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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 31 -

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posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 05:08 AM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
a reply to: carewemust

Catching up.

Re: Germany Raid

If that’s how it went down I will be thrilled.

- CIA excluded. Brennan’s illegal pipeline to Intel.
- DoD getting road blockers removed.
- White Hats with the data.
- Cyber forensics underway.

It sure does make sense for the confidence Sidney had. If they got this server on Monday, a few days to analyze and get preliminary data, it seems plausible.

She also said she would name names, Lin Wood has a few, John Podesta and Donna Brazille to name two

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 05:10 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: Guiltyguitarist

originally posted by: awhispersecho

originally posted by: Guiltyguitarist

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Guiltyguitarist

The theory is that they want to destroy the economy and that has been the target all along. Destroy they economy. Crush the spirit of the people. Take total control.

That’s insane.
Democrats cannot be on board with this.
They’ve already won. They don’t have to miss funerals anymore.

Have you seriously not heard of the great reset and realized that's what the whole Covid thing is about? Everyone kept saying it would go away after the election, some of us have tried to warn people the election wasn't what it was about. They really didn't need the election, they are getting everything they need to happen through fear of a made up pandemic.

I honestly thought the idea of a great reset was not going to happen because I seriously can’t believe 30,000,000 Americans are dumb enough to vote for joe Biden. I honestly expected a Trump landslide. I haven’t read two sentences on it. What happens to all our savings? It all goes to zero?

The "Reset" folks are speaking of here is inversion. There is a transition, it is part of the natural order of things. The Great Awakening is one part.

The "Reset" the ghouls speak of their inversion of it. Take what is truth and invert it to suit their purpose. Then perpetuate the inversion version to work to "counter" the creation.

Example. The Spiral on the right is natural, divine in nature. The pedo symbol on the left is inversion. Taking what is truth or divine and distorted it to gain control.

Holy freaking crap you just confirmed my suspicion.

Man, thanks for that!

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 05:12 AM
I’d love a SCOTUS order to take down Twitter & Facebook until they can be re-platformed without censorship protections.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 05:18 AM

originally posted by: pale5218

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
a reply to: carewemust

Catching up.

Re: Germany Raid

If that’s how it went down I will be thrilled.

- CIA excluded. Brennan’s illegal pipeline to Intel.
- DoD getting road blockers removed.
- White Hats with the data.
- Cyber forensics underway.

It sure does make sense for the confidence Sidney had. If they got this server on Monday, a few days to analyze and get preliminary data, it seems plausible.

She also said she would name names, Lin Wood has a few, John Podesta and Donna Brazille to name two

I think your John Podesta fits in with my Chester Bennington, Sidney also fits in with my Australia. See how it works? EVERYTHING is connected. We just need to break that pesky connection.

Peace and peskyness

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 05:32 AM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
I’d love a SCOTUS order to take down Twitter & Facebook until they can be re-platformed without censorship protections.

So basically you want what twatterjack and falseberger are doing? No different than them.
edit on 14-11-2020 by Staffordshire1 because: meowwwwww

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Pretty sure most would know this one but I`ll post anyway.

Facebook has removed the President status for POTUS and he is just a candidate to them.

Looking forward to this coming week, the big news POTUS was referring to.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 06:10 AM

originally posted by: Staffordshire1

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
I’d love a SCOTUS order to take down Twitter & Facebook until they can be re-platformed without censorship protections.

So basically you want what twatterjack and falseberger are doing? No different than them.

Uh, no. Just remove their censorship protections. It’s not complicated.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 06:19 AM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan

originally posted by: Staffordshire1

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
I’d love a SCOTUS order to take down Twitter & Facebook until they can be re-platformed without censorship protections.

So basically you want what twatterjack and falseberger are doing? No different than them.

Uh, no. Just remove their censorship protections. It’s not complicated.

Who are you to decide? Remove this and that? Again who are you to decide for all? tell me and others what you would do? I'm trying to help you out here...

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 06:23 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

I love axis and allies. You know you can play online?

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 06:26 AM
What song?



Fly high so free yea aaaay yaa.

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Staffordshire1

I've got the cordless Microphones!

The question is "What song shall we request?"

Not sure we've investigated BUCKLE UP enough... there may be additional meanings/contexts:




a small, round shield (= in the past, a flat object made of metal or leather that soldiers held in front of their bodies to protect themselves)

Peace be with you too!

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: Staffordshire1

I’m not trying to tell you to do anything. Move along.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: Staffordshire1

If anyone can censor one side of the argument to suit their agenda and narrative that's not freedom of speech. You might as well be under the CCP.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 06:29 AM

originally posted by: Aallanon
a reply to: FlyingFox

I love axis and allies. You know you can play online?

I did not know that. We played a lot of Axis & Allies as kids. The Risk board never got as much attention

edit on 14-11-2020 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 06:31 AM

originally posted by: gps777
a reply to: Staffordshire1

If anyone can censor one side of the argument to suit their agenda and narrative that's not freedom of speech. You might as well be under the CCP.


The Govt already tells you what you can/cannot do.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 06:33 AM
Alito/Thomas & Trump Trio will be course correcting things soon enough.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 06:35 AM

originally posted by: Aallanon
a reply to: FlyingFox

I love axis and allies. You know you can play online?

My apologies and condolence in advance.

Right people....enough of the garbage and LISTEN up. There's a spiritual war ongoing, 2021 will be revealing as I've said previously. Where do you stand? Do you want to follow some human or follow yourself? I've said all along that this is not about USA, who are really the sheep as you call them? Stop being sheep yourselves and start believing in yourselves.

edit on 14-11-2020 by Staffordshire1 because: baaaaaa

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: Staffordshire1


posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 06:37 AM

originally posted by: NarcolepticBuddha

originally posted by: Aallanon
a reply to: FlyingFox

I love axis and allies. You know you can play online?

I did not know that. We played a lot of Axis & Allies as kids. The Risk board never got as much attention

I grew up in the sticks. We played Kerplunk.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 06:37 AM

originally posted by: Aallanon
a reply to: FlyingFox

I love axis and allies. You know you can play online?

Absolute favorite of mine especially original board game.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 06:43 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: carewemust

If they have proof that the system itself was the main vehicle of fraud across all states, then why aren't they bringing that case?

I thought about this the other day, and I think that even though they knew about the widespread, systemic fraud, and knew how to get in and get the evidence, they also know it would take time.

And after these facially bogus election results, it's not like Trump could just sit around and do *nothing* for two or more weeks, while his supporters are screaming about the election and wondering how Trump caved so easily.

The state court challenges are to preserve and follow the process, while the global take-down occurs. That's a function of the federal government, not of any specific candidate's race. The only issue would be introducing new evidence into already-dismissed legal proceedings. Not impossible, but not a position anyone wants to be in.

Of course, this would be a unique situation in history, having to re-open 50 states' election results a month later.

Also, anyone else get the feeling that Trump has set up his own shadow DOJ with Wood and Powell as Directors?
edit on 14-11-2020 by LanceCorvette because: (no reason given)

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