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Actual BREAKING news: China Admits to Hiding Real Covid-19 Infection Numbers from the World!!

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posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 06:53 PM
Imagine dumb news still proud of China and their 0 cases

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 07:51 PM

originally posted by: that1lurker
a reply to: ThouArtGod

Wow. Can't say that I am surprised, though. This virus has done well to expose all of the corrupt so far.

I've said it once before but I think once this all settles we might find ourselves headed to war. I hope thats not the case, but China really screwed the rest of the world over.
I agree there is clearly a war looming covid 19 is most likely a bio weapon released from lvl 4 virology lab in wuhan but all is well I Am prepared!

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 08:04 PM

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: Rave3n
a reply to: Jay-morris

Just stop morris, you are clearly trying to slide this thread off topic....
its so obvious you are "Glowing"
get out of here, this site is about denying ignorance...not spamming it as you are clearly trying to do

We are discussing them hiding the TRUE numbers of infected, which means all that media hype about China "having it under control" is FAKE NEWS being fed as Propaganda, which misleads the world into thinking Covid-19 is not so severe... when the actual numbers say otherwise...

this did not become a "Anti China" thread until you started yapping, and now you got people talking about what they dont like about china while you defend it...because you pushed that narrative here...

put the coffee down, you sound hysterical

Yeah and I am still waiting for the evidence thst the virus is out of control now in China! Waiting, and waiting an....

I agree with you but they did 'weld their doors shut', if those stories are real. Hard to say what the truth is but I can agree there were probably lots more infected who died than they want us to know. The filth some of these people are forced to live in would kill most normal people IMO.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: Snarl
Dropping a nuke on Wuhan would not be unwarranted.

Would send a clear message that biological warfare will be met with unrepentant death and destruction.

Let's see if the President and his staff have the cajones. More Americans will die from this than 9-11.

You realize China can easily return the favor right?

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 12:43 AM
a reply to: ThouArtGod

So let me get this straight. Now is the time we are supposed to believe the Chinese government?

I mean...come on man.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 12:48 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: Rave3n
a reply to: Jay-morris

Just stop morris, you are clearly trying to slide this thread off topic....
its so obvious you are "Glowing"
get out of here, this site is about denying ignorance...not spamming it as you are clearly trying to do

We are discussing them hiding the TRUE numbers of infected, which means all that media hype about China "having it under control" is FAKE NEWS being fed as Propaganda, which misleads the world into thinking Covid-19 is not so severe... when the actual numbers say otherwise...

this did not become a "Anti China" thread until you started yapping, and now you got people talking about what they dont like about china while you defend it...because you pushed that narrative here...

put the coffee down, you sound hysterical

Yeah and I am still waiting for the evidence thst the virus is out of control now in China! Waiting, and waiting an....

I agree with you but they did 'weld their doors shut', if those stories are real. Hard to say what the truth is but I can agree there were probably lots more infected who died than they want us to know. The filth some of these people are forced to live in would kill most normal people IMO.

The filth, the fact 11 million people live in Wuhan on top of each other, the fact that Wuhan is one of the most polluted cities in the world, and the fact that most of the Chinese population (men especially) are life long smokers.

Wuhan was a tinder box.

A year and a half ago 10 million people fell ill from tuberculosis and 1.5 million people died from tuberculosis. I don't recall a global meltdown over that.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 12:52 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

The stories are documented and true.
There are many videos of government forces either welding metal doors or nailing wooden planks to shut doors.

I even saw one video where a pole was put between a door and a wall in a hallway. The family could be heard begging on the other side.

They used just any sort of improvised obstacle or method and would leave an official notice saying to not tamper with the door since the people either traveled somewhere or did something and were now under suspicion of infection.

A lot of people died of hunger in urban areas since food was given through windows with bars by neighbors or through weekly or daily rations given by government forces. If you pissed either off you ate sometimes and not very well.

In the countryside communities banded together and had varying treatment of the sick and each other with over all less abandonment of entire families and almost no freaking living entombments.

The government didn't help the rural areas as much or at all in some cases.

edit on 30-3-2020 by HelloboysImbackguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 12:57 AM
a reply to: Case74282

I never said that we should believe the government of China. Ever.

The reports came from their doctors, and based on the fact it was in the article, but not the featured aspect of it, I would hazard to guess that the average reporter has no idea of the DEM (Disaster and Emergency Management) impact of the information shared.

Most reporters are morons, and need to be spoon fed everything, as it is all about clicks. Just as it used to be about selling underwear.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 01:02 AM
a reply to: Case74282

Sadly, there are many diseases and viral outbreaks that rarely get a fraction of the attention this one has.

All of this does make me question the motives behind the attention- is it far worse than they have let on? Was this to distract from HK? Was this to harm global economies in the midst of a Chinese slowdown? Was this in retaliation for tariffs?

There are many questions that will, sadly, go unanswered. I don’t think our media cares at this point, as sensationalism and “orange man bad” rules the day. Also, I do find it weird that it seems like all the things that they accused Pres. Trump of are now being asked for- totalitarianism, lock downs, election disruptions, a collapsed economy. I guess, wish it enough and it becomes truth.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 01:18 AM
a reply to: HelloboysImbackguy

Sadly, much of this is reminiscent of the Black Plague, as the wealthy escaped early on, and the poor/middle class were subjected to rudimentary testing, which more often than not ended with the family quarantined. As soon as the time period passed, they were tested again, and people would fail from sheer exhaustion and lack of food. Kids would starve to death in lockdown, watched through windows by neighbors after the parents had died, the neighbors too fearful to provide help.
I can’t remember which, but there’s a nursery rhyme about those kids.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 01:46 AM

originally posted by: ThouArtGod
a reply to: Case74282

I never said that we should believe the government of China. Ever.

The reports came from their doctors, and based on the fact it was in the article,

Doctors like the one who first discovered Covid-19, mentioned it on Chinese social media, then was forced to sign a document from the Chinese government stating he lied?

Let me be clear here. The Chinese government are nothing but 100% disinformation agents and EVERYTHING from the Chinese government is a complete lie. Chinese doctors have ZERO independence. None.

What exactly do you think the riots across China were about prior to Covid-19? It's absolutely shocking anyone would ever stop for even a second to believe anything the Chinese government releases publicly.

All Chinese news is controlled 100%. Just like the US news.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 01:51 AM
a reply to: ThouArtGod

I'll tell you what this is about. A complete and absolute war from the elite on its sheep. Just prior to Covid-19 there were massive anti-socialist / communist protests all across the globe. Ad Trump's dominance in the US and we have a case study on psychological warfare on steroids.

The globalist in control are squashing a global rebellion. And the sheep have been herded.

That is all this is about. Nothing more.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 01:53 AM
a reply to: Case74282

what happens if china comes out on the other side on top? pretty big gamble if it is as you say.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 01:58 AM

originally posted by: choos
a reply to: Case74282

what happens if china comes out on the other side on top? pretty big gamble if it is as you say.

On top how? Until China can unseat the US dollar as the world's reserve currency they will ALWAYS play second fiddle to the US. Always.

And that isn't going to happen. The US is the world's police. Britain is the finance arm and The Vatican is the collective consciousness. "Empire of the City"

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 01:59 AM
a reply to: Case74282

Well, I guess the truth is that we should take everything with a grain of salt- or a teaspoon of it- and be careful how we interpret data, et al. I can’t argue what I don’t know, but I can argue that we are not getting straight facts, and that those misrepresentations and lies are directly affecting modeling for the disaster. This in turn destroys preparation, which in turn means a misallocation of resources and personnel. All of these things are exacerbated by a complicit and sensationalist media, which will result in the death of innocent people, and/or the destruction of a once vibrant and diverse economy.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 02:07 AM

originally posted by: ThouArtGod
a reply to: Case74282 careful how we interpret data, et al. I

That's an excellent point and anyone who dares to spend 20 minutes researching the actual data that's been in the public realm for more than 2 decades can see the entire Covid-19 hyper scare is complete and absolute BS.

Fear is a control mechanism.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 02:14 AM
a reply to: Case74282

This is true, yet I genuinely feel like information- the lifeblood of truth- is difficult to come by, either unfiltered, or honestly analyzed.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 02:58 AM
a reply to: ThouArtGod

You know what, o was going to do a full response to your post, but there's no point! You keep on ignoring my points and going over the same things which I have addressed over and over again. It's really getting annoying! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO WELD PEOE IN TBEIR HOUSES TO HAVE A COMPMETE LICKDOWN! Like I said said before, and you ignored, are France, Spain and Italy welding their people in their houses? No, they are not!

As for the saying it's all China's fault for the spread of the virus is America is just plain ignorant! The American government knew well in advance, even before the virus hit America! At least three weeks before!

Why was Trump joking and not taking the virus seriously? Even though the rest of the world was?

Drink and smoke kills millions annually, but people choose to drink and smoke! You do not choose to get this virus! Drink and smoke kills more people than HIV. Does that mean HIV is not that bad?

And as for the Chinese Government lying! It has been mentioned time and time again, but again you ignore! When the virus first hit, it was the officials of Wuhan thst tried to keep it a secret, they were the ones silencing people. When the Chinese Government found out, these people were arrested, and China moved quickly to contain the Virus, which they have!

It's like talking to a brick wall!

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: Jay-morris

Since you are obviously a brick wall, I will close our conversation at this; on January 21, the US had its first documented case. Knowing what we now know, this means that the virus was already spreading in the community. On January 15, China told WHO that human to human transmission was not possible.


Local Chinese officials do not correspond with massive world agencies. It’s a centralized government. Just like I can’t call someone at the U.N. and speak for the army.

This thread was NOT about the west, or US, response to the virus. It is about the fact that China LIED about key data points, in spite of international norms (I.e. asyms being counted). This is confirmed as STILL HAPPENING.

You have continuously deflected, attacked western nations, and defended the communist government’s lies- in fact, basically saying that the blame does not lay at their feet, even though they have LIED about key facts and data.

In a centralized, totalitarian dictatorship, the central government gets the Blame.

Here is the National Review article that lays out the key lies the government told, yet one more substantiated source I’ve laid out for you.
If a state in the US had a similar viral outbreak, the US government wouldn’t get a pass- yet we are a country where the federal government is supposed to ride in the backseat.

So I say again- this thread is about the lies the Chinese government CONTINUES TO TELL, and how that has impacted response. If you can’t understand the impact of their lies, read back through the thread where I spell out how outsized the impact is on modeling in disaster response.

edit on 30/3/2020 by ThouArtGod because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 05:44 AM
Your observation is spot on.

Now the question is did the CDC mess up on purpose so as to be able to tell us whatever and we have little recourse to debate data since it is being kept from us?

quote]originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: macaronicaesar40

Pop quiz:

How do you test an asymptomatic patient without testing every single person? Because asymptomatic means you have no symptoms meaning you don't know you have it.

That's 350 million test kits and mandatory testing since at this point contact tracing is impossible.

Considering they've run out of testing swabs at some places in the area I'm at and we're no hot spot any means ... how do you propose that happen?

You don't have to test every single person, but you can do randomized testing that will give you better data with which to approximate the infection rate of the general population. Just like polling, you don't have to question the entire population, just a sample.

Unfortunately we can't do that in the U.S. right now because we don't have enough test kits. CDC bungled the rollout of the test kits and we're like a month behind, so they're prioritizing only testing sick people right now. Since that's not random, we're not getting a truly representative sample of the population.

Hopefully that changes once we get our test kit supply up to par so we can update our numbers to something more accurate.
edit on 30-3-2020 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

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