So, been away for a while.
Been on hols for 2 weeks, totally(mostly) disconnected from covid info.
intentionally (for the mind).
I have also migrated to a Mac Mini M1 (it was given to me).
I have been keeping an eye on the thread, i'm a bit "blasé" on the numbers at the moment, it's been a year, after all.
It's also easier, but so different on mac.
Not used to it yet.
Actual thread related news, I started work again Monday.
There seems to be about the same number of people on the trains as a few weeks ago.
My colleague was a trace contact, as his son tested positive for covid, and was asymptomatic.
He tested negative, so he's back at work, after 7 days off.
There was a new "Breton" or 'Brittany' variant discovered in the north west of France.
20C apparently.
No trace yet on (of the French cases).
It wasn't detected by the tests (PCR), the nurses noticed they had covid-like symptoms, and they did deeper-tests, and that revealed covid.
A new variant.
Of the 8 cases detected so far, all have died. They are still working on seeing how many people may have this variant, and a worthy test for it.
They were all in the same hospital, so it might be a new variant created in the hospital.
This is very new, and they probably only noticed it in the few who died recently, so I wouldn't take that as final data yet.
We hit almost 30K cases today, and 330+ deaths.
They are airlifting people out of the Ile de France region (Paris Basically), and are preparing the TGV trains to move people as well by the the end
of the week.
They are hoping for 100 people a week by friday.
IDF (Ile de France) region is basically full with intensive care covid patients.
There are about 1050 places, and over 1033 are taken.
They are hoping to reduce that by 400 in the next month.
Both my parents (75 and 74) had the 1st Pfizer vaccine yesterday.
My Dad was fine, but getting info from him is almost impossible.
My ma had a headache about an hour after the jab that lasted into the evening and night, but has been fine since this morning.
I had a penta-flu jab a couple of weeks go ( better late than never).
Had it in the leg, my dad was doing it, and i don't trust him anywhere else.
I'll get it myself next time, and have the pharmacist do it.
someone who's had more than 1 second of medical guidance, and isn't 99% deaf, and 99% stubborn.
Also found out that there have been a couple of clusters at work.
Definitely less people in work than a couple of weeks ago, but still a lot of people sitting down and having group coffee sessions.
The chip-frier has also died in the work kitchen, there goes my lunchtime backup plan, as the veg is terrible, and the rice is worse.
Macron had a "conseil de Securité" today, a security council, and we are all expecting a lockdown around this weekend, but will probably get a
weekend curfew instead ( in IDF region).
I believe they might be going for the Herd immunity thing, but hope they aren't.
They also say that schools will be the last to close, because, think of the kids.
Well, long post, I hate this "magic keyboard", and will continue using my "Ducky one TKL" on a usb switch.
Will keep an eye on this "Brittany or Breton" Variant, as I know more. isn't being that updated, but it does have some updates a least.
Knowing it takes weeks to get results does help, but in this computer age, if I dont have an update every 2-4 hours, i'm pi$$ed.
I don't see this being over until next year, but then again, i'm aka "Doomer", as in 'brings Doom to the gameplay by being present'.
Pessimist is probably the better word.
Glass half empty.
I really hate these 'chicklet' keyboards.
Give me an IBM Model 'M' any day.
Stay Safe Everyone.
edit on 16-3-2021 by MonkeyBalls2 because: added more stuff