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Breaking BAASS, Assessing AATIP and Doubting Thomas ‘DeLonge’

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posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 04:18 PM
edit on 15-8-2022 by Warriorpath1 because: Quote error

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: Jukiodone

...Used to take lots of Psychedelics pre agency.

I heard he not to take any more once he joined up. So he just kept taking the same amount!!!

Why is it that in America lots of ex-spooks come out and talk in public about these pseudo-experiences with absolutely no evidence beyond anecdotal. You don't hear ex-KGB, Mossad or MI6 folks doing this.

Anyway, for people who've followed the thread and the prequels you'll be well aware of the Myth of Skinwalker Ranch and how nothing happened there that was any more unusual than any other place in the world until the Shermans arrived. And pretty much nothing afterwards either (unless you believe the 'poltergeist' stories of which there is no evidence either beyond talking).

This video basically confirms it.

WARNING : This video includes Nick Pope. Viewers of a sensitive disposition may be offended by his presence.

Why is it that in America lots of ex-spooks come out and talk in public about these pseudo-experiences with absolutely no evidence beyond anecdotal. You don't hear ex-KGB, Mossad or MI6 folks doing this. “

The answer, as always - THESE GUYS ARE TRUE BELIEVERS!!! Corporate/government contractor revolving door TRUE BELIEVERS. They operate in corporate america in the same way they operated inside the intelligence establishment. This is a norm in american capitalism. There is a media influence arm, there are narcissistic personalities who feel grandiose and form secretive cliques empowering each other with favors, there is a mission [ufo public attention turned to profit/fame IS THE MISSION for any blind theorists here still wondering], and they are born and bred to seek being overpaid by inbred government classified contracting.

Nolan, lue, semivan, ttsa, hal, davis, bigelow ALL FIT THE EXACT DESCRIPTION ABOVE to a tee. They use a lot of networks and people to achieve mission goals, the audience and guys like podcasters are pawns toward corporate profit goals for government contracting just as they would be for a classified covert op from within government on foreign soil. When it is CORPORATE, not government, the restrictions on domestic operations are removed.

These guys ARE, HAVE BEEN, AND ALWAYS WILL BE A LOOSE CLIQUE OF NETWORKED TRUE BELIEVERS following interest, public fame and retirement income while HOPING to lead the greatest discovery in scientific history. You are not a member of their self serving clique, anymore than you are on twitter’s board. They don’t want to share fame, brand, media presence or market share. Welcome to corporate capitalism. But that doesn’t negate the fact They are childish, narcissistic, attention seeking [in a kim kardashian way] TRUE BELIEVERS operating as they did before retirement toward their personal and financial retirement goals.

Its not that complicated…it is in fact absolutely normal sociologically if UFOs weren’t the subject. If it was new peer-reviewed science corporate contracting…it would fly without skepticism. It is only TRUE BELIEVERS that differentiate this from standard science models. Face facts.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 04:28 PM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
Has TTS(A) been a template for the US government trying to send UFO research into the private sector, creating groups like TTSA, in this case, something called UAPx

A tear in the Sky
A documentary from Netflix which pretends to do a “scientific” investigation of UAPs
They get enthused about ufos and say: I WANT TO DO SOMETHING, a scientific investigation.
So, this UFO lady, Caroline Cory very enthusiastic, acts like UFOs have never been studied before. Never mind the last 70 years of government and some private, scientific research. Still, she wants data to have a scientific investigation.
In this doc, where this lady enthusiast claims William Shatner, the Star Trek actor, is an expert!
She gets approval from the expert Shatner for a “scientific investigation.”
So, they have a 5 -day investigation, looking at the night sky, and claim their making history.
I get enthusiasm, but these folks are IMO ridiculous.

Here’s the group that did this scientific 5-day study.

So they see a couple of UFOs, and gee whiz sees some anomalies…

Oh, what a surprise.

I'm sure they'll ar more private groups doing this research and they'll be more.

But it seems like this is a direct result of the TTS template, and they likely wanted to unleash it for whatever reason.

Excuse me; this was not on Netflix, but amazon prime

Thats an interesting hypothesis. The reason that doesnt pan out is because everyone the government is involving in its classified and public sector ufo studies are THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT INSIDERS via the bigeloww/ttsa/skinwalker clique. No new blood, avi included. This is an inside clique of ufo boys, who hold niche specialty credentials in a credulous government environ.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 04:35 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: peaceinoutz

..... on the ufotainment clown shows, this lie or, at best major distortion is like standard fair.

Too many of them now peddle straight up lies. Unfortunately, there are no standards and these people are lauded by their fans. Although in light of what is happening with Alex Jones it would be interesting to see if one or more UFO Celebrities are developing a twitch. Some of them have been lying for over 30 years!!

...I'm thinking about doing an OP :TTSA: The Good, the Bad, and The Ugly. Just doing basic research if I decide to do it.

Good luck with that. Even the origin and development of the Nimitz story is bizarre. Never mind all the incestuous links back to Big Bob and his goon squad. And we've still never had an answer (to my knowledge) of why TTSA employed 3 CIA neuroscientists on its advisory board. But there are too many other questions still left unanswered.

It is important to differentiate between the media arm of the government insider ufo clique [korbel/pope/knapp/certain authors] and the science/intelligence-retiree/attention-seeking/CONTRACTOR side of the insider clique. The media arm is important, just as it was a component of bigelow’s classified skinwalker study. But the media arm could be seen simply as enablers [and paradoxically, occasionally obfuscaters] who are rewarded with “insider info” from the key science/intelligence contractors, who are a higher echelon of the inbred insiders clique, so to speak.

The media arm is more prone to exaggeration and lies, but the science/intelligence arm is caught up narcissistically in the media attention as well. We are watching the results real time.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 04:42 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: peaceinoutz

Skyfort? A new UAP creation. I hadn’t heard of that one. ..

Perhaps you missed it last year? Zondo was on the advisory board. There was a report on it here : Skyfort Speaks

It's a fairly long piece but the gist of what Skyfort intended to do sounded like a Zondo soundbite.

... we clarified what Skyfort is intended to achieve. Asked about what problem Skyfort is designed to solve, they wrote:

Information flow and availability. Some call this a search for truth, some call it a process of hopeful discovery. We’re working tirelessly to facilitate dataflow, empower UAP activism and lead the charge in setting a de-stigmatized baseline for material and philosophical studies of UAP that keeps UAP front-and-center in our collective human discussion.

What we have here with skyfort was an attempt at insider clique contractor/media share expansion formed around lue’s erotic relationship with some of the skyfort crew. That failed because it didnt draw media share/follower stats as master seargent sean is an honest seeker but lacking charisma. Its true death came when they all realized there were no sky indians that the government wanted to hire skyfort contractors to protect and advise them about.

Some of the other fringe SCIENCE BASED ufo studies groups that have formed under lue and the insider’s wings…private groups, are another attempt at insider clique expansion, as they have the quiet pat on the back by the popular crew [lue/mellon]. These groups could be seen as a lower echelon of the operation…above the podcasters, but below the high media profile boys who float the whole insider clique before the public and government audience.
edit on 15-8-2022 by Warriorpath1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 04:52 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: Jukiodone

As I 've said a few times since 2017, if the whole circus is intended to bring about disclosure of whatever it's supposed to disclose then it's a psy-op.

If it's all about something else. Then it's a psy-op.

Wipe the fog of conspiracy from your brain and read my lips to the obvious and self evident analytic:
These are semi-Retired [or soon to be retired] true believers in ufo stuff in the revolving door of govt/corporate contractor funding and enjoying public attention, media share and resultant income like every fool on tiktok is trying to do.

The usa government cannot operate a vast conspiracy of total public manipulation involving congress, military and internal agencies as a psy op against the american people. Too many holes. Heads would roll. It would be the most illegal and impossible op ever on american soil, and it is just an absolutely ridiculous assertion to say it has to be a psy-op. What we see are some scientists and spies getting media over a specilized hobby subject they are able to sell to a credulous american public and government audience SUCCESSFULLY as TRUE BELIEVERS to fulfill their personal and public goals. That is actually happening TRANSPARENTLY right in front of your eyes.
edit on 15-8-2022 by Warriorpath1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 04:58 PM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
a reply to: mirageman

Zondos job now, as a USGOV contract agent, likely is to do whatever he can to destabilize these little new UAP-enthused groups popping up here and there.

Remember, Zondo was counter-intel, so since they don’t really want to study UFOs, they also will as much as they can destroy these silly UAP (mass propaganda created) by TTSA groups.

Of course, they have no fear that these groups( since neither they nor any government knows or is capable of knowing a damn thing about ufos) will find out anything.

They're known in psyop territory as blowback.

Zondo basically created most of the private groups like uapstudy and skyfort as a insider clique expansion into the public realm, pushing the insider clique’s true believer agenda [and hoping to land govt. contracts as “experts” in an unknown].

Mellon once wrote an essay asking the govt. to give lue his job back. Lue is getting his job back [in a way] if you look at whats happening. The whole insider ufo clique expected to be hired once congress funded ithe study. When they weren’t they kept hustling and some [like lue] still got insider jobs. Who is the chief scientist for the new congressionally supported uap study anyway? Oh yeah.
edit on 15-8-2022 by Warriorpath1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
a reply to: Jukiodone


Overall, the tic-tac seems to be a legit UFO. I admit that, but the whole picture: tic-tac (the strange way it was exposed), TTSA/Military propaganda outfit, and AAWSAP/ATTIP media disinformation all amount to serious problems with this whole affair.

What is strange when you analyze everything is the UFO itself, IMO, NOT the propaganda behind it, which( check out the videos I posted above) is typical pedestrian MIC shenanigans and exploitation of their tradecraft and typical abuse of the naive American public.

Close, but not exactly. It is a IC style op, but it is done by a clique of TRUE BELIEVER RETIRED govt. insiders/contractors/scientists who are conducting this operation as private party retirees and as corporate and private entities with a typical op media arm. The difference is this is not an illegal govt. op against the american people, as america-hating mirages seem to think and create anti-american conspiracies around.

What is happening here is true-believers with govt. insider connections are attempting to control so e media market share and to get contracting and media monies and to popularize their pet-subject [ufos and themselves]. They are doing pretty good at achieving their goals. That is why it is important to expose their lack of scientific evidence, their true believer status and their narcissism and greed, if you please. Transparency takes the wind out of their idiot sails.

edit on 15-8-2022 by Warriorpath1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: Warriorpath1

Ok, sorry for posting so many in a row. But anyone familiar with this thread knows i only show up every year or so, to make a few simple and obvious points about situations/outcomes. Until i remember my user name and password again in future years, i bid you all a fond adieu.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: Warriorpath1

Oh one last thought about the ufo clique’s focused efforts that are loosely networked into differing strategies [or components if you will] to meet group members’ individual and small group goals and interests…

Like an IC operation there are multiple components and differing groups within the network, goals aligned but not always the same depending on which element you are referring to.

The network can be a mix:
Mellon may want political action.
Lue may truly believe its a threat overlooked as a fanatic.
Knapp may seek media promotion.
Tom/semivan may be true believers and want to go corporate.
On and on it goes, and many have multiple agendas and are members of various groups simultaneously.

Importantly, they ARE SECRETIVE AND CLIQUISH by nature…they feel they have special status, access and knowledge…the fame seems appropriate to them. Thats why believer-followers DONT MATTER to them. If cults form over what they promote…not their problem. They have personal goals in this.[They correspondingly seem deluded to me, so i do refer to them collectively as idiots]. But they are not govt. anymore. They may go back. They may contract. But in this op they are operating outside of govt. to manipulate public and govt. opinion for personal gain or perceived objectives.

This kind of stuff as a whole happens inside and outside the IC community, because IC a culture not a place. These guys are acting as an insider clique, but importantly, except for gigs, ARE NOT GOVERNMENT. They are private interest corp./uni/etc. mingling with govt. contacts/contracts to a degree.

But the biggest confusion IS CAUSED BY THE CLIQUE itself!!!! Purposefully, like everything else they do, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, as gig employees or retirees of govt. insiderdom, USE THEIR GOVERNMENT STATUS [scientists and spies alike] TO PROMOTE THEIR PUBLIC BRAND, MEDIA, ACCESS, EXPERTISE, and contractor opportunities. The public and even the politicians accordingly SEE THESE GUYS AS REPRESENTING GOVT.! THEY ARE NOT! Repeat. They do not represent govt. That is an aura they created to benefit their true believer/brand purposes, constantly associating their expertise to govt. secrecy…a status not conferred to outsiders [aka private citizens]. shameless and disgusting, imo..

The psy op is privately managed under the legal accord of private/public media and politics. The reason it is a belief, a psy-op…a hobby…and not “real” to date is their close association to “science” as representative of their status, while having no science to back up their audacious assertions… they operate solely through monkey-media influence and have in fact influenced govt. and citizens toward ufo belief for their own reasons. But they did this as private citizens for profit/fame/cause in most cases. Their promoted folly is indeed the very reason none of my comments actually refer to ufos.

When you guys are here speculating whether you are the victim of a psy-op, i propose that indeed you are. You are being media-manipulated by a small group of cliquish and secretive [but private] true believers with govt. past/connections FOR THEIR OWN REASONS. They are POSTURING that they are govt. affiliated and represent govt…essentially implied by every single of the primary retired-spies/gig-scientists themselves. This private ufo believer clique has convinced you they are the govt., and deserve respect and credulity as a result.

…and you believed them the second you believed THE GOVERNMENT was conducting a ufo psy-op against the american people. You fell for it…a simple media promotion, bought their brand. you were the victim of a private advertising campaign of a TRUE BELIEVER CULT…a corporate-profit ufo clique. You fell for it. Lock stick and barrell. Hahha. Sukas.

Finis. Sandiego

edit on 15-8-2022 by Warriorpath1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 08:03 PM
I think the main question is what the Pentagon knows, not what Lue, Mellon, Delonge believe ...
If the action of these "believers" leads to major revelations from the Pentagon then they will have achieved a great deal.
Otherwise we will have a failure like the Disclosure Project, like Citizen Hearing on Disclosure ...

Maybe Lue, Mellon, Delonge are pawns in the hands of the Pentagon like others before them?
Generations of people have lied for 70 years to bring funds to the Pentagon ... I think very unlikely but not impossible.
But I think the Pentagon doesn't need UFOs to get black funds.
If they needed UFOs to raise funds why wait 70 years? Suffice it to say that the ufologists were right ...

You keep saying that American public opinion is influenced by the UFO theme. I think instead that for Americans ufology is just gossip, it's just audience.
The UFO issue does not really interest anyone !!!!
I would like to know the statistics of this forum ...

posted on Aug, 16 2022 @ 06:24 PM
Have to say have just watched this group interview and it's absolute bollocks.

Likewise Dave Paulides (who I do respect) is also promoting CIA NCO Knapp.

Seems to me it's all one CIA gangbang.

posted on Aug, 17 2022 @ 04:09 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Too many of these sort of podcasts/tube videos these days. All speculating on speculation....

As for Paulides, he's a good storyteller but tries to build a questionable conspiracy out of other people's misfortune. He was fired from San Jose PD for fraud. too. But that's all off topic.

It's five years since BF Lue got his deferred severance and delivered 3 fuzzy videos. One of which was a re-run from 2007!! But it feels like this so called 'progress' is actually more like resetting the situation back to 1952 not 2022.
edit on 17/8/2022 by mirageman because: ...

posted on Aug, 17 2022 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
It's five years since BF Lue got his deferred severance and delivered 3 fuzzy videos. One of which was a re-run from 2007!! But it feels like this so called 'progress' is actually more like resetting the situation back to 1952 not 2022.

It seems so ...
But in 2017, ufology was practically on the road to extinction
I think another 5 years and this forum, the last of the Mohicans, would also disappear.
What do we have to lose?
I have never read as much about ufology as in recent years ... personally I am collecting a lot of clues
The Pentagon has restarted since 1952 ...
edit on 17-8-2022 by gippo888 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 06:18 PM
a reply to: gippo888

Your right. Whatever this is, it definitely revived a moribund field---ufology--from the grave and unto semi-mainstream awareness.

Likely not for good reasons.

Whatever these ufos are, they should know their existence is being used for nefarious reasons.

posted on Aug, 19 2022 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
Your right. Whatever this is, it definitely revived a moribund field---ufology--from the grave and unto semi-mainstream awareness.
Likely not for good reasons.
Whatever these ufos are, they should know their existence is being used for nefarious reasons.

I think truth and intelligence are incompatible ...
They will surely tell us lies and, probably, we will not have the tools to undertand the difference between truth and lies.
Or they will tell us the truth and nobody will believe it ...
However I think the Pentagon is unable to control this situation, there are too many variables, 70 years of UFO cases
I think we are in an absurd historical period: nobody trusts anyone, everything is manipulation ...

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 06:07 AM

This and other such productions seems to have a sparked a veiled threat of legal action by someone representing "Lue Elizando".

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: mirageman

I started it but the music and drivel was enough for me to " not"take a deep dive. I'll get back to it later as can't stomach the never ending musical UFO videos, regardless of who is hosting. Other's can disect it .

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Black Vault is kind of long-winded, but I was going to post this for the record since this thread, all three hours of this, is obligated to post it, but you're ahead of me, great.
How are they going to blame Susan Gough for anything?
She’s a mouthpiece. She exposed Zondo, speaking for the Pentagon.
It sounds like Elizondo is the Nick Pope of the US.

Overall decent reporting by the Black Vault guy
BTW, it's no way they will be on Elizondo’s side unless Gough did speak for herself, which is unlikely
These people will crush Zondo like a bug he’s messing with. So, I think this may be all phony.

But I do sympathize with Zondo since I had problems in my government job (I won my case) and understand how they are abusive.

Zondo has not a chance to win this case. He has no proof he was injured in any way.
It will be adjudicated as UNPROVEN.

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 04:27 AM
a reply to: peaceinoutz

Down Under Ross Coulthart has embarrassingly talked up the "astonishing" UFO photographed over Colombia on 1st Jan 2022 :

Ross suggest debunkers would claim it's a balloon.

That's because it is almost certainly a balloon. I'd suggest Ross is incompetent.

The video was shot by Airbus A320 pilot Cesar Murillo Perez on 1 Jan 2020. The day after New Year's Eve and also the "Globos Solores Festival" just SE of Medelín Colombia where balloons were launched.

Maybe Ross Coulthart was unable to use the internet to find the video and comments from the pilot?

Even the pilot claimed it wasn't a UFO. So why is Coulthard bigging it up?

There is obviously a cabal of paid off personalities journos, politicians and talking heads like Kaku (who seems to have gone full retard these past few years) to talk up the UFO issue.

I don't think they really believe crap evidence like this points to aliens. But they hope you do.

edit on 22/8/2022 by mirageman because: ...

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