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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 02:32 AM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

That makes for a chilling read! So we could be in an 'embryonic' stage of the pandemic in which it's still a seed recombining until hitting the more infectious, more resistant, deadlier jackpot... Then all it needs is open boarders for one lucky host and airlines to do the heavy lifting, which they're currently happy to do.

It kind of makes the notion of getting everyone vaccinated for the current vanilla variants at once urgent and moot.

I wonder what TheAMEDDDoc has to say about this? Haven't seen him around here for a little while - hope he's ok!

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: McGinty

With ref to TheAMEDDoc, wasn't he due his second vax?

Worried Rainbows

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: McGinty

I wouldn't worry yet.
He's probably working like a Blue-assed fly at the moment.

One thing i'm a bit concerned about is that the "Breton" or "Brittany" variant wasn't being picked up by regular tests.
Haven't heard anything about having new tests done, or modifying the current ones.
If asymptomatic people have a variant, and it isn't picked up by any of the tests, we're shafted.
Free travel and going out to venues etc...that won't last long.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 01:55 PM
The 2nd vax thought did occur to me, too, angel! But i'm sure you're right, MB2 and he's working feverishly to save us all (forgive the pun)

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 02:32 PM
Sorry,long post-(But worth a read)
Been a while since I visited this thread,but have you folks heard about the nitric oxide nasal spray that was being trailed by the UK NHS?
Back in January they started to check claims of independent lab trails about the spray's super high effectiveness at preventing high viral load,big reduction in severe symptoms and far shorter duration of mild symptoms.

The claims were almost too good to be true I thought back in January when I read about it
article from January)

The treatment, developed by SaNOtize Research and Development Corp. based in Vancouver, Canada, proved 99.9% effective in killing the coronavirus in independent lab tests at Utah State University’s Antiviral Research Institute. Additional studies in rodents with COVID-19 infection showed over 95% reduction within the first day after infection. It is currently undergoing Phase II clinical trials throughout Canada approved by Health Canada, and in other countries.

Well here is the news and it could be very good and very big:

Those trails are now complete and have confirmed the independent test results on Humans.
Article from today:

Biotech company SaNOtize Research & Development Corp., (SaNOtize), Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in Surrey, UK, and Berkshire and Surrey Pathology Services, UK,
today announced results of clinical trials indicating that SaNOtize’s Nitric Oxide Nasal Spray (NONS) represents a safe and effective antiviral treatment that could prevent the transmission of COVID-19, shorten its course, and reduce the severity of symptoms and damage in those already infected.
“NONS destroys the virus, blocks entry into and halts viral replication within the nasal cavity, which rapidly reduces viral load. This is significant because viral load has been linked to infectivity and poor outcomes”

So what kind of effect does this have when you have been exposed to covid?
Well,a pretty damn big effect:

Key findings of the clinical trials include:
Patients with a self-administered nasal spray application found to have reduced SARS-CoV-2 log viral load by more than 95%
in infected participants within 24 hours of treatment, and by more than 99% in 72 hours

Trial concluded that treatment accelerated clearance of SARS-CoV-2 by a factor of 16-fold versus a placebo

Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial evaluated 79 confirmed cases of COVID-19, the majority heavily-infected with the UK variant

No adverse events were recorded in the group

Submission for Emergency Use in the UK and Canada for the treatment and prevention of COVID-19 is planned immediately

Why is this especially big news?

1-Nitric oxide is a substance produced naturally by humans when we excersise.We all produce it when we elevate our heart rate.It is a "vasodilator " which means it widens our veins to allow more blood to flow to our muscles(to supply oxygen) fast when we are exerting ourselves.
Kind of like when you dump more fuel into a petrol engine if you want it to go faster/work harder.

Point is,if we all produce it we are not going to have an awful reaction to it,unlike what has happened to some very unlucky people who have suffered from vaccine side effects,and even death.

2-The spray is not a vaccine-It just greatly reduces virus levels after to the extent that its not a problem for our immune systems to come and sweep up the stragglers.(hence less severe symptoms/duration)
You use if after you have been exposed,or think you may have been.
If you get exposed 20 times a week,use the spray 20 times-you can't OD or build tolerance or get cumulative side effects from using it.

Imagine this-shock horror-you could even go about your buisness in public without a mask and chat to people again!

We wouldn't need vaccine passports(which the government promised would not be considered as they are un british,but now changed the name to "pub passports"soon to be implemented)

We wouldn't need the Xinjiang-like tracking and tracing(but I am sure they will keep doing it-point is if they do they will look like totalitarian a55h0les who are overstepping.)

This spray could be the biggest arguement to ditch all the restrictions we have come to hate.

If it works as well as stated,and we can all get a bottle that could be our best ammunition against not only the virus but against the bastards who are trying to re write society into something I DO NOT WANT OR ACCEPT.

I did notice however that this is being touted foruse as an "extra line of defence alongside vaccines."
But the suspicious side of my nature would think that is purely economic-those vaccines have been produced,there are contracts and they ain't going to throw them away coz they want the money..

It sounds to me like the spray is a far better option if I had to choose.
Anyway just chucking the info out to you all,sorry it took such a long post

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

Yes, I had heard of this (and a couple of others) and looked into them.
Since we went into first lockdown and being a Clinical Aromatherapist, I put together a blend of Essential Oils to be used in what I call sniffy sticks, think Vicks nasal inhalers. I shared the blend with my students and fellow Aromatherapists. We've been sending them out ever since.
Interestingly it helps as a preventative but also in the early stages. Two feedbacks we have had is last summer people were reporting their hayfever hadn't started or having a sniff on the stick stopped symptoms. Also people who had C19 and were left with anosmia said it helped them get their smell and taste back. There are cell regenerator properties in 2 of the oils.


posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: [post=25818929]angelchemuel[/post

Yeah , the Fake Pandemic , and Mask Mandates . About that ..............


It IS All about Population Reduction After All ........Hmm..

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 05:59 PM

originally posted by: Liquesence
Received my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine today, about four hours ago. Second dose is scheduled for a month.

Received my second dose yesterday. Nothing but a sore arm, my butthole hasn't turned inside out nor has my pecker fallen off.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

Lol I’m around, I lurk everyday, nothing really to say lately I guess. Tons of fear and vaccine debates plus I don’t really want to preach the science. It’s condescending to constantly preach and argue for it when people have viable fears and concerns about the thing.

Plus school is killing me, added a computer science minor to my infectious disease/molecular medicine grad program to learn python programming and database management to help with statistical and data analysis so that’s busy too. Its at the busy part of the semester with projects and new Covid research starting at work.

The recombination thing is interesting, it’s probably how this whole thing started whether intentional or otherwise. Its expected though and if it’s an issue, I don’t think it will be, we won’t see huge problems until the fall for us. Watch the Southern Hemisphere I guess. The double escape mutation was another surprise in India, honestly I expected something like that sooner. The developed world seems to be most at risk with this thing.

The reason I say that is because the innate immune response seems to play a significant role in presentation to the adaptive immune response with Covid. It does with most diseases but a better trained innate immune response with good bacteria everywhere is more efficient at recognizing molecular patterns in pathogens. So those areas of the world with latent bacterial infections or constant exposure to pathogens with a healthy microbiota in the gut and airway seem to be doing far better than we are with Covid infection.

Wife and I are good with the vaccines, we got our second doses in Feb, no lasting issues at all, it did knock both of us on our butts. We’ve had multiple close contacts, a few small colds, including the kids, but normal yearly stuff with everything returning to normal.

Usually with recombination with something like a coronavirus it’s structural, I guess it could be the spike or other stuff too which could be problematic. If you’ve been vaccinated or have had the thing you should be fine and have antibodies that work. I suppose it could be worse in natural infection potentially depending on what the body targeted on the virus and deemed effective. Vaccine is antibodies targeted at cell entry sites and the spike. Natural is antibodies for the entire virus so it could go either way with both.

posted on Mar, 27 2021 @ 01:57 AM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

Glad you and family are well and it’s very comforting to know that you’re always lurking

Thanks for the insight on recombination - trying to digest it.

posted on Mar, 27 2021 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

Good to hear you're all doing well, even though the workload may be a bit hectic

Do you have any info on the tests being updated for the variants/strains that are popping up here and there ?

I think the population at large would be very happy to have up to date info on Tests being updated to cover all, or at least some, of the new variants.
This is the sort of info the Govt, and others, should be parroting loud and clear.

I'm worried it's not a priority, for some reason.

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 04:55 AM
Well, I had my first AstraZeneca vaccine yesterday at a London hospital.

Some of my friends, colleagues and extended family have had it and all reported nasty flu-like effects. But it’s been around 15 hours and so far I’ve had no side effects whatsoever. Just a barely discernible ache at the jab location.

Do no side effects mean that there’s no immune response - no recognition of the danger, so no raising of body temp and the associated headache, fatigue and aches?

I read an article quoting drs saying that no side effects does not mean that the vaccine hasn’t worked. But they seem to be using only anecdotal ‘evidence’.

I’ve had an awful lot of vaccines and injections in past decades and have to say that this was utterly unique in its delivery. I glanced at the needle - looked pretty standard - and being a wimp I looked away, awaiting that sudden sharp scratch sensation; I’m ok with injections, but really, who needs to see the needle go in? Not me!

However, the volunteer vaccinator said it was done and I had felt absolutely nothing! I’ve never experienced that - some hurt less than others, but to feel nothing whatsoever is unprecedented. Maybe they used a ton of local anaesthetic wipe! Or was she a particularly gifted vaccinator and all these years I’ve been getting ‘don’t know hows’ or ‘don’t cares’ sticking needles in me with unnecessary fumbling?

Put this together with an absence of common side effects and if not for the incredibly minimal dull ache in the shoulder I’d be wondering if I’d been injected at all. Maybe Boris’ way of dodging a vaccine shortage debacle is to have the vaccinators only pretend to vaccinate! Or, are some people marked for non/fake vaccination for reasons good or bad..?

But seriously. I guess the really intense job of vaccination hundreds per day on ceaseless loop has made these folk true experts and for that I’m grateful. Moreover, these 20-somethings spending their days in a tent wearing a mask, constantly meeting and coming into close contact with people who may be infected is an onerous task and they deserve huge thanks and reward.

I’ve read that whereas Pfizer and Moderna are single strand DNA vaccines, AstraZeneca is a double strand DNA vaccine. After reading an explanation of this I’m still none the wiser. I’d ask if anyone could point me to an idiots guide to this, but I think that was the idiots guide!

Anyhow, I’ll be your guinea pig de jour and report my progress.

edit on 28-3-2021 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: McGinty
Blimmey! And there was me thinking you were undecided!

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

They’re saying they might not let us into pubs without one, so it came down to priorities.

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 12:12 AM
a reply to: McGinty

Should have waited a bit longer they are going to run out and will not be able to implement the controls.

Besides - when there is a viable treatment they cant force vaccines. Hoping if enough people keep pushing and fighting back
the truth will get into the Western media.

Trialsite news reports court case against usa NIH -Why I am challenging NIH ivermectin secrecy in federal court

Funny what a random control test of 6 Politicians infected with Covid-19 will do 3 got Ivermectin 3 didn't 3 died 3 didn't.

Then all of a sudden from banned to

Apparently the court case against a doctor for supplying the banned drug is going ahead........?????

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 06:21 AM
New York Post reports:

An Amish community in Pennsylvania may have become the first group in the US to achieve herd immunity, a local health official claims.
The administrator of a medical center in the heart of Lancaster County’s New Holland Borough, which is known for its Amish and Mennonite communities, estimates that as many as 90 percent of the religious families have had at least one family member infected with the virus.
“So, you would think if COVID was as contagious as they say, it would go through like a tsunami; and it did,” said Allen Hoover, an administrator of the Parochial Medical Center, which caters to the religious community and has 33,000 patients.

New York Post

They haven't been getting the jab, social distancing nor wearing masks.

They aren't all dead either.
edit on b000000312021-03-29T06:22:01-05:0006America/ChicagoMon, 29 Mar 2021 06:22:01 -0500600000021 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

I would have to research, usually they target specific sites and then amplify them. They can also sequence the entire genome and see what's going on with the virus. I will ask around when I see everyone this week though.

It's a priority in the research field, there's really no point in worrying about it. There is a reason why vaccines for respiratory diseases like colds and the flu don't last long. I think political gain and money is the driver lately. That does not mean a nasty mutation could occur, it's just not likely. It wants to spread and reproduce it's genes, ensure survival, plus without them our immune system is not effective and we won't be pushed to evolve.
edit on 29-3-2021 by TheAMEDDDoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 07:41 PM

originally posted by: Liquesence my butthole hasn't turned inside out nor has my pecker fallen off.

that's good to know. those kind of things would ruin a person's day.

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: McGinty

I have a family member say exactly the same thing. He is also slightly apprehensive of injections, so looked away and did not feel it go in. Nor has he had any side effects. He got his 1st vaccine 8 days ago.

posted on Mar, 30 2021 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

Thank you very much TheAMEDDDoc

I would have really thought that it would be something to shout from all the rooftops " Yes, we are actively seeking out the different strains/variants, even the newer ones".

That sort of thing would put a lot of peoples minds at rest.

Glad to hear it's being done though, we're not out of the woods yet, not by a long shot.

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