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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -28-

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posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: SideEyeEverything
a reply to: LanceCorvette

Please help me understand. I keep hearing that the vice president elect would take the reins. But if you don’t have a clear cut presidential winner how can you have a VP elect? I thought the Constitution was written to describe a scenario in which the president elect died, or fell ill, or something like that. But if you don’t have a clear winner how can you have a VP elect?

I'm guessing you're not American? The US Constitution provides that "electors" choose the President and Vice President. People don't vote for "president" and "vice president". They actually vote for electors who then choose P/VP. Generally speaking they have to choose for whom they were elected to vote for; but they don't necessarily have too. Getting way off topic here.

Read this:

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

According to Osweda's Guillotine logic if the scenario where the election is still undecided by Jan 6, then Chuck Grassley would become president and Mike Pompeo would be the VP.🤔

If you thought 2020 was strange I can't imagine 2021. IDK, his thread is amusing but what do I know.

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 08:51 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords
a reply to: LanceCorvette

You're the lawyer, so I will defer to you. However, I have done a fair amount of research on this, and have found that if, for some reason, a clear winner can not be declared by Jan. 20th, the Speaker of the House becomes acting president.

Anyway, how would you know who the Vice-President Elect is if you don't even know who the President Elect is.

I guess it all depends on the level of dissension among members of the Electoral College. That dissension can easily be created, too, if their sole purpose is to just keep DJT from being declared the winner.

Please don't defer to me just because I'm a lawyer. Do your own research and draw your own conclusions. It's not rocket surgery although the controlling provisions of the Constitution and the statute are poorly drafted here.

In our lifetimes it hasn't happened but electors choose P separate from VP. In the old days people would elect electors by name ("I trust Bob - let's send him to Springfield") who would then go to his state capital and cast his ballot to choose who he thought should be P / VP; and the P / VP candidates would lobby the electors not the people so much.

Point being, there could be a clear cut VP chosen, but not a P.

Remember: we do not have, and never have had, a "popular vote" for President. Don't be fooled by the "popular vote" nonsense when election rolls around. The electoral college system actually works to suppress voting, so there's many people who don't bother voting because their vote literally will not make a difference.

E.g. if I live in MT they're going for Trump whether I drive 30 miles in a rainstorm into town to vote for him. So I stay home.

Likewise, if I live in NY there's no way it's going for Trump, so I also stay home.

It's not a popular vote; it's a vote for a state's electors. Picture that blue/red map of the states on election night: it's showing who the state's electors will vote for, not how many people may have voted for those electors.

Read the 12th and 20th Amendment for the procedure.
edit on 9-8-2020 by LanceCorvette because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-8-2020 by LanceCorvette because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 08:54 PM

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: LanceCorvette

I am American and I’ve read the constitutional article that we are discussing. Maybe I’m just dense but I *think* I understand the concept. But I find it a huge stretch of the imagination that the electoral college would pick a VP elect without having picked a president in this present climate. Does that mean that we could end up with Trump as president and whoever Biden picks as VP?! This is 2020 so who the hell knows?!

ETA: Was typing this post while you were replying to QOS. Can you imagine President Trump and vice President Susan Rice!?

Brings to mind a meme I saw recently that read “I wish we could go back to living in precedented times.”
edit on 9-8-2020 by SideEyeEverything because: Felt like it

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 09:01 PM

originally posted by: SideEyeEverything
a reply to: LanceCorvette

I am American and I’ve read the constitutional article that we are discussing. Maybe I’m just dense but I *think* I understand the concept. But I find it a huge stretch of the imagination that the electoral college would pick a VP elect without having picked a president in this present climate. Does that mean that we could end up with Trump as president and whoever Biden picks as VP?! This is 2020 so who the hell knows?!

ETA: Was typing this post while you were replying to QOS. Can you imagine President Trump and vice President Susan Rice!?

Brings to mind a meme I saw recently that read “I wish we could go back to living in precedented times.”

The electoral college can pick whomever they want as P and VP. It hasn't happened in our lifetime but I'm sure there's been some surprises in the past. I'm not a scholar on it but I'm positive there's been elections where the "frontrunner" wound up getting nothing.

Most states have laws requiring the electors to pick whomever got the majority vote ("faithless electors" they call them); but if something screwy happened they'd have to vote for someone else for one or both slots.

ETA: The electors are chosen by party so it's very unlikely to have P / VP of different parties.

edit on 9-8-2020 by LanceCorvette because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 09:11 PM
That’s kind of where I was going, I guess. The electoral college most likely isn’t going to pick a VP without essentially picking the president for the reasons you stated above.

But again. It IS 2020.

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 09:19 PM
So I came across a picture that's alleging its Chuck Schumer kissing a young (looks to be under 12) girl on the lips, on Epstein island. No idea if its him (picture seems a little old maybe), but it says there are more.

Anyone see this? I can't post pictures on mobile. Maybe someone else has it? If not I can hop on the PC and post it if it doesn't violate T&C.

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 09:28 PM

originally posted by: imthegoat
So I came across a picture that's alleging its Chuck Schumer kissing a young (looks to be under 12) girl on the lips, on Epstein island. No idea if its him (picture seems a little old maybe), but it says there are more.

Anyone see this? I can't post pictures on mobile. Maybe someone else has it? If not I can hop on the PC and post it if it doesn't violate T&C.

If it's the one with the little black girl, it isn't him.

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: LanceCorvette

It may not be rocket surgery, but it seems everybody is confused about what the rules are should mail-in voting create the kind of confusion and chaos expected.

If Biden activates those 600 lawyers, you know how lawyers are. More time, more money. Drag it out. It will take f.o.r.e.v.e.r. to reach a resolution, and if there is no clear winner and the electors are also in chaos and dissension either by design or for real, we may witness a first in our country's history.

I know one thing. If NP becomes AP, there will be serious blowback from the populace. I think she is probably just as hated if not more so than Hillary.

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 09:48 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: imthegoat
So I came across a picture that's alleging its Chuck Schumer kissing a young (looks to be under 12) girl on the lips, on Epstein island. No idea if its him (picture seems a little old maybe), but it says there are more.

Anyone see this? I can't post pictures on mobile. Maybe someone else has it? If not I can hop on the PC and post it if it doesn't violate T&C.

If it's the one with the little black girl, it isn't him.

Yes that one. Didn't look like him but you can never be sure. Thank you.

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 10:07 PM
From TransFlix & It...

Lilly Wachowski recently looked back on the film and confirmed the long-discussed theory of THE MATRIX as an allegory for gender transition. “THE MATRIX was all about the desire for transformation, but it was all coming from a closeted point of view."

Welcome to the desert of the real (thread)

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 10:12 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Top shelf bait

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 10:25 PM
a reply to: dashen

If you type it...... ...........I will read it.


posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: pheonix358

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 11:02 PM
a reply to: pheonix358

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 11:57 PM

posted on Aug, 10 2020 @ 01:03 AM
There were 3 further POTUS tweets on Aug 9th taking the total to 5.

Below are shorthand decodes for the first 2 and a bit more detail on the last of the day.

Tweet #3 - POTUS Rushmore picture with Q hand sign... links to:
Q1, Q7, Q23, Q28, Q50, Q57, Q77, Q107, Q717, Q807, Q1310, Q2007, Q3207, Q4253

Tweet #4:

This is Fake News by the failing @nytimes & bad ratings @CNN. Never suggested it although, based on all of the many things accomplished during the first 3 1/2 years, perhaps more than any other Presidency, sounds like a good idea to me!

Links to:
Q9, Q79, Q94, Q107, Q112, Q137, Q152, Q260, Q726, Q807, Q1319, Q2007, Q3207

Tweet #5, at 08:45:34 PM:

.@Scaramucci, who just made a fool of himself as he got taken apart by @SteveHiltonx, only lasted [b11 days in his favorite of all time Administration, before being fired for, again, making a fool of himself. Anthony is a loser who begged to come back. I said “No Thanks”.

Links to:

Q51 Dear Patriot. We hear you. We hear all Americans such as yourself. The time has come to take back our great land.The time is now. Rest assured POTUS is backed by the absolute finest people alive who are all dedicated to the eradication evil and corruption from the US/World. Find peace. God is with us. God bless and be safe.
-The WH

Q53 Corrupt Foundations and IRS: The level of corruption in our country (and most others) is so severe there is ONLY ONE WAY.

Q91 Hillary Emailgate: Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure? The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people are evil. Why wasn’t HRC prosecuted for the emails? Put simply, Obama ultimately OK’d by using the non govt email addy to communicate w/ Clinton. Obama also had an alias along with each of his cabinet members. Therefore indicting HRC would lead to indicting Obama & his cabinet etc which could never happen. Remember he lied about knowing but that ultimately came out in the dump. Poof!

Q93 Correction: HRC was a puppet but her strings were recently cut. She's now on her own and fighting for her life.

Q145 ::::WARNING:::: This is not a game!

Q270 Adm R/ No Such Agency (W&W) + POTUS/USMIL =
Apply the Keystone.
Paint the picture.


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5bf34e No.562660 📁
Mar 5 2018 23:47:05 (EST)
Welcome to China.
Border crossing -3.
Spartans in Darkness.

Timestamp encodes Aug 9th

a) New decode method CHANID2POST - convert alphas to numbers and sum each pair gives Q post

Chan ID = 5bf34e gives 5+2=7, 6+3=9, 4+5=9 giving Q799:

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b0b86f No.448465 📁
Feb 21 2018 01:58:12 (EST)

DEEP DREAL Anonymous [email protected] ID: 849ef9 No.448410 📁
Feb 21 2018 01:52:28 (EST)




Big post.
@Jack thought he was protected.
No sleep since drop.
Tasked [3] to remove followers in drip order and restrict.
HOT in DC.
No sleep.
Stay tuned.


Note both SNOWDEN and 3 are referenced in both posts!

moving on to next links from tweet decode...

Q2045 Jeff Sessions in Background (Silent Assassin)

Q2511 Redrop: Mueller's Role Explained Again for Clarity (5:5)

Q3245 Twitter is Corrupted and Controlled

Q3808 Sessions: Justice Department Has 27 Investigations into 'Epidemic' of Leaks

Q4534 Stand at the Ready

edit on 10-8-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2020 @ 01:14 AM
0 Q posts, 5 tweets of which 2 retweets: total 5

Q V18.53 20200809 to 4620 incl DECODE tools

Insufficient numbers for "Most linked posts" today.

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