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Mandela Effect - Stouffers Stove Top Stuffing DOES NOT EXIST ANYMORE

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posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: Lulpin
Definitely remember this one. I think it's very telling we all specifically remember it being stouffers brand, instead of everyone remembering different brands such as campbells in one post, and betty crocker in another.

Something has influenced us to collectively remember it as stouffers, and whether the cause of that is completely mundane (such as it being called that in a movie, or some such), or something bordering on science fiction is a mystery.

I like to call my mom on these as she is not to internet savvy all the time and it catches her instincts of what she remember, I do my best not to prompt her. i.e I asked what were the cartoon bear family books in the dentist office (her answer immediately was Berenstien Bears not Berenstain bears).

I plan to call her and ask who makes Stove Top stuffing (instead of potatoes lol) and I bet she says Stouffers...

Which how do we remember it wrong collectively?

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 02:15 PM
If ME was in fact true then we need to find out why these people are coming here to corrupt our timeline.

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: fleabit

I guess there are both cold and cald personally I had never heard of Coldwell but always seen coldwell banking.

Caldwell Bank & Trust

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 02:57 PM
I'm a bit weirded out on this one too. I SPECIFICALLY remember it as "Stouffer's Stove Top Stuffing" and for good reason...I shopped for my mom one Thanksgiving and remember her giving me grief for not getting Stouffers dressing.

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 03:01 PM
Here's a guy confirming he was in the commercial in 1992 for

Stouffers Stove Top Commercial Universal Studios Florida

Check out the comments

edit on 23-7-2018 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: fleabit

and Stouffer's was originally a restaurant. In the very beginning.. it started with the founders giving out buttermilk and... crackers. I'd love to see some of their original menus, and see if their stuffing was a big hit and featured item. : )

No stuffing, you can search for the menu and see the original old and newer, all potato no stuffing...the did have nice things later like tongue and calf liver though

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: Realtruth

That would be incredible evidence!!

Will you post a screenshot or copypasta the comments - the "view replies" isn't working for me.

I'm sorry to ask you to do something... I'm on a compiled FF nightly for Debian specific to this box - I'm still working on the build, and some things don't work yet.

Please and thank you!!

Edit to add: I can't wait - gonna install chromium...

Chromium doesn't work for me either..

This is what I see:

I can't click on the "View More Replies" - it doesn't work for some reason - I tested, and it works on other videos.

Very weird.

edit on 23-7-2018 by Pearj because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: Pearj
Do you remember Stouffer's Stove Top Stuffing?

I do.

The label had "Stoffer's" at an angle on the top of the box with "Stove Stop Stuffing" below it. The box colors were nearly the same as the Kraft brand - but Stoffer's was a heavier font and angled.

This is no crap - I got a box of Stoffer's stuffing when I was on a cooking kick - I looked at the box on the shelf and had the thought that the label had an "Aldi's" feel vs the more refined Kraft brand next to it (I bought it anyway).

There is an immense amount of 'residue' - tons upon tons of people referencing Stouffer's Stove Top Stuffing in recipes etc - but no images.

As usual, you can find many articles with an image of Kraft stuffing but with the text of "Stoffer's"...

(they give calorie info for Stouffer's stuffing, but show Kraft)
For some reason with the Mandela Effect you get constant examples where the title in the HTML is what we remember - but the photo, byline and text is changed. It doesn't have to do with the code of the page though - because it's prevalent in Newspapers too - where the paper is archived as an image - so the image in a newspaper will be a sale ad titled "Stouffers Stuffing" - with a Kraft box.. though they're combined.

Stouffer's didn't merge with Kraft...

Stouffer's didn't drop their stuffing line..

This doesn't have to do with memory...'s not minor, it's not a mistake..

..and it's not lexicon from nothing.

Stouffers Stove Top Stuffing has simply never existed.

So where did all these people get Stouffers Stove Top Stuffing from? They didn't just make it up out of thin air.

Why do I remember two distinctly different boxes right next to each other - even the direct thought "Stouffer's stuffing looks cheap compared to Kraft"?

I don't have an explanation as to how or why this is happening - but I know it's very real. I'd like to talk about the how and why - but we should agree it's actually happening first before we try to 'solve it'.

Surely some of you remember Stouffers Stove Top Stuffing very clearly - I'd like to hear your experience.

Don't recall "stouffers" in stove top stuffing...all this mandella nonsense is creeping up everywhere..

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: Pearj

originally posted by: nightbringr

originally posted by: KaDeCo
What you may be remembering is the commercials for their TV dinners which included a line about their stuffing.

See Product Here

I really thought there was Stouffer's Stovetop Stuffing as well, but, now I look at their product and logo, I don't remember them making more than frozen foods... and it would make no sense to make all frozen entrees and then randomly Thanksgiving Stuffing.

Haha, that's clearly it!

Brains work in funny ways. Case closed.

Not even close...

The case is building - the numbers are growing - the "Effect" (changes) are happening faster - more and more every day.

Like I've said many times..

It's only a matter of time until we're all "Effected".

It's the information age, more and more information is being shared quicker and quicker. You must also understand that as a result, information related mistakes will also increase.

Your second point is petty so I won't respond to it.

Its funny, because in a post a little above this one on this page, you go to great lengths to explain that 'you never once said your memory was perfect', yet you've also never once stated that its possible you are wrong.


Ps. You are wrong about effected and affected. I was right.

In the case you posted above, the first word would be 'effected'. The second 'affected'. In my post the 'affected' stands as the correct word.
edit on 23-7-2018 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 03:26 PM

originally posted by: Pearj

originally posted by: MichiganSwampBuck

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

You can't prove or disprove ME from looking up hard copies because reality has changed (including old hard copies of products.) What one can find though, as has been frequented shared in ME threads in recent years, is various contradictory records: videos, audio, images and articles which mention the old reality. NASA mentions Haley's Comet, Amazon listings for "Berenstein Bears" books, etc. It seems that for those of us who are not programmed with the new reality our whole history remains the same. IOW, if you remember "Berenstein Bears" and made a video about them as a kid, chances are the video still has you saying "Berenstein." If the video also features someone of "Berenstain" reality then they will say "Berenstain" in the video, even if you remember them always saying "Berenstein."

An example of this would be the movie "Gandhi," in which Gandhi's name is pronounced both "Ghan-di" and "Gandy" by different actors. ME experiencers remember the name Gandhi spelled and pronounced differently. If this is a true ME (which I personally can't verify) then theoretically a movie like "Gandhi" would indeed contain contradictory wordings/pronunciations by different people.

Well, if my second conspiracy theory idea is true, then the ME only changes things online for the most part. Therefore there could still exist some hard evidence that the facts have been changed over time in the form of some record found in your personal collection or in some library or archival material.

Now if you except the idea that reality did indeed change, then obviously everyone's memory would have changed along with it nullifying the effect. That is unless reality didn't change, but some people shifted from one reality to another. If that is what is happening, then the change is with the person having the ME and not reality as it is experienced by everyone else.

But like I stated, it is most likely an artifact of the human memory process. Although I still find the idea of a shifting reality fascinating, IMO faulty memory to blame for the Mandela Effect.

To your first point:

It is NOT an "internet thing".

I went through discipleship as a 'baby Christian' - a big part of it was the whole wineskins thing. The Bible I studied - the physical Bible on my shelf - changed. All of them did. My Grandma gave me her mom's Bible - it's changed. It doesn't matter if it's old or new - the KJV (supposedly unchanged since the 1600's) changed - I know what I studied.

Another book on my shelf changed - The Outsiders.. and on another book on my shelf, the ENTIRE TITLE of a off-beat poetry book by a famous author changed.

The globe on my desk changed... ..that broke me for a bit. I KNOW South America was not that far East.

I work with a wide range of technologies - one of them requires me to work with color palettes. We are a Linux only household, so we use Gimp - the direction of the gradient changed - and I've used that same tool for well over a decade. Pointing to an area of the gradient is muscular memory for me - and it's changed now. I talked to the developers - they say it's always been that way, but they were going to change it to the way I remember it always was - go figure.

I also work with typography on occasion - so I look closely at branding. I was in a waiting room, drinking a Coke and going over the logo - I had a distinct thought about how unique it was to use a tilde (~) in their design - a standard key without modification. Two weeks later it was gone - replaced by a high dash.. The tilde never existed.

I know for a fact it was JCPenny..

What I know as a Kidney Punch wouldn't work today.. ..neither would a lobotomy (as the procedure was).

That list goes on and on - the point is that they are physical changes.

To your second point:

If reality changed then our memories would too - no. Consciousness may not be tied to our surroundings. It may be a separate thing, above our physical world.

To your third point:

Everyone's memory is fallible.. ..but we aren't talking about fleeting events. We're talking about things we studied (Jadians map skills, my Coke label, etc). We're talking about things we see, hear and do everyday. We're talking about the box we saw on the counter while our Moms made Thanksgiving dinner, every single year and on occasion outside the holiday, until we were older - then we went to the store and bought the same brand, and did the same thing with our kids.

That's not memory - that's knowledge. The dismissiveness you display indicates you wouldn't be surprised if you forgot how to tie your shoes, or how to get to work everyday.

Most are responsible when they recount what they know.. I am. ..We know the difference between a fleeting memory and something we know - just like you.

Look here, there is no reason to be so hostile. I find your final comments particularly rude and offensive as an attack on me personally. You should calm down and realize that I'm merely trying to find the most reasonable answer to a strange "effect" that I consider in of itself to be real, just not trying to go to some extreme theories on why it is occurring.

I'm not trying to say you or other people aren't experiencing what you have described, just putting forth some more reasonable explanations for what is actually happening. If there are some more reasonable explanations that don't sound like a personal attack on your memory (or other people's memory for that matter), I'd like to hear it. It's just that I don't personally believe in this space-time shifting idea as being reasonable.

If, and I don't really believe it, a reality shift is occurring, it is more likely people are shifting from one parallel reality to another, therefore, it is not reality that changes but the people who have changed. Who's memory makes our current reality less valid than another? Is your remembered previous reality more real than the one you have shifted to as experienced by the people who have never left the current one?

I'd say that considering all we have to work with is the reality we are in, and because we can't experience any other reality while in this one, it is the only true reality we have, the others don't exist here and now. If something doesn't actually exist here and never existed here, then it simply never existed in the first place. This is a fact of our current reality, not some far reaching off the wall theory to try and confirm someone's memory of how things are supposed to be in this reality because of some theoretical other reality outside of the here and now.

As testy as you are becoming over this subject, I hope for your sake you can somehow shift back to a reality that you are more comfortable with. As for me I'm fine with how this one actually is as I obviously have never shifted from it.
edit on 23-7-2018 by MichiganSwampBuck because: for clarity

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 03:36 PM
I am thinking that kraft may have bought it and just slapped their name on the pack.

There is a stouffers turkey and dressing dinner listed on google right now.

I remember something bout this but it is a bit fuzzy.

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: nightbringr

originally posted by: Pearj

originally posted by: nightbringr

originally posted by: KaDeCo
What you may be remembering is the commercials for their TV dinners which included a line about their stuffing.

See Product Here

I really thought there was Stouffer's Stovetop Stuffing as well, but, now I look at their product and logo, I don't remember them making more than frozen foods... and it would make no sense to make all frozen entrees and then randomly Thanksgiving Stuffing.

Haha, that's clearly it!

Brains work in funny ways. Case closed.

Not even close...

The case is building - the numbers are growing - the "Effect" (changes) are happening faster - more and more every day.

Like I've said many times..

It's only a matter of time until we're all "Effected".

It's the information age, more and more information is being shared quicker and quicker. You must also understand that as a result, information related mistakes will also increase.

Your second point is petty so I won't respond to it.

Its funny, because in a post a little above this one on this page, you go to great lengths to explain that 'you never once said your memory was perfect', yet you've also never once stated that its possible you are wrong.


Ps. You are wrong about effected and affected. I was right.

In the case you posted above, the first word would be 'effected'. The second 'affected'. In my post the 'affected' stands as the correct word.


What are you talking about - it's in quotes - and capitalized. Everyone knows the difference between affected and effected.

Do you know the difference between "Effected" and effected?

People use the term "Effected" to mean "those affected by the Mandela Effect".

'cmon man

It's been in many, many threads - maybe you didn't notice.

You should get an award for making me smile.. I seem linguistically challenged to you? lol You reached, and failed - better luck next time.


edit on 23-7-2018 by Pearj because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: SeaWorthy
a reply to: fleabit

I guess there are both cold and cald personally I had never heard of Coldwell but always seen coldwell banking.

Caldwell Bank & Trust

Except that is one small bank in Columbia, LA (population 390 people), and no one has probably heard of it (except for the fine residents of the small town it resides in), and therefor is not the bank people are getting confused with. Was also always referred to as Caldwell Bankers (and the "mistakes" online are Caldwell Bankers, not Caldwell Bank and Trust). Coldwell (aka Caldwell) is a huge realty bank, and so makes no sense people would mistake a tiny singular bank in a small town with the very large realty bank. I don't think that is where that stems from.
edit on 23-7-2018 by fleabit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 03:50 PM
I remember Stouffer's. Anyone else remember a Hand Puppet with the Stouffers commericals?

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 03:56 PM

originally posted by: MichiganSwampBuck

Look here, there is no reason to be so hostile. I find your final comments particularly rude and offensive as an attack on me personally. You should calm down and realize that I'm merely trying to find the most reasonable answer to a strange "effect" that I consider in of itself to be real, just not trying to go to some extreme theories on why it is occurring.

I'm not trying to say you or other people aren't experiencing what you have described, just putting forth some more reasonable explanations for what is actually happening. If there are some more reasonable explanations that don't sound like a personal attack on your memory (or other people's memory for that matter), I'd like to hear it. It's just that I don't personally believe in this space-time shifting idea as being reasonable.

If, and I don't really believe it, a reality shift is occurring, it is more likely people are shifting from one parallel reality to another, therefore, it is not reality that changes but the people who have changed. Who's memory makes our current reality less valid than another? Is your remembered previous reality more real than the one you have shifted to as experienced by the people who have never left the current one?

I'd say that considering all we have to work with is the reality we are in, and because we can't experience any other reality while in this one, it is the only true reality we have, the others don't exist here and now. If something doesn't actually exist here and never existed here, then it simply never existed in the first place. This is a fact of our current reality, not some far reaching off the wall theory to try and confirm someone's memory of how things are supposed to be in this reality because of some theoretical other reality outside of the here and now.

As testy as you are becoming over this subject, I hope for your sake you can somehow shift back to a reality that you are more comfortable with. As for me I'm fine with how this one actually is as I obviously have never shifted from it.

Uhm... there's nothing testy or hostile about my reply at all..

I responded to each of your points in detail - then compared myself to you under the assumption you're also responsible with what you say you know.

Are you talking about my example of tying shoes? That's an example showing the difference between memory and knowledge - it's a critical point to qualifying what I know as knowledge, not fleeting memory.

I'm sorry you feel the way you do - I didn't have any ill will - I thought you were honestly asking, and I was honestly replying.

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: talisman


You may of just discovered another Mandela Effect...

You're talking about that animated hand-glove thing - it had a red border around the bottom of the glove...

My brain's associating it with the word "skillet" - but I can't find an image of that thing anywhere..


Found it - Hamburger Helper

Was that what you were talking about? It still exists. Thought you inadvertently discovered another one.. ..that would of been a good one!

edit on 23-7-2018 by Pearj because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: fleabit

It was always Caldwell for me too - never heard of "Coldwell" - they had commercials with something about "calling your Caldwell Banker". It was all over TV in the 90's or late 80's I think..

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: Pearj

I considered that after my last reply. I understand the comparison and accept your explanation.

Still, you seem pretty upset over how you remember what you have experienced. If the the ME is so strong in your life, I can understand why you may be getting upset about how people will try and dismiss it. I'm sorry if I may have sounded like I was trying to make you sound crazy or unstable, that wasn't my intention.

Like I've stated, I believe the ME is a real thing, I'm just not willing to go to such extremes to try and explain why it is happening. Regardless, I find the idea of shifting realities to be interesting, I just don't believe it is the most reasonable explanation for the Mandela Effect.

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 04:20 PM
Perhaps we should skip the mandella effect rouse and ask ourselves what is kraft and google trying to pull here.

The facts are in and commercials and actors have been found.

We all know it existed so why would kraft remove traces of the truth in this case.

This is a legit conspiracy.

Only a fool would trust something named kraft to be on the up and up.

The mandella effect died with winnie.

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 04:33 PM

originally posted by: Realtruth
Here's a guy confirming he was in the commercial in 1992 for

Stouffers Stove Top Commercial Universal Studios Florida

Check out the comments

What's up with the 8 second mark? He asks "is it Stovetop?" But his lips moving do not synch with the audio but everyone else is properly synched otherwise.

Idk wtf to say....

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