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Atlantis has been discovered?!

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posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

Now, how does one keep the secrets of heaven and earth? Coming from a god it would have been by royal edict. If it were me, I would institute a organization that would suppress the the teaching, knowledge, of the secrets. I would give them great power of control, while at the same time keeping them, ignorant, of the truth. I would use promises to the members that they would receive special treatment in the after life. I would confuse their thinking allowing them to think they were protecting a lost segment of mankind when in fact, they were protecting me, and my kind. I would bind them by blood oath, the same blood oath the demi gods took. I would show them how to become wealthy, how to manipulate the minds of the common man, and to convert them into their own slaves.

It's actually been tried before and fails spectacularly every time. Mormons did it and still try to hide some of it, but you can find verified insider information all over the Internet. Likewise the Masons, Scientologists (information that only the elite are supposed to have is easily found), folk secret societies like the Horsemen, the KKK... the list is quite extensive.

Doesn't work.

Seriously. If YOU were a flunky in an organization like that, would you keep your mouth shut? Most folks wouldn't... and didn't, in fact.

Its not the organization, its the soulless ones, the enemies secret weapon!!! "They" are everywhere. In all organizations!! I suspect, I imagine, technology is ANCIENT, more than million of years old. Bio based tech, and in this case, a venom, parasite that create these soulless automatons that were once human beings now operating on a ancient A.I. format. This is why today you see the same level of insanity around the world with this new bio weapon, the vax. They are all marching to the same insane drummer. The same basic programing. All the abductions wasn't about transforming little gays into human beings, but rather transforming human beings, into little grays. A.I. robots!

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: Mike27
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

looks like the data only goes back about 15 years, and it is just mining claims.

Thats funny lol

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 04:33 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

Jesus in the lost testament didn't call Judas one of these Sons, but insinuated as much.

(Slightly confused look.) Are we talking about the Alan Gold novel or the Christ Becker "Bronson" novel or something else? I can't find a consistent answer here when I google for a source.

Which brings up another very deep subject. Admiral Byrd. He was taken down a elevator to meet the ruler. Down into the crust, down into the realm of the DARK. Translate, Dark ruling over light. The bible confirmed that the ruler of the world was non other than, evil.

I've read a bunch of books about him, but never saw this claim before.

Now, they had their chance to enlist me. They chose to look the other way.

Interesting. I don't think any society/secret organization/etc ever had any interest in me. You must have some sort of special skill that I don't have.

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: Byrd

Judas [said] to him, "I know who you are and where you've come from. You've come from the immortal realm of Barbelo, and I'm not worthy to utter the name of the one who's sent you."

Then Jesus, knowing that he was thinking about what's exalted, said to him, "Come away from the others and I'll tell you the mysteries of the kingdom. Not so that you'll go there, but you'll grieve much 36 because someone else will replace you to complete the twelve [elements] before their God."

The next morning, he appeared to his disciples. [And] they said to him, "Master, where did [you] go and what did you do when you left us?"

Jesus said to them, "I went to another great and holy generation."

His disciples said to him, "Lord, what great generation is better and holier than us, that's not in these realms?"

Now when Jesus heard this, he laughed. He said to them, "Why are you wondering in your hearts about the strong and holy generation? 37 Truly I say to you, no one born [of] this realm will see that [generation], no army of angels from the stars will rule over it, and no person of mortal birth will be able to join it, because that generation doesn't come from […] that has become […] the generation of the people among [them] is from the generation of the great people […] the powerful authorities who […] nor the powers […] those by which you rule."

When his disciples heard these things, they were each troubled in their spirit. They couldn't say a thing.

Jesus said to them, "Stop struggling against me. Each one of you has his own star, [and …] of the stars will […] what belongs to it […] I wasn't sent to the corruptible generation, but to the strong and incorruptible generation, because no enemy has ruled [over] that generation, nor any of the stars. Truly I say to you, the pillar of fire will fall quickly and that generation won't be moved by the stars."

Jesus said, "Truly I say [to you], this baptism 56 [which they've received in] my name […] will destroy the whole generation of the earthly Adam. Tomorrow they'll torture the one who bears me. Truly I [say] to you, no hand of a mortal human [will fall] upon me. Truly [I say] to you, Judas, those who offer sacrifices to Saklas […] everything that's evil. But you'll do more than all of them, because you'll sacrifice the human who bears me. Your horn has already been raised, your anger has been kindled, your star has ascended, and your heart has [strayed]

This information does fill in research "Black holes". Expunged from the bible because it exposes hidden truths that are hidden in other context's.

How could Jesus know these things without being taught, or incarnate with the memories (Savant). Cross reference some of the details and it confirms other theories. A very ancient truth hidden from mankind and part of the secrets that were to be hidden from mankind, just as that god stated.

Of course there will be those to discredit the words, mindset, to nothing more than fantasy, fiction. Because in their world there can be nothing greater, than themselves. For they are not connected to the greatness via their very own soul, to which they lack.

The Gospel of Judas. An excellent read if you have the time.

Recent disclosure concerning Admiral Byrd. It would take me for ever to try and find the reference. It may have come out of his original diary .

Now, they had their chance to enlist me. They chose to look the other way.

Interesting. I don't think any society/secret organization/etc ever had any interest in me. You must have some sort of special skill that I don't have.

This Royal society I speak of are like Fishermen looking for the best catch. They will set up social events in order to pick and choose candidates. These will be where the attendees are young, and the brightest of the lot. Being young does not guard them against gullibility, and have on many occasions been entrapped by the society. They only want the most intelligent but will take all who apply. They will find a place for them. But the true target is the intelligent and those with powerful associations, positions, so they might be entrapped behind a blood oath. not, to reveal what their intelligence may create or inspire, or discover, or, to be manipulated into profit for themselves. They claim to make good men better, but when is this necessary? A good man does not need to be made better, that is inherent in a good soul. Certain subjects are forbidden to be discussed , not to make a good man better, but to control the discoveries that might be made within their own ranks, as in corruption within those subjects, that would lead to those good men waking up to the reality of the part they play in this ancient scam. I have met many of "them" and have gained much insight from them. Individually, they truly are the best of the best, and many are saddened at their choice. They have a way out, if they would only take it.

There are good secret societies I have looked at, inspected, studied. And just as ancient as the above. And it is of great concern to me that their ranks were infiltrated by the same weapon. I will not speak further of them. Not because I can't, but out of respect!

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 06:42 PM
Next area of some interest is also in Ajoujk. Location 19°44'46.86"N 14°23'53.02"W

In the following image you will see a series of "digs' or exploratory holes. It does not show any other activity in the area nor what one might expect to see in a construction site. The holes start off wide as though they are looking for something. Then the holes narrow down to one area.

March 2006

July 2013

Something is now there. No construction materials or equipment visible. Just, piles of dirt, sand surrounding this, construct. The design appears to resemble Greek, Roman designs. Maybe Greek, Roman designs, are based off of Atlantis designs?

Larger area view.

No public listings can be found.

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 07:30 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
Next area of some interest is also in Ajoujk. Location 19°44'46.86"N 14°23'53.02"W

In the following image you will see a series of "digs' or exploratory holes. It does not show any other activity in the area nor what one might expect to see in a construction site. The holes start off wide as though they are looking for something. Then the holes narrow down to one area.

Those aren't digs. Digsites don't look like that. Test pits don't look like that, either.

This is a dig site

Here's another

Also, a different satellite photo (Google maps, of all things. Switch to satellite view) shows those dark things are columns of some sort if you zoom in closely.

edit on 2-8-2021 by Byrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 07:33 PM
New disclosures from Jimmy.

Egypt is a cousin topic of Atlantis, so needs to be covered here as well

"Secret Files on The Eye of The Sahara & The Lost Ancient City of Atlantis | Richat Structure Africa"

edit on PMMondayMonday ndAmerica/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago3687 by All Seeing Eye because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 08:21 PM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
Next area of some interest is also in Ajoujk. Location 19°44'46.86"N 14°23'53.02"W

In the following image you will see a series of "digs' or exploratory holes. It does not show any other activity in the area nor what one might expect to see in a construction site. The holes start off wide as though they are looking for something. Then the holes narrow down to one area.

Those aren't digs. Digsites don't look like that. Test pits don't look like that, either.

This is a dig site

Here's another

Also, a different satellite photo (Google maps, of all things. Switch to satellite view) shows those dark things are columns of some sort if you zoom in closely.

We just don't know what it might have looked like from 2006, to 2013. Those dates are not available to examine
So, maybe the site did look like that in 2014. There is just no records of that timeline.

It would be a assumption calling them "Pillars" even though they look like that. You might not not only see that they look like pillars but the ones on the left appear to be taller than the ones on the right(I had a dyslexic moment there lol). Which might indicate this "Construct" may have suffered damage during its construction, or after completion, because they do look like they have finished what ever they were doing. Maybe, they are a fancy Camel Corrals lol
edit on PMMondayMonday ndAmerica/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago2288 by All Seeing Eye because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 08:42 PM
For those that watched Jimmy's video on CIA files, Im going to take a guess at one of the discoveries.

They found rings of magnetizm radiating out of the center of this oddly shaped feature just West of the eye.

Not understanding the implications, decided to classify the findings. Again, just a guess.

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 09:41 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
Next area of some interest is also in Ajoujk. Location 19°44'46.86"N 14°23'53.02"W

In the following image you will see a series of "digs' or exploratory holes. It does not show any other activity in the area nor what one might expect to see in a construction site. The holes start off wide as though they are looking for something. Then the holes narrow down to one area.

Those aren't digs. Digsites don't look like that. Test pits don't look like that, either.

This is a dig site

Here's another

Also, a different satellite photo (Google maps, of all things. Switch to satellite view) shows those dark things are columns of some sort if you zoom in closely.

We just don't know what it might have looked like from 2006, to 2013. Those dates are not available to examine
So, maybe the site did look like that in 2014. There is just no records of that timeline.

It would be a assumption calling them "Pillars" even though they look like that. You might not not only see that they look like pillars but the ones on the left appear to be taller than the ones on the right(I had a dyslexic moment there lol). Which might indicate this "Construct" may have suffered damage during its construction, or after completion, because they do look like they have finished what ever they were doing. Maybe, they are a fancy Camel Corrals lol

They aren't dig sites. I've been on digs. I've been a shovelbum. I know what they look like. They're not digs.

Those appear to be pillars or columns of some sort --they're not holes and they. are not "test pits." I've dug test pits. They don't look like that.

I have no idea what they're for, but I do know that in these countries there's no building codes or building permits. If someone has land, they build. I have seen pillars that look a bit like that in rural areas of Egypt when someone wants to build a house (in fact, I've seen them on top of houses... when someone marries, they add another floor to the building. It's a code inspector's nightmare.)

Since it's on the edge of town, it could be anything.

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: Byrd

I agree the shadows are to long in the google earth imagery from 2018 for something at ground level.

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 10:42 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I believe the circles are tailings from a rotary drill, either prospecting, or environmental assessment.

Here are a couple examples of drilling machines;

Here's a contractor you can hire to do the job for you; Capital Drilling

No public listings can be found.

You're lucky there are any records at all ...
edit on 2-8-2021 by Mike27 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 11:26 PM

originally posted by: Mike27
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I believe the circles are tailings from a rotary drill, either prospecting, or environmental assessment.

Here are a couple examples of drilling machines;

Here's a contractor you can hire to do the job for you; Capital Drilling

No public listings can be found.

You're lucky there are any records at all ...

I agree with your logic. Probably what they are. Drilling for water. But, all construction sites, mines, once finding a "Discovery" they are to stop operations, and build a fence around the area and report the find. I have another image that shows what appear to be pipe, sitting.

Tasiast management has put in place a number of measures to minimize any potential impact of mining operations on these archaeological sites. Among these is the Chance Find Procedure which stipulates that upon discovery of actual or suspected archaeological remains, work should be stopped, the site protected and the remains reported and documented. All sites of potential interest are fenced in.

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: Byrd

Since it's on the edge of town, it could be anything.
Sooo, archeology sites can only be found in town's or 'outside towns? Are you implying archaeological sites must follow strict guidelines as to where they can, and can not be found? Now you have me confused lol

Ajkoujk has probably been inhabited on and off for thousands of years. We must only look at the present occupants as the only ones ever there? You make me want to go warm up a pizza lol lol

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 11:46 PM
a reply to: Byrd

They aren't dig sites. I've been on digs. I've been a shovelbum. I know what they look like. They're not digs.

Those appear to be pillars or columns of some sort --they're not holes and they. are not "test pits." I've dug test pits. They don't look like that.

I'm not implying they are holes. They appear to be pillars. How old, is anyone's guess.

posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 12:39 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Drilling for water.

Na, taking core samples to see where to dig, or test wells to see what you've polluted. In this case it looks like core samples.

But, all construction sites, mines, once finding a "Discovery" they are to stop operations, and build a fence around the area and report the find.

Maybe in an ideal world.

You haven't been around mining or construction much have you?

In a country like this unless someone important notices when it is initially uncovered, it would most likely disappear in a hurry. Science costs money, waiting is not profitable.

So I wouldn't have much faith in anything of that regard.

posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 12:46 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I'm not implying they are holes. They appear to be pillars. How old, is anyone's guess.

I'll put my money on less than 15 years, their not there in 2006.

Edit to add;
So in 2013 it looks like the east side was cleaned up or cleared with heavy equipment.
How many archeologists use bulldozers to move dirt?

edit on 3-8-2021 by Mike27 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 01:28 AM
-wrond edit-
edit on 3-8-2021 by anti72 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 02:02 AM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

Now, how does one keep the secrets of heaven and earth? Coming from a god it would have been by royal edict. If it were me, I would institute a organization that would suppress the the teaching, knowledge, of the secrets. I would give them great power of control, while at the same time keeping them, ignorant, of the truth. I would use promises to the members that they would receive special treatment in the after life. I would confuse their thinking allowing them to think they were protecting a lost segment of mankind when in fact, they were protecting me, and my kind. I would bind them by blood oath, the same blood oath the demi gods took. I would show them how to become wealthy, how to manipulate the minds of the common man, and to convert them into their own slaves.

It's actually been tried before and fails spectacularly every time. Mormons did it and still try to hide some of it, but you can find verified insider information all over the Internet. Likewise the Masons, Scientologists (information that only the elite are supposed to have is easily found), folk secret societies like the Horsemen, the KKK... the list is quite extensive.

Doesn't work.

Seriously. If YOU were a flunky in an organization like that, would you keep your mouth shut? Most folks wouldn't... and didn't, in fact.

Its not the organization, its the soulless ones, the enemies secret weapon!!! "They" are everywhere. In all organizations!! I suspect, I imagine, technology is ANCIENT, more than million of years old. Bio based tech, and in this case, a venom, parasite that create these soulless automatons that were once human beings now operating on a ancient A.I. format. This is why today you see the same level of insanity around the world with this new bio weapon, the vax. They are all marching to the same insane drummer. The same basic programing. All the abductions wasn't about transforming little gays into human beings, but rather transforming human beings, into little grays. A.I. robots!

are you on drugs?
..too much Sitchin/Däniken with a littul too much hemp? spiced up with a grain of luciferism?

posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 02:16 AM
a reply to: Mike27

You haven't been around mining or construction much have you?
Now that you remind me, yes i have.
Copper mine in Az. 3440 ft down, working on a TBM. 100 deg, 100% humidity. Hell on earth. Oh yes, the owners can be quite greedy. We were suppose to get a percentage of gold recovered, but they decided to overlook that payment. And yes, they were recovering gold from the ore. I know all about the greed.

But as I said in a earlier post, not all owners are scum bags.

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