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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 12:01 PM
They would certainly benefit from being able to use other than FDA approved drugs.
They clearly like to experiment on patients but with limited tools.
CBD caught my attention lately. I already knew Cannabis lowers the effective dose of opioids (they use them).
And it seems to be helpful for cytokine storm while boosting the T-cells at the same time.
So you have T-cells early in the game but not overacting later. It seems almost perfect to me.
Interresting read for sure

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 12:18 PM
Numbers from around the world are taken from Worldometers for April 26th.

Spain - Pop: 44.6 M
226,629 Positive tests…….. or 1 out of 206 Spaniards
10.23% Deaths

Italy - Pop: 60.4 M
197,675 Positive tests….. or 1 out of 306 Italians
13.47 % Deaths

France – Pop: 67.0 M
161,488 Positive tests….. or 1 out of 415 French
14.00 % Deaths

UK – Pop: 66.6 M
152,840 Positive tests….. or 1 out of 436 UKers
13.56 % Deaths

Sweden – Pop: 10.2 M
18,640 Positive tests….. or 1 out of 549 Swedes
11.77 % Deaths

Denmark – Pop: 5.8 M
8,575 Positive tests….. or 1 out of 676 Danes
4.92 % Deaths

US - Pop: 330 M
970,757 Positive tests.... or 1 out of 340 Americans
5.58% Deaths

US death rates (2017):
1. Heart Disease …………….…………647,457 annual or 1,773 daily average
2. Cancer ……………………..……….….599,108 annual or 1,641 daily average
3. Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936 annual or 465 daily average
7. Diabetes:………………………………….83,564 annual or 228 daily average
8. Influenza and Pneumonia …………55,562 annual or 152 daily average

COVID-19 ………………………………………. 54,941 (57 Day) or 963 daily average

*** SURPASSED *****

9. Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis:..50,633 annual or 138 daily average
10. Intentional self-harm (suicide):..47,173 annual or 129 daily average
X. Auto accidents ………………….………37,461 annual or 102 daily average
X. H1N1 2009 ESTIMATED (8,868 – 18,638) for 1 year or 24 – 50 daily average

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 12:27 PM
The World Health Organization continues disseminating discouraging Covid-19 news.

Antibodies aren't important:

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: carewemust

While it’s true the WHO have led many nations astray with bad advice and apparent partisan behaviour early on, when they’re right, they’re right.

The idea of using antibodies the means to allow the easing of lockdown for some is beyond empty headed, considering there seems to be cases of reinfection after antibody detection. I assume that means they can become a-symptomatic spreaders with a licence to spread.

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: alphabetaone
With the US' day over day death rate at LEAST 10 fold higher than Sweden's of course theyre not panicking.

And we've destroyed our economy - and you're OK with that...


posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 02:17 PM
Numbers Update for Europe, and Elsewhere (BNO still not updating) :

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 02:34 PM

originally posted by: puzzled2
Hi not sure if right place for this question

Why with 4,000 mutations and tests showing 80% get a mild or non-existence reaction why aren't we using these weaker strains as vaccine in the demographic of those least likely to get really sick?

Because the "weakened" strains still aren't weak enough. And we're not sure what that level of "weakened" should be.

Once you have identified whether it's better to have a "dead virus" over an "attenuated virus" then you have to be able to reliably incubate it to reproduce a billion doses or more of the vaccine. This doesn't happen overnight.

Testing and developing can take up to 5 years. They hope that with current gene splicing methods that they can have one within a year... but this would be the fastest that ANY vaccine was developed and tested.

Could this be what happened in china and with 1.4 billion people the virus spread to fast out of Wuhan to prevent it. China's Mandatory Vaccination Law Went Into Effect on December 1, 2019

No, they're using some extreme quarantine measures. Remember -- forcing people to stay inside. Don't you remember the stories and the photos?

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

Thank you for the excellent data crunching and the graphs. I can see where the "uptick" comes from. I think there needs to be a longer stretch of low numbers. There certainly isn't a consistent trend of lower numbers here in the US.
edit on 26-4-2020 by Byrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: alphabetaone
With the US' day over day death rate at LEAST 10 fold higher than Sweden's of course theyre not panicking.

And we've destroyed our economy - and you're OK with that...


Why do people keep insisting they know better than *I* do, what it is *IM* ok with?

Only an idiot would be ok with an intentional floundering economy, but your herd mentality doesn't ensure that a second or third wave wont be more potent, and shutting down an economy as broad as the US' a second time?

I don't think so.

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: alphabetaone

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: alphabetaone
With the US' day over day death rate at LEAST 10 fold higher than Sweden's of course theyre not panicking.

And we've destroyed our economy - and you're OK with that...


Why do people keep insisting they know better than *I* do, what it is *IM* ok with?

Only an idiot would be ok with an intentional floundering economy, but your herd mentality doesn't ensure that a second or third wave wont be more potent, and shutting down an economy as broad as the US' a second time?

I don't think so.

This also doesn't take into account that a business owner (high risk, particularly for mom-and-pop shops where the owners serve customers) can go out of business with an extended illness (or death). And if you make your customers sick, they won't be back (particularly true if someone suspects a restaurant as the source of their infection.)

With larger businesses that somehow can't operate with at-home workers the risks are still the same... how can a big pork processing site continue to process pork if over half its workers are critically ill or have very sick family members at home? And how do they operate if their workers are continually ill (one after another with possible reinfections for 6 months or a year?

And then there's the deaths...

Even a small short term illness can put you out of business.

And further, a trickle-down effect. As an artist or teacher (both of which I am), I might be able to survive a period of almost a month where I can't work because I'm sick or my husband is sick. If you couple that with some of the trade fairs closing unexpectedly or customers getting so ill that they choose to spend money on medicine or remedies or doctors rather than art and teaching, my business can tank with the "let it run free" policy. And it's a policy that keeps on giving until we get enough of the people vaccinated.

And I have to evaluate my risk every time (as another artist friend did when their trade show circuit announced that their show would go on. Does she go, and then risk coming back and getting very very ill afterwards? Even if she does well, how much of her income would get eaten by getting sick later?

(she's staying home and working on online stuff.)

edit on 26-4-2020 by Byrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: Byrd

I do remember the forced quarantine news in Wuhan but their other major cities did the same as us, in the middle of the world's largest movement of people the Chinese lunar holiday it didn't spread like wild fire, suspicious or what?
Especially when you consider Liverpool vs. Atletico Madrid to be investigated by Liverpool council as 3,000 from Spain traveled to Liverpool on the day it was declared a pandemic. Due to the higher numbers of cases.

But as always it will take a huge draconian tracing effort to identify and verify each person at the game (52,000) so how do 11 million in Wuhan travelling from when the virus was identified in December to January lock down when you consider the parties and events they had during this period.

A single Virus multiple killer strains and the originating country has hardly any cases -- Hum, 2nd wave to come or already have the vaccine?

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 04:53 PM
In the U.K. virtually all sectors of society have been financially covered by the government. A scheme in which the full time employees (known here as PAYE), as well as the self employed can be furloughed and receive their wage up to £2500 p/month.

That’s a fair sum and most are happy with it. For the unemployed, benefits have been raised somewhat, so they’re even a little better off than before.

One or 2 small sectors have been left behind. Small limited company owners here pay themselves in dividends with a small PAYE element. I’m one of those and we only get the tiny PAYE element covered, not the dividend part of the wage. It’s works out around the same as the amount the unemployed get.

I’m not debating it’s fairness, but it’s going to be impossible to make ends meet. My point is that despite that - despite my desperate need for lockdown to end so I can take on a new contract and start earning again - it’s far, far more important to protect life.

Maybe it’s all BS - a scam by China to financially break the west; by the west to fool us into accepting even more draconian controls, or even a Gates super villain plot to wipe out everyone except him and the kiddies...

If it’s not one the of dastardly plots above, then by ignoring what common sense dictates to prevent spread we may as well take a medical worker and throttle them ourselves, because those people on the front line will pay for that decision.

edit on 26-4-2020 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 06:49 PM

originally posted by: Byrd
Even a small short term illness can put you out of business.

Ahhh, yes, life... that risky endeavor some of us are just too afraid to partake of.

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 06:59 PM
Numbers Update for the USA, and Elsewhere (No BNO yet) :

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 07:00 PM

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 08:17 PM
1 confirmed and 4 probable cases today in Aotearoa/New Zealand plus one more death from a known cluster bring total dead to 19.
Kia kaha

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 08:59 PM
Brown County seemed a step ahead of the coronavirus; suddenly it wasn't

From a local Milwaukee newspaper, a fairly detailed story of a county that had Covid-19 under control... until someone at the meat-packing plant got the virus and cases jumped by a thousand (not a mistype) percent.

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 09:00 PM

originally posted by: Cloudbuster
1 confirmed and 4 probable cases today in Aotearoa/New Zealand plus one more death from a known cluster bring total dead to 19.
Kia kaha

I'm sorry to see this. What's the epicenter... is it a family or...?

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 10:06 PM
All most all except maybe one death are from old peoples homes, all except two of those are over 70 years old and had pre-existing health problems. All current known cases are either people who have returned from overseas or who are linked to known clusters. I think and don't quote me that we have had only one case where they are unsure of where the person contracted it. Tonight we go to alert level 3 so we shall see how that goes. Some people will be able to start work again and stupid Mccrapholds can start selling crap food , schools will open for essential workers and those who need to go back to work for their children, I will be keeping my children home as I have to currently study online due to my university remaining online for now. The early childhood centre I work in is opening for up to 10 children and as I work part time I wont be required to work thank dogness. We will have to wait and see how level 3 goes.
I feel extreme relief for Papatūānuku (mother earth).
a reply to: Byrd

edit on 26-4-2020 by Cloudbuster because: Added info.

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 10:31 PM
Yeah, I had one of those "say WHAT?" reactions to this.

New York Clinical Trial Quietly Tests Heartburn Remedy Against Coronavirus

Source: Sciencmag, written for the layman, so it's easy to understand

Note: I particularly like this paper because the reporter explored how the doctor went from an observation (elderly patients who were taking an older and cheaper heartburn remedy had twice the survival rate as other patients) to getting a lab to check his idea to getting approval (and how social contacts helped fast-track this) to getting the meds (he paid for a lot of it out of his own pocket) to getting the trial started. It makes for interesting reading.

As word rather quietly spread (he didn't want a run on the drug, ala chloroquine) he began getting other reports from other doctors that they'd seen something similar.

Bottom line?

“If it does work, we’ll know in a few weeks,” says Northwell Health's Kevin Tracey, who leads the famotidine study.

So, an oddball one to keep your eye on. We should be seeing more data from clinical trials by the end of May.

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