a reply to:
Thanks for posting these shocking stats.
I’m guessing there’s an embargo/handshake agreement between government, the opposition and the MSM not to mention these stats for fear of scaring
people away from having the vaccines, for surely they are news worthy. I guess it can be argued either way that the public should know this. I know
it’s in the public domain, but a tiny, minuscule percentage of the public will bother seeking it out and reading. It makes an impossible decision -
to vax or not - that much harder - a dilemma I can currently relate to.
Even with these numbers I guess if the gov’s intel says virus deaths will out way them, then they’ll believe this sacrifice is for the greater
good. But real world cynicism tells me that the people making such choices will usually deem themselves and their families exempt from such risk.
Hence I’d bet that the ‘thumbs up’ photo-ops, such as Bojo getting his AstraZeneca jab yesterday are bogus... B-12 probably.
But if so, that wouldn’t prove the jabs are an evil ploy to eradicate, but simply that those with intel and options don’t want to risk being a
stat. Who would?
Do we know how many Pfizer vaccines were given that week? According to the BBC there’s an average 421,315 given p/week, but it doesn’t break it
down into brands. Instead that’s a grand weekly total for all vaccine brands. Scary to think that the stats you posted only represent one brand.
Looking at AstraZeneca on the same source...
It’s a LOT of stats, but at a (long) glance AstraZeneca seems far worse than Pfizer.
AZ has 228,337 reactions, with 289 fatal.
Pfizer has 100,809 reactions, with 237 fatal.
And remember, Pfizer has been used almost a month longer (starting early December, whereas AstraZeneca began roll out early January. That time
difference makes these stats reads very, very badly for AZ. It’s now abundantly clear why many EU countries suspended it.
Other brands = 917 reactions, with 8 fatal.
Without the .gov.U.K. website breaking down how many doses of each brand were given it’s impossible to do any math on the individual brand weekly
odds for bad reactions. That seems quite convenient, considering the U.K.s own AstraZeneca seems to be more that twice the number overall. Is that on
purpose, or is the info there and I simply missed it (not at all unlikely)?
The anomaly in the data is that while AZ has over twice as many bad reactions, the fatalities are almost the same, 289 vs. 237 (how many miles is it
to the Moon, again!?!
That’s surely a conundrum (not the Moon, the fatalities)
I’ll attempt the general overall odds...
Total U.K. reactions to all vaccines 330,143
With the BBC reporting 26,000,000 having had their vaccine (of whatever brand) so far. So I THINK that’s a 1 in 78 chance, or 1.2% chance of having
a reaction of any kind.
.... ....Please, correct me if I’m wrong, my math teacher was an alcoholic gambler who spent every lesson hidden behind the sports pages, smoking
like a chimney and sipping from the half bottle of whiskey in his draw (Is that why the brand’s named Teachers?)
On to deaths... With a total of 535 deaths from all brands, that’s a 1 in 48,598, or a 0.002% chance of dying.
So by the BBC’s average of 421,315 being vaccinated p/wk, that’s around 8 and half people dying p/wk from the vaccines.
Of course there’s many listed reactions that sound almost as bad as death, so the high-risk % is higher, but it’s too lengthy a process to break
that down.
One of the deaths is listed under the reaction ‘Headache’... I think that suggests that these gov.uk stats may not be entirely reliable, as I
imagine the headache was a symptom rather than the cause of whatever killed this poor individual. Or can a headache itself be fatal?
Is it safe to also assume that like ‘general’ reactions, the very high number of ‘muscle tissue’ reactions are most likely also associated
with the vaccination site, as opposed to a more general, insidious side effect?
I wonder why the ‘gastro intestinal’ reactions are so high? Is it simply due to how symbiotic the gut and its bacteria is with our overall health,
or is there a more specific relationship between gut, vaccine and virus?
In summation...
If I put the anomaly of the ratio between reactions and deaths being a-symmetric between brands to one side (because I don’t understand it), then as
disturbing as the Pfizer reaction data is, the AstraZeneca is far worse. The EUs doubts over it now make sense and in my heart of hearts I’d be
surprised if that really was the AZ vaccine that Bojo was jabbed with yesterday.
Caveat: of course I wait the far more knowable contribs, here to explain that ratio a-symmetry and why AZ is no more, no less risky than
EDIT: Just noticed something on those gov.uk stats... In the top headings for each brand it has an ‘
Earliest Reaction Date’
Pfizer says: ‘
Earliest Reaction Date: 03-Apr-1990’
AZ: ‘
Earliest Reaction Date: 03-Feb-1921’
Other brands (unspecified): ‘
Earliest Reaction Date: 06-Feb-2020’
What do these dates represent? It reads like these were the first instances of these vaccines being used, but I was under the impression that there
were all novel - new vaccines. So are they saying that Pfizer and AZ were used 100 years and 31 years ago respectively?
I imagine I’m merely demonstrating my ignorance, as usual!
edit on 20-3-2021 by McGinty because: (no reason given)