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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -24-

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posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 06:35 PM
I suppose I should just go back to lurking and "shut my ignorant mouth" in this thread. denial of ignorance be damned

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 06:39 PM
Coronavirus Federal contract expenditures... See what the Gov't/Mil has been purchasing, requesting and from who.

U.S. General Services Administration Federal Government

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: OveRcuRrEnteD
I suppose I should just go back to lurking and "shut my ignorant mouth" in this thread. denial of ignorance be damned

A bit dramatic OR (keep contributing)

This comes up over and over again: ETS, Microtrash, pamphlet, defango and dozens of others with the same claim. The entire, and I mean ENTIRE point of the Q effort was DE-centralized. Not baby Q centralized.

Wasn't the movie Conspiracy Theory a perfect compendium of all the Theories? Didn't have early Anons going "yep, yep, uh huh?" The narrative was easy to construct because there was a foundation.

Think Timing, clowns are on the run, media goons are on life support, FED is about to be nuked, China called out, Iran in free fall. Perfect timing to attack those pesky Anons.

There has been enough information, enough drops, enough patterning, enough connects etc. to formulate a more complete Eye The Spy character at this point using the Q puzzle pieces as a Narrative.

Baby Q could not have been done in 2018 or 2019 as there was not enough information on the Qsphere to create a viable narrative. Now there is.

So what does harm does following him really do? Well it should be obvious - he's divisive, just like ETS, micronanonykids etc. If one looks at the patterns, one can see it at play. He's not seeding all anons, just a few, hooking them so that they take his devisivirus back to the groups at large.

He moves the targets, the topics, the reasoning etc. around enough to get folks coming back to debunk him = wasting time, or to prove him as baby Q = energy taken from the focus. He puts things in digestible bites, this appeals to those who are still finding their inner footing, it also appeals to those who simply don't want to be disappointed if Q isn't what they thought.

He's a talking head, he's a monologist, he's of indeterminate age to look at, all things Q team (we are Q) are NOT. The Q reveal will NOT be that and not now. Period.

One of the most important points that should be taken from Q is using your true inner awareness to suss things out. Those who say "well Q could just debunk him with a post" are missing how many times Q actually put forth the tools to do as such. At some point baby birds must fly. AS is a test of that. Where does he pullon each who watches (key watches - like teeeveee) is it the head, the gut, the heart? What emotions erupt when he hits a Q target? Then compare to a Q drop.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 07:13 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Stop COVID 19 Now!

The highly contagious virus that has caused "The COVID-19 Outbreak", carries a significant vulnerability that may be immediately exploitable. In other words, this coronavirus can be stopped, far more easily than most people, and many health professional, realize. Dr. Dan Lee Dimke PhD, explains the science behind the fragile nature of this virus, and offers an easy, self-administered therapy that may hold the key to ending this outbreak quickly.

More info & transcript: The Cold-Arrest Procedure

Haha! The vid you linked is now Down = must be correct! I agree, this is COMMON knowledge amongst those in the field/s that "The scientific efficacy of destroying unwanted viruses with the application of mild heat is now well established and is regularly used during the production of various medications and vaccines."
Ergo sum:

This moving target characteristic is the primary reason that throughout the history of more than two centuries of modern biomedicine, no commercial vaccine has ever been offered for any coronavirus, not even the deadly SARS-CoV coronavirus of 2003.

At least three different pharmaceutical companies are currently working on vaccines.

This is Dr. Dan Lee Dimke.
As this global event unfolds, it is important to recognize that SARS-Cov2 has an Achilles Heel – an exploitable vulnerability that is shared by most upper respiratory viruses and all other known coronaviruses.
They are remarkably fragile.

Though they can survive easily for weeks, or even months at temperatures near or below freezing, these viruses die, within just a few minutes when exposed to higher air temperatures.

This is the reason that the cold and flu season occurs only during the fall and winter months. Indeed, the current coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 didn’t show up until after the daytime temperatures in Wuhan, China fell below 4° C. (39° F.) in December of 2019.

Their aversion to heat forces these types of viruses to live and reproduce only within the coolest part of the body, usually inside the epithelial cells that line our inner nose and sinus cavities.


Because the sinuses are located just behind the cheeks and nostrils, these nasal cavities are often nearly as cool as the outside air we breathe, during the colder months of the year. But, when outside air temperatures rise, so do our sinus temperatures.

Once it gets too warm in there for these viruses to reproduce, they quickly disappear.

This is what happened in the Spring of 2003 during the SARS-CoV pandemic. Once daytime temperatures rose above 22° C. 72° F, the lethal outbreak suddenly ended – on its own – never to return – and, efforts to develop a vaccine were dropped.

Numerous laboratory studies have shown that most upper respiratory viruses, including 200 different rhinoviruses, picornaviruses, respiratory syncytial viruses, influenza viruses and coronaviruses quickly perish at mildly hot air temperatures. Several SARS coronavirus survival studies have concluded that it is easily killed in less than 15 minutes at 56° C. or 133° F.

He recommends sweating it out in a sauna for at least 20 minutes sessions. Someone in this thread mentioned sauna. Those who live in dry heat like Arizona & Nevada already have a natural sauna; in about a month or so.🌞 If you're not fortunate to using a sauna he offers a more effective and simpler method that anyone can administer in their

Indeed he is Absolutely correct, that's why we get fevers when a virus takes hold as the BULK of them CANNOT SURVIVE Temperatures Over 55c (which is pretty hot, i.e. 132 F!) However most cark it by 40c which our bodies can easily 'arrange' ... the MOST Important thing is to STAY WELL HYDRATED as your body uses 'sweat' as the vehicle to carry the virus outside the body!

TWO VIP things to do; remove the sweat ASAP, with a towel, t-shirt/cloth or a shower - DO NOT let it dry on you as pieces of virus will be in it
Drink LOTS of "water based fluids", sodas, diluted fruit juice (e.g. 30% added water) and if you can't afford that, SIMPLY adding a little salt (half a teaspoon) and sugar 'to taste' = adding "electrolytes" to the water = Very Good

LOGIC - you're body will not intentionally dehydrate you while causing you a fever and to sweat IF it can help it!

That's why drinking LOTS more fluids give the body as much of the "vehicle" it uses to "transport viruses OUT of our systems"

"why sweat" you ask? Good question. Our skin IS our 'largest elimination 'organ', in fact our skin IS The Largest "organ" in/on our bodies.

TextSkin Health: If elimination of any of the primary organs is not adequate, the skin is often the overflow route. Therefore assessing someone’s skin health gives information about all of the primary routes of elimination. Soft, clear and well hydrated skin is a sign of proper elimination.

Adequate sweating when necessary and not overly oily skin are signs of good skin elimination. Acne, eczema, dry skin, oily skin etc. are all indication that poor elimination of toxins is occurring to one of the primary routes of elimination.

This site deals with how the body eliminates toxins and what you can Do to help it stay healthy -- Very science based, just in case that's not your thing!

Me thinks 'tis much ado about nothing more than a cold" - - which are called "colds" as they tended to happen in Cold periods, leading people to make this MISdirected connection that "The cold temperatures caused colds!

They were kinda close, as it's because viruses CAN"T Handle much HOT e.g. Most, not all, but 95% of viruses are killed by a decent fever of 40C
edit on 19-3-2020 by JohnnyJetson because: stupidity

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Yea, I can be dramatic sometimes and all I'm gonna say at this point is my gut is telling me something about this guy that doesn't jive and feels serious. I have said repeatedly that I don't think he is Q but he is a POI that should be discussed here and for some of the reasons you just stated.

Where does he pullon each who watches (key watches - like teeeveee) is it the head, the gut, the heart? What emotions erupt when he hits a Q target?

some here who dismiss him so easily should ask themselves those very questions.

Thanks Cranky for your perspective

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: blueman12

In the beginning Q was talking about hillary and others that were going to be arrested immediately. It never happened. QAnon always presents this notion of a big life changing event on the horizon.

Something I've seen from other conspiracy cons.

Maybe im wrong. Ill change my mind once i see real proof instead of endless promises.

So you haven't read Q's explantion for the "lack of OVERT arrests"

What IS the point of arresting (and or jailing) someone?

To STOP them continuing to Do what they Did"! duh! How much Real Power does she still have?

How's that Once Mighty Clinton Foundation going these days? How much "air time" do ANY of 'the old guard' get NOW?

There's more than one way to "put a person Out of Action and business" without arresting them.


Anyway, what was the message in the envelopes at Bush's funeral about?

Why do people KEEP banging on about irrelevant issues e.g. NONE of "us" know for certain whether or Not, Hitlary has been arrested and "bailed" as her 'hearing' has yet to start?

That's The LAW ... you can't simply jail people without either giving them bail until their trial OR providing evidence at their bail hearing that would ensure they are "remanded in custody"

Have any of you ever considered (as Q HAS SAID on numerous occasions, that) "arresting" certain people at this stage which would require exposing certain information just Might "do More Harm than good"?

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: JohnnyJetson

Austin in a joke. I will make sure to expose it.

I am shocked anyone is buying his claims.

He is literally a Point of Sale vendor.....that is all he is. Every single data center he has filmed is low tier and he is only performing basic tasks for them.

The amount of idiocy and ignorance following this twat is hilarious.

Seriously....ask him to show you invoices for his new thousand acre home. He doesn't need anything crazy to show it....just the specs and the builder.

Ask him to do something stupid that DIA can do and get away with.

He is doing the entire Q theory a disservice.

Once you realize this I do hope you get a little more humble.
edit on 3/19/20 by Vasa Croe because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

"some here who dismiss him so easily should ask themselves those very questions."

I watched one of his videos and couldn't even finish it because my head, my heart, my gut screamed at me that "baby q" is not just bs, but that he is dangerous bs.

People can believe and follow whatever and whomever they want.
None of my business.

But I must admit, there are several posters here whose credibility has been diminished as a result of their insistence that we all should embrace this guy, and as a result, I don't listen as closely to those poster's opinions or findings.

Just my.02

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: Elostone
I for one have never tried to get anyone to embrace him, only discuss. I had time today to go through his twitter and follow some leads this is where I am right now

not just bs, but that he is dangerous bs

edit on 3/19/2020 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: ...more

but "time will tell" for sure
edit on 3/19/2020 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: couldn't resist

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

I'm an admitted Q unbeliever, though I still find the thread an interesting collection of facts (and people) -- but if I for one minute thought that guy was actually Q, I would not be able to leave this thread and denounce everything about it fast enough.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:12 PM
More topically, our state just announced the National Guard is headed to grocery stores and food banks "to help stock"...

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:14 PM

originally posted by: RadioRobert
a reply to: Vasa Croe

I'm an admitted Q unbeliever, though I still find the thread an interesting collection of facts (and people) -- but if I for one minute thought that guy was actually Q, I would not be able to leave this thread and denounce everything about it fast enough.

I think it is more of a movement to get folks to dig into stuff. Q to me is a "conglomerate" of people....not a person.

This dude is the antithesis of that.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:16 PM

Earlier this week.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:21 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: imthegoat

Some people are going to awaken to that thing called supply chain logistics. Let's hope the Truckers don't decide to stay home. Many can quarantine themselves inside their rigs while rollin down the highway and earn bonus money too.

I read that Trump did something to allow truckers to stay on the road longer or some ish? I don't even remember where I saw it. Truckers don't get enough credit. They're literally the supply chain for the entire country.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:22 PM
The idea that Austin can harm the (real) Q movement...I'd say at this stage of the game, Q should be solid enough to withstand any interloper. If it isn't strong enough to withstand Austin then maybe it's isn't strong enough to withstand The Storm, either. js

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:23 PM

originally posted by: RadioRobert
More topically, our state just announced the National Guard is headed to grocery stores and food banks "to help stock"...

which state

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:23 PM

originally posted by: RadioRobert
More topically, our state just announced the National Guard is headed to grocery stores and food banks "to help stock"...

I heard Washington state borders are being shut down at midnight tomorrow. National Guard deploying etc. Any information on that? Idk where youre located, but figured I'd ask.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: imthegoat

Yes, read that, too. Cost for truck shipping is going up due to those who can’t/won’t drive cross country, but some of the laws governing how much they drive are temporarily suspended.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy
unless he commits some act in the name of Q that harms the Q movement
or compels others to do things that harm the movement

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:26 PM
Gosh you wont be able to unsee this but this is a b 4 and after maybe.

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi


have you seen any before and afters?

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