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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -7W3N7Y sIx-

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posted on May, 4 2020 @ 12:18 PM

Get auth. to foxtrot.
Fox 3


posted on May, 4 2020 @ 12:18 PM
2 New Q Drop

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 12:22 PM

Was there some shift in the Media Manipulation Machine?

Just noticing yesterday, and definitely today, a lot of folks that have their world defined for them by the MMM have amped up their emotions.. considerably.

Given that many were already operating almost solely on emotion, thats a feat in and of itself.

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Damn. Trump loves a streetfight. Not afraid to fight in the gutter haha

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: Trillium

So mom and dad worked for CIA? If this was a well-organised plot from ages ago, the BC thing would not have become an issue. It would have been tidily wrapped up a long time ago. Not sure I buy this. What's the reference for his parents being fluent in Russian?

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 12:38 PM
Your Guide To The Obama Administration’s Hit On Michael Flynn

Good long summary on the Flynn saga in a nutshell.

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 12:48 PM
New Q Drop

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 05/04/20 (Mon) 13:45:28b484df (1) No.9025962

Why is there an active [coordinated] disinformation campaign being deployed using [misleading headlines][no original source attach] tactics and pushed in attempt to amplify?
Direct [orig source] attacks or push pre-determined and orchestrated 'false-claim' statements of others [think decodes]?
Constant MSM attacks? _why?
When does the enemy expend ammunition?
For what purpose?
Question what you read [from every source].
Use discernment.

edit on 4-5-2020 by Trillium because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 12:55 PM

ATS ahead of Q again...

Every single citation or arrest for being human being out is void. Every HUMAN who got one should fight it, clog the court and they must prevail. If the Judge has even read the Constitution they will dismiss.

The business thing is another issue. When one goes to the State or City for a "license" or in fact "permission" to run a business they then agree to ALL, and I mean ALL, the control mechanisms in place.

This is why the State wants all businesses "licensed" including all marriages, they want control of it. (marriages are State controlled businesses when you get a license to have a marriage).

As such, the State does have a right to close stores or whatever because Scary Spit, Scary Weather or even if Scary Fairies told them all stores must close. Is it moral? No. Is it legal? Yes.

So while every HUMAN has a right to leave their house, gather, speak or surf, the same exact right doesn't flow to transactions involving Federal Reserve Notes and State permission systems.

This applies to the parks etc. While folks say they are "public" places, they are not correct about what that means. It means the State owns those "places" and affords permission to use, with a right to revoke permission if Scary Fairies tell them to revoke it. Is it moral?

This becomes a really muddied mess when one sees that nearly all people are considered Businesses, licensed with the State. Now, the point. Is the Two Drops by Q hinting that the Federal Government (at the tippy top) no longer considers Human Beings corporations? Let's hope yes, and let's hope trickle down is a thing.

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 12:59 PM

Here's an odd one a pic of renOgade and his mom, with a woman who looks a lot like Eva Braun.

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Isn't that his maternal grandmother, Madelyn Dunham?

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 01:11 PM
New Q Drop

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 05/04/20 (Mon) 14:10:253ed6c1 (1) No.9026323>>9026334
Good example.
See previous post.

edit on 4-5-2020 by Trillium because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Jom, just to allay fears of my transmutation into Robbie the Robot - I've increased my nightly sleep from 3/4 hours to 6... getting up for start of EST working hours.

ETA - We've passed Q4096 so bang goes my "64x64" theory! 66x66 would take us to Q4356!
edit on 4-5-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: Trillium
New Q Drop

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 6452a4 No.9025283
May 4 2020 12:01:24 (EST) NEW

Why did [Hussein, Barry] choose 'RENEGADE' as USSS codename?
Define 'Renegade'.
[Hussein, Barry] parents both fluent in Russian?
Is Russian a common language to learn?
Public 'career' history mom-dad?
Public 'career' history require Russian language as prerequisite?
Farm work takes special skills.

"Farm" in this case refers to the CIA. Obama was a clown, born into a clown family.

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: CanadianMason
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Wow, thanks CT! It's so easy to get caught up in ego. I needed that.

oh you don't have to tell me about EGO. my ego is so obnoxious lol
Luckily I have a few alters I can slip into when necessary 😜

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 01:36 PM

Interesting. This appears to be a police stand down at folks protesting Greasy Gavin Pelosi, or it could be the police were told to reduce numbers and the correlation is unclear.

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: Trillium
New Q Drop

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 6452a4 No.9025283
May 4 2020 12:01:24 (EST) NEW

Why did [Hussein, Barry] choose 'RENEGADE' as USSS codename?
Define 'Renegade'.
[Hussein, Barry] parents both fluent in Russian?
Is Russian a common language to learn?
Public 'career' history mom-dad?
Public 'career' history require Russian language as prerequisite?
Farm work takes special skills.

All the drone strikes that Obama ordered in Afghanistan were related to pipelines for oil and gas (TAPI pipeline). People have done an overlay and it's literally exactly the same route. Originally people thought it was done to protect the pipeline, but now I'm starting to think it was done to delay it and ensure that Russian oil and gas was the only game in town.

Let's go down a rabbit hole.

In 2011, BP and Rosneft signed a deal to enter into a joint venture to extract oil and gas from the Russian Arctic shelf. This pissed off the company AAR, because they were BP's Russian partner in the TNK-BP joint venture. They even went as far as to block the venture in international courts...saying that BP had an agreement that TNK-BP would be the primary corporate vehicle for BP's oil and gas operations in Russia.

At the same time, ExxonMobil and Rosneft did a deal to drill for oil and gas in the Black Sea. However, due to the tariffs placed upon US companies trying to do business in the US, Exxon could only start to make a go of it in Russia after Obama did a deal whereby the Jackson-Vanik Amendment would be repealed so long as the Magnitsky Act was signed into law in December 2012. ExxonMobil invests $1 billion into the project, matched by Rosneft in the prospecting phase...but when it shifts into production, Exxon only gets 1/3rd compared to Rosneft's 2/3rds.

However, two months earlier, Rosneft had made plans to acquire TNK-BP. By the time the deal was completed and Obama realised he'd been played by Russia in March 2013, Rosneft had the following:

1. A JV with ExxonMobil in the Black Sea, complete with a reduction in tariffs on US deep water drilling equipment etc, where Exxon is basically providing the maintenance and know how for a 1/3rd share in the project.

2. Full ownership of the Arctic Shelf drilling operations that originally involved BP.

No wonder Barry slapped sanctions on Russia in 2014.

You know that whole thing with the Steele Dossier and Carter Page saying to Rosneft that Trump would wind back sanctions if they supported a deal to sell part of Rosneft to Qatar's sovereign investment fund and Glencore? And how Trump must have been involved because Ahmed Al-Rumaihi was seen in Trump Tower with Michael Cohen etc?

Well, I have a different take on what happened. What I think happened was that the investors in Qatari sovereign fund were meeting with Jared Kushner about his property at 666 Fifth Avenue, which was completely unrelated to the Trump campaign.

But Rosneft used their prior knowledge of the meeting to feed Carter Page disinfo that they would give Trump brokerage fees on the Qatari deal in exchange for a lifting of sanctions - that Trump had never been aware of in the first place. Who they were actually talking to at this point was the FBI and the Obama Administration. Remember, Obama wanted to be kept in the loop regarding everything regarding the investigation into Russian interference.

I believe that they literally thought that Trump had no chance of winning, so they used his campaign as a back channel to communicate between the Democrat Party and Rosneft. "If you lift sanctions, we'll give you a slice of the pie."

Then Trump won, and the entire plan was shot to hell...which is why Obama put hard sanctions on Russia on December 29.

Ask yourself where all of Obama's $40m came from? They only made $20m from in the space of three years they have doubled their money.

Could it have been quid pro quo for helping Russia torpedo any deals that Trump could have made with Putin regarding the inequitable deal between ExxonMobil and Rosneft? Which eventually resulted in Exxon being ordered to pull out of Russia completely by POTUS?

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 01:38 PM
Today is Star Wars Day. Yes, there really is an official Star Wars Day

FBI tweeted:

Maybe JC will post his old SW pic for old times sake in reply.

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: Observationalist
The good news is that she has now made it onto the Gateway Pundit. She may finally get some sort of help and probably fired on the bad news side. Hope it works out. You can tell she really cares.

Nurse Article Gateway Pundit

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords
Today is Star Wars Day. Yes, there really is an official Star Wars Day

FBI tweeted:

Maybe JC will post his old SW pic for old times sake in reply.

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 01:45 PM
Those of us old enough to remember know that the news used to be about delivering information to the public. Commentary was limited to very senior journalists.

News now is about beating you over the head with opinion delivered in the nastiest way possible.

I haven't seen anyone just deliver the news without making some personal comment on it. I don't even watch local news anymore because the announcers tag-team with stupid, fake pleasantries for the weak-minded.

"Oh, that's terrible." "Oh, what a shame." "Our hearts go out to them."

S T F U . 😬🤯
edit on 5/4/2020 by Creep Thumper because: PUNCTUATION.

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