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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 02:50 AM
The very few people who actually take the time to watch at least a third of this video will understand where CV19 came from, and why. Hint: $2T/yr "sophosticated" marketing campaign. Yeah, I realize the speaker is a little sketchy. He just invented email when he was 14yo. No, it is not Al Gore.

This *should* be a big deal, but it will be suppressed effectively. WAKE UP AND GET ANGRY!!! And, ignore the phone OS update that was just pushed to your phone!!!

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 02:55 AM
Sky News - Press Preview 8.49am UK time Sat 18 Apr 2020

That's all cleared up then after a press lady (didn't catch her name) stated that the "came from a lab" theory had been totally debunked!

These people are just unbelievably naive and stupid!

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 02:56 AM
I do wonder about the simple feble temp test some places are doing to detect the virus as you walk into a place of business.

I did wonder about the reinfection rates that some are reporting but considering there are already different strains of the virus that should be expected. The COVID-19 vaccination will be touted as mankind's savior when in actuality it will might be about as effective as the seasonal flu shot; which every year they seem to guess wrong which bug is coming if the number of vaccinated for the flu and their deaths are true.

Now this:

At least 655 Roosevelt sailors have now tested positive, including one death and multiple hospitalizations, out of a total crew of a about 4,800. It's startling that the Navy has found that out of over 600 COVID-19 infected sailors, the majority have displayed no symptoms. Testing is about 95% complete on the entire crew since the ship was diverted to Guam last month amid a spiraling crisis on board.

“With regard to COVID-19, we’re learning that stealth in the form of asymptomatic transmission is this adversary’s secret power,” Rear Admiral Bruce Gillingham, surgeon general of the Navy, told reporters.

The Navy specified that 60% of the Roosevelt's positive cases "so far have not shown symptoms". Crucially, Reuters points out that the "figure is higher than the 25% to 50% range offered on April 5 by Dr. Anthony Fauci".

edit on 727thk20 by 727Sky because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 03:08 AM

originally posted by: Drachenfel

originally posted by: McGinty
a reply to: Rich Z

If it’s to be believed, then the elephant in the room is Putin

TD said "Neither China nor the US released this bioweapon. A third party wanted the 2 countries to blame the other."

Which you might think would be Russia, but he said it was Deepstate. Two issues with this, first that any Deep state to have power requires a military force to back them up, so whose military do they use as a proxy.

And second, if humble TennisDawg knows all this then surely the Chinese and US govts know this also? So wouldn't they be working together on this?

Also, anyone know what Astr0's info was back n 2014?
I personally think that the Chrojan Virus is what it is, an unintentional lab leak (that does not mean to say that there was no future intent when the beast was perfected (it being wip) and the population ceiling limit was hit e.g. 8bn, 9bn) of an enhanced/cocktail of existing virus molecular components, hence the viruses tool set and double barrelled MO. I also think that the future intent was to change the world in many ways and because China has the worlds largest population they would fair better from the event than most in the end! And, what if China already has a vaccine? Is that possible, any high ranking CCP members die.

It all makes sense with the future intended effect now being played out early for real!

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 03:20 AM

originally posted by: pavil
a reply to: BPilgrim

He's either a quack or a genius!

Doubt a Nobel Prize winner in Medicine is a Quack .

That's absolutely Quackers!

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 03:26 AM

originally posted by: Tamsuan
Another Ho Hum report from Thailand: 2,700 total cases since the start on Jan. 13, 28 new cases, 47 total deaths,
.07 deaths/million pop. Compare this with UK d/m: 215, Canada: 35

Leaders of the 10 ASEAN Nations held a teleconference/webinar recently to discuss Covid-19. Vietnam has done remarkably well with only 268 total cases with no deaths at all. They were quick and decisive in their response to the outbreak. Concerns arise about Singapore which seemed to have the virus under control, then eased up a bit on containment measures, and now is suffering a resurgence.

Looks like Thai leaders will learn from this and continue the lockdown at least until the end of April despite the economic consequences.
These numbers from Thailand I find to be amazingly low, knowing Thailand very well, having previously had my own company there for 10+ years and other business interests as well as residing there for that length of time and still do end June-Sept every year during the Spanish school summer holidays (10 weeks). I was expecting the numbers to sore but according to what recorded numbers have been published this appears not to be the case, or they are doing a China.
edit on 18-4-2020 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 04:30 AM

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: Tamsuan
Another Ho Hum report from Thailand: 2,700 total cases since the start on Jan. 13, 28 new cases, 47 total deaths,
.07 deaths/million pop. Compare this with UK d/m: 215, Canada: 35

Leaders of the 10 ASEAN Nations held a teleconference/webinar recently to discuss Covid-19. Vietnam has done remarkably well with only 268 total cases with no deaths at all. They were quick and decisive in their response to the outbreak. Concerns arise about Singapore which seemed to have the virus under control, then eased up a bit on containment measures, and now is suffering a resurgence.

Looks like Thai leaders will learn from this and continue the lockdown at least until the end of April despite the economic consequences.

These numbers from Thailand I find to be amazingly low, knowing Thailand very well, having previously had my own company there for 10+ years and other business interests as well as residing there for that length of time and still do end June-Sept every year during the Spanish school summer holidays (10 weeks). I was expecting the numbers to sore but according to what recorded numbers have been published this appears not to be the case, or they are doing a China.

When the first case outside of China appeared here in Thailand, I thought we would be in for a very rough time. Millions of Chinese tourists visit here every year so it seemed likely that many would carry the contagion . To me it does seem puzzling that the virus has been contained so well.

It's always possible that some countries will fake their numbers so I have looked for evidence of that happening here but I haven't seen any. You probably know that Thais are avid users of social media and love to comment on any scandal or misdeed but nobody is saying the hospitals are overrun. People have easy access to care when they need it.

I'm starting to realize that this society over the centuries, has developed ways of dealing with challenges that are remarkably effective. They are very familiar with storms, floods, drought and other disasters and they respond as a community, everyone pitching in and proud to do so.

We have seen a lot of messages congratulating and celebrating the efforts of medical workers including the semi-volunteer health groups working in most villages.

Now I feel puzzled about what has gone so terribly wrong in western nations including Canada where my kids and grandkids are.

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 05:01 AM

originally posted by: Tamsuan

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: Tamsuan
Another Ho Hum report from Thailand: 2,700 total cases since the start on Jan. 13, 28 new cases, 47 total deaths,
.07 deaths/million pop. Compare this with UK d/m: 215, Canada: 35

Leaders of the 10 ASEAN Nations held a teleconference/webinar recently to discuss Covid-19. Vietnam has done remarkably well with only 268 total cases with no deaths at all. They were quick and decisive in their response to the outbreak. Concerns arise about Singapore which seemed to have the virus under control, then eased up a bit on containment measures, and now is suffering a resurgence.

Looks like Thai leaders will learn from this and continue the lockdown at least until the end of April despite the economic consequences.

These numbers from Thailand I find to be amazingly low, knowing Thailand very well, having previously had my own company there for 10+ years and other business interests as well as residing there for that length of time and still do end June-Sept every year during the Spanish school summer holidays (10 weeks). I was expecting the numbers to sore but according to what recorded numbers have been published this appears not to be the case, or they are doing a China.

When the first case outside of China appeared here in Thailand, I thought we would be in for a very rough time. Millions of Chinese tourists visit here every year so it seemed likely that many would carry the contagion . To me it does seem puzzling that the virus has been contained so well.

It's always possible that some countries will fake their numbers so I have looked for evidence of that happening here but I haven't seen any. You probably know that Thais are avid users of social media and love to comment on any scandal or misdeed but nobody is saying the hospitals are overrun. People have easy access to care when they need it.

I'm starting to realize that this society over the centuries, has developed ways of dealing with challenges that are remarkably effective. They are very familiar with storms, floods, drought and other disasters and they respond as a community, everyone pitching in and proud to do so.

We have seen a lot of messages congratulating and celebrating the efforts of medical workers including the semi-volunteer health groups working in most villages.

Now I feel puzzled about what has gone so terribly wrong in western nations including Canada where my kids and grandkids are.

I couldn't agree more. Is there some other weird factor that impacts the indiscriminate nature and its effects on particular nations populations because the numbers are so wildly different and just don't appear to add up.

Wild thought/idea,

What are the things that effect all nations populations which are in someway different to other nations?
Is there something/s common to those nations that have low virus numbers which is not the same or same level in those nations with high numbers?
Is it something environmental because nations environments tend to impact a nations whole population?
Do some nations have a higher level of certain substances/materials (metals, e.g. Zinc) in the air, water etc?
Could pollution in fact be both unhealthy for the population yet be the same for a virus?
China, Thailand and other nations with rather bad air pollution problems have reported low virus numbers relative to their population sizes.

edit on 18-4-2020 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 05:10 AM
Graphs show how well Brits are sticking to coronavirus lockdown measures

The UK’s coronavirus lockdown is to be extended for at least another three weeks.

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 05:29 AM
Quote from Dynamite:

"I couldn't agree more. Is there some other weird factor that impacts the indiscriminate nature and its effects on particular nations populations because the numbers are so wildly different and just don't appear to add up.

Wild thought/idea,

What are the things that effect all nations populations which are in someway different to other nations?
Is there something/s common to those nations that have low virus numbers which is not the same or same level in those nations with high numbers?
Is it something environmental because nations environments tend to impact a nations whole population?
Do some nations have a higher level of certain substances/materials (metals, e.g. Zinc) in the air, water etc?
Could pollution in fact be both unhealthy for the population yet be the same for a virus?
China, Thailand and other nations with rather bad air pollution problems have reported low virus numbers relative to their population sizes."

I really don't know much about the polluted cities and industrial areas because we live on a small farm in the NE countryside. Like most of our rural neighbors we mostly live in the open air (No aircon and of course no heating) so fresh air flows through our house. When we are outside we get lots of solar radiation on the skin so I expect we have good vitamin D levels. People here ingest a lot of MSG. Maybe that has anti-viral properties!

My impression only: while the Canadian Prime Minister was refusing to stop flights from China on the grounds that it would be "racist" and Americans were sorting themselves into opposing opinion camps to wrangle and cast blame, the nations of SEA recognized the danger, mobilized their experts and moved swiftly to limit the spread of the virus. Pragmatism over political posturing.
edit on 18-4-2020 by Tamsuan because: clarify quote and reply

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: Tamsuan

Just a thought : What percentage of people in Thailand wore a mask, would you think ?
Just a rough guess on what you have seen around you would be fine.

China, South Korea, and Japan, have all been used to wearing masks for quite some time, as does a lot of Asia, I suppose.
That helps to prevent spread from infected people, even lightly infected people.

Over here, in Europe at least, Masks were not available in enough quantities even for medical staff, so they have been prevented from being the norm.
Even now, at the supermarket, I still see more than 50% without any masks, or face coverings, or any type of glove.

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 05:42 AM

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2
a reply to: Tamsuan

Just a thought : What percentage of people in Thailand wore a mask, would you think ?
Just a rough guess on what you have seen around you would be fine.

China, South Korea, and Japan, have all been used to wearing masks for quite some time, as does a lot of Asia, I suppose.
That helps to prevent spread from infected people, even lightly infected people.

Over here, in Europe at least, Masks were not available in enough quantities even for medical staff, so they have been prevented from being the norm.
Even now, at the supermarket, I still see more than 50% without any masks, or face coverings, or any type of glove.

We see people wearing masks at nearly 100% level. Twice I have gone into a shop only to realize that I had left my mask in the car. It's a breech of social etiquette now so I felt embarrassed at being perceived as an inconsiderate foreigner.
Workers in stores also have gloves and often have face shields now.

On entering a building someone is there to take one's temperature and hand sanitizer is available everywhere.

Personally I don't like to wear a mask but I do it to be cautious. When two people are interacting and both are wearing masks there must be a substantial degree of mutual protection although it's probably not perfect.

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 05:50 AM

originally posted by: Serdgiam
a reply to: McGinty
Quercetin absolutely works as a Zinc ionophore, alongside things like EGCg and Hydroxy Chloroquine. Quercetin and EGCg, however, are things that can be pretty darn good for other things too.

Thanks for the info, it’s appreciated. I’ve bought a ton of green tea, and looked up EGCg supplements to go with that, but found this warning: 800mg or more cause liver damage! Seems everything has a flip side! There are supplements with less than 800mg, but since it’s difficult to know how much you’re getting from the tea, which is probably a better source (?) I think I’ll stick with just the green tea.

Anyhow, thought I’d post the link in case, like me anyone else was thinking of doubling down on the EGCg...

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 05:54 AM

originally posted by: Tamsuan

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2
a reply to: Tamsuan

Just a thought : What percentage of people in Thailand wore a mask, would you think ?
Just a rough guess on what you have seen around you would be fine.

China, South Korea, and Japan, have all been used to wearing masks for quite some time, as does a lot of Asia, I suppose.
That helps to prevent spread from infected people, even lightly infected people.

Over here, in Europe at least, Masks were not available in enough quantities even for medical staff, so they have been prevented from being the norm.
Even now, at the supermarket, I still see more than 50% without any masks, or face coverings, or any type of glove.

We see people wearing masks at nearly 100% level. Twice I have gone into a shop only to realize that I had left my mask in the car. It's a breech of social etiquette now so I felt embarrassed at being perceived as an inconsiderate foreigner.
Workers in stores also have gloves and often have face shields now.

On entering a building someone is there to take one's temperature and hand sanitizer is available everywhere.

Personally I don't like to wear a mask but I do it to be cautious. When two people are interacting and both are wearing masks there must be a substantial degree of mutual protection although it's probably not perfect.
Same here in Spain, I go to the supermarket for 1 hour every two weeks and family is locked down, half have masks, me included & gloves, and half do not and get gloves provided at the door. Maybe one of the reasons is people in Spain did not wear masks. I remember going to town about 4-5 weeks ago and nobody had masks on then we had the lockdown order.

edit on 18-4-2020 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 05:57 AM
a reply to: Tamsuan

Thanks for the info.

Something is better than nothing, especially if people are asymptomatic.
As you say, there is a substantial degree of mutual protection, and each person has respect for the other's measures to protect each other.

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 06:11 AM
a reply to: Tamsuan.

There’s some spurious arguments going around about the wearing of masks. Many, including politicians and even medical reps seem to be misunderstanding the best reason for wearing a mask; not to protect yourself, but to protect others. Thus supporting the idea of everyone wearing a mask is indeed protecting yourself.

If you have/have had the virus and infectious then wearing a mask significantly cuts the risk of passing it on (one-thirty sixth lower - that’s enormous!)

Given that fact it’s incredibly negligent for a government to not mandate mask use for everyone outside their home.

Note: apols for having no source on that ‘fact’. It was said by U.K. health expert, Rachel Clarke on the BBC political debate show Question Time. I was very impressed with her - wish she was running the show here.

edit on 18-4-2020 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 06:13 AM
I realize this is probably not a very accurate way to calculate but it does make me wonder just how many cases there may be if everyone were tested. Here in the US there are 707,000 positive cases out of 3,574,000 tested, which makes 19.78%.
So if 350,000,000 were tested at 19.78%, that would leave 69,230,000 infected. Do you think this could be anywhere close?
The lack of testing is still the what makes me wonder just how widespread this may be.

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: waftist

I imagine it’s not such a straight forward extrapolation of the stats. There may be factors, such as those tested are more likely to be in areas, or demographics more likely to be infected, which (I think!) would massage the extrapolation stats downwards.

edit on 18-4-2020 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 06:18 AM

originally posted by: waftist
I realize this is probably not a very accurate way to calculate but it does make me wonder just how many cases there may be if everyone were tested. Here in the US there are 707,000 positive cases out of 3,574,000 tested, which makes 19.78%.
So if 350,000,000 were tested at 19.78%, that would leave 69,230,000 infected. Do you think this could be anywhere close?
The lack of testing is still the what makes me wonder just how widespread this may be.
Clarified: My best guest would be an infection rate of 10% of a nations population and a death rate of 5% of the recorded infections in a nation where there is a health service. But impacted by factors like mask and glove usage, and other environmental factors!
edit on 18-4-2020 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

So is that a mortality rate of 50%, or have I misunderstand (which is usually the case)

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