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The Anti-Christian conspiracy

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posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by OneGodJesus
Do you really think that?!? Boy, you deserve to think that lie if you thought it up all by yourself and the results of it.

Maybe your not getting what I'm saying. I DON'T BELIEVE IN SATAN What he symbolizes, in some respects, is the denial of ignorance and I can whole-heartedly agree with that. Why is it he is called the Prince of Darkness, when the name Lucifer actually means Light-Bringer?

I don't understand what your post even means. "God" could lie just as easily as "Lucifer, it would just be a whole lot easier because you believe everything he says to be the truth.

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 04:09 PM
if there is free will, than why is there only one path to God, enlightenment, paradise, or whathaveyou?

why would such a being give us free will just to see how many of us fall in line?

how can you endorse the hypocratic viewpoint of "God gave you free will so you can believe in this."?

i would just like to see why Christianity is right, and why all other religions are wrong, but for the sake of this thread just prove why Theravada Buddhism is wrong and why Christianity is right.

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 09:19 PM
Spamandham, for staters you've confused me with someone else you're angry with. Your examples of "personal statistical annomolies" aren't from me.

I understand what science is and isn't about, yet still, science reports in the media, including scientific journals, are titled with headings like, 'evidence to support evolution', and all manner of other statements that strongly imply or declare there is no creator, despite science being incapable of coming to this conclusion, as you well point out. The, "God is dead or never existed", hypothesis is the barrow it pushes. Science, real science, that challenges this prefered benchmark is quickly attacked as, not mainstream and something motivated by religious zealots then, just as quickly, dissapears from media attention.

I can only hope the 'god' you claim to have known and rejected was the counterfeit and you weren't aware of the difference.

I've already forgotten the bulk of your post due to being blinded by your anger disguised as argument, so I'll stop here for now.

On to another post-
It's hard to explain the free will issue, without tearing down alot of Catholic doctrine that isn't found in The Bible, but understanding that God's Kingdom is currently in the 'heavens' but will be brought back to earth, to be enjoyed in perfect love and justice, as eternal beings, by those who freely choose to live it, helps explain why all are given the free will to reject hate and injustices.

God is not a bully. He doesn't want to force anyone into being who they aren't. Saddly those who are, in their core, cruel, selfish, etc. just wouldn't fit in a Kingdom of perfect love and justice, so He has given mankind sufficient time to try all options, experience their effects, and hopefully freely, with hearfelt conviction, choose to be a part of His Holy Loving Family at the resurrection all will be given. Those who don't choose to, will die, the second, permanant death, not everlasting torture, in the 'hell' of Catholisism. Something close to that is reserved for the "evil" angels, who being eternal beings, can't be killed.

It was never a matter of God withholding truth and knowledge from mankind but rather asking they accept His education in how to wisely, justly, lovingly use it, before He let them loose with it.

When Lucifar "had it all", he chose to war against God, with a third of the angels, and all but destroyed the first creation of this world. His heart wasn't 'right' to justly wield such power against The Creator who is "perfect" love and not the selfish, ego pleasing 'love' that The Opposer has deceived us all into wanting and seeking.

As most loving parents understand, early training, in charactor is neccesary for your children to make the most of their future education, and knowledge, without compassion, is a curse on the world. God wants to free us from that curse for all eternity.

As it is unjust to leave debt unpaid, and mankind is in great debt for the life and many mercies God has granted us despite our many rejections of Him, He sent His Son to pay our debts and redeem us from the lord of this current system of things, we sold ourselves to aquire mortal, temporary, desires.

It is because of Jesus Christ and His message of the coming Kingdom of God, that my faith is based in what The Bible teaches. All other good faiths may teach us how to live well from day to day but it is the Christian faith that explains the purpose for which we should.

This is just an overview of my understanding of The Christian message and though I'm sure there are those on all side who may take issue with some points, or want to collaps the whole thing by picking on one point, the ultimate message is that God Created all, He is PERFECT Love and PERFECT Justice and no one who fits and wills to be in His Family will be excluded as it is His desire that none are lost, despite all our efforts to spread blindness.

[edit on 3-12-2005 by suzy ryan]

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by suzy ryan
Spamandham, for staters you've confused me with someone else you're angry with. Your examples of "personal statistical annomolies" aren't from me.

Sorry, I think you're right on the confusion, but not the anger. I don't get angry at other posters. If they start to frustrate me, I just ignore them. What is it with you and your assumption that anyone who hasn't bought into your fairy tale is angry?

Originally posted by suzy ryan
I understand what science is and isn't about, yet still, science reports in the media, including scientific journals, are titled with headings like, 'evidence to support evolution',

Evolution does not impact the possibile existence of gods in any way, although it does impact certain preconceptions.

Originally posted by suzy ryan
and all manner of other statements that strongly imply or declare there is no creator, despite science being incapable of coming to this conclusion, as you well point out.

Perhaps your disdain is more properly channeled to the news media than to science itself?

Originally posted by suzy ryan
The, "God is dead or never existed", hypothesis is the barrow it pushes. Science, real science, that challenges this prefered benchmark is quickly attacked as, not mainstream and something motivated by religious zealots then, just as quickly, dissapears from media attention.

Real science has nothing to say about gods one way or the other. If someone is claiming science proves god, they are a quack, just as is anyone who says science disproves gods.

Originally posted by suzy ryan
I can only hope the 'god' you claim to have known and rejected was the counterfeit and you weren't aware of the difference.

Of course it was a counterfeit, but it differed in no way from your god.

Originally posted by suzy ryan
I've already forgotten the bulk of your post due to being blinded by your anger disguised as argument, so I'll stop here for now.

That's one of the most pathetic cop outs I've seen on this board. Nothing in my prior post was the least bit angry, although this comment is rather obnoxious. You have nothing to offer and are an obnoxious accuser to boot. Enjoy your delusion in peace.

posted on Dec, 4 2005 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by suzy ryan
I've already forgotten the bulk of your post due to being blinded by your anger disguised as argument, so I'll stop here for now.

That's one of the most pathetic cop outs I've seen on this board. Nothing in my prior post was the least bit angry, although this comment is rather obnoxious. You have nothing to offer and are an obnoxious accuser to boot. Enjoy your delusion in peace.

Sorry, but this is just one of countless examples of the tone and language of your posts (not only to me but others you claim to be deluded along with other insults which you then claim aren't insults) which coupled with your endlessly quoting and arguing point by point, reads as angry (an often justifiable emotion) at best, or the tactics of a nasty, fight picker who is incapable of being happy with agreeing to disagree. I suppose I was obnoxious by granting you the "lesser of the evils".

You will note I said, "for now" so it was not a cop out but a rest from trying to give concise answers to your many arguements.

As much as I dislike the media's lack of balanced reporting of 'the sciences', it isn't as much as I dislike the bias shown in the selective funding and promotion of 'the sciences', in all fields, that work off the "God is dead" hypothesis.

Oh well, time to hand the p.c. over to the kids. Please don't be offended by my not being able to to continue a 'discussion' now as I'm just showing resect to my family not disrespect to readers and posters.

I am'offended' though that your post would 'make' me 'feel' I'm obliged to explain this (rather than get on with the topic) in order to avoid further insult.

posted on Dec, 4 2005 @ 02:56 PM
my question remains unanswered, why is my religion (Theravada Buddhism) wrong, and why is Christianity the one and only true religion?

posted on Dec, 4 2005 @ 06:34 PM
I don't know the details of your form of Buddism so can't tell you 'why' it is 'wrong' even if I had the desire to do so.

I'd rather explain why I believe in the Christian Message which I've done in many posts. I'm just kind of too 'typed out' right now to go over it all again but will say it just makes ultimate, just, loving SENCE when you study The Bible, not just front to back but thoroughly searching and noting with a genuine desire to understand, rather than debunk.

One of the biggest obstacle to seeing the truth, of and in The Bible, is all the false and faulty concepts that have been attached to the words, lines and passages we are familier with today and accept as "told" rather than as "written".

[edit on 4-12-2005 by suzy ryan]

posted on Dec, 4 2005 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by suzy ryan
but will say it just makes ultimate, just, loving SENCE when you study The Bible, not just front to back but thoroughly searching and noting with a genuine desire to understand, rather than debunk.
[edit on 4-12-2005 by suzy ryan]

You do realize that the reason you searched and studied the Bible thoroughly is because you was born in a christian country by (probably) christian parents, right?

In my experience most christians have never questioned why they are christians. That's because they have just inherited their religious beliefs from their parents, or from the spiritual community as a whole. And that is the truth for most believers of any religion. Unless you haven't thoroughly searched and studied all the holy scriptures, including the Khoran, Baghavadgita etc., there is really no weight to the claim that you found the one true faith, is there?

There must be several true faiths, as faith is simply a matter of... that's right, faith!


posted on Dec, 4 2005 @ 07:54 PM
Sorry but you're wrong about me and countless people around the world who grew up in other cultures yet found truth in The Bible that lead them to give up the faiths of their cultures. This is just a simple fact that the Anti-Christians know but ingor so they can push their, "you're all blindly lead sheep" lie.

In my case, I was 6 when I first remember challenging my families faith and 8 when I decided not to force a false religion on my future children and learn about the others. I now wish I had have steered well clear of some of those faiths that caused great harm yet I am thankfull for learning how their lies worked as it taught me to better recognize the truth.

posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
if there is free will, than why is there only one path to God, enlightenment, paradise, or whathaveyou?

why would such a being give us free will just to see how many of us fall in line?

how can you endorse the hypocratic viewpoint of "God gave you free will so you can believe in this."?

i would just like to see why Christianity is right, and why all other religions are wrong, but for the sake of this thread just prove why Theravada Buddhism is wrong and why Christianity is right.

Do you have to love your parents? No. Do you have to follow the laws regarding traffic? No. There are always effects of these though. In the case of God. He created all of this. He gave us the free will to choose because Adam and Eve messed it up by choosing to disobey. In His mercy he made a way of escape, that being repentance (or turning away from sin), getting baptised in his Name for remission of those sins, and being reborn with the infilling of his Spirit (and as a baby cries when it is born so shall you by speaking in tongues). Read the book of Acts, this is where the church starts. No one was saved in the Gospels ( Jesus hadn't died yet), the books from Romans to Revelation are book to an already born again church. So, if you want to have hope of something besides this earth, you need acts for the road map to get there.

posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by Charlie Murphy

Originally posted by OneGodJesus
Do you really think that?!? Boy, you deserve to think that lie if you thought it up all by yourself and the results of it.

Maybe your not getting what I'm saying. I DON'T BELIEVE IN SATAN What he symbolizes, in some respects, is the denial of ignorance and I can whole-heartedly agree with that. Why is it he is called the Prince of Darkness, when the name Lucifer actually means Light-Bringer?

I don't understand what your post even means. "God" could lie just as easily as "Lucifer, it would just be a whole lot easier because you believe everything he says to be the truth.

I suppose if you didn't believe you could say this true. The only thing is, conjure a demon or devil and tell him "In the name of Jesus begone from this place" and you WILL see the power of who is in charge and in what Name he left. These IS only one way to heaven and eternal life. I didn't make up the rules I am just trying to follow then and show others the way too. I am not saved just because I beleive this way, no one is truely saved either until they reach the end of the road and followed the right path. " He that endureth to the end shall be saved" look it up.

posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by OneGodJesus
The only thing is, conjure a demon or devil and tell him "In the name of Jesus begone from this place" and you WILL see the power of who is in charge and in what Name he left.

No no no no no. I can give you a first-hand account as to why. Also, don't you remember what happened when an unbeliever tried to cast out demons in Acts (even in His name)? If you do truly care and love the people here, please don't even joke about doing this. Please.

posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by saint4God

Originally posted by OneGodJesus
The only thing is, conjure a demon or devil and tell him "In the name of Jesus begone from this place" and you WILL see the power of who is in charge and in what Name he left.

No no no no no. I can give you a first-hand account as to why. Also, don't you remember what happened when an unbeliever tried to cast out demons in Acts (even in His name)? If you do truly care and love the people here, please don't even joke about doing this. Please.

That is my exact point. They won't be killed but will just have the fear of God put in them. Remember the verse " you say you believe, you do well, the devil also believe and tremble". This should be the finale of why I am right on the money. Not perfect, just know the truth of things.

[edit on 5/12/05 by OneGodJesus]

posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by OneGodJesus
That is my exact point.

That's cool, make a point, but I don't want anyone to do this

Originally posted by OneGodJesus
They won't be killed

And you know

Originally posted by OneGodJesus
but will just have the fear of God put in them.

Yeah, but now we got a d*mned summoned demon flying around out there. They may "begone from this place" from a believer but they don't have any obligation beyond that. If you invite them, there's a certain mind and heart-set that won't make the thing just "go away". God warns us not to play with these guys, so it's really our fault in a big way if we do.

Originally posted by OneGodJesus
Remember the verse " you say you believe, you do well, the devil also believe and tremble". This should be the finale of why I am right on the money. Not perfect, just know the truth of things.

Clear as a bell friend, but please people, you don't have to dance with the devil to determine if God exists. It was the most horrible experience I've ever had to go through. Don't do it.

[edit on 5-12-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by saint4God

Originally posted by saint4God
Yeah, but now we got a d*mned summoned demon flying around out there. They may "begone from this place" but they don't have any obligation beyond that. If you invite them, there's a certain mind and heart-set that won't make thing just "go away". God warns us not to play with these guys, so it's really our fault in a big way if we do.

True to a certain extent, but they are all around anyway, What is one more or less. I can handle any coming my way, I know the power of the name and am sealed by it. I just want others to know and fear (respect) God. Some you save by fear.

Originally posted by saint4God

Clear as a bell friend, but please people, you don't have to dance with the devil to determine if God exists. It was the most horrible experience I've ever had to go through. Don't do it.

Got a question, did it make you a stronger believer?

[edit on 5/12/05 by OneGodJesus]

[edit on 5/12/05 by OneGodJesus]

[edit on 5/12/05 by OneGodJesus]

posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by OneGodJesus
True to a certain extent, but they are all around anyway,

I don't want to deal with another one, do you? There's a certain empowering in calling them here that wasn't there before. I'd not want to give them that lift.

Originally posted by OneGodJesus
What is one more or less.

It doesn't matter to us, but it sure as Hell gonna matter to them. As painful of an experience as it was for me, it'd be even harder for me to watch.

Originally posted by OneGodJesus
I can handle any coming my way, I know the power of the name and am sealed by it. I just want others to know and fear (respect) God. Some you save by fear.

But do we really have to go that far? Cannot God save people by love?

Originally posted by OneGodJesus
Got a question, did it make you a stronger believer?

I wasn't a believer at all and it nearly killed me. Rather, I nearly killed myself to make it stop. It's true God saved me from that, but only AFTER I came crawling to Him for help. I'd really rather not think about what would've happened (or where I'd be) if I didn't.

[edit on 5-12-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by OneGodJesus
Do you have to love your parents? No. Do you have to follow the laws regarding traffic? No. There are always effects of these though. In the case of God. He created all of this. He gave us the free will to choose because Adam and Eve messed it up by choosing to disobey.

Even Jews and early Christians knew the story of Adam and Eve was not literally true.

Originally posted by OneGodJesus
In His mercy he made a way of escape, that being repentance (or turning away from sin), getting baptised in his Name for remission of those sins, and being reborn with the infilling of his Spirit (and as a baby cries when it is born so shall you by speaking in tongues).

It would have been more merciful for him to relalize that since he is the ultimate cause of everything, he is also the ultimate cause of sin, and thus should never have held us accountable in the first place. How dumb can the guy be? With full knowledge he creates something he knows he will despise and then have to sacrifice himself to himself because of his own absurd demand for third party sacrifices?

If there are any gods, they're either laughing or annoyed by how petty and rediculous you're theology portrays them.

[edit on 5-12-2005 by spamandham]

posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by spamandham
Even Jews and early Christians knew the story of Adam and Eve was not literally true.

It would have been more merciful for him to relalize that since he is the ultimate cause of everything, he is also the ultimate cause of sin, and thus should never have held us accountable in the first place. How dumb can the guy be? With full knowledge he creates something he knows he will despise and then have to sacrifice himself to himself because of his own absurd demand for third party sacrifices?

If there are any gods, they're either laughing or annoyed by how petty and rediculous you're theology portrays them.

[edit on 5-12-2005 by spamandham]

One point one, where are you finding this the the creation story was not believed to be literally true?

Point two, the ultimate cause of everything? Are the parents the ultimate cause of thier children going bad or good? That is what free will is my friend. As to what sin truely is, it is disobedience. Why is it do you think that one of the things paramount in the bible is fear God, and love you brother. It is not in our carnality to want to be nice all the time, even if someone is obviously wrong about something or hurts you. Haveing knowledge of good and evil wasn't the original sin. It was disobedience. God puts rules into effect to keep us safe, even as a parent says not to play with fire. God did the same. If He has a fault, it was in making a bit of dust and water have the breath of life, IMO. We aren't worthy to have Him as a father, but he loves us still and knows our faults and still he died for us. Sin required a payment, even as a traffic ticket requires you to pay or go to jail. Sin required death of something and the Hebrews (and able before them) made a blood sacrifice. That all rolled to Calvary for the ultimate payment for sin.

posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 11:50 AM
All I can say is: You are alive and know that there IS a God. Now whether you want to talk doctrine is another matter altogether different. If you cannot tell people about the power and majesty of Jesus, then show them the opposite side. Even Job is a great example, God had him hedged about and yet he still didn't curse God even after he lost his family, land and was in poor health. I can say with a great deal of confidence that if you do not believe, invite the devil in then whack him with the NAME. You will find real quick that there is truely a God and the authority of HIS name is absolute. "There is none other name under heaven whereby men must be saved".

posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by OneGodJesus
I can say with a great deal of confidence that if you do not believe, invite the devil in then whack him with the NAME.

I don't know how to put it more plainly than stop it. Invite ultimate danger just to prove you can survive through it? Drive into a wall at 100mph because you know you have a seatbelt and airbag? The devil asked Christ to throw himself down to prove God would rescue him. His reply:

Jesus answered him, "It is also written: Do not put the Lord your God to the test." - Matthew 4:7

Originally posted by OneGodJesus
You will find real quick that there is truely a God and the authority of HIS name is absolute.

At what cost? Can you guarentee it's God's will that a person is to be saved this way? I'll test everything, except for God.

You've got a lot of great things to say OneGodJesus, but why you're insisting on putting people through Hell, I still do not understand.

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