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Are you doing anything differently because of Coronavirus?

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posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

I think you are being misinformed - about the severity of this. 

I don't think that you have informed yourself about the severity of this.

This has the chance of overloading the medical centers here in the states. The numbers are out there.

Even if just the elderly get really sick, there are a lot of elderly people.

There are many facets to this equation. I am glad you are so optimistic.

Time will tell.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

Unfortunately because my kids are half chinese I have to console them because kids are making fun of them telling they have the virus and teasing them due to their ethnicity...

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: wantsome
Man, there is one case in .y county and another south of us. Our local news and our representatives are not encouraging us to bug out. They are literally saying just take same precautions as any other cold. State of Florida is clearly prepared.

The Communist party of China reacts the way it does because it is familiar with heavy handed intimidation tactics to keep it's citizens in check. They do this so mainlanders do not become as empowered and bold as Hong Kong.

South Korea and Japan are just sensationalizing for their domestic audience.
edit on 3-2-2020 by worldstarcountry because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

Yes. I'm still not getting innoculated. What the Government would put in me would be worse.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: EnigmaChaser

originally posted by: Occam78
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

Coronavirus is just the same movie in a different theatre.

Is it?

Is it?

Is it?

None of those links even mention Corona....

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 04:49 PM
Ugh reading the Corona virus thread parts 1 through 4 day after day hour after hour.. I'M STRESSED OUT! I need a break from all the doom and gloom news but its like being on the freeway and seeing a car wreck I just cant look away. Im informed as I am ever going to be its time to stop regroup and get into "my emergency stash" and bake some brownies.
A month and a half of all this is turning my hair gray.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

I agree with you on the MSM here.

They were behaved for about the first two weeks then they came around just after the Democrats began criticizing Trump on it. Now they are like rabid dogs and the front pages are everything Coronovirus.

Our media needs to discuss Bill Gates Universal Vaccine Digital ID2020 as its weird that nerd boy now is bored and wants to conquer the world.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 08:57 AM
Yes I do something different. I reinstated my dumbass account to see the show. After this I will most likely leave again or I'm dead lmao.

Besides that not much changed. If it was this or another event. I was prepared to the level that I can anyway.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 09:14 AM
I am doing something different now. I’m an electrician in Seattle, working across the street from Swedish Hospital, we’ve been eating in the hospital cafeteria for several months 5 days a week, yesterday was my last meal there. I made this decision due to the fact that i’m very likely increasing my odds for catching the virus eating lunch in a hospital at this time.
Probably no need for much further explanation.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: EnigmaChaser
So for all the freak out on the subject of Coronavirus - are any of you actually doing things differently because of it?

By that I mean cancelling travel, not going to stores, selling your earthly possessions, no eating out, etc.

I say that as I personally am not worried about this illness at all. Why? 14-41k people died in US tied to the standard old flu in 2019.

I’m not trying to downplay the human toll for those who we lost but seriously - is anyone actually making material changes to their life/plans/schedule/habits because of Coronavirus?

so you're gonna compare a full 12 months of numbers to 2 months? Wait a year then compare.

Better safe than sorry. I for one won't take chances.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 08:13 PM
I have stocked enough food for my family for a month

I started meal planning for the week and take 1 trip to the store a week. I go to a 24hour Walmart around 11pm. I wear a properly fitted N95 respirator and nitrile gloves.

When I get to my car I use Clorox wipes to wipe down every thing I buy before it goes in my car. Then I transfer it back to my place

I wash my hands every time I enter my house and every time I use the bathroom

I use hand sanitizer often

I stopped going to the science center with my son, I do not buy fast food. I make my coffee at home

I have stopped going to church but I do still attend my small group sessions

I fist bump

I am working on a more Thorough decon process for exiting a store.

That process will be wearing a hoodie into the store and then doffing that into a contractor bag when I’m done unloading my groceries. I’ll wash that with a bleach and water solution and reuse it weekly. When I get home I will change my clothes and have a specific set for my store run.

I have a p100 respirator and wildlands firefighting goggles that are air tight. I will upgrade to this level of PPE and throw a tyvek suit on over it if I have to work with someone I know has the virus or if I have to move bodies.

I never let my car get below half a tank

I worked in this field 5 years ago and have some experience planning and working in contaminated environments. I feel the reusable p100 is the highest level of respiratory protection I will need.

Hope this is helpful

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 09:34 PM
Been lurking for some time now, but I'll come out to offer my reply.
I'm a biochemical engineering major these days.
I absolutely stocked up on toilet paper, OTC medications, 90% iso-alcohol, 40mm canisters for my gas mask and picked up a 3rd mask.
I am a Royce Gracie blue belt, and train 6-7 days a week, have informed the gym owner and coach that they should save and prepare for forced closures.
I have informed my father who didn't heed the advice to stock up on medications and supplies, as he is far too distant to assist in a crisis. He is a diabetic, on dialysis, has someone else's kidney and loves Diet Coke.
I got my oxygen concentrator out, but hidden from view as it usually was just sitting in my garage for anyone to see when the doors were open. I got the big O2 tank from my storage.
I stocked up on dog food, 100lbs as well as dog treats and flea treatments for 6 months.
I got fish and turtle food for the next year as well as a backup T-5 HO bulb and heat lamp bulb. I have extra baking soda and citric acid for my DIY CO2 system.
I am required to have at least one class in house to get full GI bill living stipend, but usually I went all in house. This coming semester my classes are all online, except for one that I can easily be forced from attending. I considered changing my major for a semester just to take simple classes for this reason, but decided against.
I stocked up on Lysol, the concentrate bottle. The sprays are going for $11+ near me and the wipes are also not cheap. Both are silly items to buy when 2 bottles of concentrate will last far longer with the addition of cheap $1 spray bottles.
I have 3 gallons of GermX antibacterial soap, enough shampoo / conditioner / dish soap for a few months. I have 20lbs of laundry detergent and will grab some more dryer sheets if it gets bad in terms of supply.
I have a full pantry, as well as fridge and freezer.
I got the full MOPP suit handy, still in the shrink wrap and sterile.
Got my gf concert tickets a month ago, but advised her it may be cancelled and I may just advise her not to go as she has breathing / heart issues and is a (quitting) smoker.
I got toilet paper for dayzzzzz.
I have a decent amount of ammo already on hand, but was going to take the SO to the range for training. Ended up cancelling due to recent events just in case I need it. I am picking up a different sight as well, for more short range engagements. I do fine with an ACOG as that's what I'm used to but if I'm down for some reason a CCO / Holo would be easier for her to manage. I'm a former SDM.
I contacted friends who live in the country (I'm in the burbs) and told them I might have to bug out so I have 3 places to go depending on which direction I must move.
I have a 75 gallon on standby and am considering picking up chickens as my city ordinance only allows 2, which would be fine for us. If things got bad, I could acquire more (same friends in the country).

I have reached out to friends in 'the know' for information updates which has been fruitful so far. One thing I heard was preparations in the gov which are now being discussed nearly openly.

I advised a shelter I volunteer for to prepare. In the end, everyone seems to not care so I never discuss my preps.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 10:31 PM
I noticed that people aren't flushing toilets in public places. Maybe afraid CoronaVirus thrives on toilet handles?

It's crazy how people are cautious about CoronaV-19, but no worries about the Flu.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 10:51 PM
Washing my hands more often, other than that, I'm not too worried..maybe sticking closer to home.

There are about 12 confirmed cases here, 4 recovered, no fatalities so far. Interestingly, pretty much all except 1 were linked to travel from Iran

Unfortunately I had to go to emergency last week..did not enjoy being there for 7 hrs, thankfully I was in too much pain to even worry about a silly virus when I was there.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 01:26 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
I noticed that people aren't flushing toilets in public places. Maybe afraid CoronaVirus thrives on toilet handles?
It's crazy how people are cautious about CoronaV-19, but no worries about the Flu.

nah, it's just people being the same pigs they have been for decades (and from experience, females are the worst for nasty public comfort rooms).

besides for the average commercial public use toilet, just use your foot to flush them, no worries.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

Yes, am avoiding malls, crowds, etc. Shopping early in the AM when crowds are down, avoiding going out. I prepped weeks ago when this story started coming out, was mostly prepped already for hurricanes as a I live in hurricane alley. Am watching the situation closely via the web, which is frustrating because information is ALL over the map with regards to what is going on. LOTS of dis-info/false information floating around. I wish everyone on ATS the best of luck and may God protect you.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 05:12 PM
Couple of anecdotal comments from the last few days on regarding Coronavirus:

1. I got sick a few days back, had a low grade fever, stayed home for an afternoon and slept it off - fever gone and I’m feeling fine. Probably not The Corona... but I got asked over and over again if I think it is or if I’m going to get tested. No, I’m not. I’m fine. It was probably a cold - which folks in the PNW pick up with some degree of frequency.

2. I’m now on vacation in the Palm Springs, CA area. The restaurants are full, tee times are booked up at most courses for the entire morning, our flight was full on the way here and there’s easily 100 people hanging out by the pool right now. Business. As. Usual.

3. I’ve now heard four conversations around me about the virus - at the airport, in two bars and at a restaurant. Every one of these conversations is people mocking the panic of others. Could they be wrong? Sure. But I’m just saying no one I hear is freaking out - my sense is that most people are just carrying on with their lives.

4. I now have slightly more elevated concerns about potential economic impact - not about the virus itself. If you’re a big employer and you let sick people come to work/took no drastic steps to “protect” your workforce/didn’t buy the hype and then someone gets The Corona and dies you’ll be sued in a big way - probably don’t win but people will try. Thus, business will play it safe until this passes.

5. People are seriously soft. I’m in my mid-thirties and the generations before me went through some serious S. World wars, minimal medical capabilities/vaccines/treatments/sanitization, serious physical labor, etc. Those were some tough people. Today, we freak out over the flu and are too stupid and soft to actually scale the problem and approach it with the attitude “we’ll handle it if it’s a problem, since we handle things”. Instead it’s shelter in your home, don’t go to work, take your temp every 5 hours, post about it online, etc. just another thing for attention wh0res to be hyperbolic about.

6. A huge risk to business is people taking 2-4 weeks off because they think they have the Corona - but are just capitalizing on the hype. It’s actually a good plan to get some potential paid leave - once you say “I believe I have the Coronavirus” your employer basically has to send you home out of caution - see point above out of lawsuits. This is going to get abused and employers can’t do anything about it until the media moves on to something else, we develop a treatment or a vaccine. More likely to me is the media moving on. Once this isn’t a doom porn story will be business as usual - need to find a new story since people have very short attention spans.

7. I feel materially better being in 80 degree weather - and no one sounds sick. Those of us who live near or above the 45th parallel know that lots of people are sneezing/coughing/sick/etc. I suspect the danker the climate, the worse Corona will be - but this isn’t shocking as that’s true for many illnesses.

And I’m still doing nothing different due to the Coronavirus.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 07:28 PM
I'm thinking about not going out to eat. I read of someone who spent $800 a month going out to eat. While I'm sure I only spend 25% or possibly much less than that, it still adds up. I will go to grocery stores and get everyone else sick if I happen to be a carrier.
In the last week or two I got an upset stomach eating fast food at least once a week.

I can survive at home on pizza, beer, hamburgers, fries and snacks and avoid extra risk and save money. I'll see how long I keep this up. Did it for 2 days or 1.5 days so far.

I might stop at Walmart and see if they have toilet paper. I only have a month supply. Getting a little bit low. I don't want to use the newspaper like I heard they were doing in one country. I read the newspaper was printing a few extra pages to help people out.

I remember my father used to tell stories of the time before toilet paper. He talked about using the Sears catalog and they preferred the regular paper versus the glossy pages. Before then they had a corn cob but he said that got rough. Plus the outhouse was pretty cold in the winter.

I notice when I wash my hands before I get to washing I have to touch the water knob and soap dispenser, then touch the water knob again after done. Seems like it's not hygienic to keep touching all these knobs.
edit on 6/3/20 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 08:19 PM
Went out with my family for our weekly Friday restaurant meal and the place was half empty; normally it is over capacity. Its a little cold and rainy; but not enough for such a low turn out. Clearly things have changed in the last week.

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 12:13 AM
a reply to: Hypntick

We're going to pick up our papers from our contractor Sunday (he's my bro in law) and I've been stressing the same exact thing. We go to the bank Monday morning to start the process and I'm kinda nervous now.

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