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Are you doing anything differently because of Coronavirus?

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posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 03:56 AM
My mom just went through chemo and radiation for lung cancer. She's cancer free but the treatments damaged her lungs.

My aunt had a liver transplant. She takes drugs to suppress her immune system to it from attacking her new organ.

My step dad has been smoking for 40 or 50 years and has a horrible cough.

My grandmother is 80 years old and very frail.

This is all the family I have.

I'm 44 I've been smoking for 30 years. The flu damn near kills me when I get it so I've been getting flu shots the past 5 years. I've had pneumonia twice and my lungs are scarred because of it.

I'm down to my last 10 cigarettes and I'm quitting before the day is over. Don't know if it will make much of a difference if I get this virus. If I can go a month or two without smoking before I get this virus maybe it won't kill me.

My buddy lives in my basement and he works with the public. He'll be the one that brings it in the house.

I've seen interviews with people that survived this illness and it sounds a lot worse then pneumonia. Trust me pneumonia is no walk in the park.

I'm taking this virus very serious and I'm almost in panic mode. Our government seems to be down playing the seriousness. China reacted a lot more faster then we are. Our government is more concerned with the stock market then doing what needs to be done to contain this.

I don't see any containment measures being taken here like in China South Korea or Italy.

We have an outbreak in Washington state right now and our reaction time to contain this is a joke.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 06:20 AM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
If the fat lady in the seat in front of you reclines her seat...just start coughing.
Watch how fast it goes back up.

DB knows not to recline his seat.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 06:43 AM
Nothing different from what I normally do every Flu season.

Avoid those who are coughing
Wash my hands frequently
Stay at home 90% of the time I'm not at work

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: wantsome
Yes pneumonia also sucks. I thinkethe last time I had that was after I had a collapsed lung from a car accident in 2011. My daughter had a case of it just this past September. She's too young to listen to parents the first time.
Wet hair and cold will do no favors for ones health.

Poor baby. She recovered 100% though and giving her brothers the fight they deserve.

It doesn't matter now, because we are all going to die now that there Are two cases in the area. I remember when sars killed us all, and then swine flu, Ebola, and zika killed us all too. It seems like we all just come back to life just to die again when the news tells us too.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 09:38 AM
I just talked to a colleague who had to take their kiddo to the ER this weekend due to an infection.

ER doc told them not to worry about the Coronavirus. He said that it’s basically just a cold and that right now they can only test people after they have had extreme symptoms for three days. He feels that the mortality rate is likely way, way overstated as reported given there are probably countless cases of people contracting the virus and having not symptoms beyond a common cold or mild flu. All of the freak out is unwarranted and he couldn’t say why this is being hyped so much when the underlying information doesn’t support this level of concern.

I’ll continue to not fret this.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 10:22 AM

originally posted by: EnigmaChaser
I just talked to a colleague who had to take their kiddo to the ER this weekend due to an infection.

ER doc told them not to worry about the Coronavirus. He said that it’s basically just a cold and that right now they can only test people after they have had extreme symptoms for three days. He feels that the mortality rate is likely way, way overstated as reported given there are probably countless cases of people contracting the virus and having not symptoms beyond a common cold or mild flu. All of the freak out is unwarranted and he couldn’t say why this is being hyped so much when the underlying information doesn’t support this level of concern.

I’ll continue to not fret this.

That's what I've been thinking this whole time. MSM blowing everything out of proportion, as usual.
I find it hard to believe anything that makes headlines in this era.

I'm not afraid of the virus.
I'm afraid of how people are reacting to it.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 10:57 AM
10,000 americans died of the flu in January alone (Source) and people are in a panic over coronavirus?

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

It isn't so much of the Coronavirus its the people I am concerned about. Especially here in the USA. So if something tanks like the stock market or we have a mass coronavirus development in a centralized location with many people, others could just simply go nuts and loose it and start hoarding; everything.

At that point they could disrupt the entire USA supply chain of food which then cascades across borders and on and on.

Personally I believe that we are on our own as the countries are specifically not telling us all. They have to to avoid the crazies from launching. Plus its a perfect time for INTEL to plant the virus so as to destabilize a country. Our MSM has now picked up that pace within the last week.

edit on 2-3-2020 by Waterglass because: typo

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: Gojira54
10,000 americans died of the flu in January alone (Source) and people are in a panic over coronavirus?
Yeah then why did China react the way they did? Apparently they know something we don't. Why is South Korea setting up temperature check points? Our governments apathetic response to this could end up costing American lives. Why did Trump give the CDC a cease and desist order? The way I see it we are seriously unprepared and being misinformed.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: Gojira54

So explain why the Chinese reacted the way they did for starters. Especially the shutdown and quarantine of several major cities.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: wantsome

originally posted by: Gojira54
10,000 americans died of the flu in January alone (Source) and people are in a panic over coronavirus?
Yeah then why did China react the way they did? Apparently they know something we don't. Why is South Korea setting up temperature check points? Our governments apathetic response to this could end up costing American lives. Why did Trump give the CDC a cease and desist order? The way I see it we are seriously unprepared and being misinformed.

I think you are being misinformed - about the severity of this.

Lots of people have commented on this thread about not worrying about the virus but rather the reaction from other people. E.g. mass panic, markets crashing, business halted, etc.

The fact that Trump said this isn’t a big deal is right. Why people think he should be more hyperbolic is beyond me.

Why did China react as they did? Who knows. Could be the density of the population, lack of adequate preventative care, lifestyle choices that could impair more people in that area - who knows.

It also could just be another way to highlight “China bad!” Via the mainstream media.

If you want to go conspiratorial on this it’s possible that China is trying to monkey with the global economy. I really doubt that though - it’s too dangerous if it backfired on them. It sounds like the plot of a Bond movie - which it could be - but real-life application of that thinking takes on some material risks that aren’t worth the reward - particularly when flu season ends in 60-90 days.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 12:46 PM
I had 19 Coronas on Saturday and felt horrible Sunday as part of my prep. I also bought a month worth of canned food and 3 months worth of booze. If I am stuck at home with my spouse for weeks booze is more important that toilet paper!

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

Overreaction. Plain and simple.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 02:46 PM
ive bought some extra food, tp and coffee. so far nothing close to me have empty shelves that i know of. also reupping my garden, but i attempt that every year lol

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 03:44 PM
I've bought more supplies, and have been self-quarantined as much as possible since late Jan/early Feb. Not to mention I've been following the pertinent threads here on ATS, which are quite helpful and comforting to know that other people are taking this as seriously as it might be.

I don' think the US is going to see death numbers near what we see in China, as long as the US Gov doesn't do the things China has done.. but I wouldn't put it past them. Just saying that locking people in their houses causes cortisol levels to rise, and not to mention likely sustained panic and possible starvation. Spraying a mix of chemicals and bleach everywhere can't be good for people's health, either.

I wonder how many people didn't have the 'virus' but still passed away due to the drastic measures their government took.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Savage ! LOL ! Add to that how your trip to China really sucked while coughing up a lung.

edit on 2-3-2020 by 1point92AU because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: Gojira54

Or, is this a concocted campaign to get the USA to go nuts? Not the virus but people going off the deep end. It can happen? think about it. Russia is somewhat silent.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:36 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: Gojira54

Or, is this a concocted campaign to get the USA to go nuts? Not the virus but people going off the deep end. It can happen? think about it. Russia is somewhat silent.

I doubt that was the case originally.

That said, the media seized on this pretty intensely and now use it to say Trump “is mishandling this” and “doesn’t get it” - it’s more orange man bad and that’s it.

Freak out culture is the media’s style - same thing happens for winter storms, hurricanes, droughts, a tweet - you name it.

We’ve gone from reporting about the facts of the event to reporting on the worst case scenario and stating that worst case scenario as certain fact.

Which is rarely how things turn out - but people are hooked on doom porn. So, doom porn they get.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 06:01 PM
Nope. a reply to: EnigmaChaser

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 06:04 PM
What’s surprising about opinion news misinforming the public to weaponize an issue to attack trump. a reply to: EnigmaChaser

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