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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -XXV-

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posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 07:25 AM
If you want to know whether or not COVID-19 is an orchestrated means of destroying the global economy by governments, consider that, along with the destruction of shareholder capital across the banking sectors across the world, they are now telling banks that they are either banned from paying dividends or should seriously consider postponing or reducing them to 'protect depositors' from loans that can't be repaid.

Banks in Europe, New Zealand and Australia have either stopped dividends being paid outright or have put significant restrictions on them.

But if you know anything about fractional reserve lending, you'd know that the 90% of the money that is loaned out is created out of thin air anyway, and lending rates have been reduced around the it makes zero sense to reduce or halt the payout to investors UNLESS you are trying to force those who don't have the capability of riding out the loss of income for a few months (i.e. retirees and small retail investors) to sell their stock at a drastically reduced rate. Regulators are even going as far as to suggest dividend reinvestment plans that would dilute the value of stock at a price below book value.

Make no mistake - this whole thing is a way of putting people on the hook to governments and forcing people to work, and therefore pay tax, until the day they die. This is their way of solving the crisis of Medicaid, Social Security and other government assistance packages being underfunded past 2025.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 07:43 AM
U.S. Marshalls have responsibility for federal prisons and prisoners, housing and transport, in addition to other duties related to the federal court system.

So if this kid was arrested on federal charges and is in federal custody, the U.S. Marshalls would have him in custody.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 07:50 AM

originally posted by: GATruthseeker
I basically said "screw Bill Gates" on my FB tonight & had the usual suspects like "What on earth are you talking about? Why? So Scary!

Similar to how Q asks questions try asking a question instead of making a statement and add photos or credible news links. “Why was BG flying on JEs jet?” Not everyone will follow/believe what you may suggest don’t take it to heart. Usually things we discuss are before the event takes place. Sometimes even Q drops... I also usually try to deter from speaking on some of the far out ideas we discuss here. Most are not ready for that but when the videos, photos, recording drop many will see the light.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 08:16 AM
Good morning, folks.

Here's a short video from Steve Bannon talking about a guy that doesn't get much mention in all of this, but should. Henry Kissinger. He declares that Kissinger has blood on his hands and that "we" will hunt him down. It's over his links to the CCP. Worth watching.

He mentions the Falun Gong organ harvesting in here. Brings a question to mind for the thread. Do we have any QiGong practitioners up in here? Does anyone here have experience with Falun Gong?

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan


posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 08:22 AM
Who are you?Accenture ID2020

Watch to the very end. I was about to turn it off and then, the end gave me the creeps.

linkJesus Christ is the Great I AM. Jesus Christ claimed to be the “I AM.” It is the personal name of the God of the Old Testament (Exodus 3:13-14). On several occasions it is recorded that Jesus used the “I AM” formula in attesting to His deity. He claimed to be the LORD God, Jehovah, Yahweh.

That is the spirit of Antichrist. The false hope that we can be our own god.

edit on 8-4-2020 by Observationalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: brewtiger

0:40 > Evolved into the greatest public health crisis in over 100 years
First raised its head in China at the end of December / early January
Evolved from less that 50 cases in China in early January

Seems odd the DIRCDC wouldn't know that a couple weeks ago China pushed "patient zero" back to November. Maybe he just means the "crisis" became public.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 08:35 AM
"Could be something, could be nothing..."

Today, April 8th, is at the 13th minute position on Qclock.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: Observationalist

The false hope that we can be our own god.

No offense intended, but I think this is a bit of a bastardization of what the new agers are trying to say. The way I see it is that the main difference between man and "God" is that man's Earthly self is cut off from his higher self. That there are essentially three yous (Holy Trinity). There is the base you ("reptile brain" driven survival mode), the local you (the you that is reading these words and processing this information), and the higher you (your soul that already resides in "heaven"). It's in this higher realm where man is truly made in God's image. They may not be exactly the same, but for all intents and purposes they are the same. It's in this realm that thought alone can pass down to this lower realm (Earth) and manifest itself as real as if by magic.

This line of thought leads people to believe that Jesus will have been more like what the Hindus consider an "ascended master" than the actual God of all time and space, and that each of us has this ability within us. Which again, I would go back to the Pistis Sophia for evidence of this. Because it wasn't just Jesus who transcended and ascended from this plane. All of his disciples did as well. And in the Eastern traditions history is replete with stories of others who have done the same.

So I don't see it as people saying we can become The God of the Universe and instead read it as saying "each of us can become like a god." That path I believe is extremely difficult though, and due to our current state of society very few have the time or discipline to see it through. I know I sure don't. It would require someone to accomplish a soul resonance of some kind ensuring that the three yous are always pulling in the same direction rather than in opposite directions. It would require constant devotion to that end and a complete change in the way we think, eat, breathe, and view the world.

In the end of this thing there will be a need for the religious paradigms to go under a radical shift to unify the world's religions, imo, so that these paths can be 1) known to all and 2) able to be pursued by any who choose to do so without having to wade through a sea of innuendo and riddles.

An awakening implies people are gonna have to start coming clean about what they know. I don't see "new age" philosophy being at odds with Christianity. I think they may be able to learn from one another if people would only change their way of thinking and stop considering everything outside their preferred dogmatic box to somehow be evil. That is a toxic mentality, imo.

edit on 8-4-2020 by PioneerFigureSkating because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-4-2020 by PioneerFigureSkating because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 08:53 AM


posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 08:58 AM
You'd think I'd have more free time on my hands with the Apocalypse happening and having the whole town shut down. Took me 4 days to catch up on this thread.... Did I miss anything? Lol

I am so shocked that Austin S is a fraud and mentally unstable. Who saw that coming?

The same people who thought AS was Q probably think Joe Exotic and all those other Tiger King's are stable normal everyday Americans.

Some people here humbly need to eat their Crow Pie and move past their Infatuation with AS.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 09:04 AM
Sometimes the Silence speaks loudly:


Trump fired him for Multiple reasons. Everyone seems to forget how Atkinson change the whistleblower form after the fact as well.

Can't wait till more details on him come out.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: Observationalist

The false hope that we can be our own god.

No offense intended, but I think this is a bit of a bastardization of what the new agers are trying to say. The way I see it is that the main difference between man and "God" is that man's Earthly self is cut off from his higher self. That there are essentially three yous (Holy Trinity). There is the base you ("reptile brain" driven survival mode), the local you (the you that is reading these words and processing this information), and the higher you (your soul that already resides in "heaven"). It's in this higher realm where man is truly made in God's image. They may not be exactly the same, but for all intents and purposes they are the same. It's in this realm that thought alone can pass down to this lower realm (Earth) and manifest itself as real as if by magic.

This line of thought leads people to believe that Jesus will have been more like what the Hindus consider an "ascended master" than the actual God of all time and space, and that each of this has this ability within us. Which again, I would go back to the Pistis Sophia for evidence of this. Because it wasn't just Jesus who transcended and ascended from this plane. All of his disciples did as well. And in the Eastern traditions history is replete with stories of others who have done the same.

So I don't see it as people saying we can become The God of the Universe and instead read it as saying "each of us can become like a god." That path I believe is extremely difficult though, and due to our current state of society very few have the time or discipline to see it through. I know I sure don't. It would require someone to accomplish a soul resonance of some kind ensuring that the three yous are always pulling in the same direction rather than in opposite directions. It would require constant devotion to that end and a complete change in the way we think, eat, breathe, and view the world.

In the end of this thing there will be a need for the religious paradigms to go under a radical shift to unify the world's religions, imo, so that these paths can be 1) known to all and 2) able to be pursued by any who choose to do so without having to wade through a sea of innuendo and riddles.

An awakening implies people are gonna have to start coming clean about what they know. I don't see "new age" philosophy being at odds with Christianity. I think they may be able to learn from one another if people would only change their way of thinking and stop considering everything outside their preferred dogmatic box to somehow be evil. That is a toxic mentality, imo.


One of the failures of religion is the lack of understanding that the symbolic eating of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge forever put man on a completely different course to what was originally intended by whatever entity either created or engineered us.

If you study every single religion, whether it's Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism or Islam, they all speak of a hidden path or a sacred secret. The Tarot describes this secret when it shows the High Priestess guarding the curtain of the Most Holy - which is, the divine.

In esoteric mystery schools, they call this the Godhead - the triune qualities on the Tree of Life of Understand, Wisdom and the Crown.

It comes from an acceptance that all the qualities that make us human - love, hate, peace, anger etc. - are reflected in the Supreme. Where we fail is our inability to balance all these aspects perfectly and apply them righteously. "Love god with your whole heart, mind and soul" and "Love your neighbour as yourself'.

In other words - think of others when you're by yourself, and think of others when you're with them. It's a command to reconnect to the Universal Consciousness that brings us all together...which is what you see when there are fluctuations in the Schumann Resonance. Ever since Darwin and the Industrial Revolution, mankind has forgotten what it was like to have love for their fellow man and put the needs of others before our own. Because if we just evolved from apes, there is no purpose to anything and we need to fight each other for survival.

The thing is - even in nature, survival of the fittest isn't the common theme. There are more examples of mutual aid in the animal kingdom than there are of a dog eat dog mentality.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Have you seen ZERO HEDGE ??

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: steaming
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Have you seen ZERO HEDGE ??

Zero Hedge is ~50% economic doom porn even in the best of times. If you can mentally filter that crap out, they'll often report on subjects the MSM ignores or has forgotten about.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 09:22 AM


posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: OsirianObsidian

Something I was considering last night is that I can see a need for a book to be written on these matters. I enjoy writing, but I fear I wouldn't be able to do a Great Awakening book any justice because my thoughts are too disorganized.

for the follow-up post. I agree with your thoughts.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: RadioRobert

Ep. 17 ~ Thomas Paine Podcast

He got a bunch of documents about Redfield. I started listening to it this morning but I haven't wrapped my brain around it yet. It's pretty damning so far. Actually, it's quite frightening if validated.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: CanadianMason

Listening now

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

GHOST pops up for a 2nd time on April 1:

Hello ATS,
Who is ready for the shortcut?

- Capital Letters = HATS W (W HATS)
- Picture of Emerald City, where the Wizard lives.
- Seattle = "The Emerald City"

Besides "Hillary Clinton in Wonderland", here is another HC Book Club:
The Adventures of Hillary Clinton in the Land of the Wizard, Bill Gates

Cranky posts a 2nd picture tied to Q544 (revealing new connections), and then this Amazing Polly video shows Big Pharma connections that span generations.

Another "shortcut" was announced on April 1 via Twitter:
Synthetic antibodies might offer a quick coronavirus treatment

Dr. Jacob Glanville, one of the researchers featured in the Netflix documentary “Pandemic: How to Prevent an Outbreak,” thinks he has found a shortcut. Glanville is the president of Distributed Bio, a computational immunoengineering group that focuses on making antibody therapeutics and vaccines. For weeks, Glanville and his team braved long shifts in the lab to engineer a possible treatment for COVID-19, and last Wednesday, April 1, he announced via Twitter that they had achieved a breakthrough.

Immunologist says he has a possible cure for the coronavirus

Video interview notes:
- small labs shouldn't be able to beat major pharmaceutical companies with more money and people
- Big pharma approach moves slow, is risk-averse and is not focused on finding new techniques
- Dr Glanville's team strategy is creating antibodies to block the virus (make it no longer infectious)
- This strategy well-established and has proven to work on Ebola, Rabies, RSV in babies and anti-venom
- Antibodies transformed the treatment of Ebola (50% mortality rate turned into a 94% survival rate)

- NEXT STEPS >>> Is it safe? >>> Is it effective? >>> Compassionate Use Patients?
- Handing it off to the U.S. military, a consortium from the Gates Foundation and some private groups for further testing
- Talking with Charles River Laboratories for safety and tox issues
- Teaming up with a manufacturer for scale-up production

- Vaccines are still at least 18+ months away, while his solution could be ready by this summer.
- Vaccines need 6-7 weeks inside a person to teach the body to protect itself; this approach takes 5-10 days to block

Centivax is a therapeutics company founded to treat and eradicate the remaining pathogens of the 21st century.

Big Pharma numbers:
-The combined total revenue for all 13 companies over 8 years was about $3.78 Trillion.
-The Combined total profits for these companies was about $744 Billion.
-All 13 pharmaceutical companies spent a total of $643 Billion on research.
-What companies can survive by being "slow, risk-averse, and not focused on finding new techniques"?

Washington was the area where the first US cases were discovered.
Will the First Indictment [unseal] that will trigger mass pop awakening also happen in the Emerald City?
@beer_parade has some interesting ideas on how "C before D" may mean CORONA before DECLAS.
edit on 8-4-2020 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-4-2020 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

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