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Our Suns Binary and Spiritual Second Sun (Coverup)

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posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 10:05 PM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: Byrd

Actually, reported by only ONE ethnographer and not found by anyone else.

Thats actually not the case. I suggest you contact one of the Dogon Schools. It is an integral part of their culture.

The modern "Dogon schools" probably teach it... just as a lot of things are taught to tourists because of a demand for that "knowledge." I've seen it myself among Native Americans who go along with the Caucasian culture's interpretation of something because it brought money-making tourists to them (I have a Native American friend who has a series of long rants about this destroying their culture.)

However, historically the Dogons didn't have "schools" and didn't teach Sirius or other such things.

There's a good review of the discussions that led to academics proclaiming this data as unreliable:

In a nutshell, people who came afterwards found the methods slipshod (masks used to date a ceremony were simply estimated to be 60 years apart (without actually confirming how they counted the year) and three piles of dust were counted as masks.)) No one, other than a single informant used by Griaule knew that Sirius was a double or triple star. And it turns out that the author of the Sirius Mystery made some wild assumptions that even Griaule would not agree with. For instance, the stars aren't important to the Dogon in ritual or in daily life-- they use the sun and the moon.

The link above is a good, brief discussion of the issues.

posted on Jan, 11 2020 @ 01:27 AM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
So why isnt this in the ludicrous online lies forum?

originally posted by: purplemer
Why should it be. ?
I've seen you say two things that are true, and they prove nothing else you claim about a binary companion for our sun.

It's true that there are a lot of binary stars though it's difficult to calculate an exact percentage, but even if your 80% figure of binary stars is correct, that still leaves 20% of stars not in binary systems, so saying "most stars are binary", while true, proves nothing about the other 20% which aren't (if those figures are even correct).

We have searched for a binary companion to our sun, and the search has not revealed a binary companion, so claiming the sun is part of a binary star has no scientific evidence to support it. The only mainstream idea I've seen on this which could make some sense is the possibility that our sun could have had a binary partner long ago (like over 4 billion years ago perhaps), and the two were separated by interaction with a massive object. There's no real evidence for this either, it's conjecture based on the idea that "most stars are in binary systems" which is scientifically valid, and that our sun is no longer in a binary system if it ever was, also scientifically valid based on observation. If that happened, the star which was once a companion to our sun could be tens of thousands of light years away by now, and would be nearly impossible to identify as the sun's long lost binary companion. Another possibility might be if something was flawed about our search for a binary companion to our sun, but you've provided no evidence for that, or that you're even aware of the search (discussed in the podcast below) which would have found a binary companion for the sun if one existed.

The other "evidence" cited comes from unreliable sources which are addressed in this podcast from the pseudoastronomy site (fake astronomy), and the thread is based on fake astronomy so ludicrous online lies forum would be a good fit for this thread in my opinion.

Episode 91: The Binary Star Hypothesis

the ideas tossed around by Warmkessel, Martell, Cruttenden, LUCAS, and others are pretty much falsified based on absolutely no data to back up their ideas, or the only data coming from data mining, cherry-picking, and ignoring some basic facts.

The sun being part of a binary system isn't a crazy idea, but the hypothesis has been tested and falsified via lack of evidence, so to still claim it's in a binary system with no valid scientific evidence is pretty much a ludicrous lie.

One other thing purplemer said that's true was something about galaxy rotation curves being non-Newtonian. That's true based on visible light, but the earth is not made of visible light, nor is other dark matter which is part of the lambda-CDM cosmological model, which accounts for observations like galaxy rotation curves not following newtons' laws based on visible light by assuming there is dark matter we can't see that accounts for galaxy rotation curves. That model is based more on general relativity than on Newton's laws, but applying lambda-CDM model is not going to magically give the sun a binary partner where Newton's laws didn't. Newton's laws are a simplified version of general relativity which apply in limited cases like our sun and the surrounding solar system pretty well, but for some precise observations like the precession of mercury, Einstein's relativity model turns out to make more accurate predictions, so you could also say mercury's precession is non-Newtonian. Newtons' model works pretty well for most everything else orbiting our sun.

edit on 2020111 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 12:00 AM

originally posted by: Arbitrageur

originally posted by: TzarChasm
So why isnt this in the ludicrous online lies forum?

originally posted by: purplemer
Why should it be. ?
I've seen you say two things that are true, and they prove nothing else you claim about a binary companion for our sun.

It's true that there are a lot of binary stars though it's difficult to calculate an exact percentage, but even if your 80% figure of binary stars is correct, that still leaves 20% of stars not in binary systems, so saying "most stars are binary", while true, proves nothing about the other 20% which aren't (if those figures are even correct).

We have searched for a binary companion to our sun, and the search has not revealed a binary companion, so claiming the sun is part of a binary star has no scientific evidence to support it. The only mainstream idea I've seen on this which could make some sense is the possibility that our sun could have had a binary partner long ago (like over 4 billion years ago perhaps), and the two were separated by interaction with a massive object. There's no real evidence for this either, it's conjecture based on the idea that "most stars are in binary systems" which is scientifically valid, and that our sun is no longer in a binary system if it ever was, also scientifically valid based on observation. If that happened, the star which was once a companion to our sun could be tens of thousands of light years away by now, and would be nearly impossible to identify as the sun's long lost binary companion. Another possibility might be if something was flawed about our search for a binary companion to our sun, but you've provided no evidence for that, or that you're even aware of the search (discussed in the podcast below) which would have found a binary companion for the sun if one existed.

The other "evidence" cited comes from unreliable sources which are addressed in this podcast from the pseudoastronomy site (fake astronomy), and the thread is based on fake astronomy so ludicrous online lies forum would be a good fit for this thread in my opinion.

Episode 91: The Binary Star Hypothesis

the ideas tossed around by Warmkessel, Martell, Cruttenden, LUCAS, and others are pretty much falsified based on absolutely no data to back up their ideas, or the only data coming from data mining, cherry-picking, and ignoring some basic facts.

The sun being part of a binary system isn't a crazy idea, but the hypothesis has been tested and falsified via lack of evidence, so to still claim it's in a binary system with no valid scientific evidence is pretty much a ludicrous lie.

One other thing purplemer said that's true was something about galaxy rotation curves being non-Newtonian. That's true based on visible light, but the earth is not made of visible light, nor is other dark matter which is part of the lambda-CDM cosmological model, which accounts for observations like galaxy rotation curves not following newtons' laws based on visible light by assuming there is dark matter we can't see that accounts for galaxy rotation curves. That model is based more on general relativity than on Newton's laws, but applying lambda-CDM model is not going to magically give the sun a binary partner where Newton's laws didn't. Newton's laws are a simplified version of general relativity which apply in limited cases like our sun and the surrounding solar system pretty well, but for some precise observations like the precession of mercury, Einstein's relativity model turns out to make more accurate predictions, so you could also say mercury's precession is non-Newtonian. Newtons' model works pretty well for most everything else orbiting our sun.

Thanks for answering for me. I was lazy.

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: Byrd

You simple cannot say that the Dogon are not Kemetic culuture. They have much in common.

I am in the process of reading. A Companion to Afircan American Studies there many connections between the two culutres. I am happy to list them but before I do I will share credential.

Lewis R. Gordon is the Laura Carnell University Professor of Philosophy and Religion and Director of the Institute for the Study of Race and Social Thought and the Center for Afro-Jewish Studies at Temple University and Ongoing Visiting Professor of Government and Philosophy at the University of the West Indies at Mona, Jamaica.

Notable comparison Dogon / Kemetic culture includes
1) Calendar : 360 day, 12 month, 30 days a month 5/10 day week.

2) Higher Powers: Nommo / Neters (rule the universe active agents/principles of the creator.

3) The Creator: Amma (means to hold firmly or keep the same place / Amen which means to make firm or establish permanently

4) The Creation: Before creation Amma had no place to stand / Before creation Ammen Ra had no place to stand

4) The World Egg: Amma bought foward an egg containing the cosmos. / The egg of the world was fashioned by Ptah on the potters wheel

5) The Mind of the Creator: The universe came from the mind of Amma who uttered the creative word / The neter Thoth is mind of Amen-Re where the universe is formed before before it came forth as the word.

6) Spittle and Breath: Amma created life on earth from his spittle and breath / Atum created Tefnut from his spittle and Shu from his breath as the ancestors of living beings.

7) The Original Powers: 8 Nommo or primordial ancestors of man / 8 primeval Neters

8) The Original Twins: Amma created the original male/female as the po (primal seed) Atum created the original male/female twins Shu /Tef Nut

9) The Seat and the Seeds: Within Amma is the seat which is the womb where the primeoridal seeds germinate. Isis is Ast which means seat and womb. She is the source of grain and seeds

10) The Serpent of Time: Nommo Sizu is the serpant who represents immortality. The serpent Sata dies and is reborn everyday.

I have plenty more if you wish

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: Byrd

The "sun gate through the Apis bull horns" certainly isn't from Egypt. I don't know where it's from, but it's not Egyptian.

Of course its Kemtic look at the symbolism. This symbolism is Kemtic and found in other cultures with apparent no connection.

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: Byrd

The modern "Dogon schools" probably teach it... just as a lot of things are taught to tourists because of a demand for that "knowledge." I've seen it myself among Native Americans who go along with the Caucasian culture's interpretation of something because it brought money-making tourists to them (I have a Native American friend who has a series of long rants about this destroying their culture.)

However, historically the Dogons didn't have "schools" and didn't teach Sirius or other such things.

Yes but they do have schools now because they are sick to # they Western academia make up stuff about their own culture.

So in their own words:

The Earth Center is coming from the perspective of African Civilisations as the African Continent is the cradle of all civilisations. We believe that by returning humanity to the principles of nature, we will bring unity among all people. It is time we look for the unity of all humankind!

sacred Kemetic educational system, from the original Pharaonic Nile valley civilization was cleverly hidden through Kemetic/Dogon, spiritual initiations. These initiations take place within humble villages in Meritah (Original name for Africa) under the protection of the Dogon Bloodlines.

Much in the way of knowlegde about these people has been collected and collected here. The narrative they have of their history and their Kemetic relationship is very different to yours. There is knowledge available here that has been collected from over 120 priests.

This is their story. Do you really think you have the right to right off a culture who has past down its history orally for many thousands of years. You seem instead of only picking information from one side of the information wall.

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

The sun being part of a binary system isn't a crazy idea, but the hypothesis has been tested and falsified via lack of evidence, so to still claim it's in a binary system with no valid scientific evidence is pretty much a ludicrous lie.

If it worth notiing that bianary systems have mostly been dectected in the last couple of decades. What we are talking about here is a trinary system in orbit with our solar system. It will take us longer to observe these as the orbits are a lot slower than wide binary systems.

Lack of evidence from the scientific does not make it a lie. That is simply an interpretation and based on no evidence what so ever. We simple do not have enough data to rule this out.

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: Phage

So look directly above your head on the first of January and you will see Sirius. Not where I live. Do you live at latitude 16º north? At what time of day did you see it directly overhead?

Yes it does line up every January the first at exactly 12.00. This demostates it may well be a time keeper just as the ancients keep saying.

Time today is run by Greenwich Mean Time, it is the only place that has local time that was followed a couple of centuries ago in England, and was changed because train timetables that spread across the world with rounded off Time Zones, but by the Gregorian Calendar we follow today we can see what was put in place, Sirius is culminating at precise minute of New Year.

Maybe you should spend some time in the above thread its very interesting.

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

The other "evidence" cited comes from unreliable sources

Noting a common thread across several sacred books and culture is something worth questioning in my opinion. If you think different thats good by me too.

Here is the oldest temple every found in the world göbekli tepe. Which means pot bellied pig or something and refers to the hill it was deliberately buried underneath.

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: Byrd

For instance, the stars aren't important to the Dogon in ritual or in daily life-- they use the sun and the moon.

One of the most important festivals they have is based on Sirius. The festival takes place erery 50/60 years. But you think this culture has made this story up just to troll your version of history?

Really you think that?

Most strikingly is the Dogon's traditional agrarian/ social-type calendar. Actually, it's quite non-traditional in that its approximately 60 year cycle is based neither on the Earth's rotation around the Sun (as is our Julian calendar) nor the cycles of the Moon (a lunar calendar). Instead, the Dogon culture centers around the rotation cycle of a white dwarf star (in Western astronomy called Sirius B) sirius jpgwhich encircles the primary star Sirius A every 50 - 60 years. Sirius A

Dogon males were primarily associated with the single-sexed male Jackal and the Sigui festival, which was associated with death on the Earth. It was held once every sixty years and allegedly celebrated the white dwarf star, Sirius

Actually it is still held by the Dogons.

edit on 12-1-2020 by purplemer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

(fake astronomy), and the thread is based on fake astronomy so ludicrous online lies forum would be a good fit for this thread in my opinion.

Fake astoromoy?

Why does it line up on January the first every year. Thats simple a coincidence to you I guess.

Why did it change colour from red to blue.

Why do ancient cultures say this star somehow responsible for the summer heat

Why do ancient cultures say this star follows the sun

Why does this star still line up with the pyramid shaft

Why is this star still used by the elite in astrology. It marks the formation of countries and the olympic games for example.

Why was this star used as a time keeper by several cultures worldwide.

I could go on. But you get the idea. Truth of the matter is this theory holds a lot of water.

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Suprised your still showing your face here after your ballz up. Have you studied and learned any Pike yet. Real freemasonry not your watered down stuff..

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: Byrd

Actually, reported by only ONE ethnographer and not found by anyone else.

Yes an entire culture is now making stuff up just to troll your version of history.

You could try looking at the African Yoruba culture. You think they making their history up just to troll you as well?

ll these people still remember this glorious past as evidenced by many customs and legends evoking the ancient gods from Alcor, Orion, Sirius and the Pleiades. Among them were the Yoruba.

Have a look maybe at Esau in Yoruba Tradition (Yes sometimes spelled ISIS)

Oludumare is not a “he” or a “she.” The only appropriate pronoun here is “it” because Oludumare is a genderless being who is responsible for all creation. It lives in a heavenly realm, far from its creation. Yet it has holy messengers who help to intercede between the Almighty and Mankind itself. These messengers are spirits called “Orishas.” In Yoruba you must believe and interact with the Orishas to reach God Consciousness.

btw Orishas is often pronounced Osirius.

How about Serer people from the Senegal River valley. The word Serer is very like Sirius isnt it?

Here is their symbol for the universe. A five pointed star. (very ISIS like)

and here is what is said about the star.

The star Yoonir, symbol of the Universe in Serer cosmology. Commonly known as Sirius.

I can demonstrate this princple in religions worldwide. What we are looking at here is an interconnected web of beliefs that spans the globe makes one some very profound questions about our history.

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: Byrd

You know there is a lot of evidencce to suggest human beings had two suns in the past. How about some of the rock art.

The Neolithic site of Burzahom is a story teller of life between 3,000 and 1,000 BC. It is known for its unique subterranean dwelling pits, unusual petroglyphs, including one that appears to depict two suns

An interesting discovery made at Burzahom was a carved stone slab that shows two hunters hunting a stag, while twin suns shine in the sky

There is historical evidence from many different angels.

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

Jack Parsons,Crowley and Kubrick had more knowledge of what is going on in the welkin than most ! Science can only observe while the esoteric occultist knows through magic with empirical science being the analogy of the subjective mind !

Thank you for your contribution in this thread. I agree on some things with you and disagree on others. Thats how we learn I guess.

I agree regarding Kubrick he was the greatest film writter of the centuary and has messages for mankind when we choose to listen.

In respect to Crowley silver star. What do you think he was talking about :-)

The gematria of Aster Argos is 489, also the value of Sothis, the Greek name for the star Sirius. Eshelman states that "Sirius commonly is held to be the physical expression of that "Silver Star" after which the Order is named."

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: Nothin

My apologies in advance for disappointing you. Have been posting absolute rubbish lately. You know: chop wood, carry water, post garbage... LoL !

Why dont you post something of your thoughts regarding Sirius on the thread

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: Akragon

we wouldn't have a stable solar system IF a rogue star came flying through the area every few thousand years...

It is every 24/26k years and we dont have a stable solar system. Have a look at the The Milankovitch Cycles for example. No one actually knows the cause but they tie in very nicely with the orbit of Sirius with our Sun / earth cycles and the big year.

It is also my belief that the Kemetic stories of the Gods in part explain the upheavel in our solar system in the past.

The Milankovitch Cycles are the results of studying past global climate changes over millions of years. One of the causes in climate change is precession of the equinoxes, which seems to have a period of 22,000 to 23,000 years, over millions of years.

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: purplemer

Look at you, the non-Mason using Pike's opinion as gospel for all Masons. Sorry, sweetie, the ritual we use in my jurisdiction was around before Pike was even born.

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: Skorpiogurl
This has been a cool and interesting discussion. A lot of stuff to read.
Personally I don't know anything about it, nor do I want to know. I live my life believing that there are some things we're not meant to know. I am ok with that. I still don't understand what the big cover up is though. I mean there are 20 pages of links and information about this, that's a cover up? Anyway, I love the night sky and the stars and I'm lucky enough to live in a place that is very dark so unless it's cloudy, I see them all, and it's amazing! I make sure to catch the planets as they come in and out of my view. I don't question it, I marvel at it and I enjoy the mystery.

My response here contributed nothing to the topic, but I wanted to chime in anyway

Thanks again! I enjoyed reading and looking at the images!

Hello and thanks for your reply. Yes there is a lot of stuff to read through. I started on this over a year ago and as I said earlier its been some rabbit hole. I have had little internet for the last week hence my lack of replies.

I do think its a cover up yes. The more I look the more I can see this narrative and its everywhere. Its certainly of importance and in my opinion worthy of investigation.

It is covered up in the repsect that it is not taught. It is not our version of history and in my opinion makes our history a lie. To me this is of the greatest of importance. Who are you when you dont know who you really are or where you came from?

Take away from a person their history and identity. What do they become and its here I see we find ourselves as a culture.

Im glad you like looking at the stars. Here are some more. Our good friend Orion / Osirius

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: Byrd

Egyptians is so poor that very little can be identified (unlike the Sumerians, whose star and planetary charts are so accurate that we can use them today.)

That may not mean it is poor it may mean you dont know how to read it.

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