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Atlantis has been discovered?!

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posted on May, 1 2022 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Not a megalith most likely a cairn they used these as markers for trade routes to guide people into places like Ouadane. They would also make cairns to mark wells or even oases for caravans. Forts were built as well for the trans-Saharan gold trade you have to be very careful when carrying large amounts of gold. Oh and that lock is nowhere near 10 tons id say closer to 500 or 600 pounds.

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Not a megalith most likely a cairn they used these as markers for trade routes to guide people into places like Ouadane. They would also make cairns to mark wells or even oases for caravans. Forts were built as well for the trans-Saharan gold trade you have to be very careful when carrying large amounts of gold. Oh and that lock is nowhere near 10 tons id say closer to 500 or 600 pounds.

Can you please point to what your referencing? What Megalith? What lock??? I appreciate your input, but I haven't a clue about what your trying to share.. Maybe you have crossed up posts in some way???

posted on May, 4 2022 @ 01:34 AM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

When it comes to the Subject of Plato's Atlantis there are two primary possibilities. One, it is just a myth, and as you know, there is no possible evidence that can be found to support it. Or Two, the story is based in some type of truth, where evidence can be found to support the the truths that might be contained. As an extension to the second there is the possibility that there is a "Priesthood" who work not to enlighten the reality of Plato's Atlantis, but to conceal it, and even distort and or disguise that evidence. Its up to each individual to assign the probabilities to the above.

I think around the time that the mammoth and giant deer herds died out, and agriculture emerged to replace it, people found that the new way of life totally sucked compared to the old way of life.

But there was no way to bring back the megafauna herds, and agriculture was the best life available. Complete with its requirement of a favorable young to old ratio leading to overpopulation cycles leading to genocidal war. The drudgery of doing work humans hadn't really evolved to enjoy doing.

People would drudge up memories of a better time, and make an apples to raisins comparison that made it sound like their leaders were intentionally screwing them. (When in fact there was no possible way their leaders could do what those older texts suggested.)

So the leaders got tired of hearing it, and decided to erase the past. Eliminate those records. Vilify the ancestors of those times as sinful. Anything just so they could stop hearing about it.

posted on May, 6 2022 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: bloodymarvelous

So the leaders got tired of hearing it, and decided to erase the past. Eliminate those records. Vilify the ancestors of those times as sinful. Anything just so they could stop hearing about it.

Leaders, creators, owners? Pick your poison, the field of possibilities is wide open. Except, with the discoveries of buried structures in the Richat, and a very large abandon ancient society in the region, it is no longer in the realm of "Myth". And due to the intelligence of these most ancient terraformers, gods, they put in place a safeguard, if you will, that physically separates themselves, from the "Noisy Ones" (that being humanity).

Lets talk about how they shut us up for a minute. They, by a unified decision drowned not only all of mankind, but all wild life as well. Without remorse, murdered all life forms on earth. Yes, they destroyed what they perceived as to be evil, but also all that was good, and full of love as well. It was not done out of a overwhelming need for justice, but for the fear that mankind would become like them, knowledgeable(Technology) and be able to judge right from wrong, and, bring judgment upon them. That day has arrived. What they did was evil, and unforgivable. They must stand trial.

Oh yes, they made every effort to destroy any and all evidence that would expose their guilt, and even going to the point of creating secret societies to erase and rewrite history. They take every opportunity to set man against man in hopes that mankind will destroy itself, so they may plead innocents. But, their agents have been caught in the act of enticing mankind with rewards, trickery, deceit, wars. Implanting false information at night, and blackmailing politicians during the day.

The evidence suggests this last global flood was not the first, and taking into consideration the genetic attributes of these "gods", it wont be the last, unless mankind finally defeats this covert enemy. The future of humanity is at stake.

posted on May, 6 2022 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

So these leaders that destroyed everything didn't destroy themselves or their slaves or economy just everything else. Is that it?

posted on May, 6 2022 @ 05:43 PM

originally posted by: puzzled2
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

So these leaders that destroyed everything didn't destroy themselves or their slaves or economy just everything else. Is that it?

The main thought was to remove evidence that they once lived and ruled on the surface of this planet. I can only surmise they had a evacuation plan to remove themselves and the technology they possessed, before the reset, flood. It could be true a select group of humans were also evacuated, while others were given advanced warning as in the Noah story. The flood as horrific as it was, was not perfect in destroying all of mankind and evidence because many people survived by gaining high ground before the waters reached them, and buried ruins now coming to light.

As mankind as a whole was not trained in technology, or allowed to posses, found themselves living in a stone age world just trying to survive. Where the gods evacuated to is mentioned in the biblical genesis. There is another area they may have gone but I have no evidence to support it, except to say, there are no seasons there.

posted on May, 6 2022 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Just finished watching the part 1 video, well worth the 20 minutes.
The mountains to the north of the Richat structure provide an oblique view of the structure from about 2000 ft altitude.
So if Plato visited the site and viewed it from there it could be the inspiration for his description of Atlantis with the flood plain to the south.
Major ring diameter would be evident at least as an angular dimension from he mountain.
And there are many fresh water fossils which could have been revealed under closer inspection in Plato's day dating back to the African "Humid Period".

The latter contain well-preserved, freshwater fossils. Numerous concordant radiocarbon dates indicate that the bulk of these sediments accumulated between 15,000 and 8,000 BP during the African humid period. These deposits lie directly upon deeply eroded and weathered bedrock.

Most of the Human archeological findings in the Richat structure dating from prehistory, some possibly over 15,000 years ago were said to be from hunters who came to use the exposed rock to make tools. So the structure attracted humans for many millennia.

If someone left a monument to something intellectually important in the Richat structure in prehistoric times it could have been disturbed,lost,relocated, or simply disintegrated due to natural causes. The Ethiopian rain cycles cause run off to flow into the Nile river where it caused seasonal flooding. Certainly something as monumental as the great pyramid project at Giza required a degree of planning that the world had never seen before and would have required cooperation from the weather to feed the workers and flood the Nile for moving the stones.

So it is possible that Plato learned some secrets from the Egyptian intellectual Elite and actually visited the Richat structure.
Perhaps knowledge or inspiration relocated from an earlier intellectual period to Giza.
I doubt the Richat structure was unknown even 15,000 years ago given the view from the nearby mountain, so why are they hiding it?

In the video it is mentioned that Plato wrote about twins, I'd be more likely to associate that with Plutarch (45–119 AD) and his "Parallel Lives". Plutarch wrote that Archimedes was related to King Hiero II, the ruler of Syracuse close to the time of Plato.

posted on May, 6 2022 @ 11:48 PM

originally posted by: fromunclexcommunicate
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Just finished watching the part 1 video, well worth the 20 minutes.
The mountains to the north of the Richat structure provide an oblique view of the structure from about 2000 ft altitude.
So if Plato visited the site and viewed it from there it could be the inspiration for his description of Atlantis with the flood plain to the south.
Major ring diameter would be evident at least as an angular dimension from he mountain.
And there are many fresh water fossils which could have been revealed under closer inspection in Plato's day dating back to the African "Humid Period".

Always possible that the legend that Plato's ancestor Solon had heard was based on some story related to the Richat structure that had been handed down, and got changed here and there.

Perhaps local Berbers believed it had once been a naval city and the gods punished it by drying up all the water and turning the landscape into a desert?

From there additional story tellers could have taken additional creative license. If the story then gets changed, to have it sink into the ocean, that would be an acceptable amount of drift.

I don't think Plato made the story up on his own, but I am quite open to the possibility of it merely being a story, or an embellishment of a popular myth.

Who knows, maybe there are remains of a city located in there somewhere?
edit on 6-5-2022 by bloodymarvelous because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2022 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: bloodymarvelous

The obscure Atlantis source we are looking for might be Herodotus.

Herodotus was the first writer to perform systematic investigation of historical events. He is referred to as "The Father of History", a title conferred on him by the ancient Roman orator Cicero.

Herodotus may have gathered information from Solon passed down by the last Pharaoh of Egypt prior to the Persian conquest.

Herodotus's eyewitness accounts indicate that he traveled in Egypt in association with Athenians, probably sometime after 454 BC or possibly earlier, after an Athenian fleet had assisted the uprising against Persian rule in 460–454 BC.

If important pre Giza pyramid complex knowledge was recorded by Amasis II, later discovered by Herodotus before being usurped by the Persians it is as good as lost.

We know the Richat structure was a volcanic bubble that eroded into an interesting circular ring structure.
Humans likely visited and posited explanations during the African Humid period but left only stone tool evidence.

At least that is the official story.

It took a wet cycle in the Nile Valley and a global effort to build the monument at Giza to record the secret timing device.

posted on May, 7 2022 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: fromunclexcommunicate
a reply to: bloodymarvelous

The obscure Atlantis source we are looking for might be Herodotus.

Herodotus was the first writer to perform systematic investigation of historical events. He is referred to as "The Father of History", a title conferred on him by the ancient Roman orator Cicero.

Herodotus may have gathered information from Solon passed down by the last Pharaoh of Egypt prior to the Persian conquest.

I find that very unlikely, since Herodotus gives his sources throughout his work and Solon was a well-known figure from the recent past at the time.
Also, Herodotus doesn't mention Atlantis.


posted on May, 7 2022 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: bloodymarvelous

Always possible that the legend that Plato's ancestor Solon had heard was based on some story related to the Richat structure that had been handed down, and got changed here and there.

From there additional story tellers could have taken additional creative license. If the story then gets changed, to have it sink into the ocean, that would be an acceptable amount of drift.

This mindset of drift and artistic license should be taken into serious consideration, especially when only half of what Plato shared has been revealed. "A half truth is a whole lie". I suspect, with no evidence, that the rest of his story is held by a "Secret Society", in order to control the narrative of it being just a myth. The second half could have described the actual destruction and how it was carried out. The first half could be used to establish the location of the ringed city as being under the ocean, never to be found, (Intentional Misdirect?) etc.

Who knows, maybe there are remains of a city located in there somewhere?
But, there are.

There appears to be at least 7 buried structures in the second ring, that follow the radius of the ring.


I doubt the Richat structure was unknown even 15,000 years ago given the view from the nearby mountain, so why are they hiding it?

For the record, it would only take 400-600 years of absolute drought for a healthy lush forest to completely disappear into, dust.

Who would hide the truth of the ringed city? Those that have prospered by it remaining a myth. I have two suspects, one a secret society, and the other, a world religion. Both, if the truth were exposed, would collapse and loose control and power over the false narrative they sell the people, every day.

posted on May, 7 2022 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: Harte

According to tineye there are 62 occurrences of this Herodotis world map with the "Antlanteans" label located near where the Richat structure would be located in Northwest Africa. As I've stated I'm willing to entertain the idea that Plato was inspired by the descriptive accounts of the Richat structure for his own projections of the Atlantis legend. If this map is real it would lend credence to the idea that the actual Richat structure was hidden knowledge.

Edit to add:
And there are 78 occurrences of this version of the Herodotis world map with the Richat structure labeled Atlantos allegorically.
These maps were drawn much later so there may be interpretation bias, but these cartographers apparently believed Herodotis work described something near the Richat structure that would agree with Plato's description.
This map doesn't show Hyperborea though.

edit on 7-5-2022 by fromunclexcommunicate because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2022 @ 03:47 PM
Now I remember a few years ago when James Cameron did his famous search for Atlantis series but I thought on his show there was a certain map from Egypt that was in a museum in England that had some reference to Atlantis on it. Anyone know what im talking about?

posted on May, 7 2022 @ 07:11 PM

originally posted by: fromunclexcommunicate
a reply to: Harte

According to tineye there are 62 occurrences of this Herodotis world map with the "Antlanteans" label located near where the Richat structure would be located in Northwest Africa. As I've stated I'm willing to entertain the idea that Plato was inspired by the descriptive accounts of the Richat structure for his own projections of the Atlantis legend. If this map is real it would lend credence to the idea that the actual Richat structure was hidden knowledge.

Edit to add:
And there are 78 occurrences of this version of the Herodotis world map with the Richat structure labeled Atlantos allegorically.
These maps were drawn much later so there may be interpretation bias, but these cartographers apparently believed Herodotis work described something near the Richat structure that would agree with Plato's description.
This map doesn't show Hyperborea though.

Herodotus didn't have a world map.
Herodotus mentions a people he called "Atlantides" that are named after the mountain in whose shadow the lived - Mount Atlas.
Now you will tell us that the Titan Atlas was the son of Poseidon?


posted on May, 7 2022 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: Harte

That is the standard explanation, people getting Atlantis confused with the Atlas mountains further north.
Richat structure, description and location are the best match I could find for the Atlantis inspiration.
Whole thing could just be Plato's dark horse on the merry go round though.

posted on May, 7 2022 @ 10:08 PM

originally posted by: Harte

Herodotus mentions a people he called "Atlantides" that are named after the mountain in whose shadow the lived - Mount Atlas.
Now you will tell us that the Titan Atlas was the son of Poseidon?


Is it really because of the mountains? Or because they were ruled by a giant named Antaeus who was a son of Poseidon and fought with Hercules in the story of the 10 labors?

Poseidon had an insane number of sons. The titan Atlas wasn't one of them, but variations of the same name appear with other characters.

Also a lot of the mythology around Hercules seems to have arrived in Greek lore around the time they conquered territory in Libya.

There are many possible reasons. Why jump at one?

Myself, at this point : I'm leaning toward Atlantis never having been located in the ocean at all, but people who told the story believed (incorrectly) the Eye had been in the ocean at one time. Probably because of something like finding sea shells in the area (left over from a time millions of years ago when the area had been.)

And drying that ocean, then turning the whole area into a desert had been punishment from the gods.
edit on 7-5-2022 by bloodymarvelous because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2022 @ 05:50 AM

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous

originally posted by: Harte

Herodotus mentions a people he called "Atlantides" that are named after the mountain in whose shadow the lived - Mount Atlas.
Now you will tell us that the Titan Atlas was the son of Poseidon?


Is it really because of the mountains? Or because they were ruled by a giant named Antaeus who was a son of Poseidon and fought with Hercules in the story of the 10 labors?

Poseidon had an insane number of sons. The titan Atlas wasn't one of them, but variations of the same name appear with other characters.

Also a lot of the mythology around Hercules seems to have arrived in Greek lore around the time they conquered territory in Libya.

There are many possible reasons. Why jump at one?

Myself, at this point : I'm leaning toward Atlantis never having been located in the ocean at all, but people who told the story believed (incorrectly) the Eye had been in the ocean at one time. Probably because of something like finding sea shells in the area (left over from a time millions of years ago when the area had been.)

And drying that ocean, then turning the whole area into a desert had been punishment from the gods.

Perhaps you should read Herodotus before commenting on what Herodotus stated, since the above shows that you haven't done so.
Afterwards I recommend that you read some mythology as well, since Antaeus wasn't the ruler of Libya in ancient myth - that was his brother Triton.
You have to look into modern comic books to find Antaeus ruling anyone.


posted on May, 8 2022 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: Harte
Morocco seems to e a possible location

posted on May, 8 2022 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: bloodymarvelous

In the Periplus of Hanno around 500 BC after Hanno sailed through the straits of Gibralter there is the description of Cape Soloeis where he suggested Poseidon took his revenge. I suppose Odysseus may have washed up on Plage Sol - Beach LOL.
Of course Hanno sailed down the west coast of Africa until he reached the island where the hairy people lived. That was too far south to be Atlantis, but explains the Maps attributed to Herodotus..

I skimmed through some of Herodotus accounts and he apparently journeyed down the Nile by boat at least as far as Aswan where the Nile starts to bend southeast. He talked to a lot of locals asking about the source of the Nile river and probably received erroneous information about the Niger river which meanders across the continent just south of the Sahara. He wrote about some local legend where an area with salty surface deposits that had a central well running clean cold water. Allegorically that could mean an ancient deep aquifer source giving birth to the Nile river culture or something. You really can't build on this and make the Richat structure into the eye of Horus or anything grand like that without a lot more evidence. Especially since there is the easier to believe explanation that Herodotus thought the water shed from the Atlas mountains was really the eastern source for the Nile.

There is probably some enlightening truth that could be nuanced from the right person studying those ancient original texts but Google isn't your friend there.

posted on May, 9 2022 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: fromunclexcommunicate

He wrote about some local legend where an area with salty surface deposits that had a central well running clean cold water. Allegorically that could mean an ancient deep aquifer source giving birth to the Nile river culture or something. You really can't build on this and make the Richat structure into the eye of Horus or anything grand like that without a lot more evidence.

Oh so true. For instance these ancient maps were made by very incompetent map makers, who didn't know no water comes from the area (LOL) Or, maybe they did know what it looked like prior to 5500bc.

Sure looks like that river starts in the general area of the "Eye".

A vast river network that once carried water for hundreds of miles across Western Sahara has been discovered under the parched sands of Mauritania.

The Tamanrasett is thought to have flowed across the Sahara in ancient times from sources in the southern Atlas mountains and Hoggar highlands in what is now Algeria

"Observed" through Satellite imaging. That's the start of "REAL" Science

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