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Atlantis has been discovered?!

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posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: Byrd

yOY gONT sCARE mE!!!!!

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 04:47 PM
n 26-8-2021 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-8-2021 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 05:00 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: Byrd

For what purpose?

History, at least the version we are given, must be, first and foremost, logical in its timeline. It is logical that a insect not remember its origins as it is incapable or recording it. But yet in the record of the planet we know they have been here longer than we have. We, are illogical because we cant seem to record events 10,000 years ago with any degree of accuracy. We seem to be a species with amnesia.

We were (emphasis past) a species without a method of recording history. You remember important events that you're told about that tie to something in your life. You don't remember (for example) the name of the current King of Thailand and history isn't going to record what he had for breakfast today (though it's on his schedule somewhere and his staff knows.)

Only the stuff important to a culture gets remembered by a group and put into their histories. American history books won't record anything about Bhumibol Adulyadej, although he was the second longest-living monarch in modern history.

He'd be a "forgotten" part of history in our books (and may actually become a forgotten part of history in a thousand years, but it's not because Giant History Sucking Aliens have come down and slurped on our planet.

The scientists searched for the missing link for years and could never find the intermediaries species that connects modern man to his physical origins. The true missing link was not a "smart Monkey",

You need to go back to the site where you learned this bit of "history" and sit down with them, quietly and politely (so as to not scare them) and remind them that this is 2021, not 1890 and that we haven't actually ever thought that humans were descended from monkeys... and that while monkeys are primates, primates aren't monkeys.

Try to not scare them. I'm sure they never met anyone who's actually met a scientist.

it was a ancient intruder, invader, that has been visiting this planet for over 70 million years. It has slowly over that time period been converting our planet's habitat into its own. Slowly managing those Smart Moneys to accept this new arrangement through deceit, diversion, division, and fear.

That's another set of sites you should probably take off your Christmas list.

Think about it: You have an ancient alien that can apparently throw random meteorites at Earth and set off the Deccan Traps, but doesn't know enough genetics to breed creatures to produce a new species? They're going to run screaming from us. We changed our domestic animals from one species (wolves, horses, cats, cattle) to another because we know how to terraform and how to modify living things very rapidly on a planetwide scale.

And they can't even get evolution right...couldn't decide what traits they wanted. Huge bears? Little bears? Fuzzy elephant-things? Land roaming hippos? Sabertoothed felines that they killed off once and then re-evolved because they like fangs then killed off that bunch and re-evolved as sorta-cats and then killed THOSE off and... so on and so forth? Multiple different humans?

We know how to breed for one trait. Those aliens will scream and clutch their pearls in terror because we can do (with less technology) things that they couldn't do, and we can do it in less than a thousand years.

Heck, we turned a weedy grass-like wheat into big fat ears of tasty corn in 400 years, just by breeding (no fancy genetic manipulation beyond plant sex.)

At one time in the past "Hidden History" they even had those smart monkey's worshiping these invaders, as gods.

Yeah, there's another bunch you should probably strike off your Christmas card list. Many tribal societies didn't worship gods, though they venerated their deceased ancestors. Not alien ancestors. Grandma and Grandpa... people they knew. People who gave birth to their parents. The "worshiped x or y or z" in the past crowd is a leftover from the Peace, Love and Brotherhood hippie generation (I'm a hippie, and I remember that idea going around until scholars got ahold of it and firmly pointed out just how wrong it was.)

These invaders have had the Smart Monkeys occupied in a reality illusion called "The Matrix of Lies". The invaders implemented institutions not to expand the thinking process, but to control and stifle it. Poisons added to drinking water to dumb down the populations, wars to occupy their minds with hate and fear, and terror acts to enforce it. All in a effort to hide its existence through, "Hidden History".

They're really bad at it, then. We're living longer, we're developing technology faster, we've become a global society and we're mostly globally literate. If they'd have been on the ball, they'd have bred dyslexia into all of us from the start so we couldn't read or write and only a few historic tales could be passed along by bards.

Oh yeah, and they'd have put birth control pills in our water about three thousand years ago so we'd stay simple agrarians... and run off and scooped up all the iron and other minerals before we could get our hands on them.

Seriously. There's so much you could do if you wanted to manipulate history and you were a godlike being with a Plan. But if our current history is the result of a "plan", then I've gotta tell you that whatever came up with the "plan" doesn't know much about human behavior and can't follow through with any of their ideas anyway and probably went to school and slept through science classes and paid someone to do their homework for them.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 05:00 PM

originally posted by: SLAYER69
a reply to: Byrd

yOY gONT sCARE mE!!!!!

I don't scare me, either.

So there.

(I think the gecko's a bit intimidated by me, though.)

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 05:20 PM

originally posted by: SLAYER69

So true in the physical realm. So true of the spiritual realm as well.

My research indicates our "Being" side is immortal, and there is a process of inserting that "being" into the flesh, physical world. Requirements, prerequisites are unknown to me. But if we are truly immortal beings, we would have access to unimaginable amounts of information, and histories. If this is true, then, a life in the flesh, if allowed that knowledge would not really be worth living, as there would be no questions to wonder about, or situations to overcome, no exploration to experience. So, I assume, there is a way to disassociate those memories from our being at the time of insertion, birth.

If the above is true, then, what would it look like if a person (?) were allowed to retain that information, rebirth after rebirth. Or, have a life expectancy of thousands of years where their collective history has been maintained. The technological discoveries would be, from our standpoint, unbelievable. But, as above, when there is no more to discover, explore, what do they do? How, do they pass that time of a very long life?

Pitting the two mindsets against each other, who would become the dominate power, force? Which, would survive, and which would perish. Obviously the ones with the most information would dominate over the ignorant ones. But, for how long will this situation play itself out?

It would continue, indefinitely, because these, techno gods, have become addicted to the taste of the pain and suffering in unlimited amounts by the ignorant. They would supply endless amounts of new and exciting situations, purely, from the ignorance of the reincarnated, because any memories that might be used to stop the system, would be expunged. They would not want to destroy the very thing that gives them so much reason to take another breath. Though, they would from time to time, cull the heard.

It ends when mankind learns how to, as David Ike stated, get off our knee's. Let "them" be sent back to the"Universe" for judgment!

Those Ignorant ones have a incredible future, waiting for them. If, they ever get the chance...

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 05:59 PM
a reply to: Byrd

We were (emphasis past) a species without a method of recording history. You remember important events that you're told about that tie to something in your life.

And that, we did. But some want to call it, fiction. I can have no respect for such a closed mind.

First developed around 3200 B.C. by Sumerian scribes in the ancient city-state of Uruk, in present-day Iraq, as a means of recording transactions, cuneiform writing was created by using a reed stylus to make wedge-shaped indentations in clay tablets. Later scribes would chisel cuneiform into a variety of stone objects as well. Different combinations of these marks represented syllables, which could in turn be put together to form words. Cuneiform as a robust writing tradition endured 3,000 years. The script—not itself a language—was used by scribes of multiple cultures over that time to write a number of languages other than Sumerian, most notably Akkadian, a Semitic language that was the lingua franca of the Assyrian and Babylonian Empires.

A. Sutherland - - A Sumerian epic poem entitled “Inanna and Enki” says that the art of writing was among many basic elements of civilization, transferred from Eridu, the City of the Kings, to Uruk. The writing was dedicated to the people of earth by Enki, God of Wisdom.

According to Mesopotamian beliefs, writing is considered to be a gift of the gods, and as such, writing means both power and knowledge.

Just myth? You should take the time to research what the tablets share. A very interesting version of history.

You must forgive me if I have trespassed over your toes. I will try to be gentle, next time.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: Byrd

And if you had a college degree or some formal training in archaeology, you'd know that one of the main investigators in the area (from 1985 and onward) isAugustin FC Holl, an archaeologist from the Cameroons who specializes in the Chacolithic and would be aware of things like this topographic map which shows an ancient intermittent roadway near" target="_blank" class="postlink">Aoudaghost

The second link is dead. It happens I suppose.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: Byrd

I don't know WHAT you think you're saying here, but this bit about the Bedouins is frankly offensive. Belittling a culture that you know nothing about and don't care to learn about for a pretended example is a very poor look on any researcher and for any member of ATS.
Do you not recognize "Sarcasm"? Is this your way to divert from the argument? Please try to stick to the debate points.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 01:21 AM

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 02:29 AM
a reply to: Byrd

And if you had a college degree or some formal training in archaeology, you'd know that one of the main investigators in the area (from 1985 and onward) isAugustin FC Holl,

Impeccable credentials. Probably a nice guy too.

But to the point, he has nothing to offer in the way of the areas of interest. The site he worked is 270 miles away and does not list any work near the Eye.

You'd know who had access and who you could email to ask if they'd looked at these things.

That is a great suggestion. But, his association with UNESCO would concern me. And..........

rof. Augustin Holl discusses his journey from Africa to China, his experience in China and his life as a faculty member at Xiamen University. He touches on his current research and shares his thoughts on China’s BRI policy, improvements that could be made at XMU and the current state of the anthropological field in China and beyond.

Umm, yea, that pretty much put the stake into UNESCO, and me emailing him. I don't think I was put on a list because of my drone, but its a sure bet if I email him. You dig? lol lol.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 08:57 PM

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 11:11 PM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: Mike27
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I believe the circles are tailings from a rotary drill, either prospecting, or environmental assessment.

I'm skeptical of this scenario... if you look at the pattern of the columns, it's regular and a design. You don't drill in patterns like that (check out the aerial views of any West Texas oilfield.

I think there's another answer -- however, knowing nothing about the town or its people or needs I would simply say "modern structure" until I can see ground level photos (and even then, I might not have a clue, y'know?)

I was talking about the regular diameter light colored circles, not the poles. I have a better, common sense solution to those circular features now too.

They are just dump truck loads of dirt.

As far as the poles, they have long shadows; could be the start of a pole barn, an equipment shed, a cattle barn, airplane hanger, virtually anything.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: Mike27

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: Mike27
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I believe the circles are tailings from a rotary drill, either prospecting, or environmental assessment.

I'm skeptical of this scenario... if you look at the pattern of the columns, it's regular and a design. You don't drill in patterns like that (check out the aerial views of any West Texas oilfield.

I think there's another answer -- however, knowing nothing about the town or its people or needs I would simply say "modern structure" until I can see ground level photos (and even then, I might not have a clue, y'know?)

I was talking about the regular diameter light colored circles, not the poles. I have a better, common sense solution to those circular features now too.

They are just dump truck loads of dirt.

As far as the poles, they have long shadows; could be the start of a pole barn, an equipment shed, a cattle barn, airplane hanger, virtually anything.

Mike27, I'm afraid Byrd has abandon the debate field. It may be due to personal, professional reasons. Or simply he can no longer support his position that Atlantis is just a myth. In either case I would say he was a very admirable opponent.

The structure I believe you are pointing out, seems to have come out of the dirt, or construction started in 2006. To date with the latest imaging, is still in the same state. If it were a construction, it appears the construction was abandon. If it were a structure simply being uncovered, its uncovering, has been completed.

If, you are interested I can point out one particular building design that appears to be quite unique, that of the Pie shaped "Fort". It has been found in the second ring and about 6 other places in varying distances from the rings. The fact that this design is found in the second ring can now be used to connect the other sites to a larger area of control. It is circumstantial evidence teetering on becoming "Direct Evidence".

It appears, again, appears, UNESCO is intentionally misdirecting any information concerning this time period, (Looking the other way).

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 01:34 AM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

originally posted by: Mike27

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: Mike27
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I believe the circles are tailings from a rotary drill, either prospecting, or environmental assessment.

I'm skeptical of this scenario... if you look at the pattern of the columns, it's regular and a design. You don't drill in patterns like that (check out the aerial views of any West Texas oilfield.

I think there's another answer -- however, knowing nothing about the town or its people or needs I would simply say "modern structure" until I can see ground level photos (and even then, I might not have a clue, y'know?)

I was talking about the regular diameter light colored circles, not the poles. I have a better, common sense solution to those circular features now too.

They are just dump truck loads of dirt.

As far as the poles, they have long shadows; could be the start of a pole barn, an equipment shed, a cattle barn, airplane hanger, virtually anything.

Mike27, I'm afraid Byrd has abandon the debate field. It may be due to personal, professional reasons. Or simply he can no longer support his position that Atlantis is just a myth. .

It's because I was losing my temper.

If I feel I'm getting too emotionally involved in an issue, I step away. There is no point in haranguing -- it's a bad look and is generally unconvincing to the reader.

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 04:19 AM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: Byrd

And if you had a college degree or some formal training in archaeology, you'd know that one of the main investigators in the area (from 1985 and onward) isAugustin FC Holl, an archaeologist from the Cameroons who specializes in the Chacolithic and would be aware of things like this topographic map which shows an ancient intermittent roadway near" target="_blank" class="postlink">Aoudaghost

The second link is dead. It happens I suppose.

It's not dead. There are just some technical difficulties with parsing (especially the .org/ and elements, where the two slashes are generating a series of dots that prevent the URL from showing up properly).

If you can feed the following elements into your browser separately, substituting slashes for the inevitable dots, you will find the missing map:

On the subject of the Richat dome, readers might be interested in the papers found here.
edit on 2-9-2021 by Hooke because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 05:14 AM
When someone insists an zebra is a paddle-steamer, as proven by the existence of palm trees, and refuses to accept any possibility that just maybe he might be wrong, then sometimes it's better just to walk quietly away. At least he's doing no harm.

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 11:16 AM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew
When someone insists an zebra is a paddle-steamer, as proven by the existence of palm trees, and refuses to accept any possibility that just maybe he might be wrong, then sometimes it's better just to walk quietly away. At least he's doing no harm.

Speaking of harm, I don't know if you remember a saying that used to go around, at least when I was a kid, don't know about you. "What you don't know, can't hurt you".

Where did this saying originate? And what are the ramifications involved with it? Obviously, it is a false statement. Can the truth of the Richat structure, harm us? No, it can't, we just have to reconcile the missing history.

It is not I who call a Painted horse a zebra, but yet that is exactly what has happened. The evidence is mounting daily.

Newest discovery will be shared shortly.
edit on AMThursdayThursday ndAmerica/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago34911 by All Seeing Eye because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

originally posted by: Mike27

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: Mike27
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I believe the circles are tailings from a rotary drill, either prospecting, or environmental assessment.

I'm skeptical of this scenario... if you look at the pattern of the columns, it's regular and a design. You don't drill in patterns like that (check out the aerial views of any West Texas oilfield.

I think there's another answer -- however, knowing nothing about the town or its people or needs I would simply say "modern structure" until I can see ground level photos (and even then, I might not have a clue, y'know?)

I was talking about the regular diameter light colored circles, not the poles. I have a better, common sense solution to those circular features now too.

They are just dump truck loads of dirt.

As far as the poles, they have long shadows; could be the start of a pole barn, an equipment shed, a cattle barn, airplane hanger, virtually anything.

Mike27, I'm afraid Byrd has abandon the debate field. It may be due to personal, professional reasons. Or simply he can no longer support his position that Atlantis is just a myth. .

It's because I was losing my temper.

If I feel I'm getting too emotionally involved in an issue, I step away. There is no point in haranguing -- it's a bad look and is generally unconvincing to the reader.

I can relate with emotions taking over, when we thought we were past that. After all, we are still human beings. I no longer allow my "emotions" to do my critical thinking for me, and realize we can be manipulated by them. And this, I refuse to allow.

The "Evidence" on the ground can be debated, it can be argued, it can be misrepresented, unintentionally or intentionally. It can be put into the incorrect context, paradigm. But it can't influence our emotions.

I, am not trying to convince anyone of anything, the evidence will do that, if it is allowed to be seen. That, is what this thread is about, sharing the evidence. Once again, if there was none, this would have been a very short post.

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 12:53 PM
A very unique building design is showing up in multiple locations. Nick Name: "Pie Fort"

This style has been discovered in the second ring appearing to have been buried at the same time other structures have been discovered in a small cluster.
This particular design appears to be a defensive fortification and not used as a residence.

7.8 miles from the center of the Richat.
21° 7'15.42"N 11°16'48.78"W

This design is also found in the following locations.

23 miles from the Center
21°24'58.82"N 11°13'43.33"W

80 miles from the center
22° 6'24.09"N 12° 4'42.66"W

156 miles from the center
18°48'23.70"N 11°39'0.69"W

142 miles from the center
20°12'13.35"N 13°22'45.83"W

141 miles from the center
20°12'50.49"N 13°22'36.52"W

The conclusions can be argued anything from jokers going around the desert and planting false evidence, or, these structures are evidence of a lost society, civilization. But to ignore it, does not make it go away.

The Romans, as far as I know, did not operate this far south. Again, history books are silent.
edit on PMThursdayThursday ndAmerica/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago5592 by All Seeing Eye because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: Hooke

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: Byrd

And if you had a college degree or some formal training in archaeology, you'd know that one of the main investigators in the area (from 1985 and onward) isAugustin FC Holl, an archaeologist from the Cameroons who specializes in the Chacolithic and would be aware of things like this topographic map which shows an ancient intermittent roadway near" target="_blank" class="postlink">Aoudaghost

The second link is dead. It happens I suppose.

It's not dead. There are just some technical difficulties with parsing (especially the .org/ and elements, where the two slashes are generating a series of dots that prevent the URL from showing up properly).

If you can feed the following elements into your browser separately, substituting slashes for the inevitable dots, you will find the missing map:

On the subject of the Richat dome, readers might be interested in the papers found here.

Got it. Thank you. Sadly, this map has no information concerning the areas in question

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