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Breaking BAASS, Assessing AATIP and Doubting Thomas ‘DeLonge’

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posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: mirageman

The video edited out comments, so I only watched for a little over 5 minutes.
I read in a deep state forum that Stan died in a plane crash at the Toronto airport.
Cause of crash was given AS landing protocol confusion in the cockpit.

ATS might go black if anybody linked that or anything else from Los Alamos too directly.

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Corbell is a very unlikable person, without a doubt. Even on UFO-worshiping Reddit, people don’t like him.

I gave him the benefit of the doubt until I saw that terrible Lazar doc which confirmed his unlikability.

He can't understand the sense of a guy lying and not being trustworthy, along with a bizarre unprovable story.

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: Baablacksheep
a reply to: mirageman

Brilliant - appreciate it guys and boy that was difficult to watch.

Amazing that if you type UFO into Google video you now just get reams and reams of vids featuring this guy.

Nobody had even heard of him a few years ago lol.

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Stan would never have said it but I wish he had.

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 11:44 AM
And I’ll add…..


posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 12:25 PM
I'm all for letting the dorky ones believe in their cult like Reality TV scams. At least the producers of such are making some money from their lowball effluvium. I plead guilty...I love working on Reality TV, quick, dirty, and $$$!!

H L Menken said ""No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 01:59 AM

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 02:36 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Hi Karl. I posted your post to this thread.

Nolan himself is a very busy man. No comment re Mellon.

Birds of a feather flock together I guess?

There is also this re Nolan.

edit on 9-8-2023 by Baablacksheep because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 03:13 AM
a reply to: karl 12

I don't think that's been posted in this thread about Grusch working with the old TTSA crew.

Although it doesn't surprise me. There is a relatively small group seemingly given a lot of influence.

Which all smells like an intel operation. This is nothing new. It's just adapted for a 21st century audience with the MIC in even firmer control of the narrative than they ever were in the past.

edit on 9/8/2023 by mirageman because: .

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 03:20 AM
This relatively new and cheap as chips documentary gives an overview of the games played.

It's just over an hour long and although it wrongly claims Paul Bennewitz committed suicide [he didn't] it covers a lot of the deception since the 1970s. It goes right up to the present day and current cast of characters we have discussed in this thread and elsewhere on ATS.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 04:02 AM
a reply to: mirageman

MM ….. if you have not seen the season finale of SWR…..I suggest you do so. Jay Stratton joins the team on closing experiments and new revelations while they roundtable to close out the season. …..of course Travis Taylor is already part of the SWR cast…and is present as well.

It should be on demand for the history channel.

Beyond that….

I’m almost leaning to a “so what” if Grusch is part of the group.

Jay was part of AAWSAP (ATTIP) as well as its successor UAPTF which he helped form..and where Travis Taylor was chief scientist and Grusch was militarily assigned to….whether he wanted to or not. It was his next duty station orders. So naturally he would be forced, by his assignment, to know and work with Jay and Travis.

I’m uncertain if Grusch ‘volunteered’ to be assigned to UAPTF.

I don’t see the big deal about it…..imo

Grusch says his motivation to blab was his patriotism. It appears to me, naturally he would have gotten advise from his own peers like Jay and Travis and ancillary support from Knapp….on the subject.

Of course Jay is connected to Bigelow..

So what’s your point?

To me it’s no big deal how we get to possibly full disclosure whether by nefarious means i.e. the Vegas mob, or not…....just as long as we get there…..and as usual…time will tell.

We are farther ahead in this saga then any other previous attempts to get to full disclosure. In a public sense.

As for Grusch working at SOL ……he’s a veteran that needs work……..what would you have him do, MM?…..Spit Shine Shoes for a living?

It now seems like a good spot to pull The Hillary Card…

edit on 9-8-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 04:45 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

MM ….. if you have not seen the season finale of SWR…..I suggest you do so

I don't think we have the latest series on Skinwalker Ranch available across the pond. But even if it was, I consider it made purely for entertainment. It is not serious science.

Of course Jay is connected to Bigelow..

So what’s your point?

Bigelow is a stooge of the US national security state. Possibly even created by it as a faux 'billionaire'. He's sponsored numerous researchers and organisations but shares little of what he's gleaned from them. Then silences them with NDAs.

Ever heard Tom Sherman give an interview or even so much as a quote since he sold up to Bigelow? No one really ever puts pressure on Knapp to reveal where the E115 is hidden or Coutlhart to tell us where the buried alien spaceship is.

The point is that these people just bring you deception under the guise of entertainment to fulfil the purposes of the deep state. This is why we are no further along than our grandfathers and great grandfaters were in the 1950s.

But that all aside. What would you consider the "disclosure" scenario to be?

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: mirageman

My litmus test is a craft or wreckage…..alien being living or dead.

Solid verifiable hard evidence proof shown to all on the world stage.

I guess I could be considered a Fence Skeptic. I could fall either way depending on which side the undeniable proof falls on.

I could ask you the same question….knowing your a bigger skeptic than I am 😉

The only time, that I could presently remember, that the wool was pulled over the entire planet earth…..was the purported WMD of the gulf war….which was one of the biggest lies told to the world.


posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

The only time, that I could presently remember, that the wool was pulled over the entire planet earth…..was the purported WMD of the gulf war….which was one of the biggest lies told to the world.

Yes that was definitely global because it was required. Probably to get rid of some old military hardware as well. Got to keep those contractors busy building new stuff.

We've had private hoaxes like the HItler Diaries in 80s and the Alien Autopsy in the 90s. But the alphabets have also pulled some wool over the eyes in the past. If maybe not a global scale.

- Studio Six aka The Argo story. CIA agents disguised a Canadian film makers sent to help free US diplomats stranded in Iran.
- Searching for the wreck of the Titanic was used as a cover for finding two Soviet submarines
- Project Azorian, allegedly mining the ocean floor for minerals but was really after the wreck of another Soviet submarine.
- Free inoculations in Pakistan were actually used to detect Bin Laden's DNA and whereabouts.
- The pretence of photographing Mt Ararat to search for Noah's Ark used as cover to search for Soviet missile locations.

There's a lot more and probably a lot more we don't know about. A lot of WWII history remains locked in vaults. As do some documents on the JFK assassination. This is the problem with face. Truth decay!! It's not something confined to the UFO topic.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

I could ask you the same question….knowing your a bigger skeptic than I am

Sorry I almost forgot. And in the spirit of fairness I will say that most UFOs are simply misperceptions. Around 90-95% has often been the consensus. That still leaves a considerable residue of unknowns. Most with not enough data to conclude one way of the other.

Unfortunately, we've been conditioned into believing that UFOs are alien spacecraft after nearly a century of pop culture. But it's not the only possibility (besides misperception/misidentifications).

I don't rule out visitation by extra-terrestrials but consider it would be an extremely rare occurrence if that is the case. You couldn't cover up mass visitations on a global scale for long.

So it could be that some UFOs are an unknown but terrestrial phenomenon that provide a cheap clean energy source or could even be harnessed and weaponized. Hence, the secrecy. Or perhaps it's "life as we don't know it". There have been studies indicating that plasma could be an unknown form of life.

The fun is in solving the mystery or at least trying to on a case by case basis. But I don't know the answer to this profound mystery, and I don't trust anyone who claims they do. I look at things with an open mind but a sceptical eye.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 07:53 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1
Sounds reasonable so we wait for a body or two and bits of a spaceship then.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

To me it’s no big deal how we get to possibly full disclosure whether by nefarious means i.e. the Vegas mob, or not…....just as long as we get there…..and as usual…time will tell.

That’s if it is a legit--motive-wise--attempt at disclosure and not something else.

To draw in interest and then destroy its reputation for all time with massive publicity of the ufo lunatic and fraud fringe taking all the oxygen out of the movement.

Then people in the future can always say:

"Oh, like in the 2017-2023 era of UFO lunacy run amuck and started by government people leading the way...
No, not again."

I'm not dogmatic to say this is the case, but there is evidence of this possibility...

I appreciate the debate about it since I hope Im wrong, and this is a legit attempt at disclosure, but the history of the lies, deception and direct US gov disinformation is just too much to ignore.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 11:45 AM

originally posted by: mirageman
This relatively new and cheap as chips documentary gives an overview of the games played.

It's just over an hour long and although it wrongly claims Paul Bennewitz committed suicide [he didn't] it covers a lot of the deception since the 1970s. It goes right up to the present day and current cast of characters we have discussed in this thread and elsewhere on ATS.

Good doc.

What this doc reminds me of is the likely reality that the IC changed from the Robertson panel denial and debunk order after Spielberg’s 77 CETK onto the acceptance disinformation era starting with the resurrection of Roswell in the late 70s and early 80s.

Hence, started the grey alien of a sinister kind culminating in the Bennewitz affair after the positive Kumbaya Spielberg movie of big head skinny friendly aliens.

They decided they can’t suppress it or make it so absurd through the 50 and 60 movies alone.
So they’d join the party and add massive disinformation and actually counterintuitively spread interest in ufology...

This TTSA, Grusch episode is the culmination of a 50--year psyop.

Expect crazy and bizarre alien ufo mainstream media influx. This can be directly done by them or just let nature( human nature) take its course.

A new category in Hynick’s classifications
Close encounter of a psyop-induced kind

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 12:02 PM
Furthermore, in looking at this history and trying to analyze some coherent patterns, it appears there are two levels to it: the military/CIA/IC and the civilian types, and some of them are military and civilian IC connected ( Ala, Green, Puthoff. Alexander and our friend Vallee( whom I respect but am very suspicious of) is the classic civilian IC-connected UFO expert and disseminator of it outside of the Psyop IC plot or maybe connected to it; I’m sorry to say.

TTSA was the grand finale, pre-final act with both, thrice or quad kind of operators: civilian/Military/ IC/gov props in this long-range plot.

What next will be interesting...

What got on this is the Serpo “ positive” CETK copycat alien hoax in 2005 done by the civilians plus the retired Doty...
The civilians do the positive and or neutral ala TTSA( minus Delong’s crazy conspiracies—that’s why he was muffled), and the military IC is behind the sinister alien meme started by the AFOSI employee Doty...

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: mirageman

I don't know the answer to this profound mystery, and I don't trust anyone who claims they do. I look at things with an open mind but a sceptical eye


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