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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Mar, 14 2021 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

I don’t know, I’ve tried to see or find something but I can’t, it’s just not biologically possible if they are being honest. mRNA is too short lived so those reactions will be pretty quick. Who knows with the adenovirus vector, most evidence says it can’t incorporate but some studies suggest that portions of that DNA has done it before. The virus could find a way to make antibodies less effective but that can happen with natural infection as well.

The same goes for vaccine monster super spreaders. It’s just not going to happen with the targets they picked. The virus would need to evolve the ability to suppress signaling in antigen presenting cells, suppress antigen presentation, suppress T-cell response, and then find a way to constantly adapt to antibody generation. I just don’t see it happening. I would expect the Covid vaccine to be like the flu is to the flu vaccine.

I wouldn’t be surprised if we start seeing reactions to the booster shots though as people’s immune cells start to go after the adenovirus vector or the lipid nano particle. If people start having adverse effects, it could be something else causing that problem, probably aggravated by the vaccine, underlying medical or gene issue, or an actual infection. Plus with the way the vaccines induce inflammation, at least the short lived mRNA vaccines, you’ll know pretty quick, within a month if it’s messed up your immune system. I’m not sure about the adenovirus vector because that DNA goes into the nucleus and people get better immunity over months, this indicates long lasting but more controlled expression of viral protein.

If you have certain clotting issues maybe avoid the adenovirus vaccines until they figure it out if the reactions are true. If you have GBS, neurological, autoimmune diseases of the blood, nervous system, or other issues, maybe talk to your doctor. I would expect neurological Covid to be worse than the chance of something occurring with a vaccine. That seems to be gaining attention lately.

What kind of issues are expecting, just curious?
edit on 14-3-2021 by TheAMEDDDoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2021 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: Soloprotocol
Clearly panic is setting in with the government/BBC with other countries stopping/suspending their's going to turn into a veritable logistical nightmare when it comes to overseas travel for those who who put their passport in front of their health and not wait for one more year.
Again just my thoughts,


posted on Mar, 14 2021 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

At this point nothing is off the table as adverse reactions or long term and possibly life changing health issues.
I am following my gut on this one having watched and read hours and hours from both sides of the camp.
As far as I personally am concerned, I wont be getting it no way, no how now that I understand more.
I am more worried about the vaccine than I am of catching C19. even though my antibodies say I have had it and still going strong.
So I'm going to do monthly antibody tests to see what gives and will happily see anyone vaccinated who might be asymptomatic and shedding it. Once I am allowed to get my hands physically on people again it will be interesting to see if the 'covid spot' I found on people's right foot is still there or something else if they have had the vaccine.


posted on Mar, 14 2021 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

I don't suppose you know of anyone in the United States (particularly Central Florida) who practices the same or similar healthcare 'techniques' as you do?

It's so hard to find holistic healthcare that you can really trust...

posted on Mar, 14 2021 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

Once I am allowed to get my hands physically on people again it will be interesting to see if the 'covid spot' I found on people's right foot is still there or something else if they have had the vaccine.

I beg your pardon? Did you mean that literally - there’s a spot on the right foot of those that've had Covid?

If so, I’d love to hear more about this - it’s news to me! I was aware of the foot rash, but not a spot.

posted on Mar, 14 2021 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: lostgirl
I'm not sure about Central Florida, I'll have to look at a map and check it against where I know there is an exceptional Clinical Aromatherapist.

posted on Mar, 14 2021 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: McGinty
Yes, I did mean that literally.
To explain, I am also a Clinical Reflexologist. I was finding before loockdown that clients who had 'mild symptoms' but none of us thought of C19 were presenting with what I call a 'sleeping policeman' in a particular area of the right foot only which made no sense at all.
So I did a zoom call with my qualified students and some other Reflexologists I know and we had a bit of a seminar as some of these ladies are therapists in other modalities as well.
We came out of lockdown and yep, we were finding it in clients who now knew for sure they had C19 and still in people who had mild symptoms like myself.
The 'sleeping policeman disappears with manipulation, as it should. But we found it would be there for almost 3 months.
Mine disappeared by summer and now I have antibodies. We'll be researching it again once we're back at work.
It's going to be interesting too, to see if those who have been vaccinated present with odd bumps where they shouldn't be, or if any of their organs are, if there is no rhyme or reason why it would show something. I think the 'Covid Spot' disappears once antibodies/T/B cells are established.


posted on Mar, 14 2021 @ 05:28 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: Soloprotocol
Clearly panic is setting in with the government/BBC with other countries stopping/suspending their's going to turn into a veritable logistical nightmare when it comes to overseas travel for those who who put their passport in front of their health and not wait for one more year.
Again just my thoughts,


What I suspect is, they are now pushing an agenda to divide the Non Vaccinated from the Vaccinated. Watch this space. It's plainly Obvious videos like the one I just posted are just the start of the push to get into the psyche of the masses. No Vaccine = Unclean.

The first to be hit will be the Unemployed. No Vaccine and there will be sanctions for deliberately removing yourself from the employment pool by default.

They are coming for us all.
edit on 14-3-2021 by Soloprotocol because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2021 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: Soloprotocol
I agree. I really am not liking all this division and divisiveness that is happening, makes me very uncomfortable


posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 03:25 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Fascinating! Well done for spotting this (no pun intended). Keep us updated about what you and the other therapist find. Not really relevant, but i had a 'sleeping policeman' on the ball of my left foot - around 1cm wide and several mm high. It appeared near the end of my 'crazy year' in 2002/3, when i inexplicably developed the post viral seronegative autoimmune disorder (i mentioned it before) after a bout of Flu. A year later the extreme symptoms had 90% cleared up, but i was left with the foot bump for a few months. What remains now is a small beadlike bump of hard skin that hurts a little when touched. I don't really feel it when walking unless its long distance.

Anyhow, the similarity to what you're talking about strikes me. The dr didn't know what it was back then and i recently visited a chiropodist thinking it might be a persistent verruca (i like to swim), which it resembles... The chiropodist said it wasn't a verruca and had no idea what it could be. I was stung there by a sea urchin in Thailand 20 years ago and asked if a piece of spine was left in there, but she had no idea and advised against foot surgery unless unavoidable. In short, like the bumps you've found, it's inexplicable and post viral.

I digress... The similarity to what you're describing certainly makes me wonder if this Covid has been around far longer than we realise, or rather what we've named covid 19 is something that's been creeping through us all, slowly mutating for many decades, maybe longer, far longer. What if many of the disparate modern maladies, such as ME, as well as many ADHD, psychosis, dementia cases etc all stem from the one ever changing pathogen? It's a daft notion that the better informed here will no doubt shoot down with sound logic, but what if the vast majority of maladies human's suffer were in fact triggered by an immune reaction to this global pathogen, which gets us all and forever compromises our physiology, immune and nervous systems that would otherwise function far, far longer than is common? Those folk in the bible sure did live a long time! Didn't mean to end this reply in such wacky fashion, but there you go!

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 03:34 AM
a reply to: Soloprotocol

It's a scaled up replay of the MMR debate. Parents were stigmatised for not wanting their kids to be stuck with 3 vaccines at the same time. Bad reactions to the MMR were systematically debunked and where they could be debunked they were marginalised. But the point was... why risk it, when there's a viable alternative: 3 separate vaccines not all given at the same time risking an adverse immune reaction in some. The why of that was never really asked by the msm. But what do you expect from that venal collection of institutions.

Seperate vaccines were available in most other countries, but the UK gov made sure that at least one of them wasn't available in the UK (i think it was Mumps, but not certain). This was an obvious ploy to remove any alternative to the MMR, blackmailing parents into taking that gamble of sticking 3 vaccines at once into their kids. It wouldn't surprise me if decades from now the public learn that those of privilege in the UK had given their children seperate vaccines, while at the same time instructing the public to use the MMR jab. That's exactly what i think when i see such people now getting the Covid vaccine on tv to demonstrate it's safety - how in hell do we know what's in that syringe?

Now, like then the bad press is being deployed and directed at those who opt out, instead of asking why we're still using a vaccine that many other nations are refusing to, when we've had far more fatal reactions -- why weren't parents allowed the option of the 3 separate vaccines available elsewhere, instead of being blackmailed into using the MMR jab? Same play book!

Half the story is presented by the gov and the msm as the whole story and people are manipulated. Scaremongering misdirects the sheep's fears towards a desired target - those opting out - which causes many of those opting out to relent in order to rejoin the herd. Exactly the same spin operation is underway in the UK with the covid vaccines.

edit on 15-3-2021 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 04:13 AM
a reply to: McGinty

I'm not active anti-vax per say... but none of my boys have followed their vax program to the end.
They had the most significant when they were toddlers, but apart from that... nope.
And none of them have at any point been severely ill so far.

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 05:21 AM
a reply to: McGinty

Well, without getting my hands on your feet, I can explain the bump on your left foot up to a point.
The ball of your foot is the lung area. Aha! moment right? Whenever anyone gets a lung infection this area always 'shows up' in reflex treatment.

Now why would you still have a bump there?
Many years ago whilst teaching my students, my mother and her sister volunteered to be 'bodies' for my students. That particular day we were 'reading the feet' for discolouration's, hard skin acidosis type spots etc. I was talking about the relevance of hard skin in certain areas which are not due to ill fitting shoes/sport etc. So there it was, on both of my aunt's feet, a vertical line of hard skin straight up from the beginning of the arch of her foot towards her toes. Just a narrow line of raised hard skin. What you would call a 'sleeping policeman'. (A 'sleeping policeman' in reflexology is actually not visible and can only be detected during treatment, I digress.)
"Oh, hang on" I said, "that shouldn't be there. My aunt isn't a smoker, and has never had a huge viral infection in her lung".
My Aunt turned to my mum and said "She doesn't know does she?" "No, I've never had any reason to tell her" replied my mum.
My Aunt then told me when she was 11 years old she contracted double pneumonia and it was touch and go and the Dr had said it would have left scarring on her lungs. I already knew that this is something we see in people who have been left with scaring on the lung, I just didn't know about my Aunt's pneumonia.

So moving to you, not surprised if you have been left with this small 'bump' as your LEFT LUNG healed. Now it could be a tiny bit of residual scarring on your lung. HOWEVER, I would also look a bit deeper into your incident from being stung by the sea urchin 20 years previously. I suspect, not only being very painful at the time, but you also emotionally panicked and were traumatised by the event yes? Yes of course you were. So at that point of being stung, your breathing would have become a bit erratic and shallow. Not only that you might have being worrying if it was one of the more poisonous variety which can affect your breathing, induce toxic shock, and muscular aches. Now obviously I don't know the extend of your urchin sting physiologically speaking, but I am willing to bet emotionally you panicked yes?
So, assuming you did, even if it was just for a few minutes, that 'trauma' will have embedded itself in your cellular memory. I wager you did panic because it is causing you to question your chiropodist about it. So from 20 years ago the 'trauma' has created a 'weakness' in your left lung, thus leaving you more susceptible to infection of the lung. To remove the 'residual emotional scarring' and thus strengthen your would need to book an appointment with me.

So to make this relevant to anything to do with this blessed virus, whether current infection, recovery from it, Long Covid/ME/CFS or the vaccination.....some people will be getting this vaccine whilst emotionally 'relieved' or being 'persuaded' against their better judgement to get it. At the point (no pun intended) that needle goes in, emotional trauma happens. Who likes injections under 'normal' circumstances anyway right? We are in effect emotionally, handing over our trust and self determination to another human being, that 'hand over' will 'imprint' itself somewhere in your body.
Whether it be a virus or the jab, they will both target/settle/trigger your 'weakness', your underlying pre-existing health issues, or will show up somewhere further down the line. So our jobs as Complementary Therapists is not only to help the physical symptoms, but to 'emotionally trace back' why/what your historical emotional response to incidents has been in the past.

Our bodies are very finely tuned 'computer systems'. You can't just treat your computer keyboard because you spilt your drink all over it, you have to also treat the emotional panic and response.

Sorry for the long post, but I hope something in there resonates and helps.


PS, funny how certain sea urchins look like a virus and its accompanying 'spikes'.

edit on am35America/ChicagoMonday2021-03-15T05:30:54-05:0005America/Chicago03000000 by angelchemuel because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 10:01 PM

Good long in depth interview with very technical genius and a frontline experienced genius

00:09:13 - How the two phases of COVID-19 illness require different treatment protocols.
00:22:48 - How an association between COVID-19 positivity rates and groups most affected by vitamin D deficiency exists.
00:38:27 - How the dosage, timing, and form of vitamin D may be critical to its effect.
00:39:50 - How a prescription form of vitamin D, called calcifediol, might benefit patients in acute care settings.
00:50:10 - How Dr. Seheult translates new scientific findings into his COVID-19 patient care.
01:04:00 - How sleep-deprivation increases the risk of developing the common cold and why getting a good night's sleep before getting vaccinated may be crucial.
01:19:00 - How genetic and autoantibody studies highlight the importance of an early interferon response in avoiding a severe outcome.
01:28:25 - How a hot hydrotherapy protocol that anyone can use at home might stimulate our immune system.
01:43:25 - How the different COVID-19 vaccines work, and Dr. Seheult's personal vaccination experience.

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 11:42 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: mikell

Sadly, I believe, and it is my unqualified opinion, but I am expecting to see a massive spike in adverse reactions and deaths and long term health problems from this in next 6-12 months. What we are seeing now is just the beginning.


You will probably have to look real hard to find that sort of information. There really seems to be an immense effort afoot to keep such stories hidden from the general population. IMHO.

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 11:45 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
I have no idea how to post a link here to Facebook so I'll post the whole thing.
It's a video that is being whipped down everywhere so this chap recorded it on his phone.
It's a news item on American tv showing the CDC figures for C19 deaths in the US. Only 6% of the total figure died of C19, the other 94% died of underlying, pre-existing diseases.
On top of that, in March your new government is paying Dr's via Medicare (?) to declare C19 deaths.
Facethingy linky


I would expect the doctors would have to be bound by some pretty strict NDAs with severe penalties. If not, then why are we not hearing this from those doctors who value their reputation and ethics over the $$? Surely there should be some of them still around?

posted on Mar, 16 2021 @ 12:27 AM
a reply to: Rich Z

there are but just this week a second peer review study proving the worth of Ivermectin was not published due to an Editor of the Journal.

Look at how many get shunned and class as political tools - Dr Kory at the Senate hearing was label as such by the democrat who didn't know Kory is a lifelong democrat ( hopefully that is now a was ).

If you look hard enough you will find lots FLCCC, BIRD, Great Barrington Declaration, Trialsite News etc

Dr Tess Lawrie Evidence based research doing her best to get top officials to listen to the truth . Get the information and spread it as much as possible.

posted on Mar, 16 2021 @ 12:28 AM
Just had a thought perhaps we need a feel good story of the zoo animals being cured with Ivermectin and then it will go viral.

Drug used by humans saves the big Cats.

posted on Mar, 16 2021 @ 06:18 AM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

I haven't been super active lately but figured I'd chime in with some anecdotal information.

So far in my immediate family all adults are vaccinated. My in laws and spouse got either Pfizer or Moderna and my folks and myself had the Johnson and Johnson single shot. The folks that had the two shots all ended up with 102-104F fevers, "skin hurting", aches and chills for about a day. Those of us that had the single dose had no reactions (I felt fine enough to continue a pretty advanced fitness regimen I've been maintaining).

I'll post in here if anyone has any weird health problems, but so far so good. My sister had covid back in December, but she worked from home through it and it ended up being relatively mild for her.

I still take a regimen of Vitamin D/K2, Quercetin, Zinc, a multi-vitamin, Vitamin C, and I do intermittent fasting while tracking my calories / macro nutrients. For exercise I do intense HIIT and kettlebell workouts, etc. I too did a lot of research and decided to get the J&J adenovirus vector vaccine, but I still maintain that it should be an individuals medical decision if they are going to get it.

I hope everyone stays well!
edit on th20213-0500fCDT062021Tue, 16 Mar 2021 06:20:01 -0500 by SonOfThor because: (no reason given)

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