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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:39 PM

originally posted by: Dolby_X
a reply to: Trillium

You are late to the news 3M will send them finaly

nope Ford just said they are still being stop at the border

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:53 PM

originally posted by: elitegamer23
So did we peak in the USA earlier then expected ??

Numbers don’t seem to be growing higher last several days.

I think there's been some weirdness with the numbers... at least, here in Texas. I don't see a lot of adherence to mask protocols or social distancing in Dallas and I suspect from anecdotal comments from friends that this is true statewide. I'm going to start making note of the number of tests (until they quit reporting on that.)

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:56 PM

originally posted by: Wookiep

originally posted by: clay2 baraka

originally posted by: elitegamer23
So did we peak in the USA earlier then expected ??

Numbers don’t seem to be growing higher last several days.

No, it just hit NY earlier.. LA and FL numbers keep climbing as well as MI.

We'll hit peak 2 weeks after Easter.

It's ALL BS. Sorry, you've been had. Meanwhile, your rights are being stripped away while you live in fear. SAD #! Game over.

I've been here from the first thread. My stance on this debacle leans from one way to the other. Unlike you I can open my eyes and see. I see that ignorance is everywhere, from everyone, me included because I am still trying to figure it out, ignorance especially from the people such as yourself that think you have it all figured out.

I seen your response to the other poster before it got removed. It says a lot about your ability, or rather lack of ability to really be a critical thinker.

Just curious if you have personally been to NYC to see first hand how bad it is? I haven't and I can tell you that I won't. I'll just take their word for it.

Have a nice day

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:58 PM
Update Apr.06/20
Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Global Cases (by JHU CSSE)

Canada *** Total= 16,667 ***
8,580-Quebec, 4,347-Ontario, 1,266-British Columbia, 1,348-Alberta,
253-Saskatchewan, 204-Manitoba, 13-Grand Princess, 103-New Brunswick,
226-Newfoundland & Labrador, 293-Nova Scotia 22-Prince Edward Island,
4-Northwest Territories, 6-Yukon USA & Canada Updates

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 12:00 AM

originally posted by: liejunkie01

originally posted by: Wookiep

originally posted by: clay2 baraka

originally posted by: elitegamer23
So did we peak in the USA earlier then expected ??

Numbers don’t seem to be growing higher last several days.

No, it just hit NY earlier.. LA and FL numbers keep climbing as well as MI.

We'll hit peak 2 weeks after Easter.

It's ALL BS. Sorry, you've been had. Meanwhile, your rights are being stripped away while you live in fear. SAD #! Game over.

I've been here from the first thread. My stance on this debacle leans from one way to the other. Unlike you I can open my eyes and see. I see that ignorance is everywhere, from everyone, me included because I am still trying to figure it out, ignorance especially from the people such as yourself that think you have it all figured out.

I seen your response to the other poster before it got removed. It says a lot about your ability, or rather lack of ability to really be a critical thinker.

Just curious if you have personally been to NYC to see first hand how bad it is? I haven't and I can tell you that I won't. I'll just take their word for it.

Have a nice day

Yeah thanks. I've been here since the beginning too, no sense in virtue signaling your way into your fake reality. This has gone TOO FAR. Period. Is it REAL??? Maybe, but the response is WORSE than the damn virus. Learn that. Stop buying into fear, because it's destroying us.
edit on 7-4-2020 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 12:10 AM

originally posted by: Wookiep

originally posted by: liejunkie01

originally posted by: Wookiep

originally posted by: clay2 baraka

originally posted by: elitegamer23
So did we peak in the USA earlier then expected ??

Numbers don’t seem to be growing higher last several days.

No, it just hit NY earlier.. LA and FL numbers keep climbing as well as MI.

We'll hit peak 2 weeks after Easter.

It's ALL BS. Sorry, you've been had. Meanwhile, your rights are being stripped away while you live in fear. SAD #! Game over.

I've been here from the first thread. My stance on this debacle leans from one way to the other. Unlike you I can open my eyes and see. I see that ignorance is everywhere, from everyone, me included because I am still trying to figure it out, ignorance especially from the people such as yourself that think you have it all figured out.

I seen your response to the other poster before it got removed. It says a lot about your ability, or rather lack of ability to really be a critical thinker.

Just curious if you have personally been to NYC to see first hand how bad it is? I haven't and I can tell you that I won't. I'll just take their word for it.

Have a nice day

Yeah thanks. I've been here since he beginning too, no sense in virtue signaling your way into your fake reality. This has gone TOO FAR. Period. Is it REAL??? Maybe, but the response is WORSE than the damn virus. Learn that. Stop buying into fear, because it's destroying us.

I officially signed on to the Carewemust and the other poster's side.

I dont think it is logical to crash the world economy over this. But that is the conundrum. Why, why would world leaders risk being overthrown, or at least lose political power by crashing the system, if it isnt that bad? We have seen both sides, from it isnt that bad, to we need to shut it all down. It just isnt making any sense.

I am still trying to piece it together. I am still employed. I am around truck drivers delivering from around the country. Would they really shut down a truck stop along I 270 and bring in a decontamination crew in full hazmat ppe, over nothing? I know for a fact they did. I drive past it everyday. I've never ever, ever seen that done for the flu.

This is what is puzzling me.

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 12:19 AM
a reply to: liejunkie01

Would they shut down everything over nothing? You'd think not, right? Well maybe you're WRONG! I think they absolutely would. Have you seen the literal countless hours of footage of empty hospitals all over the nation? How about the mandate to write in COVID19 as the cause of death even if it isnt? What about the actual flu deaths this year? Are they even recording them? Are they ALL COVID19 cases? Serious stuff we should all be asking. Because around here, no-one is self-quarantining, EVERYONE is out and about just like normal save from bars etc being open. You think they would half-ass things like this if it were serious?

It's ALL BS. We're at a stage where they are totally destroying our rights and you all are sucking it up like little docile sheep. It's insane to watch.
edit on 7-4-2020 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 12:37 AM

originally posted by: DankyDSmythe

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: DankyDSmythe

What causes you to feel like you can't breathe? - not enough oxygen - or too much CO2 in the lungs.

Any number of things, including
* scarring of the alveoli
* fluid around the heart
* panic attack
* allergies
* fluid in the lung sacs (alveoli)
* shock

And a lot more things. See this link from Mayo Clinic

Right but you don't get a virus and then suddenly develop scarring within a couple of hours, you know if you're having a panic attack or an allergic reaction, you're not in shock, and fluid in the lungs isn't the cause otherwise a ventilator would be useless, and fluid around the heart is also testable.

And that's the thing. "Too much CO2" doesn't make a lot of sense. To quote from WebMD

Scientists who have studied images of very ill COVID-19 patients’ lungs found them filled with fluid, pus, and cell debris. In those cases, patients’ bodies weren’t able to transfer oxygen to the blood to keep their systems working properly


Early in the outbreak of COVID-19 in China, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) was one of the most common complications.

With ARDS, the lungs are so severely damaged that fluid begins to leak into them. As a result, the body has trouble getting oxygen into the bloodstream. You may need mechanical help to breathe -- such as a ventilator -- until your lungs recover

So the mechanism that was described is not present in COVID-19 patients. That mechanism doesn't appear in any of the scientific papers describing COVID-19 (I might have missed some.) What they do say is that the problems with blood oxygen result from edema and inflammation and both can happen very quickly.

And that's why I don't find it very credible. Now... this would change if a lot of papers show up describing the very process your article suggested and there was supporting research to underline that this is a true effect. But all the research I've read so far doesn't confirm what your article stated.

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 12:53 AM
a reply to: Wookiep

I am sorry, i will not be isolated in my home for a year plus all while knowing i have or will be contracting this disease
However the reality is I will do what it takes, (at the potential cost of sanity) it if it means that i am saving lives
At the news suggested by my health minster to expect controls,including our quarantine (lets face it,that's what it is) until September

This is a global health emergency that nobody was prepared for,they are obviously throwing the kitchen sink at this
if/when enough material is available to health care workers,cases have dropped significantly and masks are widely distributed ,i expect most restrictions will be lifted.

edit on 7-4-2020 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: all2human

i will not be isolated in my home for a year plus all while knowing i will be contracting this disease

We're ALL getting it eventually. That's all there is to it. This NEW corona cold, is just that. A cold. It can cause pneumonia, got it. Should we all give up our rights now? This is RIDICULOUS. Why can't you guys see this?

When this started in China, I WAS concerned, but that was because people were falling over, DYING. I think something happened there, but THIS isn't it.

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 01:17 AM
a reply to: Wookiep
Too simplistic a view. It’s not that simple.
It affects each of us differently. Why is that? We don’t know enough about this virus.
I am staying home and keeping my distance.
I’m from Australia where we’ve tested many so far and the transmission so far is low compared with other countries in western world. Granted our population is small and we are more spread out.
(Btw, I’ve been a lurker and member of ATS for a long time now but haven’t posted much and I have been following this thread since the first one as I know when a crisis such as this occurs, ATS is a great source of information and thought provoking thinking)

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 01:23 AM

originally posted by: DaMouse
a reply to: Wookiep
Too simplistic a view. It’s not that simple.
It affects each of us differently. Why is that? We don’t know enough about this virus.
I am staying home and keeping my distance.
I’m from Australia where we’ve tested many so far and the transmission so far is low compared with other countries in western world. Granted our population is small and we are more spread out.
(Btw, I’ve been a lurker and member of ATS for a long time now but haven’t posted much and I have been following this thread since the first one as I know when a crisis such as this occurs, ATS is a great source of information and thought provoking thinking)

Ok, stay in fear then. Like the whole world is currently doing with half-assed measures. I guess if this is REALLY something to fear then why half-ass it? Just shut it ALL down. Forget "essential" or "non-essential", social distancing et al. That won't happen. You know it, and so do I. So just trolley along while "they" tell us what is and isn't acceptable in society. This isn't going away, even long after the virus is gone. We all need to be smarter than this.

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 01:30 AM
And the numbers from Dallas and from Texas. Note that I think they're way too low so I'm going to record number of tests cited.

So... for Texas
State data released April 6 shows that as of 8 p.m. April 5, there were at least 7,276 coronavirus cases in Texas. There were 140 reported deaths and 1,153 patients are currently hospitalized. At least 85,357 tests have been run.

And for Dallas
Confirmed: 1,155
Deaths: 18

Not to worry. Televangelist Kenneth Copeland has summoned the "wind of God" to blow the wind of God onto COVID-19 and destroy it.

There's a big brawl brewing between County Judge Clay Jenkins and Governor Abbot over the potential use of Kay Bailey Hutcheson center as a recovery site for COVID-19 patients I'm on Jenkins' side, here.

A Girl Scout collected 1.400 boxes of cookies (donations) for nurses and physicians at a local hospital

The Wisconsin primary is scheduled for tomorrow and won't be posponed. Speaking as an election judge here for Texas, I am horrified at this. The Democrat governor ordered it canceled, the Republicans (!) insisted that it go ahead. I can't fathom why they'd do this since there's no question who's the Republican nominee and there's no important legislation on the books for them. Canceling or mail-in ballots makes a lot more sense. It will be horrible for the judges and clerks who show up (because a lot of judges and clerks won't... this is what happened in Dallas and it made for a very very very very long night. I was exhausted afterwards.)

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: Byrd

You are a long term member with a reasonable handle of civics the Presidential seal and flag have not appeared with Trump since March 16,is that significant you think?

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 01:33 AM

originally posted by: Wookiep
a reply to: all2human

i will not be isolated in my home for a year plus all while knowing i will be contracting this disease

We're ALL getting it eventually. That's all there is to it. This NEW corona cold, is just that. A cold. It can cause pneumonia, got it. Should we all give up our rights now? This is RIDICULOUS. Why can't you guys see this?

When this started in China, I WAS concerned, but that was because people were falling over, DYING. I think something happened there, but THIS isn't it.

I am also wondering about the difference in the effects of the virus.
In the USA we dont see people shaking and falling over dying with the streets lined with bodies.
So it really brings the question to mind what are the effects of this virus?
I really wonder what are all of its known effects?
Can it be cured?
People are saying some are immune to it and cured, however people are also getting reinfected or were never cured in the first place.
The virus seems to go dormant for a time and may come back in after people recover.
It is estimated that it doubles every week or so meaning much over 350 million in the USA after a year from now.
Seeing as the social distancing does not seem to stop the spread amongst the animal kingdom and perhaps the bacterial spread of the virus as seen in the sewers of Europe and China may just be a hint of the method of how this virus reproduces in nature on a micro level infecting everything.
Now scientists are saying it could also be seasonal so wondering how it travels and works outside of a human host in nature.

Anyways if anyone on ATS can shed light on the list of what the known effects are and how it spreads outside of humans that would be great.

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 01:39 AM
a reply to: Wookiep
I’m taking the view that if I can avoid getting it for as long as possible I will. I’m not going to purposely go out then and contract it.
No one seems to have a proper treatment plan for it atm for serious cases and experimenting on treatments.
We can’t get a clear view of it.
And tbh, until last year, I hadn’t gotten the common flu vaccine since 2014 and before that I think I had a flu vaccine in 2009 as I believe that I do have a strong immune system. So I didn’t need it, until my ex husbands partner underwent chemo treatment for MS to reboot her immune system.
Yeah, so whilst I think I’d be ok, I don’t want to infect other people with compromised immune systems.
I’m not going to take that risk and stuff up someone else’s life. Its not about fear. It’s about thinking about people who are compromised.

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 01:51 AM
a reply to: Wookiep
Btw - Are you in the USA?

I mean tbh, when this broke out in China, big in January, i remember thinking, oh god, not again!
Probably gonna be like Swine flu, nothing to see here.

But then all hell broke loose! Chinese NY, peeps travelling all over and Chinese are the nouveau rich. Travelling like cray, cray they were.
Different to 10-20 years ago.
I can see why Europe and USA etc so ignorant.
I mean, this whole thing is so surreal and let’s be honest totally painful as it has disrupted so many lives. And will continue to do so.
But I believe there is more good on this world than bad. We only see the the negative side in MSM. I’ve travelled wide and far, last year I went to the Western Balkans, Albania was part of the trip. I would never have dreamed of ever visiting that country. What I saw was amazing. A country 27 years out of a Communist regime, slowly thriving. A country on the up with so much history but a positive aspect because no way do they want to go back to their old ways.

This is a blight on the world right now.

I’m not fearful, I’m thinking of others who can’t protect themselves so easily and I will keep my distance. It’s one thing I can control.

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 01:52 AM
a reply to: liejunkie01

What's weird, in Iceland 40 out of 60 people tested for antibodies, had already had the disease and hadn't realized it. That's about seventy percent have already had it and now they are starting a lockdown. This is a strange disease.

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 01:54 AM

originally posted by: khnum
a reply to: Byrd

You are a long term member with a reasonable handle of civics the Presidential seal and flag have not appeared with Trump since March 16,is that significant you think?

No. I think it's a function of the space where he's operating. They choose rooms depending on what the occasion is and how many they're permitting to attend. He has other symbols of power around him.

Does he stage things? Certainly. All leaders do (think of FDR's "fireside chats" and the images (carefully staged) for those.)
But I wouldn't read too much symbolism into it (unlike, say, Madeline Albright and her use of jewelry.) It's not effective if you're sending out "hidden/coded messages." It's only effective if (as with the case of Albright) everyone's quite aware of the symbolism and the message.

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 02:47 AM
This does not surprise me as some of the photos I have see of doctors attending patients are wearing the cheap disposable plastic rain coats you see when it is raining and people are on a motorcycle.

JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia announced its biggest daily increase in novel coronavirus cases on Monday and a medical association said 24 doctors had now died after contracting the virus.

The rise in the death toll among doctors, which has doubled since last week, followed criticism of a lack of protective equipment in Indonesia.

The 218 new coronavirus cases took the number overall in Indonesia to 2,491. The 209 confirmed deaths among people who have contracted the virus is the highest number of fatalities in Asia outside China.

edit on 727thk20 by 727Sky because: (no reason given)

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