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Free UK Face Mask Exemption Cards Download Yours Now

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posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: neformore
Wrong again!

I can't see my family, but I can go to work with 50 other people.

Yet another illogical arbitrary law.

That's for another thread though.

edit on 17-9-2020 by and14263 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: and14263

You keep referencing WW2 and freedoms fought for. Covid has killed, or at least influenced the premature death of almost as many people in London as the blitz and in a far shorter period of time.

During WW2 there was a zero tolerance toward anyone circumventing the governments effort to save lives.

posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: TheResidentAlien
No... I mentioned it once. Then someone took my statement out of context.

And I will say this, again, ww2 was a real threat to all our lives.

posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: and14263

I tend to agree the majority of the people will carry on wearing masks, whilst in public or at other appropriate times.

Given that it's not exactly an imposition, even somewhat sensical when there are dangerous pathogen on the loose.

What the population won't blindly do is carry out nonsensical rules with one rule for some and another for the rest.

And let's face facts there simply are not enough police or COVID 19 wardens in the land to enforce such draconian bulltard in any sort of effective manner nor means.
edit on 17-9-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 02:40 PM
I’d rather leave my lights on than be a Nazi. Masks are dumb. Unless your in some sort of hazmat suit, your contributing to the spread of the “virus”; which really is a political weapon for manipulation.

posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: and14263
a reply to: TheResidentAlien
No... I mentioned it once. Then someone took my statement out of context.

And I will say this, again, ww2 was a real threat to all our lives.

COVID-19 is a threat to life though.

It might not be as much of a threat but it is a threat nonetheless.

I am guessing you would have kept your lights off during the Blitz so why can't you wear a mask during the pandemic?

posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 02:43 PM
Maybe because the mask don't do much?

posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: and14263

As is Covid, maybe not to everyone, but to a pretty large demographic of folk who may have underlying conditions.

You are being asked to do society very simple favour to help potentially extend lives beyond your own by doing this simple inconvenience.

I don't think anyone should be exempt. If you are unhealthy enough to wear a simple face covering, you should not going outside, keeping calm and carrying on.

posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: Fisherr

Try spitting at your computer while wearing a mask vs not wearing a mask.

posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: TheResidentAlien
a reply to: Fisherr

Try spitting at your computer while wearing a mask vs not wearing a mask.

Try sh1tting your pants while they are pulled up.

posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 02:47 PM
And that trendy bs is what will keep us here.... Lol formal mask for a weddinv dress.... Some clothing now actually comes with a matching mask. I kid you not and it is aweful. Hate this thing! I wear mine because I have to when inside a store or at work. Other than that...

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: AndyMayhew
a reply to: and14263

The less people who wear masks, the less people who observe social distancing, the less people who follow the rules, the longer this will go on and the stricter lockdowns will become.

You, sir, are fighting against our freedoms, not for them.

I wish I can find some videos currently of China and the Chinese people whether they're still wearing masks or not.

School children here they are not wearing masks when they're playing sports close contact outdoor sports indoor sports they are not wearing masks besides that is harmful to breathe your own air especially when you're playing sports.

The whole funny situation about this is that prior to somebody making mask mandatory nobody was wearing masks on the subways or the trains or shinkansen are even going to school then suddenly overnight here in Japan mask are the thing that is trendy now they made it trendy you understand it they made it trendy first not healthy but trendy to wear the mask.

posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: Fisherr

And yet our PPE is the only real tool we have in the bag that can help effectively tackle the problem of transmission and infection.

Well, that is until a vaccine materializes which may not be in the post as soon as some people seem to think.
edit on 17-9-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: and14263

FFS grow up and show some consideration to your fellow man.

Where is the hardship in wearing a mask?
It might prevent the spread of this virus.
If it does, great and if it doesn't well, you've had to put a mask on a few times, something that is mildly irritating at the very worst.
No big deal really is it.

And let's face the fight against injustices and invasions of civil liberties in the world its hardly up there with things like the right to vote and universal suffrage, the Right to Assembly, freedom of speech etc.

Its a mask.

Of all the social injustices, invasions of privacy and personal rights you choose to rail against wearing a #ing mask?
Something that MIGHT save lives.


posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 03:03 PM

originally posted by: theatreboy

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge

originally posted by: theatreboy

originally posted by: AndyMayhew
a reply to: and14263

The less people who wear masks, the less people who observe social distancing, the less people who follow the rules, the longer this will go on and the stricter lockdowns will become.

You, sir, are fighting against our freedoms, not for them.

Ever see video from China before covid? They all wore masks to fight pollution.

So tell me oh wise one, why did they have an outbreak if the masks are supposed to protect?

Makes one wonder how we all got played.

One or two, or even a few in a crowd may have wore a mask.

Certainly not all of them.

So tell me oh ignorant one, why did an outbreak occur if hardly anyone was wearing a mask?

Go ahead and you tube or google the streets of China anytime after 2012.
And then send a pic of you eating that crow.


Its you that should provide one to prove your point.
Lets see a crowd of chinese people and everyone wearing a mask. Pre 2020 of course
Actually lets see a few, just to prove your point.
edit on 17/9/20 by SecretKnowledge because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: and14263

By downloading and using this card you are fighting for the freedoms millions died for during the war.

You brought the war up.

You are suggesting that fighting against wearing masks is somehow similar to the freedoms fought for in WWII.
It isn't, as quite clearly evidenced in my earlier post.

They are in no way whatsoever similar in any way shape or form and its an insult to try and even suggest it is.

Now if you think they are please elaborate and explain in detail how and why they are.

Absolute claptrap.

posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: MrEnergy
I’d rather leave my lights on than be a Nazi.

Congratulations on typing the second dumbest thing I've ever read during my 14 years of being on ATS

If you'd left your lights on in the blitz the Nazi's would have been able to see where you were, and would likely have dropped bombs on you, in which case you'd have been dead.

The fact that this has escaped you suggests to me that you really have no business trying to dispute facts and advice provided by trained medical personnel, and you should really be embarrassed for typing it.

posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: and14263

I mentioned it once. Then someone took my statement out of context.

Err, I don't think so.
You mentioned it in order to sensationalise your post and compare the freedoms threatened by WWII with the imagined freedoms threatened by the wearing of mask in an effort to stop the spread of Covid 19.

When shown how stupid the comparison is you started wriggling.

And I will say this, again, ww2 was a real threat to all our lives.

Yes, of course it was......and so could Covid 19 yet, or at least it still poses a real and genuine threat to many, many people.

I can't see my family, but I can go to work with 50 other people.
Yet another illogical arbitrary law.
That's for another thread though.

Lots of inconsistencies.....but that's largely been down to incompetence and appalling leadership.
I suggest you take that up with the relevant people.

The biggest inconsistency and incompetence regarding wearing masks is that it should have been introduced a damn sight earlier when the effects of this pandemic was at its highest.

posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: neformore

Congratulations on typing the second dumbest thing I've ever read during my 14 years of being on ATS

Yes, my jaw dropped at the stupidity of that statement but I couldn't really think of anything that summed up exactly just how inane I think it was.

posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin
a reply to: panoz77

Have you worn one for 8-10 hrs a day?

12 hours, think my record was 14 hours.

How often do you change your mask out?

Depends on the situation, we took breaks every 4 hours so it would have been changed every four hours. Now that am not in Covid ICU its just regular surgical face masks which are probably changed a little more frequently but id depends.

your face getting dermatitis or acne or staff infections? Many people are

I wasn't too bad, one of my colleagues developed quite a nasty pressure sore due to the tight fitting FFP3 mine was a little red but okay. Some of my colleagues have reported a little more acne and some (I think 2) had to get "Sensitive" masks. Thats about it. I also spent a bit of time working in Ortho/Trauma theatre and we wore masks for the duration of the operation which could be hours upon hours and it was never an issue. I honestly have never experienced anyone getting a staff infection thats been caused by a mask, am not saying it doesn't happen.

How about it makes it more difficult to breath, difficulty that increases with the better efficiency of the mask

I work 12 hours a day in a face mask, it drys me out a little bit at times I think, I have had no problems breathing nor have any of my colleagues. I am talking about you putting on a mask for the 40 minutes it takes you to do the weekly shop.

Did you know that OSHA actually requires a pulmonary function test to wear an N95 mask in a workplace? Do you know why they require a pulmonary function test for respirators?

We actually never required this, we do get face-fit tests which you might be thinking about, respirators are different and we're talking about you wearing a simple face mask so lets stop talking apples and oranges.

N95 "masks" are classified as respirators. Before you take a fit test, you are legally required to have a pulmonary function test per OSHA in the United States, which is a lung function test that shows your lungs have the capacity to handle the increased load of a respirator. Your workplace also should have a written Respiratory Protection Program. I would expect someone who worked with COVID patients to wear a mask. I do not expect healthy people going about their normal daily activities to have to wear a mask.
edit on 17-9-2020 by panoz77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge

originally posted by: theatreboy

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge

originally posted by: theatreboy

originally posted by: AndyMayhew
a reply to: and14263

The less people who wear masks, the less people who observe social distancing, the less people who follow the rules, the longer this will go on and the stricter lockdowns will become.

You, sir, are fighting against our freedoms, not for them.

Ever see video from China before covid? They all wore masks to fight pollution.

So tell me oh wise one, why did they have an outbreak if the masks are supposed to protect?

Makes one wonder how we all got played.

One or two, or even a few in a crowd may have wore a mask.

Certainly not all of them.

So tell me oh ignorant one, why did an outbreak occur if hardly anyone was wearing a mask?

Go ahead and you tube or google the streets of China anytime after 2012.
And then send a pic of you eating that crow.


Its you that should provide one to prove your point.
Lets see a crowd of chinese people and everyone wearing a mask. Pre 2020 of course
Actually lets see a few, just to prove your point.

I'll help you out, here is an example

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