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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 07:31 AM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2
It will be interesting to see the stats on how many of your rising hospitalisation numbers have been vaccinated.
Current theory is from the animal trials that if you catch C19 'in the wild' having been vaccinated, your symptoms will be far worse than if you were unvaccinated.

Stay safe my friend.


posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: McGinty
Totally agree.


posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

I doubt many of the people in Hospital with Covid have had vaccines, we haven't been exactly dishing them out very fast.

From what I've read, being vaccinated reduces the symptoms by quite a bit. The French charts seem to confirm that.
The majority of new infections now are in the younger groups, under 50's.
Younger people are also showing up in ICU, but that's due to the variant apparently.

As I said before, both my parents had Pfizer jabs, and apart from my Mum feeling a bit sh!t in the afternoon, both were, and still are, fine.

What I see as a Major problem, is that they still allow people to go into work one day a week 'if they feel like it'.
They had in 20minutes website today iirc, that about 36% of people are still going into work, in those places that are still open of course, even though they can work from home.

That's why our site is closed now. We had a few cluster outbreaks due to people being in Meetings in closed rooms.
They would then go back and have a meeting with their teams, to give them the updates, and whole swathes of people would have to isolate for 7 or 10 days, whichever it is now...

Literally everyone I know, and some polls, show a lot of the French population, would prefer a short, sharp lockdown, one month of hardship, that would kick it in the Balls, and drop the Numbers like a lead balloon. then get back to having a life.

It's been a 'open lockdown' for bloody months now, with most places closed, and people losing their livelihoods, because the Gov't doesn't want to close down the economy, or cause damage to it.
The Numbers of infected have done nothing but go up.

The 'National Curfew' technically starts tonight, but they have said that there is a leeway until monday night to travel to secondary homes, or rental homes.
We'll see what the trains look like on tuesday (bank holiday monday here), but i expect them to be almost deserted.

I'm not due for the Vaccine until mid-june (at the earliest atm), and will happily have any that are available.
I'm not going to get worried, 'Que Sera, Sera'

Cheers, and stay safe too

The more people get vaccinated, the more feedback we might get on here, it doesn't seem too bad so far.

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 02:15 PM
AstraZeneca have been kicked out of a US factory producing vaccines after a mix up that contaminated 15 million doses.

First they discover a better dosing regime after accidentally getting the dose wrong during testing and now this...

Can’t help but wonder if the mysterious blood clot deaths occurring shortly after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine is perhaps, possibly because of similar incompetence leading to many bad batches that no one noticed was bad going out into circulation.

A series of bad batches going out globally among the good ones could explain why only some people suffer clotting. I wonder if it’s possible and if anyone has bothered to correlate batch numbers with deaths. You’d think so, but with so much incompetence and venality constantly cropping up throughout this pandemic it wouldn’t surprise me if such correlations were missed or covered up.

Not only would money be a motive, but also the fear that such a revelation would destroy trust in the vaccines. In such a scenario countries would dash to suspend Astrazeneca, but keep quiet about the real reason. Instead we’d have a confusion a vague explanations until they felt they’d weeded out the guilty batches and then lift the suspension with more vague explanations. Sound familiar?

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 11:51 PM

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2
a reply to: angelchemuel

Humans trials were done all over the place.
South America, USA, South Africa, and lots of other countries.
There were posts on them in these threads.

No country is going to be dishing out a placebo.

Both my Elderly Parents have had the vaccine a few weeks ago, and are due for the 2nd shot mid April.
Not everyone has a reaction to them.

I have wondered about these trials. Were the participants afterwards purposely exposed to COVID in a controlled environment or were they all just released into the general public to take their chances at being exposed to the virus?

posted on Apr, 5 2021 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: Rich Z
I have wondered about these trials. Were the participants afterwards purposely exposed to COVID in a controlled environment or were they all just released into the general public to take their chances at being exposed to the virus?

Surely the latter, unless Mengele Jnr's running the show!

posted on Apr, 5 2021 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: Rich Z
Yeah, as McGinty says, they were either given the vaccine, or a placebo.
They then see how many people of each group end up contracting the virus, and how bad if they do.

There was a thing on UK telly where they showed a SA Doctor visiting people in the townships out side Johannesburg, who had accepted to be part of the trial.
As the guy said, he was happy to be part of the trial, as he would have a 50/50 chance of getting the vaccine, and he was OK with that.
He just hoped he was in the 50% that got the vaccine.

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 02:39 AM
Can anyone explain this to me, i'm confused...

The UK had Covid 'waves' in March 2020, then again in October/September 2020. The press and government were making noises in December 2020 about the fears of a third wave happening in January 2020:

UK scientists warn of third wave of Covid after Christmas

Government scientists have warned the relaxation of coronavirus restrictions over Christmas could lead to a third wave of the pandemic

England at risk of third Covid wave in new year, says Raab

Fast forward to January and the press etc are stating we're in a third wave (one that turned out deadlier than the previous 2 waves:

'It's Unimaginably Bad.' How Government Failures and the New COVID-19 Variant Are Pushing the U.K.'s Health System Into Crisis

The U.K. is currently enduring a painful third wave of COVID-19, far worse than its European neighbors like Spain, France, Italy and Germany.

That's From January 13

31 Jan update

London’s admissions total fell below its mid-April peak 10 days ago and has been falling in lock-step ever since. 37 days after the first wave peak, the capital’s seven day admission total was 859, roughly equivalent to the number recorded in the period just before the start of the third wave during the start of December.

Prince William hears of 'horror' of handling third wave surge at London hospital

It's abundantly clear that a Covid surge in January would be seen by all as a third wave. Well of course we had that third wave throughout January and Febraury, causing a massive death toll in the UK.

Fast forward once more to the present and it seems one of the previous waves has been deleted from history, with the government and media now referring to the possibility of another wave as a third wave:

third wave likely to hit this summer says expert

Covid: What might a third wave look like?

Boris Johnson said the UK should be "under no illusion" about the impact of the third wave of increased coronavirus infections currently underway in Europe.

I think that final line "...Currently underway in Europe" may be the reason why a new UK wave is being called a third wave, when in fact it's a fourth wave. Boris is keen for con his public into believing we're doing better than Europe and with headlines about Europe's third wave being splashed around he wants us all to forget that there's already been a third wave in the UK.

History appears to be getting rewritten before our eyes. The media are going along with it and no one seems to have noticed!

It's illegal to protest, we'll all soon need to show our papers and now the ministry of truth is operating in braord daylight. Are we frakked?

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 04:30 AM
a reply to: McGinty

As my father drilled into me when I was growing up..."never tell a lie. One lie leads to another until you don't know what you lied about in the first place. So eventually truth will out. Always put your hand up when you have made a mistake."

We have spent the last 12 months in an illogical situation.
Government: "You can't do 'this', but you can't do 'that'.
Population: "Well how come it's OK to do 'this' but we can't do 'that'? It doesn't make sense!"
Boris and Government lies have caught up with them

Laughing Rainbows

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 06:33 AM
Mhm....for those waiting for the Johnson and Johnson 'one jab' vaccine.....
Man's skin peel's off after J&J vaccine

Oh dear Rainbows


posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 06:40 AM

The Horror Of Friendly Vaccine Fire – Decimating Humanity By Suppressing Immunity

....... Doctors are warning us that we are about to experience a health catastrophe of unknown proportions. That the COVID vaccines will seriously backfire, decimating our natural human responses to viruses and other infections.
This information was published in the New York Post, one of the most extensive papers in America, yet politicians of certain persuasions think they know better, and many people, especially children, have suffered and even died for politicians medical and public health positions.

COVID is a political disease. Even the mainstream press reports that all the severe lockdowns and mask mandates did nothing to prevent infections or deaths. Comparisons between states clearly show this. Virus tolls similar despite governors’ contrasting actions, And virus tolls are similar despite governors’ contrasting actions. But there is a vast difference in the pain, suffering, suicides, and economic destruction.

Dr. Bossche:

“To all authorities, scientists, and experts worldwide, to whom this concerns: the entire world population.

I am anything but an anti-vaxxer. As a scientist, I do not usually appeal to any platform of this kind to make a stand on vaccine-related topics. As a dedicated virologist and vaccine expert, I only make an exception when health authorities allow vaccines to be administered in ways that threaten public health, most certainly when scientific evidence is being ignored. The present extremely critical situation forces me to spread this emergency call. As the unprecedented extent of human intervention in the Covid-19- pandemic is now at risk of resulting in a global catastrophe without equal, this call cannot sound loud and strongly enough.

As stated, I am not against vaccination. On the contrary, I can assure you that each of the current vaccines has been designed, developed, and manufactured by brilliant and competent scientists. However, this type of prophylactic vaccine is completely inappropriate and even highly dangerous when used in mass vaccination campaigns during a viral pandemic. Vaccinologists, scientists, and clinicians are blinded by the positive short-term effects in individual patients but don’t seem to bother about the disastrous consequences for global health. Unless I am scientifically proven wrong, it is difficult to understand how current human interventions will prevent circulating variants from turning into wild monsters.”

edit on 462021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

It's one thing to lie and obfuscate, but quite another to tell us all it's Monday when it's Sunday. This strange collaboration between media and government to apparently erase one of the UK covid waves from history is a huge step beyond the lies so far.

It's either a massive psyop to test public manipulability that goes hand in hand with the pincer move of covid passports and outlawing protests, or it's an example of the Mandela effect playing out before us.

How can there have been a highly publicised UK third wave just 2 months ago and now a highly publicised debate about the dangers of a forthcoming third wave. What the frak is going on?

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: McGinty

Yep....all the narrative is about the "third wave coming from the EU".
Now they have suspended vaccines/trials on children because of the coagulopathy. Well of course they will!!!! It's so rare for a child to get a clot, they can't 'jab' children only for them to get clots now can they?????
It's all smoke and mirrors! It's NOT just about the clotting.
There's an article in the BMJ by a Dr who is the Medical Director of a hospital in Kent who is reporting that staff are dropping like flies after being vaccinated...whole departments because they got the 'jab' at the same time.

Despairing Rainbows

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Then this pop's up

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: McGinty
Can anyone explain this to me, i'm confused...

The UK had Covid 'waves' in March 2020, then again in October/September 2020. The press and government were making noises in December 2020 about the fears of a third wave happening in January 2020:

That's an interesting apparent contradiction you found, and I wouldn't rule out some political motivations behind the ambiguous language.

I don't know of any unambiguous definition of a "wave" though.

If I look at the UK graph, I could argue that I see three major peaks and could call each one of those a wave.
Alternatively, I could call the first peak a wave, and say the last two peaks didn't have such a deep valley between them so I could call that dip in December a "dip" in the overall second wave.

Without any rigorous definitions I don't know if I can say either one of those is right or wrong.
I try to look past the rhetoric and see the actual data:

Timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom (2021)

On a more global scale you can see the different curve shapes in different countries and it becomes apparent a definition of a "wave" is needed to have any rigorous discussion of waves, or forget the wave terminology and look at the graphs instead:

Has COVID peaked? Maybe, but it’s too soon to be sure

Look at the US data in that graph for example. I can sort of see 5 peaks, but I wouldn't be inclined to refer to that as 5 waves.

edit on 202146 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: McGinty

It's politics.
My colleague at work mentioned that we have a new "attestation de deplacement", ie a paper for traveling over 10km from home.

I replied with "Ausweis, bitte", and he laughed.

I'm glad most of the people who fought in WW2 are gone now, as they would be properly ashamed of the world we live in now.
Including my grandad who died a good few years ago.

It's all getting a bit out of hand, in my opinion.

We're all humans, and should be working together as one (the whole world), not shafting our fellow humans for profit or personal gain/grandstanding.
This is a time where we should be coming together as one to sort this sh!t out, but it would seem our Govt's are incapable of seeing our similarities, rather than our differences...
"Thou shall have vaccine when we have all been vaccinated..." sounds really uniting.

"United we stand, divided we fall"

"United we stand, divided we fall" is a phrase that can be traced back some 2,600 years to 6th Century B.C. The first attributed use in modern times is by one of our nation's Founding Fathers, John Dickinson, in a song he wrote, "The Liberty Song.

edit on 6-4-2021 by MonkeyBalls2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

Just to clarify, I didn't mean any grief to my colleague, I meant it as a joke, and we both laughed.
We both know what it meant though : A flashback to older times, before both of us were born.

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 06:55 PM
SNIP from recent article:

We don't yet know which vaccine ingredients trigger allergic reactions in different people for certain, but Meredith Moore, MD, a physician at the Charleston Allergy and Asthma in South Carolina, told NBC News that "polyethylene glycol and polysorbate are the more likely culprits when you look at the ingredients in those two vaccines."

unfortunate me, i am allergic to PEG , 3-5 persons per million are also affected

...i alerted the ATS members of this news more than 4-to-6 weeks ago now...

i get severe reactions to vaccines with eggs
and also poly-ethelene-glycol breaks out my skin in pus blisters/red like raw blistered/sunburned skin patches, labored breathing, vertigo, likely anaphylaxis ... if i even linger or dally around in a room with a plug-in aroma deoderizer


keep researching ats members and alert others of bad reactions to both diseases and cures

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 07:12 PM
Will be interesting to see what the figure will be for those taking the second dose will it not?
In my 'social media' circle I am seeing a 50/50 split between those who say no way because they had a reaction to the other 50% saying yes no problem. So will we see a 50% drop in the final figure for the second jab maybe?

posted on Apr, 7 2021 @ 12:23 AM

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2
a reply to: Rich Z
Yeah, as McGinty says, they were either given the vaccine, or a placebo.
They then see how many people of each group end up contracting the virus, and how bad if they do.

There was a thing on UK telly where they showed a SA Doctor visiting people in the townships out side Johannesburg, who had accepted to be part of the trial.
As the guy said, he was happy to be part of the trial, as he would have a 50/50 chance of getting the vaccine, and he was OK with that.
He just hoped he was in the 50% that got the vaccine.

I see. So these were not STRICTLY CONTROLLED tests at all. How could they be when Murphy's Law could heavily skew the numbers in unanticipated ways?

Heck, going into "conspiracy mode" now, as actually the results could have been heavily skewed to make the vaccines appear to be safe and effective if it were not truly a double blind test and the control group was hand picked to guarantee higher infection rates compared to the hand picked participants who got the vaccine. Seriously, would anyone put this past them, with all the crap we have gone through over this with lies and contradictory information being dispersed? All we really have is their WORD about the testing, don't we? Can you honestly say that you TRUST the test results?


For the record, in my county here in North Florida, new cases of infections has nearly ceased completely. Many surrounding counties are reporting the same. I'm not really ready to let my guard down quite yet, but I am beginning to feel hopeful that there just might be glimmer of a light at the end of the tunnel now. Of course, that could change at the drop of a hat, however. And I wouldn't know until it was too late that I should have waited longer. Or is this just environment induced paranoia?

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