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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -7W3N7Y sIx-

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posted on May, 5 2020 @ 06:03 AM
The memes win the Oscar for best supporting role in reality, 2020.

Q talking about gifts? Interesting.

Lol I need a tinfoil hat

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 06:06 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

1. China trial show initial promise using Remdesivir (old, ineffective Ebola drug)
2. NIAID says it will dust off remdesivir to investigate more.
3. Gates Foundation pushes it as a front-runner cure
4. HCQ-AZ cure 79 of 80 in France ("unscientific, dangerous" - no clinical trial)
5. Nigerians reported to have died after hearing Trump talk about HCQ.
6. Human vaccine trials take 2+ years, but Remdesivir may only take weeks.
7. FDA issues a limited, fast-track approval based on NIAID recommendation
8. On Apr 29, Gilead announces results of first US human trials
- Only tested difference between 5 vs 10 days Remdesivir treatment
- Cases with evidence of pneumonia & reduced oxygen levels w/o ventilator support
9. Gates - expand trials to low-income countries as soon as they get first batch
10. Gilead donates stock of 100,000-200,000 treatments globally for free.
(Gilead has been very cautious about suggesting any future pricing range.)
11. Gates has Gabi, the Vaccine Alliance set up to administer world-wide.
12. Singapore trials already starting. Japan and India fast-tracking.

- Each step moved vaccine closer to a global trial.
- Remdesivir still not licensed or approved as safe / effective for COVID-19.
- University of Oxford now reversing the findings from China (Step 1).

Lancet - No significant clinical benefit from use of remdesivir in China.
- Remdesivir - CQ trial consisted of 158 patients + 79 placebo
- Trial was stopped early due to lack of patients.
- Trial was found underpowered & the results are inconclusive.
- Chinese team commended for a "gold-standard" trial during an emergency.
- Disappointing that we did not see a clear benefit from remdesivir.
- Research funded by Wellcome Trust, UK Dept for International Development, & Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

- Nothing on new findings: No clinical benefits using remdesivir.
- No interviews with Dr. Martin J Vincent or CDC (regarding their CQ findings back in 2005)
- No news on the expanded trials tied to HCQ-AZ

The Optimist - Interview with Ken Duncan (Gates Foundation)
FDA Authorizes Emergency Use of Remdesivir
Gilead Announces Results From Phase 3 Trial
What Might Gilead’s Covid-19 Drug Cost — $10 or $4,500?
edit on 5-5-2020 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 06:21 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
WHY would the DOJ argue to keep the Carter Page FISA applications heavily redacted? Yesterday, a Federal Judge agreed with the DOJ. acted

To protect the guilty it is sure seeming to me.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 06:25 AM
His "cures" for people seeking his help would sometimes be so off the wall that his "Q Proofs" were thru the roof.
Most everything he said came true and remedies worked so well there was a Hospital in VA Beach dedicated to Cayce healing methods.

originally posted by: ColdWisdom

originally posted by: Justoneman
Einstein and Tesla believed ideas were in the "ether" all one had to do was tap into it. Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet discussed this.

Einstein didn't want to miss a chance to catch one of those ideas. As one my mom called a Night Owl I still get a few hours and them wake up. I will need a nap but can go 19-20 hours every day awake. My dad and wife worry. My Aunt told on me and said as a toddler I would be in the yard playing at 2 in the morning. I am sure I got my rear end warmed up too. Still get up in the middle of the night, like now.

My grandfather who passed before I was born was, as I was told by my mother and grandmother several years ago, obsessed with Edgar Cayce and actually went to see him several times before Cayce died in 1945. I was told he had a small collection of books by and about Cayce, some autographed. But my grandmother thought he was just a bat# crazy alcoholic (my grandfather, not Cayce) so when my grandfather died she sold the books for close to nothing not knowing that an autographed copy of The Power Of Your Mind by Edgar Cayce would be worth quite a bit today. If she hadn’t, I’d have me a couple signed books by Cayce sitting on my bookcase literally topping off my collection of Occult apocrypha.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

My uncle told me my aunt was a cliff dweller.
I think it was the same cliff the Hekawi indians fell off of in 1965.
We'll never know unless someone has a link with Edgar Bernhard Jacques Salin

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: CoramDeo

Honestly, I have no idea. Nor does it matter.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: Gravelbone
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Well that's a little reassuring.
I presume if "they" had to resort to using a DARPA project in order to fight back, things must be getting down to the wire.
It seems Q, IMO, is just a catalyst to awaken enough minds to the hidden truths enough to reach a critical mass; in order to set off a paradigm shift globally, in which the people will supposedly revolt and seize back the power from the hands of it's current controllers.
People, myself included at times, expect direct action, tangible results even, on account of Q.
When the whole time, maybe it's meant to stoke the fire of angst and frustration until we can't take it anymore and act ourselves.
I don't know, just a thought.

I agree with you 100%.
I'm from Brazil (sorry for my English btw). We were having the third period of a left government until people starting to get angry and protest.

Our last election was chaotic, the midia chasing really hard our now president. He was elected by a new party 17... he is no longer there now.

The only city with heavy lockdown is Sao Paolo, is exactly like what's happening in NY. But people are protesting, in cars, a lot of people sleeping in the Capitol city.

The midia is screaming exactly like American's midia. Everything is just the same, how many coincidences before we believe right?

And I agree with Cherokeetroy, about the mind and our emotions and believe that's exactly how we will change the world, not with a war to lubrify the system, but getting out of the system. Being awake.

And another coincidence, around the same time Q posted about Twitter and our influence, I received an email that my account was blocked. One of this scams probably, I'm a nobody...

Love to you all...

edit on 5-5-2020 by Lapuka because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 08:58 AM

originally posted by: Lapuka

originally posted by: Gravelbone
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Well that's a little reassuring.
I presume if "they" had to resort to using a DARPA project in order to fight back, things must be getting down to the wire.
It seems Q, IMO, is just a catalyst to awaken enough minds to the hidden truths enough to reach a critical mass; in order to set off a paradigm shift globally, in which the people will supposedly revolt and seize back the power from the hands of it's current controllers.
People, myself included at times, expect direct action, tangible results even, on account of Q.
When the whole time, maybe it's meant to stoke the fire of angst and frustration until we can't take it anymore and act ourselves.
I don't know, just a thought.

I agree with you 100%.
I'm from Brazil (sorry for my English btw). We were having the third period of a left government until people starting to get angry and protest.

Our last election was chaotic, the midia chasing really hard our now president. He was elected by a new party 17... he is no longer there now.

The only city with heavy lockdown is Sao Paolo, is exactly like what's happening in NY. But people are protesting, in cars, a lot of people sleeping in the Capitol city.

The midia is screaming exactly like American's midia. Everything is just the same, how many coincidences before we believe right?

And I agree with Cherokeetroy, about the mind and our emotions and believe that's exactly how we will change the world, not with a war to lubrify the system, but getting out of the system. Being awake.

And another coincidence, around the same time Q posted about Twitter and our influence, I received an email that my account was blocked. One of this scams probably, I'm a nobody...

Love to you all...

Thanks for the on the ground report. I pray you can get your Country on sound footing again. We will help where we can.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 09:00 AM
So many bouncing balls to follow .. saw an update on one .... Epstein and names .... Finally getting some ...

MORE THAN 70 men and women alleged to have knowledge of Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking of minor females were identified as potential witnesses in a court doc filed by one of the pedophile's underage victims.

...A judge in August unsealed approximately 2,000 pages of documents in the case, and is preparing to release another small trove of information in the coming weeks.

There has been much talk about the names that could be contained in these soon-to-be unsealed documents, but a look through the lengthy court proceedings reveals that Roberts had already identified a number of the individuals.

Here are a list of some of the men and women named in the documents obtained by The Sun.


One thing leads to another ...

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 09:33 AM
Well this is interdasting

Not 100% sure about the source but here it is anyway


Former Department of Homeland Security Inspector General Charles Edwards and his former aide Murali Yamazula Venkata were indicted Friday on charges of stealing government property to defraud the U.S. government. Yamazula was also charged with destroying records.

The indictments handed down by the Justice Department allege that Edwards and Venkata were working with others within the inspector general’s office to orchestrate a scheme to steal confidential and proprietary software that includes sensitive information on government employees. Prosecutors say Edwards was attempting to resell a revamped package of the software as a product of his firm, Delta Business Solutions to the Office of Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 09:35 AM

originally posted by: MaplePatriot
Well this is interdasting

Not 100% sure about the source but here it is anyway


Former Department of Homeland Security Inspector General Charles Edwards and his former aide Murali Yamazula Venkata were indicted Friday on charges of stealing government property to defraud the U.S. government. Yamazula was also charged with destroying records.

The indictments handed down by the Justice Department allege that Edwards and Venkata were working with others within the inspector general’s office to orchestrate a scheme to steal confidential and proprietary software that includes sensitive information on government employees. Prosecutors say Edwards was attempting to resell a revamped package of the software as a product of his firm, Delta Business Solutions to the Office of Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Isn’t that China’s business model? lol

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 09:41 AM
Trump speaking with reporters before flight to Arizona: Dr Fauci will testify before Senate panel!

Reporters: Why skip the house?
POTUS: the house is a bunch of trump haters!

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

Many moons ago, when I decided to strike out on my own, I wanted to move to Toronto. I'm from a small town, so that was a huge step for me at the time. I was terrified. No job; no apartment; but, despite my fear, I packed my car and drove off into the sunset.

There was one Peale quote in particular that motivated me to go through with it: "Whatever the mind can conceive AND believe, the mind can acheive." It was a powerful motivator for me.

That was self-brainwashing set at a low level of intensity and understanding. I can only imagine what it must be like for people who were/are(?) subjected to high level MK-Ultra programming.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 10:17 AM
There has been an EXCELLENT New Video released about Q. It is presented well enough that you can show the "normies." It takes you through the ridicule we have taken being Q anons to the media having to report on the very things they laughed at us about from our Proofs.

I highly recommend taking the 14:37 to watch it. It starts with that one Fox Interview that Jessie Waters did, but it only touches on it for a moment. I only mention this so that you dont think you had already seen this and not watch the rest.

There is no way to embed this one, I can only leave you the link:

NEW Q Video

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: SouthernGift

I saw this one yesterday. Remind you of someone?



posted on May, 5 2020 @ 10:25 AM

originally posted by: CanadianMason
a reply to: Justoneman

Many moons ago, when I decided to strike out on my own, I wanted to move to Toronto. I'm from a small town, so that was a huge step for me at the time. I was terrified. No job; no apartment; but, despite my fear, I packed my car and drove off into the sunset.

There was one Peale quote in particular that motivated me to go through with it: "Whatever the mind can conceive AND believe, the mind can acheive." It was a powerful motivator for me.

That was self-brainwashing set at a low level of intensity and understanding. I can only imagine what it must be like for people who were/are(?) subjected to high level MK-Ultra programming.

Gregg Braden tells the story of how an Indian shaman of his asked him if he wanted to come with him to see him perform a ritual that would help bring rain to a community that was suffering from drought.

They go to an old magic circle, which was pretty simplistic, and the shaman tells Braden to just watch and not interrupt. At that point, the shaman goes inside the circle, kneels down and closes his eyes. Ten minutes later he gets up and says “We can leave now.”

Braden says: “Leave? But you didn’t do anything!”

The shaman assured him that he had, but he couldn’t tell him what just yet.

Sure enough, three days later, a rain system inexplicably changed course to bring three days worth of rain to the community, deviating from the path it was originally on. It didn’t stop raining for three days.

It was after this that Braden asked the shaman what he had actually done.

The shaman replied: “First, I thought of what the village was like during rain. I heard the sound of rain on the roof of my house. I smelt the clean, refreshing taste of rain in the air...the feeling of mud in between my toes as I walk around barefoot in the fields. Then I thanked the spirits for the rain, as though it had already happened.”

That’s the power of faith and the power of prayer. You need to feel in your heart that success is a forgone conclusion, the way that you always go to sleep expecting to wake up.

The reason why the shaman didn’t tell Braden what he had done at the time is because if he had felt his doubt, it would have been like Peter looking at the windstorm and growing afraid, even though seconds earlier he too had been walking on water. Doubt is the antithesis of faith.

It’s like - if I told you to walk along a wall that was four inches wide and only a foot off the ground, you could do it easily.

But move the wall up 30 stories, and suddenly what was easy becomes impossible...even though the task itself hasn’t changed. It’s just that now, we are imagining what it would feel like to fall...whereas before, falling wasn’t even in the equation.

It’s why I have no doubt that Q will be successful and that justice will be served.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 10:47 AM
Have we talked about that the fa-18 jet fighter is designated the Hornet and other models Super Hornet.
The Blue Angels flying Hornet and Super Hornets across the whole country right now possibly as cover for scans and reconnaissance missions with specialized equipment?
Then the sudden media spaz over Hornets that have been here for years...
Just a thought.

Pic not related

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: MaplePatriot

Was discussed in the Q thread prior to this one.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: brewtiger

THE VACCINE RACE - REMDESIVIR 1. China trial show initial promise using Remdesivir (old, ineffective Ebola drug) 2. NIAID says it will dust off remdesivir to investigate more.

BT, this was the pattern with AIDS. They panicked everyone, then trotted out a 30k(?) a month "cocktail" (buzzword pre-preloaded) made of old drugs, and heralded it as the second coming.

Kind of like trotting out old failed Ulcer Medication and selling it as Sweetener - aspartame.

One Playbook.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: OsirianObsidian

Now that's an interesting possibility.👀

I immediately thought "Red Cross" with the gift image and that video of ICRC CASH in Q3552 came to mind.

Early on we were talking about some sick possibilities habbening in NK such as organ harvesting etc. Like you mention, Red Cross is first thought when viewing image of gift. Kim “cutting ties” ? Comfort looks like the gift box? We still have the servers.

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