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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -7W3N7Y sIx-

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posted on May, 18 2020 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Since Pneumonia is contagious, and more people have died from Pneumonia than Covid-19 since February, according to , why no rush (or panic) to develop a pneumonia vaccine?

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: carewemust

There is one, and I took it due to certain risk factors.

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Good point! Most intelligent Democrats are looking for reasons to dump Biden. Taking the potential of a Criminal Investigation off the table, removes one reason from their list of excuses.

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: onehuman

I agree with the Star Wars theory presented a bit earlier. It would make no sense at all to start at the top. IT always goes back to people not being able to understand you must start at the Bottom and work your way up. Im guessing there have been many releated arrest to all these cases.

The Star wars analogy makes sense, but only if you assume that Obama/Clinton ++ are the top of the food chain, which they are not. They're nothing more than crumby middle managers begging for scraps on a different tier of the house of cards.

So pull that card. I could give two ----- if Bob in the mail room handed top secret documents to a journo. Go for the throat, go big, and crash the whole show, man. Let's try trickle up, trickle down justice. Start in the middle and let chaos do the dirty work.

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 11:24 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
I was having a conversation the other day. I mentioned to someone that DJT was the most positive "president" in my lifetime - probably ever. He NEVER leads through fear, nor does he perpetuate the fear mongering system of the previous talking heads.

Always positive. Always supportive.

I hadn't seen this before, but it is very interesting...


Did you ever hear the Trump "reverse speech" analysis in 2016? It stunned the experts in the field because he was the first public figure they had ever analyzed whose words forward & backward conveyed the same message. In other words, there were zero deceit. They were amazed

moar in the thread.

That is so awesome! I find the reverse speech stuff so interesting. I used to love all those shows on Coast. I'm not surprised that Trump showed that result.

Forgot to add that Entheos is Amazing!!
edit on 18-5-2020 by GATruthseeker because: ETA a line

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 11:27 PM

originally posted by: Sabrechucker
a reply to: crankyoldman

I'll set the over under at 10 day's

How long before antifa re-appears on the scene in Oregon..

Antifa is sitting this one out. No old people to terrorize on the street, means no point.

Folks in Oregon need to just go back to normal now. Gates are open.

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 11:30 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
Biden has cut his potential VP list down to 12. Maybe they should have VP Primaries and Debates by the DNC.

I wonder which bloodline he'll choose from.


posted on May, 18 2020 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Alan Dershowitz the shadow government mouthpiece, Epstein conspirator now lays out a false argument for forced vaccinations...Trump needs to deep six this scumbag now!

What was that Obamacare promise. "If you like your baby, you can keep your baby..."?

Maybe not. I get the Obama adminsitration and China mixed up a lot.


posted on May, 18 2020 @ 11:36 PM
I think I just threw up a little... -friends.html

Hollywood stars turned out in force at a record breaking $15 million fundraising extravaganza for President Barack Obama which was held at George Clooney's mansion.

By Nick Allen, Los Angeles10:30AM BST 11 May 2012

Barbra Streisand, wearing a black beret, and actors Robert Downey Jr, Tobey Maguire, Jack Black and Salma Hayek were among the 150 guests at the event.

Hollywood's great and good, who each paid $40,000 to attend, arrived in fleets of Bentleys and Porshces. They sat at 14 round tables laid out under white paper lanterns in a tent with a transparent roof. The tent was erected on a basketball court at Clooney's Mock Tudor home in a leafy hillside enclave in Los Angeles.

Mr Obama was applauded as he spoke about his decision to endorse gay marriage earlier this week...

Dinner was prepared by Wolfgang Puck and sources close to the celebrity chef said the food was "better than the Oscars," which he also does the catering for. Mr Puck's minions were seen carrying in racks of meat, watermelons, Evian water, and crates of Sierra Nevada pale ale. The menu included roasted duckling "Peking style" and lamb and beef cheek.

The dinner raised $6 million from ticket sales but broke previous presidential fundraising records because it included an online sweepstake offering two pairs of seats for "dinner with Barack and George" to members of the public. A minimum donation $3 was required to enter the raffle and tens of thousands of Americans donated an average of $23 each.


Putin Becomes President of Russia for the Third Time (May 6):

Attack in Syria Kills Dozens of Children (May 26)

MAY 21, 2012
Hillary Clinton Maintains Near Record-High Favorability

Barf. Yes I think we are making progress

edit on 19-5-2020 by FlyingFox because: ++

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 11:48 PM
a reply to: CoramDeo

LOL. Close enough.

The 7 Decepticons

Bob from the mail room aka Rambo

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 11:48 PM

originally posted by: 1320Q17yes
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Gosh I have to say sorry as last brew we added another Mystic and it went over two hours and we had to delete due to content, intense as we were in actuality also reconnecting with this gentleman and things came out, all good now and we just completed another Mystic Brew and I feel/know some here will enjoy. Like to think Moddy/Radagast and Gio will join this thread in near future, we will see. Will put here when ready is ready.

Here we go, we talk of the two steps forward followed by a step back due to raising the dead

edit on 18-5-2020 by 1320Q17yes because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 12:16 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

FF, I'll toss a bit of insight on this. I have a friend who worked one of these private fundraiser events for him, one that was really infamous.

My friend was well versed in how not to get sucked in, but to observe. The report was that once he began to speak - the room's vibe dropped and everyone became still. It was as if they were all in a mind controlled trance. Just like a cult.

Nothing untoward, just very stepfordish. Cult of personality STILL pervades people.

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 01:23 AM
What if this entire thing is about mass killing? As in abortions. WHO says there are 40-50 Million per year....125K per day, worldwide.

That is just a sick figure.....

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 04:50 AM
SPREADSHEET UPDATE - 2 Q posts, 39 POTUS tweets, 41 total for May 18th:

Q V17.71 20200518 to 4280 incl. DECODE tools

QPosts Pictures v17.71 20200518 from QPost 3601 to 4280

1) I've gone through all pictures Q has posted and added their EXIF pixel dimensions in a column on "Q Posts Analysis" tab. These are the dimensions held in the file itself as opposed to the dimensions your browser chooses to use to display the picture.

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 06:49 AM

originally posted by: imthegoat

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: queenofswords
This sucks. Or, does it?

Barr says he does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe

If Obama/Biden were exposed as ordering a political hit-job on President-Elect/President Trump, I'd be satisfied. So far, we can't even get any of the investigators (IG, Huber, Durham, Senate) to admit that POLITICS was involved with any actions.

If anyone thinks that Yates, Clapper, Brennan, Biden, Obama et al didn't cover their asses and make sure they had stand up reasons to unmask Flynn then they grossly underestimate the intelligence and drive of these people. In order to prove that they were indeed acting nefarious towards Flynn or the Trump admin would take one hell of an investigation and a few canaries singing their hearts out.

The government or high level government officials never get held accountable for any of their actions. Until that starts happening I think I'm done.

Until it happens we are collectively done whether we admit it or not.

This is the end of the line and it moves to extremist doing things that I know will cause a blood bath one way or another. I have family of all ages and would not love to see them be victims as this will be a painful rebirth.The danger is in the pendulum going to far and giving the UN an excuse to send in China. They would willingly end the USA and we all see them trying it by increments.

edit on 19-5-2020 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 06:55 AM

originally posted by: RTbigTOE
Found this today but I don't think it was front page. lol
Remember how 0bamuz kept trying to take credit for Trump's economy. I guess when you drive the car in the ditch (lol) 2 ways to go - you either total it or get it back on the road. Happy when Trump took the wheel

The Invisible Recession of 2016

h ttps:// rgc1DYsE

IIRC this was all about the "you didn't build that speech". That was the ringing of the bell for squeezing mom and pop businesses the D's claim to love. They love to squeeze them.

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

How the hell do they get access to my grocery store frequent shopper card?!?!

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Unfortunately its not really a false argument. Theres a Supreme Court case specifically about this issue. They ruled vaccines can be mandatory, as the public health sometimes supersedes the individuals rights.

(post by cfnyaami removed for political trolling and baiting)
(post by cfnyaami removed for political trolling and baiting)

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