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Mandela Effect - Stouffers Stove Top Stuffing DOES NOT EXIST ANYMORE

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posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: odd1out

Is it just me, or is the ENTIRE BOX top missing in this commercial...RIGHT where the branding would be? 
That seems very odd for this to have been filmed in this manner. 

I did not notice it until you pointed it out but you're definitely right. It does seem out of place and completely cut off at the top.

I've had the chance to ask a few people as well and it's a 100 % Stouffers so far.

This is definitely weird. I've had to open myself up to some interesting theories, ones that I wouldn't normally entertain.

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 11:34 AM

Stove Top is a stuffing that was introduced by General Foods in 1972 (merging with Kraft in 1990 to form Kraft General Foods). It is a quick cooking ("instant") stuffing that is available in supermarkets. Unlike traditional stuffing, Stove Top can be prepared on the stove, in a pot. It is used as a side dish for meals as well as a medium in which some meats (pork, chicken) can be baked. It is sold in boxes and canisters. In 2005 it was reported that Kraft Foods, which has owned the brand since 1995, sells about 60 million boxes of Stove Top stuffing at Thanksgiving.[1]

Siems helped develop Stove Top in 1971 while working at General Foods’ technical center in White Plains, N.Y. She was listed first among four inventors when the patent was awarded in 1975 for the quick and easy way of making stuffing without actually stuffing a turkey. Kraft Foods, which now owns the Stove Top brand, sells about 60 million boxes each year around Thanksgiving. The five-minute stuffing comes in several flavors, including turkey, chicken and beef.

In 1967, Stouffer Corporation was purchased by Litton Industries for vertical integration purposes, when that company had a large share of the microwave oven market,[21] but in 1973, Litton sold Stouffer to Nestlé. In 1993, Nestlé announced its intention to sell Stouffer Hotels to Renaissance Hotels as part of a refocusing of the company on food products.[22] The transaction was complete by 1996.[21] Some Stouffer's Restaurants are now Select Restaurants.[23][24][25]

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 11:44 AM
I know nothing about the product so can't comment on this, but this was just posted on an Apollo related facebook group I frequent:

Synchronicity etc etc
edit on 24/7/2018 by OneBigMonkeyToo because: the crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 11:51 AM
I think shasha cohen is jacking with us.

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 12:02 PM

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 12:34 PM
Here is a post from oct 2014

I said yesterday that it was a bit fuzzy and now i am getting a memory from the 90's where i am in a grocery store and someone is pointing out to me that there is no such thing as stouffers stove top stuffing even though at that time i have the same feeling of familiarity with a product that is not on the shelves.

Someone should question this jay gold fellow that says he was in the commercial and it was stouffers cause i think he could be mistaken.

Afterall there is no mention of stouffers in the commercial and it is doubtful that his royalty check said stouffers on it.

There are no pics at all that show any old boxes with the name stouffers except for the joke a member added of a kraft box that was photoshopped for laughs.

Remember even the berenstain bears had evidence of "both timelines".

Maybe the rub here is that it never was but sounds very familiar.

If not then we gotta dig deeper cause truth can not be erased by timelines without residue of proof.

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: Pearj
a reply to: Krahzeef_Ukhar
So let's talk about patterns..
I've noticed a particular change always follows a period where I had been paying attention to the item.. ..The Coke label - and another is California Dreamin', we were singing it in the house a few mornings before it changed. There's a few more examples...

Have you looked into the material, as suggested in an article, referenced in this new thread?:

ATS -- Mind control responsible for ME?

...Six months into the project through sheer accident, we discovered an irregular causality within our digital construct of the frequency. An insignificant glitch the code began to manifest results outside of its digital parameters. Based on our own interactions with the network interface, we were causing things to happen in the real world...

Also: have you looked into the history of the Stouffer's company, their production facilities, and tried to get someone to interview an old employee? All you need is to find one!

edit on 24-7-2018 by Nothin because: sp

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: fleabit


Okay... I remember a 'mercial from decades ago where the voice over rapidly repeated the name over and over ... three words, six syllables, all starting with letter s, the litany of "Stouffer's Stove-Top Stuffing."

Gonna add it to Berenstein, dilemna, Chic-fil-a , Dolly's braces, Caldwell Banker, Kit-Kat, etc., as my own "strong" effects.

It's difficult to come to terms with an unstable "reality" as it conflicts with everything we're taught in Western society. Poor memory properly muddies the waters, too, and it's just asinine in general... but darnit, it seems "real."

One more inscrutable yet stupid mystery to spin gears over.

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 02:27 PM
I don't remember Stouffer's Stove Top Stuffing, but then I don't like stuffing.

From an outside looking in, it seems like 'Stouffer' and 'Stove top' make a good alliteration and people would want to stick them together.

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 04:31 PM
As others have pointed out, I think the "long o" sound of both "Stouffers" (StOHfers) and Stove Top (StOHve Top) is the kernel of this confusion.

Stouffers makes frozen foods; Stove Top is not a frozen food.

By the way, Stove Top Stuffing was made by General Foods (and labeled as such) until Kraft and General Foods merged in 1990. At that point the label was changed to say "Kraft".

edit on 24/7/2018 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 05:17 PM
In this thread..

I've seen civility.. and people talking and working together.

I've seen a few of the usual detractors, remaining skeptical - but wanting to investigate more.

I've seen outside-the-box thinking and many theories that don't relate to simple memory issues..


posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: Pearj

Damn, I remember this one. As we near the end, we realize that we are becoming the begining.

I was a stock boy at a grocery store when I was 12. I remember the label.

I can't deny mandela effect anymore. I have always thought time manipulation existed. I just didnt think it was something people did. Now I think that someone is changing things.

edit on 7 24 2018 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 06:08 PM

originally posted by: Alien Abduct
a reply to: Pearj

Okay here we go. This is the commercials I remember. I remember it being just Stove Top, no Kraft and no Stouffer’s.

I believe this commercial is from 1980. Stove Top was owned by General Foods.

Okay here is a commercial from 1996 and this is after Kraft bought General Foods and acquired Stove Top. It seems they just kept the commercials “Stove Top” instead of adding “Kraft” to the name which makes sense.

It seems to me that Kraft just didn’t put their brand name on the box until well after they bought the Stove Top brand. I wasn’t able to pin down when Kraft started putting the name Kraft on the box but I didn’t research very long. Perhaps someone could figure that part out.

I say mystery solved, at least for me anyways. It’s as I remember it. I remember it being just Stove Top and that’s what it was until sometime after like 1998 or so they started putting the Kraft name on the box. Everything seems to line up for me.


It was simply Stove Top Stuffing. The only thing I remember Stouffers for is frozen foods like French Bread Pizza, which they still make.

Every single Mandella effect "case" I've ever seen, I don't remember it the way they say I should, and I have a very good memory.

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: Pearj

Lets hope posters here read this.

Sad to say that what is happening here as this modern 'supposed' phenomenon is a actually memory distortion.

Every single human brain no matter how intelligent will often remember things that are false facts, meaning the brain recalls past instances as if they are fact when in actual fact they are not. The reason the brain does this, is to short cut information to in other words, take notes in the hopes it can store more information.

We then walk around with those shortcut memories and continue to believe that this is fact, until you really look into the subject then you find its not quite what you remembered.

It can be nice to fantasise about possible changes in our reality but in this instance, this is what is occurring.

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: BlackProject

Maybe yes. Maybe no. Maybe: who can truly know?

What checks and balances do you use, to make sure that your ideas, are not using these mental shortcuts?

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 12:51 AM

originally posted by: TinySickTears
a reply to: Themaskedbeast

they have a lot of products.
i just checked their site

no article or site i have read with their product list ever mentions stuffing though.

Any of these boxes look familiar? Though none of them says "Stove Top".

Was never into the Mandela effect. My personal opinion is that; I think it's a big psyop by "the powers that be" to get people confused. They also own google and the search results. They can and will mess with our heads through our computers.

Chances are it did exist, and still does exist, or simply they stopped making the product at a certain point in time.

But I am open to theories and possibilities that maybe a past universe exploded and the one we living in is a poor replica of the original Universe. The theory does fascinate me, but the more probable cause is thought manipulation, and perhaps some MK -ultra.

edit on th2018000000Wednesdayth000000Wed, 25 Jul 2018 00:54:32 -0500fAmerica/ChicagoWed, 25 Jul 2018 00:54:32 -0500 by SoulSurfer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 01:28 AM

originally posted by: talisman
I remember Stouffer's. Anyone else remember a Hand Puppet with the Stouffers commericals?

LMFAO No.....

you might be mistaken with Hamburger helper.


posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 01:30 AM

originally posted by: talisman

originally posted by: Pearj
a reply to: talisman


You may of just discovered another Mandela Effect...

You're talking about that animated hand-glove thing - it had a red border around the bottom of the glove...

My brain's associating it with the word "skillet" - but I can't find an image of that thing anywhere..


Found it - Hamburger Helper

Was that what you were talking about? It still exists. Thought you inadvertently discovered another one.. ..that would of been a good one!

Thats something like what I recall and yes another effect. This is weird.

Geez guys.

That's the HAMBURGER HELPER Mascot.

It's name was LEFTY
edit on 25-7-2018 by jidnum because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 01:38 AM

originally posted by: JosephKnecht
a reply to: odd1out

Is it just me, or is the ENTIRE BOX top missing in this commercial...RIGHT where the branding would be? 
That seems very odd for this to have been filmed in this manner. 

I did not notice it until you pointed it out but you're definitely right. It does seem out of place and completely cut off at the top.

I've had the chance to ask a few people as well and it's a 100 % Stouffers so far.

This is definitely weird. I've had to open myself up to some interesting theories, ones that I wouldn't normally entertain.

Ya and I asked 25 people and 100% said no to stouffers, they only did frozen food. So what's your point?

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 01:40 AM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: Pearj

Damn, I remember this one. As we near the end, we realize that we are becoming the begining.

I was a stock boy at a grocery store when I was 12. I remember the label.

I can't deny mandela effect anymore. I have always thought time manipulation existed. I just didnt think it was something people did. Now I think that someone is changing things.

so are you saying your memory is 100% accurate? Because if you are saying "I remember" that doesn't mean you remember correctly. It just means what you remember may be wrong and it most likely is because Stouffers did not make stove top stuffing. That is a Fact.

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