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Atlantis has been discovered?!

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posted on Jul, 21 2021 @ 12:10 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: Byrd

Whatever you are using for data needs an update. The 30% was 500 million years ago when the plants emerged and took over. After that, it drops.

Great image... but what website is it from? I'm trying to check the validity of the image and the scale and timeline seems a bit off.

posted on Jul, 21 2021 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: anti72

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: anti72
The continent Atlantis was the middle part of Laurasia and Gondwana landmass in mesozoic times with the Thetys ocean floating around.
The time before africa and south america parted.

Then how could it have conquered all of the Mediterranean except for Athens and then been defeated by Athens? You're talking 260 million years before humans, civilizations, etc. And how could the Egyptians have known about that?

yes, these are traditional stories, handed over, memories of memories which go back to Solon maybe.
I dont think there is a real possibility to find a 'huge ancient culture' that got 'hidden' or 'undetected' in the size of a continent in the time of 10000 BC.
Maybe the small last rests of that island sunk into the atlantic after the subsiding of the Last Glacial Period .

It wasn't sunk, though. It just became "impassible mud flats." So it would still be there just under the surface of a body of water. Kind of like the Florida Everglades (but Atlantis wasn't in the Everglades.)

posted on Jul, 21 2021 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

Anarctica holds a great deal of ice/ water, why? Because its on solid land. The arctic / North pole is on, what, water? How high can you stack ice on water? Every year it cycles out.

The northern ice cap is on Greenland

Now, let say the "Frozen Zone" , the center of it, is moved approx 1500 toward Russia (centered on Magnetic North). Now, Ice would be able to stack up on dry land just like the South Pole. In fact, maybe even more.

Except that has never happened. And anyway, as per above, the northern polar ice cap is already on land.

Besides, if there were bigger ice caps the sea levels would be lower. The amount of water we have - whether liquid in oceans or frozen in ice caps - remains the same regardless of where and how large the ice caps are.

Then there is another possibility, that more water was dumped on the earth to bring the sea levels up.

From where? Magic? And then all magically removed again? All with no geological evidence?

Its all basic Science. NOT, political (highly controlled) science!

Yes, it's all very basic science. Something you clearly have no understanding of!

The vast majority of the Arctic "Circle", is water. Greenland is a very small percentage of the total "Frozen" zone.

But if, the "North" rotational pole/ axis, was moved to the north, centered over the Magnetic north (about 1500 miles) The "Frozen Zone" would now be at least 50% + land, and would be capable of storing far more water ice. Just a rough guess, 10 + the times Greenland is capable of.

Except that has never happened. And anyway, as per above, the northern polar ice cap is already on land.

You, might be incorrect. These folks disagree with you. The highly controlled science builds binders over ones eyes to keep them from seeing "Other" possibilities. Some freethinking scientists who are not "Party Members" have no such Institutional binders.

Geologists at Rice University have uncovered evidence that suggests Earth’s spin axis was in a different spot millions of years ago, a phenomenon called “true polar wander.” The change, which occurred sometime in the past 12 million years, would have shifted Greenland further up into the Arctic Circle — which may have contributed to the onset of the last major Ice Age, 3.2 million years ago.

I do agree with these Scientists theory, except I question the timeline and the angle of the pole shift.

As far as evidence of mass amounts of water being added to the planet in a relatively short time span, go look at the grand canyon in person.

As far as where all this water came from, you have to study the ocean beds, "Age". Generally speaking, the ocean beds are no older than 70 million years old, that, is science. Sure, there are some areas that are much older going back hundreds of millions. Earth had small oceans, large lakes prior to 70 million. The Mediterranean Is one of the oldest. So, what ever happened, happened in that timeline. NASA tells us there is a great deal of water in our solar system. The main problem is how it got here.

Side Note: Recently "Scientists" are claiming some ocean life forms did not originate on this planet.
Answer, "They" came with the water.

The implications of the above are definitely outside the boundaries of the established institutionalized "Science".

There are other implications involved as well. I can understand why all this is "Covered Up", but on the other hand, the clock is running out.

Yes, I have my personal theory as to how all that water got here, but its not ready for the public.

posted on Jul, 21 2021 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: Byrd

Whatever you are using for data needs an update. The 30% was 500 million years ago when the plants emerged and took over. After that, it drops.

Great image... but what website is it from? I'm trying to check the validity of the image and the scale and timeline seems a bit off.

posted on Jul, 21 2021 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: Byrd

Whatever you are using for data needs an update. The 30% was 500 million years ago when the plants emerged and took over. After that, it drops.

Great image... but what website is it from? I'm trying to check the validity of the image and the scale and timeline seems a bit off.

Ah, thank you. I'll go look up the paper and see what's going on.

posted on Jul, 21 2021 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: Byrd

Whatever you are using for data needs an update. The 30% was 500 million years ago when the plants emerged and took over. After that, it drops.

Great image... but what website is it from? I'm trying to check the validity of the image and the scale and timeline seems a bit off.

Ah, thank you. I'll go look up the paper and see what's going on.
Whats going? NeoScience trying to twist the science.

posted on Jul, 21 2021 @ 06:00 PM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: Byrd

Whatever you are using for data needs an update. The 30% was 500 million years ago when the plants emerged and took over. After that, it drops.

Great image... but what website is it from? I'm trying to check the validity of the image and the scale and timeline seems a bit off.

Ah, thank you. I'll go look up the paper and see what's going on.

Man, I totally misremembered the date of the K/T extinction! Whoops!

posted on Jul, 21 2021 @ 06:01 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: Byrd

Whatever you are using for data needs an update. The 30% was 500 million years ago when the plants emerged and took over. After that, it drops.

Great image... but what website is it from? I'm trying to check the validity of the image and the scale and timeline seems a bit off.

Ah, thank you. I'll go look up the paper and see what's going on.
Whats going? NeoScience trying to twist the science.


No, I like to see how reliable things are. Sometimes science writers get things very wrong.

...and sometimes I misremember geological epochs.

posted on Jul, 21 2021 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: Byrd

Whatever you are using for data needs an update. The 30% was 500 million years ago when the plants emerged and took over. After that, it drops.

Great image... but what website is it from? I'm trying to check the validity of the image and the scale and timeline seems a bit off.

Ah, thank you. I'll go look up the paper and see what's going on.
Whats going? NeoScience trying to twist the science.


No, I like to see how reliable things are. Sometimes science writers get things very wrong.

...and sometimes I misremember geological epochs.
Sorry if you took that personal. After 40 years of research you see the hypocrisy and manipulation of the data. And, it seems to be centered around one group of people. They would rather us believe fairy tales, than see the truth of the evidence. I suspect I know the reason why they do this, but, I don't agree with the reasoning. It is self destructive in the end.


Atlantis is just one of the subject they suppress..
edit on PMWednesdayWednesday stAmerica/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago5777 by All Seeing Eye because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: Byrd

Whatever you are using for data needs an update. The 30% was 500 million years ago when the plants emerged and took over. After that, it drops.

Great image... but what website is it from? I'm trying to check the validity of the image and the scale and timeline seems a bit off.

Ah, thank you. I'll go look up the paper and see what's going on.
Whats going? NeoScience trying to twist the science.


No, I like to see how reliable things are. Sometimes science writers get things very wrong.

...and sometimes I misremember geological epochs.

Its okay, no worry from me. My point is "They" , that group I reference are rewriting theories, evidence. Just looked at the oxygen content surveys and they are rewriting it. They are smudging the dating of the oceans beds as well. The cancel culture is alive and well in the scientific community. Specifically, the green has been merged to include all ages from 55 mil to 140 mil. The original charts I read had no merging. And it ended the Coastline between 70-80 mil. Now you are left thinking the ocean bed is 140 mil old. The charts I saw had no wide zone and broke the ages down by 10 mil each. They are twisting the record.
edit on PMThursdayThursday ndAmerica/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago4371 by All Seeing Eye because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 12:43 AM
In Ajoujk, 216 miles from the center of the "eye" are a series of "Blocks" in a odd arrangement. 11 sites separated by roughly 1200 ft between each are a set of 4 blocks. The total length of the 11 sites is roughly 2.4 miles. They set in a perfect line

It appears these "Blocks" are being uncovered as older images show the blocks just cresting the surface, before being excavated.

Before June 2020

After June 2021

Location runs from 19°45'6.04"N 14°24'17.14"W to 19°43'11.44"N 14°24'52.35"W

Interesting discovery. Maybe they have a logical answer for this, maybe not. It does appear they have been uncovered not just placed on the surface for some unknown reason. (For the Gate Keeping Box Makers, its just another water line


posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 02:48 AM

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 03:22 AM
I thought to myself I wonder if the water came from within the moon ? I mean if it Did happen to be hollow and artificial,Which it probably isn't of course but you know ,If ones mind is contained within a confined ideal ,then the truth can never be known

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: FREEMINDSOFMAN
I thought to myself I wonder if the water came from within the moon ? I mean if it Did happen to be hollow and artificial,Which it probably isn't of course but you know ,If ones mind is contained within a confined ideal ,then the truth can never be known

You reveal your true Genius

Things, some things, in this world can never be known, unless they are taught to us. Above this is the ability to "Imagine". In that, we are free to break the binds of the, lack of information, lack of education. Imagination allows us to "see" the unseeable, to know, the unknowable. But, you cant just go around claiming to see, and know "Things" without evidence. That, is the proof others require to start thinking the same thoughts, follow the same mind set.

There is great debate ongoing that the moon is a artificial construct. A great deal of information, evidence is mounting to support that contention. There is also stories from the ancient record that the Gods visited the moon. One of these gods in particular goes so far to admit that mankind would be kept ignorant of the secrets of heaven and earth.

I have spent much time looking into the mind of that god, looking for that hidden, lost information. Looking for the reasons, rational for certain events. This god goes into great detail about the great flood. He gave information about traversing the solar system and how they contend with clearing a path through the asteroid belt. He does not, however, describe the "Celestial Chariot" they are riding on(in). He does tell us this vehicle has a "Protuberance" that shoots "Water" out clearing the path. It is interesting that NASA tell us the moon actually has great amounts of surface water on it. Well, I imagine that would makes sense if the moon was, well, that "Celestial Chariot".

Now, how does one keep the secrets of heaven and earth? Coming from a god it would have been by royal edict. If it were me, I would institute a organization that would suppress the the teaching, knowledge, of the secrets. I would give them great power of control, while at the same time keeping them, ignorant, of the truth. I would use promises to the members that they would receive special treatment in the after life. I would confuse their thinking allowing them to think they were protecting a lost segment of mankind when in fact, they were protecting me, and my kind. I would bind them by blood oath, the same blood oath the demi gods took. I would show them how to become wealthy, how to manipulate the minds of the common man, and to convert them into their own slaves. They would have the blood on their hands as not to want to do the right thing. They, will belong, to me! Today I call them the "Royal Society of Gate Keeping Box Makers", because, that, is all they really are. The true Snake Oil Salesmen. They are pathetic souls trapped in a demonic web.

If the moon is a construct then I would "Imagine" the crust is filled with compartments through it depth, and the majority of it, is hollow, with the capability to hold vast amounts, of water. Enough water to wash away any prehistoric site, regardless of how well built it was. It could transport that water to any planet. creating oceans where non were before. It could be used as a planetary adjuster to change the axis or rotation of a planet. Mind you, this is all imagination, except, I also warn you, the evidence, is there. If one, only has the eyes to see it.

The "Truth" can be known. You just have to care enough, to find it...

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: Mike27
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

These should help you figure out of they are new structures, or not;

Exploration Permits
Permits Group 1
Permits Group 2

Promoting Transparent Access to Mineral Resources
Portail cartographique du Cadastre Minier de la République Islamique de Mauritanie

Happy Searching!

Some Scenery

Thank you, very very much

There is on map in particular is very helpful, but the color assignment is difficult to follow, the colors are too close to each other to designate. Too many categories, or just too many similar colors, or both. Though the blue of "Hydro" areas is very clear. Those areas are exactly where I would put a well
Not out in the desert, in the middle of nowhere LOL

Mike, keep contributing, your a wealth of knowledge

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

looks like the data only goes back about 15 years, and it is just mining claims.

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 02:37 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
Sorry if you took that personal. After 40 years of research you see the hypocrisy and manipulation of the data.

Having been to some of those sites, talked to the people involved in them, seen the raw data, etc, yes... I can see hypocrisy and data manipulation of things that were reported honestly. And everyone who worked those sites or is/was involved with them often feels frustrated at seeing their work manipulated in ways that distort or hide their findings -- and then used to support an agenda.

And, it seems to be centered around one group of people. They would rather us believe fairy tales, than see the truth of the evidence.


But we're not talking about the same group of people.

Atlantis is just one of the subject they suppress..

Nobody's suppressing anything about Atlantis. There are believers in academic circles and they haven't been shut down. There've even been fairly recent legitimate digs for Atlantis (one that I know of was an underwater site; another was in Spain) that are government approved and funded. There's movies about it, books about it, and even websites about it. There's spiritualist tours and even underwater tours for Atlantis.

And in the news today (8/2/21) is news of an "Atlantis find" in Doggerland

Quite a few think that it's in the Richat and there's even the Visiting Atlantis website which has photos (unlabeled) and artifacts (some of which seem to have been made by locals to sell to tourists) and is associated with a zillion videos on "solving Atlantis", etc.

This isn't suppression.

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 02:41 PM
Just for the record, there are honest Folks just wanting to do the right thing. The "Royal Gate Keeping Box Makers" do not own all the mines in Mauritania

Not far from our Tasiast gold mine are rich finds of another kind; buried cultural treasures, including stone tools and tombs dating as far back as 9,000 ago that our Tasiast team is helping to preserve and protect.

To the untrained eye, the archeological sites scattered amongst the stubby shrubs and dunes of the Mauritanian desert are hard to identify, but they are testaments to a once well-inhabited region. Archeologists suspect the Sahel was once lush and green before desertification crept across the land about 4,000 years, pushing human settlement out with it.

Tasiast management has put in place a number of measures to minimize any potential impact of mining operations on these archaeological sites. Among these is the Chance Find Procedure which stipulates that upon discovery of actual or suspected archaeological remains, work should be stopped, the site protected and the remains reported and documented. All sites of potential interest are fenced in.

And boy, there are fences everywhere...

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

Now, how does one keep the secrets of heaven and earth? Coming from a god it would have been by royal edict. If it were me, I would institute a organization that would suppress the the teaching, knowledge, of the secrets. I would give them great power of control, while at the same time keeping them, ignorant, of the truth. I would use promises to the members that they would receive special treatment in the after life. I would confuse their thinking allowing them to think they were protecting a lost segment of mankind when in fact, they were protecting me, and my kind. I would bind them by blood oath, the same blood oath the demi gods took. I would show them how to become wealthy, how to manipulate the minds of the common man, and to convert them into their own slaves.

It's actually been tried before and fails spectacularly every time. Mormons did it and still try to hide some of it, but you can find verified insider information all over the Internet. Likewise the Masons, Scientologists (information that only the elite are supposed to have is easily found), folk secret societies like the Horsemen, the KKK... the list is quite extensive.

Doesn't work.

Seriously. If YOU were a flunky in an organization like that, would you keep your mouth shut? Most folks wouldn't... and didn't, in fact.

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: Byrd


But we're not talking about the same group of people.

In my response to FREEMINDSOFMAN I explain the train of thought that inspires, ignorance. I didnt cover the area of "Controlled Opposition". As a current day example, the Rino's of the democratic party. They pretend to be something they are not. Another example would be "The Law of One" being infiltrated by the sons of Belial.
Jesus in the lost testament didn't call Judas one of these Sons, but insinuated as much. Your star has left you translates to, your soulless.

Yes, there are good secret societies but in order to protect themselves from the enemies they must be able to see, the soulless! Otherwise, the society is ruled by Rex Mudi/ the brotherhood of Belial.

Which brings up another very deep subject. Admiral Byrd. He was taken down a elevator to meet the ruler. Down into the crust, down into the realm of the DARK. Translate, Dark ruling over light. The bible confirmed that the ruler of the world was non other than, evil. Imagine, a society that is suppose to be pristine kind loving that is actually in a ancient bondage.......... Nothing new under the sun, I suppose.

So you see, I cant trust any organization until the "Glasses" are made public. I won't even contribute to the republican's until the rinos are outed!

Now, they had their chance to enlist me. They chose to look the other way. Regardless, I will fight on. With, or with out them. History is the teacher, you just can't trust a, snake.!

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