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Chat Room seeds of discontent: Levitationjunkie, ColdAnger, etc...

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posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 05:27 PM
Every form of censorship is cutting down on the feedback within this social organism, which means the social organism is much more stupid than any individual in it.

Because you say something is meaningless does not make it so. Remember that!

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 05:36 PM

Don't ask.

[Edited on 7-13-2003 by Cammo Dude]

posted on Jul, 12 2003 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by Voice_of Doom
Every form of censorship is cutting down on the feedback within this social organism, which means the social organism is much more stupid than any individual in it.

Because you say something is meaningless does not make it so. Remember that!

VOD, that is silly. If I have to edit out vulgarity from a post because the poster hasn't the respect for others not to vomit in front of them, there is no lessening of freedom of speech or attenuation of discussion.

If a thread is started that is senseless, stupid and goes against the theme of this site, or is created merely to incite and provoke without any fact or substance, the removal of such garbage lessens in n o way the search for information and truth.

In order to get receive the intelligence one may find it necessary to turn up the squelch.
Remember that!

posted on Jul, 12 2003 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
In order to get receive the intelligence one may find it necessary to turn up the squelch.
Remember that!


posted on Jul, 12 2003 @ 12:14 PM
I feel that we will never understand each other...

You say, "If I have to edit out vulgarity from a post because the poster hasn't the respect for others not to vomit in front of them, there is no lessening of freedom of speech or attenuation of discussion."
It appears that you assume an authoritative stance on what vulgarity is... I wish I could be so sure. It seems to me that vulgarity is a social crutch that has changed over time and differs culturally. I am impressed that you are able to sum up the entire existence of vulgarity in your brain, minus your prejudices I assume, and be able to pronounce it carte blanch for all. Wow!
And since you can pronounce yourself THE definitive voice of linguistics and speech as it relates to discussion sites, I can see that you probably have THE definitive answer for most other dilemmas. Heck, why don't you just tell us all how to think, what to think and when to think. It would certainly make life easier for you...and you wouldn't have to "clean up so much vomit".
Your next bit of wisdom, "If a thread is started that is senseless, stupid and goes against the theme of this site, or is created merely to incite and provoke without any fact or substance, the removal of such garbage lessens in n o way the search for information and truth."
WOW! Now you have a lock on the path to information and truth!! You must be the SMARTEST person alive. I was under the impression that the "search" was amalgamated for the person who was undertaking it. Also, I'm sure you're aware that the scientific definition of information is 'coherently structured unpredictability'. The coherently structured part being the levels of filters that are brain applies to stimuli. The 'unpredictability' is the key. Its random sometimes and chaotic sometimes. Of course with your total understanding of all random and chaotic events happening in the universe that lead to the creation of thoughts, writing and internet posting you are the absolute choice to determine what is and what is not 'information' for all.
Thank you for posting THE TRUTH. I will let everyone I know that it exists here in the form of Thomas Crowne writings.
As for the rest of us mere mortals... I prefer to think for myself. I believe that a single ego is not broad enough to understand a universe that is being perceived un-simultaneously. I feel that none of us can ascertain or determine the definitive nature of anything in this universe outside of, "I feel this" or "I think that". These are all opinions based on inaccurate and filtered reception of "information", but they substantial for discussion when the others understand that IT IS AN OPINION. However, when I take my perceived understanding of the objective world and pronounce it and its morality on the rest of you, I am assuming an authority that simply does not exist. Now, If you (the posters) want to give me that authority then you can exist in my world of values, but make no mistake that we are not experiencing an objective reality together. What we have done is agree to look through the same filtered lens at 'information'.
However, it doesn't really matter for I would never force my view on others except in my writings. I believe that there is information in all things and it is UP TO ME to decide and implement what information I choose. Like I said earlier, any censorship of information, reduces the amount of information for the whole organism (ATS Website) scientifically. And while this may appear "silly" to some writers it is a demonstratable experiment mathematically. While it cannot fit any definition of "truth" by itself, I certainly prefer it over the "authoritarian overlord" view of what is acceptable for everyone.

You are all absolutely free!!!

posted on Jul, 12 2003 @ 01:07 PM
You are correct, VoiceofDoom, that we will not understand each other if you lack the common bond of civility that allows decent members of society to discern the difference between proper language and vulgarity. It may be that you are an unfortunate person that is asocial, that is, not social nor antisocial, but one that can't distinguish between right and wrong, good or bad, and acceptable and unacceptable. The fact that you cannot tell the difference is not a reason for lack of control. Far from it, it is more of a reason for people with the ability to distinguish between right and wrong to moderate. Fortunately, there are very few people in our community here that has that problem, so my high-paying job here is pretty easy.
BTW, VOD, I am not the authority on what is right and wrong. I don't have to be. It is the common sense of morality shared in Western nations.

I'm sure you believe you are high-minded and very intellectual and believe that every piece of garbage that is smeared on our walls is art that should be left hanging around to be discussed. Fortunately, the majority realize that being high-minded as such is really being too simple-minded to discern between worthy material and garbage. Again, this makes my high-paying job here much easier.

Again, this is a free site. It is free in more ways than one. Anyone is free to stay and free to go. Simon is the owner of this board. He pays the bills around here and is the creator of the place, and as such, he is also the one that is responsible for the rules of the community.

The internet is a wonderful place in that if you want to go hang out in a totally irresponsible place where anything goes you are free to do so. If yopu wish to go forth and create your own community, you are perfectly capable of that as well. So, if anyone feels that they aren't able to communicate without vomiting filth, they may communicate anywhere else that wants that type of ambience. Furthermore, if anyone wants to urinate in others' pockets and tell them its liquid gold and expect them to believe it and condone it, strike a trot and find that place where the idiots mingle or create your own place and hope the idiots migrate.

Furthermore, VOD, your sarcasm coupled with your obvious inability to discern polite behavior from impolite, and intelligent discussion from silly garbage makes you look less than what you were shooting for. Figured you'd need to be told as you cannot distinguish yourself and I am an authority on the matter, as you say.

[Edited on 12-7-2003 by Thomas Crowne]

posted on Jul, 12 2003 @ 06:32 PM
I'm back from a brief trip.

I'll respond to this hornet's nest of chaos later tonight.

A small minority of our members will not like my response.

posted on Jul, 12 2003 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by QuestorYour profile states you are 33 years old. If you've been around this sort of thing since the 1980's, that would make you a teenager in that time.

Is that correct?


There was an error in my profile, it's corrected. I'll be 43 in two months.

posted on Jul, 12 2003 @ 07:25 PM
my 2 dollars fidy worth (converted into apropriate currentcy).
Censorship = Bad
Being civil = Good
blocking swearing = Good
Williams Patience = running out
A.V. = losing respect
disgruntled members = Grow up
ATS = Place to learn
ATS Members = shock therapy will be handed out acordinly

posted on Jul, 12 2003 @ 08:58 PM
LOL, Seedy, the only way it could be more simple and manageable is to put it into Boolean Algebra. Good job, sir.

posted on Jul, 12 2003 @ 09:04 PM
good way of lookin at things sid. well, while i'm gone, i hope the right people keep it from going to hell in a handbasket. adios amigos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jul, 12 2003 @ 11:18 PM

posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Abraham Virtue
It is obvious that you do not know what a moderator is supposed to do.

I's like to point out that under current site circumstances, you seem unable to understand yourself

I haven't come by ats for several days... poked about on Friday -- saw massive chaos courtesy of mister virtue -- decided to wait until the fuss ended

but your crazy fuss seems to have no end

maybe you can help me out here -- when will it end?

posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by seedy_sid
my 2 dollars fidy worth (converted into apropriate currentcy).
Censorship = Bad
Being civil = Good
blocking swearing = Good
Williams Patience = running out
A.V. = losing respect
disgruntled members = Grow up
ATS = Place to learn
ATS Members = shock therapy will be handed out acordinly

man after my own heart
way to put it succintly!

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 02:07 PM
As I said before, "none of us can ascertain or determine the definitive nature of anything in this universe outside of, "I feel this" or "I think that". I certainly understand how you think and feel.
I was stating the search for truth scientifically as a game set to be explored...not as a puzzle already solved. As far as "commonly accepted western morality", that statement means nothing to me when it comes to an INTERNATIONAL discussion site, as we have here. 150 years ago it was, "commonly accepted western morality" to keep slaves. 500 years ago it was, "commonly accepted western morality" to inflict religious beliefs on a people with death as the alternative. 50 years ago it was, "commonly accepted western morality" to submit to an arms race thereby creating enough destructive force to destroy the world 1000 times over. Let us not forget the positions that "commonly accepted western morality" has taken on freedom, women's rights, minority rights and the plight of the poor. And let us not forget that it has only changed over time from the genius's, artists, musicians and engineers that showed them the light. So when you tell me that you can determine what's right and wrong, moral and immoral, truth from lies based on a, "commonly accepted western morality" I have to laugh.
Vulgar and polite. Another interesting topic. You claim to know the difference there, as well. It was considered socially polite to beat your wife 100 years ago as long as the stick was had less width than your thumb. It was considered socially correct and polite for negros to ride on the back of the bus. It was considered socially vulgar for a woman to pursue a career instead of a family. What does this mean??? It means that vulgarities are a social phenomena that change over time, like morals. They change and adapt as society struggles to keep up changes in technology. They are transient and limited and get in the way of progress. This is the way of general semantics.
As far as appearing high-minded...I consider myself no-minded from a "commonly accepted eastern morality" point of view. You know the other two and half billion people on the planet. I can't control how others perceive me (I wouldn't want to control others at all) I can only write what I think and feel and let the chips fall.
I think this website will continue to evolve into whatever its going to become and the consequences will happen. If people choose to leave for more liberties, then they do.

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