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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 21 2020 @ 08:46 PM

originally posted by: MissSmartypants

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: MissSmartypants
I was just watching a news report about restaurants in China that are doing poorly from a lack of customers. That could be due to people avoiding crowds in public places. But it made me wonder....have any of you stopped frequenting Chinese take out restaurants because of the virus? And if so, why?

yes of course
its because that in china the chinese come here for 90 days and work in that type of business and leave with cash in their hand , and now we had those on the chinese holiday for 45 days and many now don' t want to return to china, that is a fact here in this country. last year we deported over 200000 people that overstayed their visa's
So you have stopped getting Chinese take out food? I was wondering if Chinese restaurants will still be in business here in the US once this is all over and done with

read my post, they also go to america and work for about 55 days or more then leave.

posted on Feb, 21 2020 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

It might help but you have to institute complete barrier nursing procedures on the whole population. Any mixing on transport shopping etc. will help the spread. To stop it, every potential person must be considered at risk of having it and where practical isolate in their family units. This probably wont be done because of the economic impact. But not doing it will have a far greater cost down the line.

posted on Feb, 21 2020 @ 08:47 PM

originally posted by: Bicent
a reply to: AngelsDecay

I encourage it, but be ready.. I have pages in all three of these threads that enforce my opinion. Yet history has shown many many many times, of people who denied the truth, until it fell into their laps... As history shows it was to late, by the time they realized it or they suffered loses for not being prepared. As far as waiting more weeks, nah I have seen enough this is a pandemic, and they fear proclaiming it to be so due to economical losses. We are talking billions of dollars. No one is gonna focus on truth when it can cost them money and power. Sociology has taught me not everyone shares the same school of thought.

My friend...i really respect and get your point of view, you are very polite and entitled to your own point of said many truths...but you as a wise person also surely know that in history we had some cases where the predicted didnt happen and things changed in a couple of days...for good or for bad.
I reapeat, i respect your humble words, but i think with all the diseases, virus, sad cases of mortality each day along the planet due to war, famine, crime, worst diseases, imho i think besides the high mortality in China, all the rest of us are simply overreacting...adding all deaths out of China till now , forgive me, but i think its a very very small number, almost "zero", allow me this word.
For example, one of my cousins, a man on his 41yo, last December caught a so strong pneumonia that even the docs on his city hospital scared him of death if he didnt follow their medication he simply could have died...and believe me, he is a beast of a men, not that kind of guy falling in love to take pills, medicines, always doing sport, etc, and welll....he almost died in the hospital with a typical "pneumonia"...he was so frustrated that in our family when he got release we joke that if didnt die with the flu/pneumonia, we almost died by shame and frustration

Of course this is a very serious worldwide situation, but given the present numbers specially in badcases/deaths outside mainland China, and even with those new numbers of today, i still see things with hope and clairvoyance...Peace to All, AD

posted on Feb, 21 2020 @ 08:48 PM
a reply to: FamCore

And of course we have the enigma... the next phase.

posted on Feb, 21 2020 @ 08:49 PM


posted on Feb, 21 2020 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: FamCore

Wow, that was quick ...

What was?

posted on Feb, 21 2020 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: MissSmartypants

We happily went to a local Chinese restaurant with owners from Shandong Province last weekend. Didn’t really think about the risk but I did ask in Chinese if they had been home recently and they said no coz virus.

Also went to a local Asian market and didn’t see anyone in masks. Wife and I did make sure we didn’t get too close to anyone.

I hear our “Asiantown” of Phoenix, which Is actually In a satellite city, Mesa, is losing lots of business. And the brilliant politicians want to launch an Asian night market on Saturdays to improve business.

Wife and I talked and will be more wary moving forward.

Wife’s uncle in Shenzhen reports still under lockdown in his neighborhood but other parts of city are loosening up the lockdown. Family in Tianjin, Chengdu, and Xian are a-ok. Family in Hubei still under quarantine but signaling a-ok.

posted on Feb, 21 2020 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: Rich Z

originally posted by: tgidkp
a reply to: FamCore

so, this paper gives a third option to ketsuko's (inaccurate) analysis:...

it says that the viral REinfection occurs because after the initial infection, and after the body has successfully produced it's antibodies, the virus can come back in and attack the immune system directly by using the antibodies to mediate entry into the immunoglobulin cells.... thus disabling the body's immunity to the virus and allowing the viral infection to penetrate more deeply the second time around.

i had never heard of this, and it is an excellent explanation of why viral REinfection is more deadly than the initial infection.


Hmm, but doesn't that mean that the body's immune responses to everything else is also disabled?

immunoglobulin is "trained" by the antibodies that are attached to its surface to "seek and destroy" ONLY the target identified by the antibody attached to its surface. other IgG targets that are not identified are not destroyed in this way. so, the only immune response that is disabled (and targeted) by the viral spike protein are the cells that are "trained" to destroy the coronavirus, itself.

posted on Feb, 21 2020 @ 08:53 PM

originally posted by: Phoenix
a reply to: MissSmartypants

I have due imported bulk staple items possibly being used in recipes.

Freeze dried mystery meat cubes to noodles and mushroom like stuff to yes made in China future cookies.

Sorry but no reason to chance any risk.

So for you it's fear of the imported food being contaminated with the virus. How about the employees...any concern over the people handling your food?

posted on Feb, 21 2020 @ 08:56 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: SailorJerry

In the autopsy video I posted, that case went from otherwise healthy to death in about 12 days. He developed the shortness of breath at about 8 if I remember right. So you can go down quickly.

I hope that doesn't happen to Mr. Abel.

I was reading yesterday that the average time of death after the initial onset of symptoms is 14 days, so that falls in line with most cases..

posted on Feb, 21 2020 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: AngelsDecay

I don't disagree that the mortality rate of this thing is overall very low, but that isn't the main problem.

The problem is how many get sick all at once from it. That causes its own kind of chaos.

You get enough people sick all at once and you have problems at a couple different levels. The first is just that you have so many people sick that you have major disruptions at all levels of society because you are seriously short of able-bodied manpower. Not enough healthy hands to carry on.

The second is that you have so many seriously ill all at once that you are overwhelming the medical system. You get all the seriously and critically ill patients you will have within the space of a few weeks. It's more than you have beds and staff to care for them. People who might otherwise have recovered with intensive nursing and care are now at risk of dying because there are just too many of them all at once for the system to cope with. That pushes your death toll higher.

Now combine short handedness with too many patients and you have seriously exhausted medical staff who make mistakes and start getting ill themselves. Understand that none of regular demands for medical care will cease through all this too, so otherwise healthy patients will be at risk from the corona virus patients and from medical staff mistakes and cross contamination.

Basically, you do not want to land in the hospital during the time if you can help it.

The last factor is that while the death toll may not, in the end, be seriously high as compared to other diseases, since all those who are going to get sick from this thing will do so all at once, they'll all tend to die at once too. And the same problems you have with medical facilities and staff will also be apparent with morgues and funeral staff.

Lastly, we know you don't tend to bounce into and out of the hospital quickly with this thing. If you go in, you're going to be there for a while, a week or more easily, while you recover ... unless you die which can happen quite quickly. So you'll be taking up space in the hospital for quite some time. That won't help the overwhelming issue.

Those are the big problems ... unless China is totally lying and hiding the biggest mass die-off in recent memory successfully.

posted on Feb, 21 2020 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: FamCore

The beginning of speculation. I'm not talking about you, just in general world-wide.

posted on Feb, 21 2020 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: ketsuko
ORF-8 is identified in the plasmid sequence i identified earler:


p.s. sorry for being so harsh with you yesterday.
edit on 2020-02-21T21:00:57-06:0009America/Chicago02C-0600Feb-06:00 by tgidkp because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2020 @ 09:01 PM

originally posted by: MissSmartypants
I was just watching a news report about restaurants in China that are doing poorly from a lack of customers. That could be due to people avoiding crowds in public places. But it made me wonder....have any of you stopped frequenting Chinese take out restaurants because of the virus? And if so, why?

Had sushi made by a nice Japanese kid last night, and washed it down with a sake bomb !

Sadly this virus is going to affect the world economy!

posted on Feb, 21 2020 @ 09:01 PM

originally posted by: Bicent
a reply to: AngelsDecay

I hear ya, but game over. Thanks for contributing 👍 ATS is awesome.

Enough, if you have information or updates to contribute please do so

Other then that, please stop, this isint a hysteria thread, this isnt a panic thread, this is for updates and following whats going on.

Make your own for doom and gloom if you wish, that is NOT what this thread is.

posted on Feb, 21 2020 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: MissSmartypants

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: MissSmartypants
I was just watching a news report about restaurants in China that are doing poorly from a lack of customers. That could be due to people avoiding crowds in public places. But it made me wonder....have any of you stopped frequenting Chinese take out restaurants because of the virus? And if so, why?

yes of course
its because that in china the chinese come here for 90 days and work in that type of business and leave with cash in their hand , and now we had those on the chinese holiday for 45 days and many now don' t want to return to china, that is a fact here in this country. last year we deported over 200000 people that overstayed their visa's
So you have stopped getting Chinese take out food? I was wondering if Chinese restaurants will still be in business here in the US once this is all over and done with

read my post, they also go to america and work for about 55 days or more then leave.

I read your post. I guess I felt like you were tip toeing around the answer a little bit. So "of course" you don't go to Chinese restaurants due to the risk of exposure to the virus from the transient employees? I guess I'm trying to pin down the reason. Another member "Phoenix" replied he/she was concerned about the bulk food staples used to prepare the meals.

posted on Feb, 21 2020 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: AngelsDecay

I don't disagree that the mortality rate of this thing is overall very low, but that isn't the main problem.

The problem is how many get sick all at once from it. That causes its own kind of chaos.

You get enough people sick all at once and you have problems at a couple different levels. The first is just that you have so many people sick that you have major disruptions at all levels of society because you are seriously short of able-bodied manpower. Not enough healthy hands to carry on.

The second is that you have so many seriously ill all at once that you are overwhelming the medical system. You get all the seriously and critically ill patients you will have within the space of a few weeks. It's more than you have beds and staff to care for them. People who might otherwise have recovered with intensive nursing and care are now at risk of dying because there are just too many of them all at once for the system to cope with. That pushes your death toll higher.

Now combine short handedness with too many patients and you have seriously exhausted medical staff who make mistakes and start getting ill themselves. Understand that none of regular demands for medical care will cease through all this too, so otherwise healthy patients will be at risk from the corona virus patients and from medical staff mistakes and cross contamination.

Basically, you do not want to land in the hospital during the time if you can help it.

The last factor is that while the death toll may not, in the end, be seriously high as compared to other diseases, since all those who are going to get sick from this thing will do so all at once, they'll all tend to die at once too. And the same problems you have with medical facilities and staff will also be apparent with morgues and funeral staff.

Lastly, we know you don't tend to bounce into and out of the hospital quickly with this thing. If you go in, you're going to be there for a while, a week or more easily, while you recover ... unless you die which can happen quite quickly. So you'll be taking up space in the hospital for quite some time. That won't help the overwhelming issue.

Those are the big problems ... unless China is totally lying and hiding the biggest mass die-off in recent memory successfully.

Wise words my friend...lets wait and see with some hope and positive thinking...cheers to you

posted on Feb, 21 2020 @ 09:03 PM

originally posted by: MissSmartypants

originally posted by: Phoenix
a reply to: MissSmartypants

I have due imported bulk staple items possibly being used in recipes.

Freeze dried mystery meat cubes to noodles and mushroom like stuff to yes made in China future cookies.

Sorry but no reason to chance any risk.

So for you it's fear of the imported food being contaminated with the virus. How about the employees...any concern over the people handling your food?

We can see where youre going with this, to try and push the "race/nationality angle" the media has been pushing this as well. this is NOT the thread for that, make your own and stop trying to derail the information provided

As the mod said this is not for chit chat, this is for updates on the situation and discussion there of
edit on 21-2-2020 by SailorJerry because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2020 @ 09:05 PM
Quick update - my partner does not have kidney or gallbladder issues from what the PA says - bit of high white blood cell count but likely is a result of some virus picked up from the elementary school... pain under right rib likely from pulling a muscle from vomiting past few days (no surgery or anything major at all... just anti-nausea medicine). Got morphine for the pain because toradol didn't do anything which I was surprised by.

I've seen dozens of healthcare professionals and maybe 10% had masks on. Seems like business as usual.

I came into ER with a mask on and latex gloves for any surfaces I'd have to touch. Only saw a few people in ER waiting room with masks but didn't really spend any time there either and didn't notice any signage or anything mentioning SARCoV-2/COVID-19

Being discharged now after a few hours here. Glad it was nothing major and just hoping neither of us pick anything up while here

posted on Feb, 21 2020 @ 09:05 PM
Getting to reside in a tower, of wisdom, does not occur by happenstance.. You don’t get to reside at the top of that tower without experience and the physical scars to remind you of the atmosphere you live in. I think in moments of crisis like these with people at this moment sick and begging for one more chance, we should pray.. Perhaps it is a test yet archaic and perhaps the present.. not to feel better, but to try and preserve something not within our understanding. Those that still do not grasp the severity perhaps we should focus on unprecedented... We will persevere yet it is up to us on how...

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