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We need to come to a conclusion on Bigfoot

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posted on Jul, 11 2019 @ 07:14 AM
If anything on this study is true, it could explain so called paranormal phenomena attached to BFs without the need for UFOs. It is documented though, that UFO abductees can suddenly have abilities to effect electrics.

posted on Jul, 11 2019 @ 07:23 AM
There are roughly 1000 legal witness testimonies on the Sasquatch Chronicles alone. There are another 100 different shows atleast. Probably only 1 in 5 will ever speak about them due to fear of ridicule, fear of Government reprisals and some who want to protect them. Note, there are no testimonies of Unicorns and Pots of Gold at the end of the Rainbow.

posted on Jul, 11 2019 @ 09:55 AM
Melba Ketchums DNA sequencing showed the samples had Human, Old World extinct Ape, and Unknown DNA.

posted on Jul, 29 2019 @ 02:58 PM
There are, as being said just above many witnesses seeing these creatures throughout the years. And still we have no hard evidence. No good picture, or clear film.

But if we add history as a factor in the equation, people used to see nature folk too (trolls, leprechauns et.c). And not rarely, they were often seen physically, not just as an interpretation of a phenomenon. In Scandinavia and Island they were a real part of their culture.

But they seemed to disappear and transform to aliens as we went deeper into the industrial era. And in the 30's and 40's as we got electricity they seemed to finally disappear. What changed, our perception of our surroundings or the phenomenon itself?

And now we have Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti. Could it be just a remnant of past beliefs?

posted on Jul, 31 2019 @ 07:08 PM

originally posted by: Chazam
What changed, our perception of our surroundings or the phenomenon itself? And now we have Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti. Could it be just a remnant of past beliefs?

Perhaps (as you've posted), a remnant or perhaps an evolution in the way we perceive certain phenomena. I've often wondered if the (mythical and mischievous) Trolls were perhaps young Sasquatch (hence the smaller yet robust size).

Here is something to consider... are these creatures trying to 'copy us' in certain aspects?

There have been a number of cases where the witnesses observed the Hairy Bipedal donning on clothes (and such) to emulate (supposedly) humans. One case in particular that I recall (couldn't find it in my reports archive, but I believe in Oregon at a Highway pull-off in the Cascades Mountains) mentions a case where two Long-Haired creatures were rummaging through a large metal trash container and pulling out old clothes and plastic and trying to wear them like a Human would. (This is of course 'their' perception of what 'they' thought was going on while the creatures ransacked the bin).

Another report stated that a large ugly hairy-bodied woman in dire need of a full body-waxing was strolling through a forest in a Fire-engine red dress that appeared to be waaaaaay too small for it. (Interesting side-note... this too was near a mountainous Highway pull-out/park.

One reason I don't toss those reports aside is the other reports that have stated that areas suspected of perhaps being a spot for 'them' to lie and bed down were surrounded with Human trash and indiscriminate items were set up to look like a human was camping there.

Again apologies for my not being able to find those reports.... but I'm sure if you Google "Bigfoot in clothes" you'll find something.

**ETA*, there is this website that claims to be following some of those type of reports

Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman says: “In the 1960s and 1970s, reports from the American West would occasionally surface of hairy bipedal Bigfoot being seen with tattered plaid shirts and ragged shorts on their bodies. In some research, there were intriguing attempts to relate these to files of paranormal encounters with sightings of upright entities said to be wearing ‘checkered shirts.’ (Within parapsychology, there is a subfield of study regarding ‘checkered shirted ghosts.’) Investigators generally did not know what to make of these Sasquatch wearing plaid shirts, but dutifully catalogued and filed them away, nevertheless.”


edit on 7/31/2019 by JohnnyAnonymous because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 06:43 AM
I just came across this very recent upload (Aug. 1st, 2019). It's quite interesting if indeed true.

Supposed Sasquatch prints (finger, palm, etc.).

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: Phage

I would honestly mind not knowing, my phone for pics would be far off the beatin path.. scary really... why would people shoot first and ask questions later in most cases I read it didn't fo a damn thing to them.. I'd be more stunned than to fire a colt at em lol....

posted on Aug, 3 2019 @ 09:58 AM
Great thread, very interested in the idea of Bigfoot out there, probably since I was scared as a child watching the Boggy Creek film.
What I would like to add here is a Britiah perspective. Clearly the UK is tiny compared to North America, yet we continue to have reported sightings. i live in Leeds, which is in West Yorkshire and is one of the biggest cities on England, yet I habe heard of sightings within a 10 miles of whefe I am now.
Many will say that it is ridiculous, there is not enough remote countryside to sustain bf, which I fully appreciate, yet we do have miles upon miles of fields, woodland, farmlanf, moors etc. Peraonally I just can't see them being able to survive and thrive indetcted here, but perhaps there is something to the dimensional creature theory. Sounds very Dr Who, but it would explaoi how they are never found. I nite some world aightings mention bright red eyes, orbs. accompanying UFO acfivity etc, whereas some seem to describe a large human like creature, exfremely stealthy but otherwise more Earthly
I am not one to believe everythibg I read, but I do lean towards believing than outright skepticism. Many people will be genuiy mistaken with what they think they saw, some will lie, but I do think many saw what they say they saw,.

So hidden creature that has been here a long long time, interdimensional beast, a complege myth, or maybe it is environment and certain conditions that affect the brain and make us see bf and other phenomena.

The interdimensional theory can cater for all paranormal aightings etc (rather conveniently some might say) but when we have areas where multiple phenomena have been witnessed by many different people, such as at Cannock Chase in England, it does, suggest something amiss there, a possible thin veil between here and, well elsewhere, or perhaps such an area has strange geomagnetic properties that stimulate the brain...

posted on Aug, 5 2019 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: Chazam
(trolls, leprechauns et.c).

Trolls = Bigfoot
Leprechauns = little green men

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 11:34 PM

originally posted by: Sublimecraft
a reply to: Sabrechucker

Well, they're not native to any one particular country and their stories transcend generations of humans so there is something real and tangible, yet elusive, to it all.


Check this from last month............

Woman claims that Australia’s version of BIGFOOT tried to attack her

‘It was 7ft tall, growling and had hairy breasts’: Woman claims a YOWIE tried to attack her on a country road – before she fought it off with a cricket bat
Woman claims she saw a yowie on March 5 in Nimbin, New South Wales at 7pm
She claims she came across the mysterious creature after her cricket training
She was urinating behind some bushes when she heard a strange sound
The woman howled to see if a wild animal was hiding within behind the trees
Huge beast supposedly came running running toward her grunting and growling

Yowie is one of several names for an Australian folklore entity reputed to live in the Outback. The creature has its roots in Aboriginal oral history. In parts of Queensland, they are known as quinkin (or as a type of quinkin), and as joogabinna, in parts of New South Wales they are called Ghindaring, jurrawarra, myngawin, puttikan, doolaga, gulaga and thoolagal. Other names include yaroma, noocoonah, wawee, pangkarlangu, jimbra and tjangara. Yowie-type creatures are common in Aboriginal Australian legends, particularly in the eastern Australian states.

The yowie is usually described as a hairy and ape-like creature standing upright at between 2.1 m (6 ft 11 in) and 3.6 m (12 ft). The yowie's feet are described as much larger than a human's, but alleged yowie tracks are inconsistent in shape and toe number, and the descriptions of yowie foot and footprints provided by yowie witnesses are even more varied than those of bigfoot. The yowie's nose is described as wide and flat. Behaviourally, some report the yowie as timid or shy. Others describe the yowie as sometimes violent or aggressive.

Good article. The irony is the deniers always clamor for "clear pictures" or "physical evidence". Even thought these are stock images they are part of the collection from the Yowie Research Group. So here we have both in the form of an exceptionally clear photo and a physical foot print. Now it could be a fake. There is always that possibility. However, my point is no matter what evidence is presented the deniers will always explain the evidence away.

People today are so galvanized with their belief system they close off their ability to grow and evolve.
edit on 16-8-2019 by 1point92AU because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 07:15 AM

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: Sublimecraft
a reply to: Sabrechucker

Well, they're not native to any one particular country and their stories transcend generations of humans so there is something real and tangible, yet elusive, to it all.


Check this from last month............

Woman claims that Australia’s version of BIGFOOT tried to attack her

‘It was 7ft tall, growling and had hairy breasts’: Woman claims a YOWIE tried to attack her on a country road – before she fought it off with a cricket bat
Woman claims she saw a yowie on March 5 in Nimbin, New South Wales at 7pm
She claims she came across the mysterious creature after her cricket training
She was urinating behind some bushes when she heard a strange sound
The woman howled to see if a wild animal was hiding within behind the trees
Huge beast supposedly came running running toward her grunting and growling

Yowie is one of several names for an Australian folklore entity reputed to live in the Outback. The creature has its roots in Aboriginal oral history. In parts of Queensland, they are known as quinkin (or as a type of quinkin), and as joogabinna, in parts of New South Wales they are called Ghindaring, jurrawarra, myngawin, puttikan, doolaga, gulaga and thoolagal. Other names include yaroma, noocoonah, wawee, pangkarlangu, jimbra and tjangara. Yowie-type creatures are common in Aboriginal Australian legends, particularly in the eastern Australian states.

The yowie is usually described as a hairy and ape-like creature standing upright at between 2.1 m (6 ft 11 in) and 3.6 m (12 ft). The yowie's feet are described as much larger than a human's, but alleged yowie tracks are inconsistent in shape and toe number, and the descriptions of yowie foot and footprints provided by yowie witnesses are even more varied than those of bigfoot. The yowie's nose is described as wide and flat. Behaviourally, some report the yowie as timid or shy. Others describe the yowie as sometimes violent or aggressive.

Good article. The irony is the deniers always clamor for "clear pictures" or "physical evidence". Even thought these are stock images they are part of the collection from the Yowie Research Group. So here we have both in the form of an exceptionally clear photo and a physical foot print. Now it could be a fake. There is always that possibility. However, my point is no matter what evidence is presented the deniers will always explain the evidence away.

People today are so galvanized with their belief system they close off their ability to grow and evolve.

There’s more evidence of a sponge who lived in a pineapple under the sea than there is of an actual, living and breathing Bigfoot.

Hours and hours of footage. It’s hard to believe, but I’ve seen the video. Gotta be true.

posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: Assassin82

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: Sublimecraft
a reply to: Sabrechucker

Well, they're not native to any one particular country and their stories transcend generations of humans so there is something real and tangible, yet elusive, to it all.


Check this from last month............

Woman claims that Australia’s version of BIGFOOT tried to attack her

‘It was 7ft tall, growling and had hairy breasts’: Woman claims a YOWIE tried to attack her on a country road – before she fought it off with a cricket bat
Woman claims she saw a yowie on March 5 in Nimbin, New South Wales at 7pm
She claims she came across the mysterious creature after her cricket training
She was urinating behind some bushes when she heard a strange sound
The woman howled to see if a wild animal was hiding within behind the trees
Huge beast supposedly came running running toward her grunting and growling

Yowie is one of several names for an Australian folklore entity reputed to live in the Outback. The creature has its roots in Aboriginal oral history. In parts of Queensland, they are known as quinkin (or as a type of quinkin), and as joogabinna, in parts of New South Wales they are called Ghindaring, jurrawarra, myngawin, puttikan, doolaga, gulaga and thoolagal. Other names include yaroma, noocoonah, wawee, pangkarlangu, jimbra and tjangara. Yowie-type creatures are common in Aboriginal Australian legends, particularly in the eastern Australian states.

The yowie is usually described as a hairy and ape-like creature standing upright at between 2.1 m (6 ft 11 in) and 3.6 m (12 ft). The yowie's feet are described as much larger than a human's, but alleged yowie tracks are inconsistent in shape and toe number, and the descriptions of yowie foot and footprints provided by yowie witnesses are even more varied than those of bigfoot. The yowie's nose is described as wide and flat. Behaviourally, some report the yowie as timid or shy. Others describe the yowie as sometimes violent or aggressive.

Good article. The irony is the deniers always clamor for "clear pictures" or "physical evidence". Even thought these are stock images they are part of the collection from the Yowie Research Group. So here we have both in the form of an exceptionally clear photo and a physical foot print. Now it could be a fake. There is always that possibility. However, my point is no matter what evidence is presented the deniers will always explain the evidence away.

People today are so galvanized with their belief system they close off their ability to grow and evolve.

There’s more evidence of a sponge who lived in a pineapple under the sea than there is of an actual, living and breathing Bigfoot.

Hours and hours of footage. It’s hard to believe, but I’ve seen the video. Gotta be true.

I love the legend of sponge bob square pants. If I watch him in real life I probably think he is a sea monster or a mer-man or mer-sponge? Anyways, scientifically a big foot population won't just be a few big foots, that's not how species thrive. They would need more then a few big foots to keep the generation going. Maybe around 60-100? They can't keep inbreeding because we all know how that works on. And if there are 60-100 big foot at all times living in the wilderness of Alaska or yellowstone park or mount st helens or whereever. There would be A LOT of evidence. Then again the oarfish was thought to be extinct hundred of thousands of years ago, but we found one. So who knows. Deny all ignorance.

posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: Assassin82

Plenty of physical evidence is available in the public realm. All you have to do is spend some time locating it. You just choose to ignore it based on bias.

posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 11:59 PM

originally posted by: 1point92AU
a reply to: Assassin82

Plenty of physical evidence is available in the public realm. All you have to do is spend some time locating it. You just choose to ignore it based on bias.

So put it all together for us in one big, well-organized, scientifically proven thread. Gather all the evidence and state your case for Bigfoot that will systematically deny every common sense naysayer out there. I don’t have to prove something that isn’t scientifically proven or recognized as a species in the animal kingdom is real. The burden of proof is on those who claim otherwise. So put your money where your mouth is and prove us wrong.

posted on Aug, 18 2019 @ 12:06 AM
a reply to: Assassin82

posted on Aug, 18 2019 @ 01:02 AM

originally posted by: Assassin82

originally posted by: 1point92AU
a reply to: Assassin82

Plenty of physical evidence is available in the public realm. All you have to do is spend some time locating it. You just choose to ignore it based on bias.

So put it all together for us in one big, well-organized, scientifically proven thread. Gather all the evidence and state your case for Bigfoot that will systematically deny every common sense naysayer out there. I don’t have to prove something that isn’t scientifically proven or recognized as a species in the animal kingdom is real. The burden of proof is on those who claim otherwise. So put your money where your mouth is and prove us wrong.

Your problem is you've allowed yourself to be one of the sheep Hollywood produces through their mass social engineering propaganda. There's plenty of evidence that's been well documented by highly respected wildlife biologists. I would only point you to their research and findings. Go do the leg work yourself. Get some exercise.

posted on Aug, 18 2019 @ 01:05 AM

originally posted by: Assassin82

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: Sublimecraft
a reply to: Sabrechucker

Well, they're not native to any one particular country and their stories transcend generations of humans so there is something real and tangible, yet elusive, to it all.


Check this from last month............

Woman claims that Australia’s version of BIGFOOT tried to attack her

‘It was 7ft tall, growling and had hairy breasts’: Woman claims a YOWIE tried to attack her on a country road – before she fought it off with a cricket bat
Woman claims she saw a yowie on March 5 in Nimbin, New South Wales at 7pm
She claims she came across the mysterious creature after her cricket training
She was urinating behind some bushes when she heard a strange sound
The woman howled to see if a wild animal was hiding within behind the trees
Huge beast supposedly came running running toward her grunting and growling

Yowie is one of several names for an Australian folklore entity reputed to live in the Outback. The creature has its roots in Aboriginal oral history. In parts of Queensland, they are known as quinkin (or as a type of quinkin), and as joogabinna, in parts of New South Wales they are called Ghindaring, jurrawarra, myngawin, puttikan, doolaga, gulaga and thoolagal. Other names include yaroma, noocoonah, wawee, pangkarlangu, jimbra and tjangara. Yowie-type creatures are common in Aboriginal Australian legends, particularly in the eastern Australian states.

The yowie is usually described as a hairy and ape-like creature standing upright at between 2.1 m (6 ft 11 in) and 3.6 m (12 ft). The yowie's feet are described as much larger than a human's, but alleged yowie tracks are inconsistent in shape and toe number, and the descriptions of yowie foot and footprints provided by yowie witnesses are even more varied than those of bigfoot. The yowie's nose is described as wide and flat. Behaviourally, some report the yowie as timid or shy. Others describe the yowie as sometimes violent or aggressive.

Good article. The irony is the deniers always clamor for "clear pictures" or "physical evidence". Even thought these are stock images they are part of the collection from the Yowie Research Group. So here we have both in the form of an exceptionally clear photo and a physical foot print. Now it could be a fake. There is always that possibility. However, my point is no matter what evidence is presented the deniers will always explain the evidence away.

People today are so galvanized with their belief system they close off their ability to grow and evolve.

There’s more evidence of a sponge who lived in a pineapple under the sea than there is of an actual, living and breathing Bigfoot.

Hours and hours of footage. It’s hard to believe, but I’ve seen the video. Gotta be true.

Please show that evidence of that sponge living in a pineapple under the sea.

posted on Aug, 18 2019 @ 02:01 AM
I'm go'n with native american mindf%#k curse that manifests only
in the minds of white people and in their 1967 home movies. Soon
the curse will drive all the white eyes completely out of their
minds. When sightings have increased to the point that Sasquatch
is everywhere. But in truth he is only the eyes of white people.

I should do a moobie

edit on 18-8-2019 by carsforkids because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2019 @ 03:56 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: Assassin82

originally posted by: 1point92AU

originally posted by: Sublimecraft
a reply to: Sabrechucker

Well, they're not native to any one particular country and their stories transcend generations of humans so there is something real and tangible, yet elusive, to it all.


Check this from last month............

Woman claims that Australia’s version of BIGFOOT tried to attack her

‘It was 7ft tall, growling and had hairy breasts’: Woman claims a YOWIE tried to attack her on a country road – before she fought it off with a cricket bat
Woman claims she saw a yowie on March 5 in Nimbin, New South Wales at 7pm
She claims she came across the mysterious creature after her cricket training
She was urinating behind some bushes when she heard a strange sound
The woman howled to see if a wild animal was hiding within behind the trees
Huge beast supposedly came running running toward her grunting and growling

Yowie is one of several names for an Australian folklore entity reputed to live in the Outback. The creature has its roots in Aboriginal oral history. In parts of Queensland, they are known as quinkin (or as a type of quinkin), and as joogabinna, in parts of New South Wales they are called Ghindaring, jurrawarra, myngawin, puttikan, doolaga, gulaga and thoolagal. Other names include yaroma, noocoonah, wawee, pangkarlangu, jimbra and tjangara. Yowie-type creatures are common in Aboriginal Australian legends, particularly in the eastern Australian states.

The yowie is usually described as a hairy and ape-like creature standing upright at between 2.1 m (6 ft 11 in) and 3.6 m (12 ft). The yowie's feet are described as much larger than a human's, but alleged yowie tracks are inconsistent in shape and toe number, and the descriptions of yowie foot and footprints provided by yowie witnesses are even more varied than those of bigfoot. The yowie's nose is described as wide and flat. Behaviourally, some report the yowie as timid or shy. Others describe the yowie as sometimes violent or aggressive.

Good article. The irony is the deniers always clamor for "clear pictures" or "physical evidence". Even thought these are stock images they are part of the collection from the Yowie Research Group. So here we have both in the form of an exceptionally clear photo and a physical foot print. Now it could be a fake. There is always that possibility. However, my point is no matter what evidence is presented the deniers will always explain the evidence away.

People today are so galvanized with their belief system they close off their ability to grow and evolve.

There’s more evidence of a sponge who lived in a pineapple under the sea than there is of an actual, living and breathing Bigfoot.

Hours and hours of footage. It’s hard to believe, but I’ve seen the video. Gotta be true.

Please show that evidence of that sponge living in a pineapple under the sea.

Dude Sponge bob doesn't just reveal himself to just anyone. You got to dress up like a star fish in shorts and call yourself patrick.

posted on Aug, 18 2019 @ 03:59 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Assassin82

ROFL. Nice find. I couldn't stop laughing when they showed the jizz that he left behind. This is golden. But serious guys. Deny all ignorance. keep an open mind. Even big foots need to choke the chicken sometimes to relieve that stress, it's not easy hiding from modern man and technology.

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