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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 09:44 PM
I haven’t posted in a long time. Early on, I watched this thread (from the beginning) like a hawk. We were prepared in late January as a result...long before anyone we knew and had the ability to help our closest family and friends prepare as well. As such, we avoided the packed stores, the panic and the like. We stayed at home safely for weeks on end, very comfortably.

Now, a certain complacency has settled in. We are becoming desensitized to the news, and all are faring well at work (working from home in our new environment - apparently, we are actually more productive!) I find people are either completely on one end of the spectrum (freaking out if you walk by them on the sidewalk) or the other (think this all crazy and going about their usual routine). The new normal is staying home, I am thankful to be able to work from home, conference calls, isolation, tv shows filled with ads about how everyone is being protected...

Our province is discussing opening up for business again but both our Premier and our Prime Minister have been clear - back to “normal” will not happen.

I am back on here to learn and glean about the next wave. I believe it will happen and don’t want to fall into complacency. Preparing for that eventuality needs to occur and continue. Stay vigilant all.
edit on 28-4-2020 by NxNWest because: (no reason given)

(post by carewemust removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: NxNWest

It really shouldn't be called the "Next Wave". It should be called what it is: a surge in ignorance that is fueled by stupid behavior

I just got done watching this:

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 10:56 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: NxNWest

Horrible Governor: New York Governor Cuomo has ordered Covid-19 patients transferred to NURSING HOMES, of all places! After arriving, the nursing homes turned into Covid-19 "hotbeds" of death.

Gov. Cuomo doubled down Sunday on the state’s controversial directive ordering nursing homes to admit COVID-19 patients.

The governor — who himself has described nursing homes as a “feeding frenzy’’ for the deadly coronavirus — said that the facilities can’t challenge a state regulation forcing them to admit patients with the contagion.

Meanwhile the newly constructed Javis Center, and the USNS Navy ship Comfort, sit mostly empty.

I think your news source might have gotten a few things confused?

What he's talking about is that patients in a nursing home will have to be taken care of in that nursing home unless their symptoms require hospitalization.

Here's the quote from another NYPost story on this

“That’s a good question. I don’t know,” the governor said.

He turned to Howard Zucker, the state health commissioner, who confirmed the policy, saying “if you are positive, you should be admitted back to a nursing home. The necessary precautions will be taken to protect the other residents there.”

I disagree with his policy, but he's not bringing recuperating Covid-19 patients into nursing homes unless they were admitted from there (the wording "admitted BACK to a nursing home" is the clue.) I think he needs to find a better solution.

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 12:03 AM
This is what’s going on outside if you want to know.

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 12:55 AM

originally posted by: Observationalist

This is what’s going on outside if you want to know.

Sorry to say but : THE WORLD WILL NEVER BE THE SAME due to the corona virus.

You all understand this is worldwide

The people in these protest are just fodder for the master plan for humankind.

This is MIM's "Street Talk" the world will be drawn down to a world of acute poverty. Barter will be outlawed and extremes punishment will follow.
The "set" income was designed as MIM's Street Talk to be an economic spider web trap for everyone. Even the wealthy without political access will also fall into this trap.
When people talk about govt. listen folks, govt. (currently people elected by the people in the USA) today is not to let go of control of their power grab, they will be for life as it is in China.
Be careful of the free mobile phone, it will have the tracking app. Don't believe MIM. I really don't care. Taiwan has it, Korea has it, China has it. America , well, the politicians will just give it out free for you'll fall into the spider web trap.
Schools will be closed (as if they are not already) Talk about reopening them up in Sept. Yes, another politician promise.
Check points. Last night I was stopped riding my bike by the police. I'm a foreigner in this land. Question were standard and ID check, also bike registration .

As of today the world will not go back to where it once was. Its designed not too.

If I lived in the States I would become a sailboat/with some kind of solar power motor and live like a river rat till I got turned in for a loaf of bread. You think I'm joking. What do you think happened to all those people locked in their apartments in Wuhan for over 2 weeks. The US military knows. Sad to say, but since Trump is not part of the team, he'll not be informed of the real outcome of this "world of poverty" just getting by to eat and serve their master.
Also, I recommend that you don't allow you children to enlist at the moment in the military . They WILL be trained to turn against the civilian way of life. Don't believe , remember Kent State.

Anyway, go out , wear your mask, and enjoy the good life, because time September comes everyone will be living a life of poverty. Its already at you front door. I'm also speaking for myself.
If you read my last update, people go through 40 to 50 interviews just trying to get "any job" at the moment here in this country.

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 01:56 AM

originally posted by: celltypespecific
It would be really useful for someone to start a thread on planning/prepping for the coming SECOND WAVE in fall.

We should all stay one step ahead of the sheep. The fall will be a living hell....its Flu...Cold...and Covid19 season..

You can get all three at the same time....or sequentially....

How do we plan for the FALL!!!!? How do we plan for the coming SECOND WAVE!!!

Well, just look on the south side of the equator. Aren't they now coming into their Fall and Winter?

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 03:04 AM


posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 04:23 AM
Some reading, From The Guardian Long Read : " How the Facemask became the World's most coveted commodity ".
A very interesting, if long, read (but we have time, now).

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 05:07 AM
There’s blood on the U.K. government’s hands and these latest statistics won’t be pleasant reading for the inept, psycho Tory leadership:

the office for national statistics (ONS) has found the number of registered deaths in the week ending 10 April was 75 per cent above normal in England and Wales, at 18,516.

Now the Financial Times has used that figure to calculate the likely number of “excess deaths” since the coronavirus struck the UK – concluding it could be as many as 41,000.

So much for the theories about over reporting deaths as C19. Here in the U.K. it seems they’ve been vastly under reported.

I’d imagine that’s no accident, since the Tories are scrambling to spin the narrative away from the truth of their mishandling...

They originally cited behavioural science advice as their reason for not locking down despite the rest of the world doing so; that the public would get impatient and flout the rules.

Back then it seemed a ludicrous rationale to me and now some quarters of the media are finally begin to voice that indignation. Hopefully the media will eventually voice that this flimsy scientific behavioural modelling was doubtless selected above far more solid advice because it allowed the Tories an excuse to keep the economy going as long possible, despite the human cost. The old upper class trench warfare mentality is alive and well.

When they inevitably deny this, then surely today’s other revealing byline should be brought to bare... its better if I present it chronologically from a few days back to show the obvious cause and effect in the altering of the principle mandatory guideline for relaxing lockdown:

Tory grandees tell PM: it’s time to ease the coronavirus lockdown

A pincer movement of Conservative Party donors, cabinet ministers and senior Tory backbenchers is putting Boris Johnson under concerted pressure to ease the lockdown.

The original Tory response was:

Ministers reject calls from Tory donors to lift lockdown

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has dismissed renewed calls for an early easing of the coronavirus lockdown, saying the outbreak was still at a “delicate and dangerous” stage.

Then after declaring that they’d rejected their rich donors command, they do the opposite and try to sneak this past:

Five tests which must be met before the lockdown can be altered were set out earlier this month. The first four have either been met or are close to being met. The fifth hurdle, which ministers have always said is the most important, was described on official Government documents on Monday as a confidence that “any adjustments to the current measures will not risk a second peak of infections”.

On Tuesday the wording was changed to say the aim was to avoid a second peak “that overwhelms the NHS” - making it easier for ministers to say the test has been met....

So, even now with them desperately trying to spin away from the deaths their early inaction has caused, there’s still a willingness in the Tory leadership to expend further human life in order to keep their rich puppet masters dividends from being reduced.

It begs the question: how low can they sink before they’re fully called out on it?

This chain of events shows an obvious pathology that’s not in the public interest and as such should lead to an immediate enquiry and dissolution of government with a temporary coalition taking its place (and criminal corporate manslaughter charges brought against the Tory’s decision makers; looking at you Cummings).

But of course the great British sheeple will keep calm and carry on marching over the cliff edge at the behest of their masters. The inevitable inaction over this will undoubtably only embolden these psychopaths.

In all of the above, along with the U.K’s laissez-faire attitude towards PPE and testing there’s an absolute disregard for ‘lower cast’ life - for us canon fodder. It’s not a new sentiment on ATS, but this pandemic has well and truly put these attitudes in the spotlight and proven our theories about the psychopathy of TPTB to be all too true.

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 05:57 AM
Just how bad is it in Japan:

Update from the US Embassy in Tokyo

For real people, something is cooking behind the scenes and its called by me the "silent world wide depression". Its at our doorsteps and yet we are acting as if nothing of importance is happening all because of one thing.
We got to get the economy going. That is a very false trick of govt. agencies hiding the fact that the economy of yesterday no longer exist, and that my friends on ATS is a fact.
Don't fall for " we got to get the economy going " BS. Here is the fact you got to know from MIM's street talk. The "NEW" economy will never kick in until school children start reporting to school and that my friends just is not going to happen any time soon.

Update from the Embassy

Health Alert – U.S. Embassy Tokyo (April 29, 2020)

Location: Japan

Date: April 29, 2020

Japan continues to experience a steady increase in COVID-19 cases. To reduce the spread of the virus, the Government of Japan has asked residents to avoid crossing prefectural borders for non-essential travel, including during the Golden Week holiday from April 29 to May 6. The U.S. Embassy strongly urges U.S. citizens to comply with all measures under the state of emergency declaration and announced by local officials. In particular, we urge all U.S. citizens to stay at home during the Golden Week holiday period, observe the government’s request not to cross prefectural borders, and to limit all non-essential outings. We also recommend using masks or cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain, maintaining at least six feet of distance between yourself and others, and avoiding public transportation during peak hours.

Tokyo Governor Koike has designated the 12-day period from April 25 through May 6 as “stay at home week,” explaining that remaining at home to the maximum extent possible during this period will be critical if Japan is going to achieve the government’s goal of an 80 percent reduction in people-to-people contact. Mayors of several towns near Tokyo have requested that roads to their towns be blocked in order to prevent tourism during the holiday period, and several roads leading to public beaches in coastal areas have been closed or are restricted. Access to other public recreational facilities such as parks and nature areas have already, or may soon be, prohibited. Several shrines throughout Tokyo are now closed to the public.

Across Japan, prefectural governments are taking similar steps to reduce travel and tourism. Transportation companies are limiting or canceling service, and many recreation sites and facilities have closed. In the current circumstances, road closures and/or alteration in public transportation (bus, rail, air) schedules may occur with little or no notice. The Governor of Okinawa requested a suspension of tourism throughout Okinawa during Golden Week. More than 700 local businesses are cooperating with the governor’s request by closing or greatly restricting access. Virtually all tourist destinations are closed, including the Okinawa Churami Aquarium, Shuri Castle Park, and the Okinawa Peace Memorial Park. Public transportation—to include flights, buses, ferries, the Naha Monorail, and taxi and car rental services—are either canceled or operating with substantial reductions in service. A large majority of hotels and restaurants are similarly affected. Please see

The Government of Hokkaido and the city of Sapporo announced a joint state of emergency for April 20 through May 6, requesting that citizens refrain from non-essential outings, including local outings, travel in and out of Sapporo, and travel between prefectures, especially during Golden Week. They are also requesting that many shopping, entertainment and restaurant facilities close during this time period. Officials at Chitose airport in Sapporo are conducting temperature checks on arriving passengers and asking those with fevers to take appropriate measures. In the Kansai region, virtually all tourist destinations are closed. A list of just some of these closures can be found here:

State of Emergency in Japan

Prime Minister Abe has declared a state of emergency covering the entire country that will last at least through May 6. The Prime Minister outlined measures to help prevent the spread of coronavirus and asked people to avoid closed spaces, crowded places, and close-contact settings. According to press reports, the Prime Minister’s target of a 70-80 percent reduction in person-to-person contact nationwide is not being met, and he has called on residents to reduce their outings further.

Specific measures taken under the state of emergency will vary by prefecture, as the prefectural governors will issue instructions and requests.

U.S. Mission Japan personnel continue to follow United States and Japanese government recommended practices promoting social distancing and minimizing non-essential travel.

U.S. Mission Japan staff have been advised to avoid public transportation during peak hours, and to follow Government of Japan guidance to refrain from crossing prefectural borders unless absolutely necessary.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently updated their guidance to include six new symptoms of COVID-19. We encourage U.S. citizens to familiarize themselves with the information, which can be found on CDC’s website.

Reduction in International Flights

International flights are currently available in Japan, but service continues to diminish. Only six percent of pre-COVID capacity between Japan and the United States (including Guam) remains in service, and further reductions are scheduled. Direct flights between the United States and Japan are currently only available from Tokyo’s Narita and Haneda airports. U.S. citizens who wish to return to the United States should make commercial arrangements to do so immediately unless they are prepared to remain abroad for an indefinite period. The U.S. government does not anticipate staging repatriation flights in Japan. U.S. citizens who reside abroad should avoid all international travel.

Suspension of Routine Passport and Citizenship Services

The U.S. Department of State has suspended processing of routine passport and citizenship services. Until further notice, we are only able to issue limited validity emergency passports. Because of this suspension, we are unable to issue Consular Reports of Birth Abroad for infants and children. However, we can document the child’s citizenship with an emergency passport and strongly encourage families to apply for such documentation. To request an appointment for an emergency passport, please contact the Embassy or consulate nearest you for assistance.

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 06:53 AM
Nearly 70 veterans have died in one nurusing facility in Massachusetts. Another 82 veterans, and 81 employees test positive.

Condolences to the families, and prayers for those still suffering.

This shows just how infectious it is in a closed environment. If we can't control this in a single place, how is it to be controled on a larger scale over time. The current outbreak is heading down overall in the US, but I think there is too much confidence in being able to control it in the next wave this fall.


edit on 29-4-2020 by MrRCflying because: fixed messed up sentence.

(post by andy06shake removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Great work once again. Reminds me of Cold War Steve’s stuff!

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 08:33 AM
Wonder what our new deaths rate will be this afternoon and beyond:

More people may now be dying of coronavirus in care homes than hospitals: Expert's shock claim as Government braces to reveal the true daily death toll from this afternoon

Sir David Spiegelhalter made the shocking claim yesterday after the Office for National Statistics released its weekly data showing thousands of people are dying out of hospital and not being counted until weeks later. The professor, a highly regarded statistics expert and an OBE recipient, said he believes the numbers of care home deaths are still climbing as Government statistics show hospital fatalities are trailing off. He spoke of a 'massive, unprecedented spikes' in the number of people dying in nursing homes. The number of residents dying of any cause has almost tripled in a month, from around 2,500 per week in March to 7,300 in a single week in April - more than 2,000 of the latter were confirmed COVID-19 cases. Care Quality Commission (CQC) reports suggest care homes are now seeing around 400 coronavirus deaths each day, on average - a number on par with hospitals in England. Government ministers, pressured on claims they didn't do enough to help care homes, insist they were 'not overlooked' during a scramble to protect the NHS. Environment Secretary George Eustice said this morning 'we have always recognised there was more vulnerability there'. He denied that more testing would have saved lives. While deaths in hospitals have been steadily decreasing - 586 were announced yesterday, down from 980 at the outbreak's peak - nursing homes could still be in the depths of their crises. The way data is backdated means that the true picture is unclear because we currently only have statistics from two weeks ago. In Scotland, deaths in hospitals now only account for half of the total. National Records of Scotland today revealed 2,272 people had died of COVID-19 by April 26. 1,188 of those people died in hospital, 886 died in care homes and 198 died at home or elsewhere. If the same ratio applies to the entire UK, the real death toll could already be more than 41,600 when non-hospital fatalities are included.

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: McGinty

I wholeheartedly agree. TPTB need to go in order for us to ever truely 'recover'.

Why didn't they ban Chinese travellers as soon as they found out about it? In December, before Chinese New Year. Lock down borders, quarantine visitors and citizens returning from overseas, begin testing asap?

Now we have to face this, which was completely avoidable IMHO.

IMF chief says coronavirus could cause economic crash worse than the Great Depression

Economic forecasts that already suggest the coronavirus pandemic will cause the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression might be too optimistic, according to the head of the International Monetary Fund.

edit on 29-4-2020 by primalfractal because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Stressed out? Lonely or depressed? Don't be surprised if you come down with something. Psychologists in the field of "psychoneuroimmunology" have shown that state of mind affects one's state of health.

Just sayin.

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 08:53 AM

originally posted by: primalfractal
a reply to: McGinty

I wholeheartedly agree, TPTB need to go in order for us to ever 'recover'.

Why didn't they ban Chinese travellers as soon as they found out about it? In December, before Chinese New Year. Lock down borders, quarantine visitors and citizens returning from overseas, begin testing asap?

Now we have to face this, which was completely avoidable IMHO.

IMF chief says coronavirus could cause economic crash worse than the Great Depression

Economic forecasts that already suggest the coronavirus pandemic will cause the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression might be too optimistic, according to the head of the International Monetary Fund.

This is exactly what Cuomo has been saying for a while now. I am no big fan of Cuomo or his policies, but I think he has done a bang up job on this virus. The best that he can, anyway. He overestimated the number of ventilators needed, mainly because he did not know how well the mitigation would work. Other than that, he has been on top of it.

Anyway, the past couple of days he has been saying to the affect of "Anywhere in the world today, will be here tomorrow." he is right. There should have been no debate, no delay. If it is somewhere, you have to assume somone with it will hop on a plane, and spread it to a new area.

Some of us could see this coming in December and Janruary. I am sure some in charge could to. Was it wishful thinking that it would not come here? Was it that they did not want to disrupt the economy? Not sure, but it could have been stopped early, or at least very limited.
edit on 29-4-2020 by MrRCflying because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 09:37 AM
Remdesivir does seem to be gaining ground though. Shares in Gilead were up 3% on the news that more than half of 397 patients recovered from serious COVID-19 illness and released.

Their study was single-arm though, so I imagine until there's an actual control group study, we wont know the real story.

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