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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:18 PM

LOS ANGELES — Los Angeles County announces near-lockdown, all residents urged to stay home except for essential needs.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:18 PM

BREAKING: Argentina announces nationwide lockdown due to coronavirus

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: cirrus12

In fact he praised China at the beginning. Is this to prepare the citizens psychologically?

It's because a wacky Chinese official made the claim that it was the US military who started the disease in Wuhan. Trump feels like he has to make sure that everybody knows it started in China. Even though they already know that.

Yes, he is that insecure.

edit on 3/19/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:19 PM

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said the city is two or three weeks away from running out of urgently needed supplies for hospitals and called for immediate military action. For live updates

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:20 PM

NASA shuts down 2 rocket facilities after engineer tests positive for Covid-19, in 'major setback' to 2024 Moon flight hopes

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:20 PM
One last post before bedtime...

Boris Johnson is saying that the UK can "turn it all around in the space of 12 weeks".

But by my calculations, total saturation point (i.e. everyone everywhere who has been exposed to it being infected) is around May 11th-18th, That is a mere 7-8 weeks away. Unless they have some extreme plans to "flatten the curve", they wont be turning much around. Talk of, buying things in within a month... Too little too late, This is all BS talk. Sigh.

The official narrative can't really be trusted without complete transparency, which we are not being given. Nothing new there so...

Right, bed. Night all.
edit on 19-3-2020 by saladfingers123456 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Those supplies being PPE for health care workers?

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: cirrus12
Inside a Bergamo (Lombardy) hospital on Sky News
It looks like a great hospital, and is apparently one of the best in Europe - and it is at breaking point.

All hospitals have a limited capacity,no matter how great they are. In Bergamo as in Wuhan, they just can't keep up with the # of infected. We are not geared for this kind of pandemic. All these quarantines you hear about today aren't supposed to stop the virus, but rather slow it down so the healthcare systems doesn't crumble. Everyone will eventually come across CoVid, the difference between life and death for many people will be if your countrys healthcare system can help all those critical cases. Italy can't, but Italy made some huge mistakes in the beginning of all this and are unfortunately paying the price now

edit on 19-3-2020 by XCrycek because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:27 PM
Can they lock down NYC? Must be coming soon then
a reply to: Agit8dChop

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:27 PM

posted on Jan, 24 2020 @ 06:55 PM link Hmm interesting info appears the virus, can be transmitted by infected who appear healthy. Profound... Some get an illness others do not.. Thing is designed to survive and infect. Dunno how legit, this article is but looks legit..

posted on Jan, 24 2020 @ 07:13 PM link We are going to get a black out on info. I think (know) China, is lying about the severity. This is concerning. Yep, time to stay focused on this and yep, this and some other places will be really the only place to get info, on this current event real soon.

posted on Jan, 24 2020 @ 07:16 PM link a reply to: Bicent I think it depends on how severely you get it. Someone posted a spread sheet of cases and symptoms. They all showed some form of symptom, but not everyone had fever. Some just had what appeared to be mild respiratory symptoms like allergies -- sneezes and a runny nose. I commonly have sneezing and a runny nose without being ill thanks to mild pet allergies. Not everyone who gets this will die or even develop a severe illness.

posted on Jan, 24 2020 @ 07:20 PM link a reply to: ketsuko This I know, I am looking at the mortality rate, in its current mutation, and it’s camouflage, I get feelings, and I have a feeling about this. I waited awhile, before I paid, attention, to this feeling, because, sometimes it does not mean anything, but this time, I think it does. When they try to hide, it like the Chinese are now, because of the markets and panic, that is when the truth of how bad it is will be known..

I am tired tonight, posting some posts from back in January, on part 1. So here we are presently with a panic and a wrecked economy, it was a pandemic they were lying and trying to hide.
edit on 19-3-2020 by Bicent because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:31 PM
I feel like Italy did a fair amount - they tested more and stopped flights to and from China before anyone in Europe.
I'm wondering what they did wrong? And if they did anything wrong then surely we in the UK must be worse.....
a reply to: XCrycek

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:33 PM

originally posted by: cirrus12
Can they lock down NYC? Must be coming soon then
a reply to: Agit8dChop

The island would be easier than other places to lockdown. There are only so many bridges.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: saladfingers123456

If this emergency was allowed to last too long , their would only be gangs left. Notice how the police have been militarized, I think its all about the economy, now their is a cause for the economic problems. It was going to crash anyway, but if not for the Virus it would have been mismanagement blamed for the crash , which would have had bad consequences for the managers. Their will just be enough rioting to require more draconian laws, the cash will be removed and that , will be that. The Government will save us.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:44 PM

Staff frantically wave us out of the way, pushing gurneys carrying men and women on mobile respirators, it's not chaos but it is hectic. They rush past wards already rammed with beds all filled with people in terrible distress; gasping for air, clutching at their chests and at tubes pumping oxygen into their oxygen-starved lungs.

I'm in the main hospital in Bergamo, the hardest-hit hospital in Italy in the hardest-hit town in the hardest-hit province, Lombardy - and it's just plain scary.

This isn't really a ward, it's a waiting room, we just have to use every bit of space," my guide, Vanna Toninelli, head of the hospital press office tells me. The medical teams are fighting a war here and they are losing.

I encourage you guys to read this article. Facts too, not FEARMONGERING.. ITS a pandemic.
Coronavirus: 'They call it the apocalypse' - inside Italy's hardest-hit hospital

Italy, and the pandemic. Sad news and there is a video..

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:47 PM
California Governor has ordered a state-wide "stay-at home" order !!!!! 😷

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: cirrus12

Phage (I think it Phage) posted a link today speculating Northern Italy may have had their initial cases back in December or even November, with Italian doctors claiming they had seen unusual cases of pneumonia I. Northern Italy.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:56 PM

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: asdfa
a reply to: Oppenheimer67

That's just silly. Where do you think the west nile virus came from, or ebola, or lyme disease. They're all named after where they originated.

Then why would you call it the "Chinese Virus" when it came from an American lab?

Did you miss the part about Chinese people getting attacked and abused on our streets, or are you just too callous or dim to care?

I don't know that it came from an American lab, and you don't know where it came from either. So maybe best stick to SARS-CoV-2, or simply The Coronavirus, to avoid inflammatory language on the world stage, unnecessary hate, social unrest, and causing fear for the innocent Chinese people, or anyone Asian looking for that matter. Unless of course the point is entirely to create such labelling. Feel free to go and ignore this though little lamb.

How about simply going by what little presumed facts that are known? What is in a name, anyway?

Best I can recollect, I have heard different renditions of ground zero for this pathogen.

(1) Stolen by the Chinese from an American lab and taken to the BSL-4 lab in Wuhan China.
(2) Stolen by the Chinese from a Canadian lab and taken to the BSL-4 lab in Wuhan China.
(1&2 a) Virus escaped from the Wuhan China lab.
(1&2 b) Virus was purposely released from the Wuhan China lab.

In what country was the first known victim for this coronavirus located?

In what country was the first city locked down because of this coronavirus located?

Notice any common denominators there?

If someone were intend on naming this coronavirus based on a location, where else would you suggest as a logical choice?

This is not racism. This is simply calling a "spade" a "spade" based on all the relevant evidence that seems to have been presented so far. IMHO.

Heck, I was first alerted to this coronavirus from someone on one of my own forum sites posting about it on 01-17-2020. Guess what they called it? Yep. "Chinese Coronavirus". Imagine that. Oh, and for the record, she is NOT a Trump fan, by any stretch of the imagination.

edit on 19-3-2020 by Rich Z because: Just added a line.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: cirrus12

Phage (I think it Phage) posted a link today speculating Northern Italy may have had their initial cases back in December or even November, with Italian doctors claiming they had seen unusual cases of pneumonia I. Northern Italy.

Someone on one of my conservative blogs talked about how Italy was the only European nation to have signed an agreement with China where China was to build infrastructure in Italy, and part of the agreement allowed large numbers of Chinese into the nation. One of the other nations to do the same was Iran.

Both nations are now suffering uniquely bad outbreaks.

What you post is entirely possible given that they now think they have traced patient zero of this outbreak as far back as Nov. 17 at least. If you have large numbers of Chinese from wherever in China coming and going and the coronavirus has been circulating that long, then what you say is a distinct possibility.
edit on 19-3-2020 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 09:01 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
So just got word from my niece in Pasco County Florida her winn dixie had their delivery trucks cancelled, the shelves are nearly empty and they may be closing their doors till this virus runs its course.

Man, I do hope she is mistaken. This could be the beginning of some really nasty times, if true. Not doubting her word, just commenting that sometimes people can make mistakes in what they hear. And hopeful thinking on my part, too, of course.

If they stop stocking up the grocery stores, people WILL try to get food somewhere, by hook or by crook. There WILL be blood in the streets. IMHO.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 09:06 PM
I predict a nationwide lockdown soon. Possibly as soon as this weekend.
What may be worse than the virus will be the global depression that will make the Great Depression look minor.

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