothing/own nothing program, then a lot of people will be wanting to came to North America since we would still be offering it's people the freedom of social and economic mobility, personal choice, and the freedoms of bettering ones self through personal choice rather than through state mandates.

This owe nothing/own nothing system reminds me of how unions were back in the 14th century. Back then they didn't protect the workers as much as forced you into doing what they wanted. Every body made the same exact thing to the same exact standards, and nobody was allowed to charge anything different than what they were told to charge. No freedoms/ no choice. Businesses would flock to North America due to the ability to innovate, and charge what they want, as well as grow their businesses based on their needs.

So while I get what you are saying. This program that the UN is trying to force on people is really worse than communism, and I don't think the rest of the world will hand it very well at all. It would literally be like the era after the fall of the Western Roman Empire when the western world fell into a dark age. The early Middle Ages was not a good time to be alive in, and that's exactly what this program is looking like it wants to install in the global perspective as policy. North America would become the bastion of hope and light that the rest of the world would be denied, and that could cause for exceptional growth and prosperity for the people that chose to stay and remain here.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

The whole operation needs to be beyond reproach. As frustrating as it is doing things by the book, if we are to be "the good side", any questionable actions give the opposing side ammunition. It's like giving them a gun to shoot you with.

Right now, all they can do is make up things. What has drawn more and more to the cause is people seeing what is being said against the actual reality. If both sides are just playing the game of cheating and lying, then there is no one worth trusting.

To take it deeper, if this truly is ordained by God... well, God isn't a cheat. He IS the law. No ambiguity, no sub-clauses...

Some feel we are in the time of Revelation... the unveiling of the truth, and we may just be. That is a time to unveil the lies and the deceit. You can't do that with more lies. Even if they fail, I'd rather they were honest, and remained that way.
To me, all of this is in God's hands. It really is a test of faith. But I also know that as the light get's lighter, and the truth becomes clearer... the dark will get darker, and lie even more. Proof of the light is evident in the clarity and size of the lies.

You will know them by their fruits. That is a statement that should stick in your mind when trying to discern what is happening.

Anyways, this isn't a lecture.. I actually have felt as you do at many times, but I know that it cannot be that way.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: Guiltyguitarist
Random thought: nobody has pointed out to my knowledge that Fauci is definitely one of the main players in this and has demonstrated that he is just a mouthpiece for whatever President is holding office.
If Im late to the party, please excuse the interruption. I’ve stated before, I get the right answer. It just takes a little longer.

Been explored before within the Q drops. I have a detailed post here, maybe from July, where I show that Fauxci (he's been replaced) was part of this.


In this case Q dropped the pic and it wasn't about who was in it, but who was cropped out.

IIRC the day the NY Times dropped the pandemic nonsense is a delta to that drop. Note Gates senior, unplanned parenthood eugenicists and father of vaxx pusher Baal Gates.

Worth observing, you're tapped into the Anon collective, free downloads within, lots of sharing and good vibes. Enjoy the information as it arrives.

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