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Atlantis has been discovered?!

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posted on May, 9 2022 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye
In my opinion, you should start another thread. Part 2, to share this.
Very interesting.

posted on May, 9 2022 @ 04:42 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: fromunclexcommunicate

He wrote about some local legend where an area with salty surface deposits that had a central well running clean cold water. Allegorically that could mean an ancient deep aquifer source giving birth to the Nile river culture or something. You really can't build on this and make the Richat structure into the eye of Horus or anything grand like that without a lot more evidence.

Oh so true. For instance these ancient maps were made by very incompetent map makers, who didn't know no water comes from the area (LOL) Or, maybe they did know what it looked like prior to 5500bc.

Those are not ancient maps.


posted on May, 9 2022 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye


posted on May, 9 2022 @ 05:41 PM

originally posted by: CptComa88
a reply to: All Seeing Eye


Cognitive dissonance???

posted on May, 9 2022 @ 06:13 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: fromunclexcommunicate

He wrote about some local legend where an area with salty surface deposits that had a central well running clean cold water. Allegorically that could mean an ancient deep aquifer source giving birth to the Nile river culture or something. You really can't build on this and make the Richat structure into the eye of Horus or anything grand like that without a lot more evidence.

Oh so true. For instance these ancient maps were made by very incompetent map makers, who didn't know no water comes from the area (LOL) Or, maybe they did know what it looked like prior to 5500bc.

Sure looks like that river starts in the general area of the "Eye".

A vast river network that once carried water for hundreds of miles across Western Sahara has been discovered under the parched sands of Mauritania.

The Tamanrasett is thought to have flowed across the Sahara in ancient times from sources in the southern Atlas mountains and Hoggar highlands in what is now Algeria

"Observed" through Satellite imaging. That's the start of "REAL" Science

Both these maps were ~18th century cartographers interpretations of the world according to Herodotus.
So apparently during the 17 and 1800's there was this West African Nile river connection attributable to Herodotus and possibly Hanno the navigator who sailed down the west coast of Africa. Somebody new discovered the eye of the Sahara and left their map?

Tamanrasset River flowed west out into the Atlantic during the African humid period but otherwise fits the Herodotus description which is consistent with an ancient secret underground fresh water aquifer. I think it would be hard to miss the Richart structure from the brow of that 2000 foot hill to its north.

posted on May, 9 2022 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: fromunclexcommunicate

The Ptolemy world map is a map of the world known to the Roman Empire in the 2nd c. AD. It is based on the description contained in Ptolemy’s book Geography, written c. 150.

Interestingly, this map also shows a river tributary system traversing the Sahara, from east to west. Again, any information of these rivers has to come from a time when there was water there, at least 5500bc.

posted on May, 9 2022 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye
Thus the problem.
Even in Herodotus time there was primarily just oral history supporting events from the African humid period.
I haven't read everything Herodotus learned from the five Berbers.

posted on May, 9 2022 @ 08:23 PM
I have undeniable proof that hasn't been shared yet but I don't want to waste time debating the disbelievers. If anyone is interested in actually going, and especially if you have ties to academia, send me a direct message. I have already received permission from the Mauritanian government

posted on May, 9 2022 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: cooperton

If it is undeniable proof what are you afraid of?

Let's see it.

posted on May, 9 2022 @ 09:25 PM

originally posted by: cooperton
I have undeniable proof that hasn't been shared yet but I don't want to waste time debating the disbelievers. If anyone is interested in actually going, and especially if you have ties to academia, send me a direct message. I have already received permission from the Mauritanian government

Dont know what to tell ya. I have no ties to Academia as I find most of them, controlled. I do have a list of all the sites though. Would love to go, but............

On another note, I figured out where all the sand came from, and boy, the world is not ready for that......

If you want to send your "Proof" via PM, Ill review.

Too many controlled ops to just accept.........

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: Mike27
a reply to: cooperton

If it is undeniable proof what are you afraid of?

Let's see it.

Giving it time to consider, there are valid reasons to conceal information of this nature, what ever it may be. After watching different timelines of some of the sites it becomes apparent someone is moving, removing, objects in the area. "Now you see it, now you don't". Some of the large stones in the wash off area have been "Disappeared", among other things.

After reviewing some Drone footage of one of the buried structures It dawned on me. We see rather large structures in the second ring. Well, not exactly. We see "dots" that form geometric, forms. It never crossed my mind that they may be something other than stone building pillars. If, they were actually wooden pillars, given the amount of time to rot, they in essence would only be discolored areas of rotted wood. If that is the case then some form of preservation may be needed, like pouring resin down the pole to preserve it. We might be looking at something similar to the corpse of Pompey. The outline is there, but not the body.

Similarly, there is a site in Ajoujk, 213 miles to the south West, that appears to have a excavated site of a pillared structure. I would suspect Ajoujk was used as a harbor port during the period. There is also a buried structure not far that is square and appears to be buried.

Ajoujk 19°44'47.28"N 14°23'52.85"W

8 3/4 miles from the above. 19°45'56.03"N 14°15'54.43"W

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: cooperton

Perhaps you need to the Time Team involved. If you have permission you could get quite a lot of help for 3 days.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

There was a major copper mine operating near those coordinates in 2006 so surface features could be from recent mining activity.
The center of the Richat structure is closer to 21 degrees north.
A good camera with a long lens and a 14 minute sand timer might provide some useful evidence during the 12 days in June. Remote viewing usually results in disappointment though.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 07:24 PM

originally posted by: cooperton
I have undeniable proof that hasn't been shared yet but I don't want to waste time debating the disbelievers. If anyone is interested in actually going, and especially if you have ties to academia, send me a direct message. I have already received permission from the Mauritanian government

Howdy Cooperton

I still have a few contacts with academia who aren't quite dead yet

You do? Amazing and who in the Mauritanian Institute for Scientific Research (IMRS) gave you this and for what? It wasn't Mamadou Kane head of the National Museum of Mauritania was it (he's a bit of a kidder)?

'Undeniable proof', hmmmm, that is an unfortunate wording; scientists use the term evidence; proof is a word used for alcohol, maths, armor, cannons, coins, photos from a negative and never for archaeological or historian evidence.

So, what is so valuable to world knowledge that you would release it on ATS forum instead of a legit venue?
edit on 11/5/22 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 08:40 PM

originally posted by: Hanslune

Howdy Cooperton

I still have a few contacts with academia who aren't quite dead yet

You do? Amazing and who in the Mauritanian Institute for Scientific Research (IMRS) gave you this and for what? It wasn't Mamadou Kane head of the National Museum of Mauritania was it (he's a bit of a kidder)?

That's not who the locals sent me to. I was given permission to probe the area and it revealed the results that would be expected. For a full blown excavation it requires official endorsement from academia, hence my need for such a thing.

'Undeniable proof', hmmmm, that is an unfortunate wording; scientists use the term evidence; proof is a word used for alcohol, maths, armor, cannons, coins, photos from a negative and never for archaeological or historian evidence.

Sincerely compelling evidence that is beyond the odds of it being coincidence. 5-sigma if we're talking statistically.

So, what is so valuable to world knowledge that you would release it on ATS forum instead of a legit venue?

It's my way of trying to befriend the right person.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: cooperton

originally posted by: Hanslune

Howdy Cooperton

I still have a few contacts with academia who aren't quite dead yet

You do? Amazing and who in the Mauritanian Institute for Scientific Research (IMRS) gave you this and for what? It wasn't Mamadou Kane head of the National Museum of Mauritania was it (he's a bit of a kidder)?

That's not who the locals sent me to. I was given permission to probe the area and it revealed the results that would be expected. For a full blown excavation it requires official endorsement from academia, hence my need for such a thing.

'Undeniable proof', hmmmm, that is an unfortunate wording; scientists use the term evidence; proof is a word used for alcohol, maths, armor, cannons, coins, photos from a negative and never for archaeological or historian evidence.

Sincerely compelling evidence that is beyond the odds of it being coincidence. 5-sigma if we're talking statistically.

So, what is so valuable to world knowledge that you would release it on ATS forum instead of a legit venue?

It's my way of trying to befriend the right person.

Yeah, you need an accredited research or educational organization willing to put their name on your expedition.

Unfortunately I don't think they'd do that is I am assuming you have no academic standing and lack large amounts of cash (for large amounts of cash they would make you the sponsor and send their own team if they thought the site had any potential).

Your best move is to find those who are currently working on Mauritanian archaeology and see if there is a site near your site that they could satellite off (add to their control). As to how you will obtain the money for this grants/funding for Mauritania is hard to get with their present government and terrorist problem not to mention Covid.

Mauritania is in the 'French sector' so France is the best place to seek funding and archaeological organizations that might be helpful. However, you will have to tell them - with extreme details - why you want their support and money to do X

Good luck

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 09:04 PM

originally posted by: Hanslune

Yeah, you need an accredited research or educational organization willing to put their name on your expedition.

Unfortunately I don't think they'd do that is I am assuming you have no academic standing and lack large amounts of cash (for large amounts of cash they would make you the sponsor and send their own team if they thought the site had any potential).

Your best move is to find those who are currently working on Mauritanian archaeology and see if there is a site near your site that they could satellite off (add to their control). As to how you will obtain the money for this grants/funding for Mauritania is hard to get with their present government and terrorist problem not to mention Covid.

Mauritania is in the 'French sector' so France is the best place to seek funding and archaeological organizations that might be helpful. However, you will have to tell them - with extreme details - why you want their support and money to do X

Good luck

It's pretty rare to even meet someone who even knows Mauritania exists haha... the people there are great and I never felt unsafe at any point. It's a shame it gets such bad publicity. I'm sure bad stuff happens there, but bad stuff also happens everywhere.

I was hoping to sponsor in some way, I was going to put most of my savings into paying the right people and getting the right equipment. but yeah its nearly impossible to successfully pitch an Atlantis expedition to academia lol. It's as though their ears turn off the moment you mention Atlantis. Oh well.

That's a good idea with reaching out to the French. I will give it a go.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: fromunclexcommunicate

There was a major copper mine operating near those coordinates in 2006 so surface features could be from recent mining activity.
Yes, there was. As I understand it has now closed, but while in operation, part of the contract involved securing and protecting any and all archeological sites it discovered. So, by looking at the images, do you think its a mining operation, or, securing a archeological site. You can see the images, right?

A good camera with a long lens and a 14 minute sand timer might provide some useful evidence during the 12 days in June.

Remote viewing usually results in disappointment though.
?? I do not use "Remote Viewing". Unless you consider interrogating satellite images as remote viewing lol lol

Thanks for your input.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: cooperton

As stated "Academia" has no interest what so ever in disclosing what they were actually instituted to suppress. Here is the limit of what they will allow, anything from the 11th century AD forward.

List of Archaeological sites in Mauritania "11"

Except the following has been added and only 1 of over 600 sites along the same cliff 5th millennium BC. The other sites display a much older date. And, could have only existed prior to the end of the African Humid period.

Dhar Tichitt is a Neolithic archaeological site located in the southwestern region of the Sahara Desert in Tagant Region, Mauritania. The site is one of several archaeological settlements of the Tichitt Culture that were located along the sandstone cliffs of the area, which also includes Dhar Walata, Dhar Néma, and Dhar Tagant. Tichitt Culture was a social structure and Saharan pastoral culture that developed among herders in the Sahara since the 5th millennium BC.

Its not really logical that, that many sites were only "Herders". I suspect most of these sites were involved in fishing as the lower area may have been a shallow lake during the "AHP". They do not mention how unbelievably large these communities were...

The next best thing to attempt is crowd sourcing or, sending Trump or Elon a email. But even at that if we were so lucky, the media would be a brick wall.

This site is also interested in a expedition, and disclosure.

Still waiting on the PM...

posted on May, 12 2022 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

The copper mine just proves there was tool making material in the form of easy to mine surface deposits and silica flux from the desert sand.

I was too young to see the movie or the 1963 dime.

The 1964 conspiracy thriller, "Seven Days In May" was made at the behest of President Kennedy, but he didn't live to see it. It was July 1963

Speaking of remote viewing and fishing at "Blue lake CA"

Steve Wozniak went by the handle Berkeley blue in his phreaking days from the 70's.
Said he was inspired by an article in the October Esquire magazine from 1971.
Spotted the cover with the girl counting piggies on his mothers kitchen table.

So you can see how remote viewing can go downhill fast, see what Charlie Manson did with the song lyrics.

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