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Our Suns Binary and Spiritual Second Sun (Coverup)

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posted on Jan, 8 2020 @ 10:38 PM

originally posted by: SulfurMercurySalt

Who taught the Dogon then ?

Apparently the anthropologists who "discovered" this, Griaule and Dieterlein.

Later researchers didn't find any evidence of the "trinary star" belief among the Dogon and in fact found that different elders couldn't agree on which star was meant. Perhaps most tellingly, the research was done among people living in the city and at missions and the knowledge about Sirius is basically what we knew about the star system at that date. Dogon who had not been in contact with the missions knew nothing about this.

They didn't come up with something that later (shockingly) was found to be true (we knew at the time it was a trinary system)... and it's easy to lead someone into making a statement:

posted on Jan, 9 2020 @ 12:06 AM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: SulfurMercurySalt

Who taught the Dogon then ?

Apparently the anthropologists who "discovered" this, Griaule and Dieterlein.

Later researchers didn't find any evidence of the "trinary star" belief among the Dogon and in fact found that different elders couldn't agree on which star was meant. Perhaps most tellingly, the research was done among people living in the city and at missions and the knowledge about Sirius is basically what we knew about the star system at that date. Dogon who had not been in contact with the missions knew nothing about this.

They didn't come up with something that later (shockingly) was found to be true (we knew at the time it was a trinary system)... and it's easy to lead someone into making a statement:
Why would missionary people be teaching primitive people about a triune Sirius star cluster ? That scenario is less believable than the Dogon owing their roots to Egypt and Egypt being taught by Thoth or Hermes in the west ! Missionaries are for the most part very myopic in their understanding of the natural world ! What benefit were the missionaries trying to obtain with obscure star charts ! Why do people in comas at times wake up speaking foreign languages perfectly with zero training in said language ! The human mind transcends sll science just as the invisible college has taught only those who find the frequency Kenneth ! Why cant the Dogon be from Egypt ! The sun gate through the apis bull horns is frim somewhere now is it not ?

posted on Jan, 9 2020 @ 02:59 AM

originally posted by: SulfurMercurySalt
Why would missionary people be teaching primitive people about a triune Sirius star cluster ?

They were taught to read and write, and the missions have all sorts of books.

That scenario is less believable than the Dogon owing their roots to Egypt and Egypt being taught by Thoth or Hermes in the west !

But that scenario requires them to have knowledge of Sirius as a 3 star system (which the Egyptians didn't know)... and to take only THAT piece of information (and not the language, the gods, the administration system, the flint-knapping, the copper-tool making, etc, etc)... and hotfoot it out of Egypt and never contact the Egyptians again.

Why take one useless piece of information and nothing else (knowing Sirius is a 3 star system doesn't teach you geometry, weaving, pottery, leatherworking, literacy, laws, stonemasonry, etc, etc.)

Why cant the Dogon be from Egypt !

Why can't they be a noble and interesting people with their own culture that they developed over thousands of years? Why do people try to make them "poor brown brothers" who had to be taught by the Great Egyptians?

The sun gate through the apis bull horns is frim somewhere now is it not ?

The "sun gate through the Apis bull horns" certainly isn't from Egypt. I don't know where it's from, but it's not Egyptian.
edit on 9-1-2020 by Byrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2020 @ 06:16 AM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: SulfurMercurySalt
Why would missionary people be teaching primitive people about a triune Sirius star cluster ?

They were taught to read and write, and the missions have all sorts of books.

That scenario is less believable than the Dogon owing their roots to Egypt and Egypt being taught by Thoth or Hermes in the west !

But that scenario requires them to have knowledge of Sirius as a 3 star system (which the Egyptians didn't know)... and to take only THAT piece of information (and not the language, the gods, the administration system, the flint-knapping, the copper-tool making, etc, etc)... and hotfoot it out of Egypt and never contact the Egyptians again.

Why take one useless piece of information and nothing else (knowing Sirius is a 3 star system doesn't teach you geometry, weaving, pottery, leatherworking, literacy, laws, stonemasonry, etc, etc.)

Why cant the Dogon be from Egypt !

Why can't they be a noble and interesting people with their own culture that they developed over thousands of years? Why do people try to make them "poor brown brothers" who had to be taught by the Great Egyptians?

The sun gate through the apis bull horns is frim somewhere now is it not ?

The "sun gate through the Apis bull horns" certainly isn't from Egypt. I don't know where it's from, but it's not Egyptian.
My point is : The Nommos or thier likeness have been found and mentioned in the far east as well as in south america ! This info came from somewhere ! The Dogon themselves attribute their ancestors as being from Egypt . I dont understand your issues with this ! Earlier you stated they were 2000 miles by land as proof to it being impossible for nomadic people to travel ? The Greeks traded with South American peoples thousands of yrs ago ! So how is it a fetch that people left Egypt for other African areas ? Im looking for the prime mover in all of this ! Why do certain groups become breakaway societies ? Atlantians , Sumerian or German (ww1-ww2) as examples . Do you understand the the differences of Saturn, Jupiter and the Sun in regards to ancient mystery schools ?

posted on Jan, 9 2020 @ 09:17 AM
So why isnt this in the ludicrous online lies forum?

posted on Jan, 9 2020 @ 11:16 AM

originally posted by: SulfurMercurySalt
My point is : The Nommos or thier likeness have been found and mentioned in the far east as well as in south america !

Can you give me some reliable links (preferably by people who specialize in artwork? I know that some folks think that Egyptian art looks like Mayan art... and it really doesn't.)

This info came from somewhere ! The Dogon themselves attribute their ancestors as being from Egypt . I dont understand your issues with this !

It comes from a recent (1990's) book by a fringe author called the Sirius Mystery. Wikipedia has a review of the major claims against the idea, including that the Dogon had no knowledge of planets beyond Saturn. If they didn't know/see Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and beyond there's no way they could have seen/known Sirius was a trinary system:

Also, the claims that their ancestors came from Egypt is not widely accepted by the Dogon, who have different and more plausible accounts.

What I hate about it: cultural appropriation and diminuation of the Dogon people. Because Europeans love the idea of connection with Egypt, it's overriding their other (and more valid) origin stories which are backed up by archaeology.

Earlier you stated they were 2000 miles by land as proof to it being impossible for nomadic people to travel ?

I was being lazy. That's the distance by airplane from Egypt to Mali. By foot, they'd have to go around the belt of mountains below the Sahara, making it a much longer trip.

The Greeks traded with South American peoples thousands of yrs ago !

They did not. Now, the Pacific Islanders might have done so but the Greeks... no.

So how is it a fetch that people left Egypt for other African areas ?

It isn't... but it IS for these people.

There's another group that the Egyptians DID have contact with and who were nomads and who gained knowledge from the Egyptians... the Berbers. They're still around -- the Egyptians knew them and documented them as Libyan tribes. The Berber mythology does contain traces of Egyptian influence. So we know what a culture looks like that's derived from ancient Egypt. And it doesn't look like the Dogons.

Im looking for the prime mover in all of this ! Why do certain groups become breakaway societies ? Atlantians , Sumerian or German (ww1-ww2) as examples . Do you understand the the differences of Saturn, Jupiter and the Sun in regards to ancient mystery schools ?

I'm not sure what you're identifying as a "breakaway society" -- there's two possible meanings here (leaving a larger society and going off on their own OR being far advanced of the rest of the world) so I don't know how to address that point.

I know (or knew) a good deal about Saturn, Jupiter, and the Sun and ancient mystery schools since I was very into the occult in college and studied the books and literature on the OTO and the Golden Dawn.

posted on Jan, 9 2020 @ 06:23 PM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: SulfurMercurySalt
My point is : The Nommos or thier likeness have been found and mentioned in the far east as well as in south america !

Can you give me some reliable links (preferably by people who specialize in artwork? I know that some folks think that Egyptian art looks like Mayan art... and it really doesn't.)

This info came from somewhere ! The Dogon themselves attribute their ancestors as being from Egypt . I dont understand your issues with this !

It comes from a recent (1990's) book by a fringe author called the Sirius Mystery. Wikipedia has a review of the major claims against the idea, including that the Dogon had no knowledge of planets beyond Saturn. If they didn't know/see Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and beyond there's no way they could have seen/known Sirius was a trinary system:

Also, the claims that their ancestors came from Egypt is not widely accepted by the Dogon, who have different and more plausible accounts.

What I hate about it: cultural appropriation and diminuation of the Dogon people. Because Europeans love the idea of connection with Egypt, it's overriding their other (and more valid) origin stories which are backed up by archaeology.

Earlier you stated they were 2000 miles by land as proof to it being impossible for nomadic people to travel ?

I was being lazy. That's the distance by airplane from Egypt to Mali. By foot, they'd have to go around the belt of mountains below the Sahara, making it a much longer trip.

The Greeks traded with South American peoples thousands of yrs ago !

They did not. Now, the Pacific Islanders might have done so but the Greeks... no.

So how is it a fetch that people left Egypt for other African areas ?

It isn't... but it IS for these people.

There's another group that the Egyptians DID have contact with and who were nomads and who gained knowledge from the Egyptians... the Berbers. They're still around -- the Egyptians knew them and documented them as Libyan tribes. The Berber mythology does contain traces of Egyptian influence. So we know what a culture looks like that's derived from ancient Egypt. And it doesn't look like the Dogons.

Im looking for the prime mover in all of this ! Why do certain groups become breakaway societies ? Atlantians , Sumerian or German (ww1-ww2) as examples . Do you understand the the differences of Saturn, Jupiter and the Sun in regards to ancient mystery schools ?

I'm not sure what you're identifying as a "breakaway society" -- there's two possible meanings here (leaving a larger society and going off on their own OR being far advanced of the rest of the world) so I don't know how to address that point.

I know (or knew) a good deal about Saturn, Jupiter, and the Sun and ancient mystery schools since I was very into the occult in college and studied the books and literature on the OTO and the Golden Dawn.
Breakaway meaning advanced ( sorry) The Egyptians were not that smart as people like to make them out to be ! I believe that the Dogon are a breakaway group from west africa ! Haplogroup E-M-132 is the largest Y group found in the Dogon and its also very high in the Berbers ! No one can say for certain , but I trust DNA and the problem with all of our ancient ideas are wrought with conjecture. I have been and still am a very active member in R+C and Aurum Solis for well over 20yrs now . I can say with authority that 75% of what you have read about secret societies has been purposely written in a manner that is very misleading! For instance : Do you know how the Rosicrucians were formed and by whom ? This question is not to show any superiority in knowledge, but to display proof to my statement. Secret Societies owe their path to Arab/Near Far East mystery schools . The Egyptians were not priori in any egregores ! Tibet may contain more of the truth than most areas ! The issue with knowledge that is passed on is that all want to claim it as their own ! The Dogon didplay zero societal technology that would pass as evidence of complex star chart priori knowledge ! There resides a cosmic dimension of knowledge that requires a phantasmal approach through occult or latent and removed influences ( gods , daemons , aliens , angels etc... etc.... ) and neither subgroup can stand alone without the other ! I think you and I are more on the same page than we may both know . Texting is a limited form of transference. Why did you stop your occult studies after college ? Sirius is an example of synchronicity that all us star children can enjoy ! May this find you well ! Your Frater friend ! Always remember the that Goethe and Marlowe in regards to mans search pays either with destruction or salvation! I choose Goethe ! Yet society has proliferated an egregore of a Faustus ( Marlowe ) punishment for leaving the porch light and creating your own shine !

posted on Jan, 9 2020 @ 06:35 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
So why isnt this in the ludicrous online lies forum?
Sirius’s gravitational pull causes human minds to lie !

posted on Jan, 9 2020 @ 10:05 PM
What are any of you humans saying. Explain it concisely, otherwise the universe accurately estimates that you do not have a clue about which you speak, and you garner the attention of idiots and lunatics exclusively, nothing more.. Is that what you desire? To be another Bob Lazar? Pandering to people slightly stupider than you, which is an accomplishment in it's own right but not a valiant effort on the wider scale?

Do you wish me to reveal treasure maps created in my dreams? Is this the purpose of humanity? To waste time on nonsense? Has humanity sealed it's flight) fate? Only on technicality do we await your final proclamation of your purpose and existence, hu-mans.

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: Phage

originally posted by: vethumanbeing It is further away and yet Alcyone is our central sun that this solar system rotates around.

No it doesn't. But I see you disagree with the OP.

Have been away back again now. No it does not disagree with the OP. Science has a lot of catching up to do and does not understand the mechanisms of the universe in part because we have not had the time too.

In respect to the comment in accordance above there is no disagrement with the OP. The The Pleiades is our central sun. The trinary system system of Sirius is bound with our sun. But Sirius and the The Pleiades are also bound, Further the The Pleiades is bound to the Galactic centre.

Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?

Job 38.31

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: Byrd

It comes from a recent (1990's) book by a fringe author called the Sirius Mystery. Wikipedia has a review of the major claims against the idea,

Its kind of funny. I have noticed people are very happy to come up with theories about the Dogon. But they do so without taking into account what these people have to say about their own heritage or culture and there own version of their history in no way lines up with ours. In other words people are dismisive of information and narrative that does not match with western history. This type of action highlights authoritarian cultural racism.

Have you tried contacting any of the Kemetic schools or Dogon schools and asking what they have to say because in their words they are the priest class of Egypt and taking this into accounts when you form your opinions of an entire culture.

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
So why isnt this in the ludicrous online lies forum?

Why should it be. ?

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: Byrd

Actually, reported by only ONE ethnographer and not found by anyone else.

Thats actually not the case. I suggest you contact one of the Dogon Schools. It is an integral part of their culture.

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 03:36 PM

originally posted by: vethumanbeing
a reply to: Phage
Our sun is supposed be part of another system 'Alcyone' the sister Sun.

Alcyone is the star of the dead and lines up above your head on all Hallows night. Thats what Halloween in really all about.

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: Willtell
There was a science channel doc on last night saying we may have two suns. They actually had pictures from Indonesia of two suns sitting side by side. of course, that was some kind of optical illusion.

The scientist did NOT refute the possibility on this show that there might be two suns in our solar system. They say there is something huge out there were not seeing directly.

I thought of but that is doubtful.

So don't mock this theory its kind of mainstream.

NO its not douvtful go and have a look. Nibiru was a read star. Stichins time frame is incorrect but the star is very real. Its the star of the Messiah. The same star the Gods of knowledge came from Egypt and that star is Sirius.

I will look in to stichins time frame does it link to the earths change of days from 360 days 365.25?

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: Byrd

I will come back to this later and see if I can find a picture of the whole wall... instead of a badly cropped section of it.

You said you would come back to this image. I would be appreciate your comments.

You said the image is badly cropped and negated my theory that this may represent the 23 degree tilt of the earth being stabilised by Sirius. We know that the Djed in this image represents stability. If I am incorrect could you please tell me what you think it is.

I have pointed relationships between ISIS and the number 72. The 72 degree pyramid here and 360 degrees / 5 in te star again 72. There are further relations here that should be mentioned. The PA or positional angel of Sirius A and B and of importance the number 72 in terms of precessional movement. It takes 72 years for the earth to move one degree through the precession of the equinoxes.

Have you ever wondered why the magic numbers always equal 9?

ie 360 or 72?

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: Byrd

I would value your input into what is going on in this image. To the right we have Orion/Osrius. In the middle we have the Bull or Taurus and on the left we have taweret (the constallation Bootes) Of note is the angel of the spear and the seven stars (which AE has misrepresented) You might no it as the leg of the bull.

What do you think they are trying to say here because I think it is off importance and will demonstrate can demonsrtate why.

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 09:07 PM

originally posted by: purplemer

originally posted by: vethumanbeing
a reply to: Phage
Our sun is supposed be part of another system 'Alcyone' the sister Sun.

Alcyone is the star of the dead and lines up above your head on all Hallows night. Thats what Halloween in really all about.

I find it interesting that the Egyptian 'merkaba' travel vehicle (2 3D star tetrahedrons one inverted over the other) was borrowed/adopted by Hebrew 'slaves' to become their (flag) standard. I wonder if people know the TRUE origin of the iconography of Israel's "Star Of David". I tell you they were never slaves; they took advantage of a generous people; robbed and misused knowledge they had no right to possess. Why always the 'victimhood' just is not true.
edit on 10-1-2020 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 09:43 PM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: Byrd

I will come back to this later and see if I can find a picture of the whole wall... instead of a badly cropped section of it.

You said you would come back to this image. I would be appreciate your comments.

You said the image is badly cropped and negated my theory that this may represent the 23 degree tilt of the earth being stabilised by Sirius. We know that the Djed in this image represents stability. If I am incorrect could you please tell me what you think it is.

I have pointed relationships between ISIS and the number 72. The 72 degree pyramid here and 360 degrees / 5 in te star again 72. There are further relations here that should be mentioned. The PA or positional angel of Sirius A and B and of importance the number 72 in terms of precessional movement. It takes 72 years for the earth to move one degree through the precession of the equinoxes.

Have you ever wondered why the magic numbers always equal 9?

ie 360 or 72?

I actually did come back to it. It's in Seti's tomb and is the first of two consecutive panels - the raising of the Djed pillar (with Seti himself also crouched at the bottom). You can see the full panel in the middle of this page:

The three form a narrative of his Heb Sed festival.

The reason that you idea doesn't make headway is that the Egyptian artists painted according to a certain convention. They marked off a grid of squares and then used those squares whenever they composed a piece of artwork:

The angle has to do with where they could put the human body limbs (the rules were pretty inflexible) and how they could place the image.

Sirius can't stabilize Earth. It's too far away (8.6 light years). Egyptians would not have associated the Djed pillar with Earth's stability. The Earth deity was Geb, and he is almost always shown lying down (and therefore very stable.) Nut, the goddess of the sky, was stabilized -- but not with a djed, but rather with four male gods.

It's the Babylonians and Greeks who were really "into" numbers. The Egyptians didn't really have any significant/magical numbers beyond the usual suspects (four and three and later seven ("seven Hathors", possibly derived from the number of stars in the Pleiades ) Nine wasn't particularly magical or special for them.) We have the 42 negative confessions... but 42 doesn't show up elsewhere as it would if it was a special number. I don't recall anything with 72 (I could be mistaken) and there's nothing with 360 until the Greeks show up.

The Egyptians didn't know about Neptune and Pluto... they could not have seen Sirius as anything other than a single point of light.

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 09:45 PM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: Byrd

I would value your input into what is going on in this image. To the right we have Orion/Osrius. In the middle we have the Bull or Taurus and on the left we have taweret (the constallation Bootes) Of note is the angel of the spear and the seven stars (which AE has misrepresented) You might no it as the leg of the bull.

What do you think they are trying to say here because I think it is off importance and will demonstrate can demonsrtate why.

That's the circumpolar stars. Twaret is restraining Set, who is attacking the falcon-headed Horus (not Orion). Horus isn't ever associated with Orion. It's a very well-known tale about contending for the kingship of the gods.

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