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Families Belong Together - Illogical Nationwide Protests on June 30th 2018.

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posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 01:23 AM

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: WarriorMH

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: WarriorMH

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: WarriorMH

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: WarriorMH

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: carewemust

The libs are so pea-brained. They should realize that building a long/high/deep WALL will end this "crisis" they're whining about.

I'm not "lib" (though I may be left of center). You know that Trump's "wall" has been steadily modified, right? First it was across the whole border. Remember? (no that won't work, that's not what he really meant, that was just a figure of speech). A big beautiful wall (now it's "see through"). And let's not forget that Mexico is going to pay for it. Remember? (that whole notion sort of...faded).

A wall won't work for anything as other than a bandaid. A very expensive and pointless bandaid.

Berlin had a wall. With machine guns. And people crossed.

So, we just let everybody cross?
Or do you have a better idea?
I'm sure you have a great idea to let everybody in.
If not, how would you do it?
If you were living in a border town instead of Hawaii...

Oh so easy, you could stop this and stop living of other people's suffering

So easy but nothing seems to please you, right?

Maybe they would not be coming knocking on your door asking for retribution then


Oh please, own up, say so, be adults you all

Or look it up

"ohh i don't know what all you all are saying, we are the best of the best of the best, sir!"

Grow up, you have done this to the latin american countries and now you are complaining like fools because they have no where else to go

You have no idea.

Yes of course i don't, i don't hide my head on the sand to pretend so i'm not on the right mindset for your ridiculous discussion which only addresses the small details that are all on your side and internal to your country

Guess what there are other countries out there that can all see how nasty you are, some pretend but they know, you just can't fake it for much long guy

And that's all you have to say, i though you would be smarter than that, coming from the best of the best of the best country in the world, that one who takes over and kills everyone who disagrees with lots of freedom and bombs and meddling and all that

At least say something else guy, i'm not fool or uneducated, i have seen things, more than you can even imagine

I am not your guy, and I don't care about what you think.
Your posts suck.

Lol "guy" you don't even own to your original post

I don't know you and you neither do know me, my post sucks because you hide behind your bend and sing la-la when people tell you something you don't want to hear, so be what you want to be no one cares

I don't have a "dick" so i can't act like it but everything well i keep my opinion because as can see i am not afraid of standing up for myself, you are just afraid of change i can see it now.

I am not american

Let me hear you say "if you are not american what do you care!!!!!!" or one of those variations

That was uncalled for.

I don't even know anymore

I'm just angry that i can see all those things on my own out here and i have seen so many countries in the past years and all of them share the same misery and everywhere i have been in this continent all of them share one single thing. "They were fine before the US came with 'help' and now they all suck and they want to go to your country to feel better and have better lives"

That's all there is to it, i have been on 5 latin american countries so far in the past 4 years and it's always the same, it is so sad and you keep talking about those things like is not your business and it's truly bad, you just don't know, go there and see for your self and then tell us how it does feel

That was also not called for, what happened to them, no one asked to be treated like lesser people, have some more humanity in you please

posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 01:28 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: carewemust

What does that have to do with this thread?

But speaking of appearing in court, here is one result of Trump's policy:

Winning. So well planned. It's beautiful. Beautiful.

From the article you provided:

Requiring unaccompanied minors to go through deportation alone is not a new practice. But in the wake of the Trump administration’s controversial family separation policy, more young children – including toddlers – are being affected than in the past.

1.) It's been occurring for years.
2.) The Trump Admin is no longer separating children from legitimate caretakers who entered the country illegally.
3.) The people who break U.S. law by sneaking themselves into this country ILLEGALLY, with or without children, bear 100% of the responsibility for putting themselves in the "pickle" they find themselves.

posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 01:29 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: WarriorMH

But i can say that people that continually reject people from the outside and act like hateful persons are not how people are supposed to be, and if someone needs to get 1 million people killed to be able to afford nice cars or houses then something is very wrong

Out of close to 200 countries in the world how many have open borders?

I don't know but how many of those countries go out every day to disrupt and destroy other countries to help themselves up with the resources or strategical power?

Stop treating me like a fool i am not uneducated and your question is basic, i'm not going to discuss the small details let's talk about the root of the issue here and that's what you are all avoiding. Don't be self entitled i'm not a dumb fool

Those whatever other countries are not messing up the countries that find themselves out of hope and look for hope in "america" because they told them that was the best place in the world to be happy and they are uneducated

Have respect for the uneducated people that had better lifes that you destroyed in the first place. Own up to it

posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 01:30 AM
a reply to: carewemust

1.) It's been occurring for years.

2.) The Trump Admin is no longer separating children from legitimate caretakers who entered the country illegally
Yeah. Good. But I thought he had no choice. Didn't he say that?

3.) The people who break U.S. law by sneaking themselves into this country ILLEGALLY, with or without children, bear 100% of the responsibility for putting themselves in the "pickle" they find themselves.
Yeah. A pickle. Institutionalizing children. Babies. Yup. Even the babies. A pickle all right. No choice. Had to happen. Until Trump backed down.

edit on 6/30/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

edit on 6/30/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

edit on 6/30/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 01:31 AM

originally posted by: Phage

Yeah. Separating babies from their mothers. That's the ticket.

That is all logistics and the normal process to any citizen in America if they are detained and have kids at home where there are no one to take care of those kids.

We have a large number of people coming here with their kids, a very small percentage meet asylum status, and under Obama it was abused to say one is seeking asylum to get past the borders and into our country with the catch and release program. Less than 15% of those doing that ever show up to their hearing, so people are constantly look for the pass go ticket and that was it.

If you are arrested for a misdemeanor where do your kids go if there is no one to take care o them? Do they go into detention with you?

edit on 30-6-2018 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 01:34 AM

originally posted by: WarriorMH

I don't know but how many of those countries go out every day to disrupt and destroy other countries to help themselves up with the resources or strategical power?

Stop treating me like a fool i am not uneducated and your question is basic, i'm not going to discuss the small details let's talk about the root of the issue here and that's what you are all avoiding. Don't be self entitled i'm not a dumb fool

I'm not, and it is a fair question. We are talking about illegal aliens coming to america, are we not? There answer is no country is open to allow anyone and everyone just to come in.

posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 01:35 AM
a reply to: Phage

It's common knowledge. One of many clear indications is the protest being held this weekend. Part of the Dims open border platform. It won't get them anymore results than the anti-gun protests did. But they're still butt-hurt, so let them vent.
edit on 6/30/2018 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 01:36 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I've never been arrested.

Logistics is a plan. Did the HHS put any effort into finding someone to take care of them? It doesn't seem like they did much of anything but warehouse them. It doesn't seem that they're at all sure what they're doing.

Bust them all, take the kids away. That will make it stop!

What do we do with the kids? When do we get them back with their parents? Can we get them back to their parents?

Never mind, we'll figure that out later.

Winning! The base will love it!

edit on 6/30/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 01:37 AM

originally posted by: WarriorMH

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: WarriorMH

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: WarriorMH

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: WarriorMH

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: WarriorMH

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: carewemust

The libs are so pea-brained. They should realize that building a long/high/deep WALL will end this "crisis" they're whining about.

I'm not "lib" (though I may be left of center). You know that Trump's "wall" has been steadily modified, right? First it was across the whole border. Remember? (no that won't work, that's not what he really meant, that was just a figure of speech). A big beautiful wall (now it's "see through"). And let's not forget that Mexico is going to pay for it. Remember? (that whole notion sort of...faded).

A wall won't work for anything as other than a bandaid. A very expensive and pointless bandaid.

Berlin had a wall. With machine guns. And people crossed.

So, we just let everybody cross?
Or do you have a better idea?
I'm sure you have a great idea to let everybody in.
If not, how would you do it?
If you were living in a border town instead of Hawaii...

Oh so easy, you could stop this and stop living of other people's suffering

So easy but nothing seems to please you, right?

Maybe they would not be coming knocking on your door asking for retribution then


Oh please, own up, say so, be adults you all

Or look it up

"ohh i don't know what all you all are saying, we are the best of the best of the best, sir!"

Grow up, you have done this to the latin american countries and now you are complaining like fools because they have no where else to go

You have no idea.

Yes of course i don't, i don't hide my head on the sand to pretend so i'm not on the right mindset for your ridiculous discussion which only addresses the small details that are all on your side and internal to your country

Guess what there are other countries out there that can all see how nasty you are, some pretend but they know, you just can't fake it for much long guy

And that's all you have to say, i though you would be smarter than that, coming from the best of the best of the best country in the world, that one who takes over and kills everyone who disagrees with lots of freedom and bombs and meddling and all that

At least say something else guy, i'm not fool or uneducated, i have seen things, more than you can even imagine

I am not your guy, and I don't care about what you think.
Your posts suck.

Lol "guy" you don't even own to your original post

I don't know you and you neither do know me, my post sucks because you hide behind your bend and sing la-la when people tell you something you don't want to hear, so be what you want to be no one cares

I don't have a "dick" so i can't act like it but everything well i keep my opinion because as can see i am not afraid of standing up for myself, you are just afraid of change i can see it now.

I am not american

Let me hear you say "if you are not american what do you care!!!!!!" or one of those variations

That was uncalled for.

I don't even know anymore

I'm just angry that i can see all those things on my own out here and i have seen so many countries in the past years and all of them share the same misery and everywhere i have been in this continent all of them share one single thing. "They were fine before the US came with 'help' and now they all suck and they want to go to your country to feel better and have better lives"

That's all there is to it, i have been on 5 latin american countries so far in the past 4 years and it's always the same, it is so sad and you keep talking about those things like is not your business and it's truly bad, you just don't know, go there and see for your self and then tell us how it does feel

That was also not called for, what happened to them, no one asked to be treated like lesser people, have some more humanity in you please

I'm not everybody.
I'm not sure why you think that I am the enemy, because I am not.
I try to treat people equally.
It actually makes me feel bad.

But you could be nicer too.
edit on 2018-06-30T01:42:05-05:002201830America/Chicago6 by c2oden because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 01:37 AM
a reply to: carewemust

No doubt some people advocate open borders. More don't. I don't.

Do you want to start talking about what some "conservatives" advocate?

posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 01:37 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Phage

Yeah. Separating babies from their mothers. That's the ticket.

That is all logistics and the normal process to any citizen in America if they are detained and have kids at home where there are no one to take care of those kids.

We have a large number of people coming here with their kids, a very small percentage meet asylum status, and under Obama it was abused to say one is seeking asylum to get past the borders and into our country with the catch and release program. Less than 15% of those doing that ever show up to their hearing, so people are constantly look for the pass go ticket and that was it.

If you are arrested for a misdemeanor where do your kids go if there is no one to take care o them? Do they go into detention with you?

Mexico separates a lot of kids from their parents at their border, same as in the US border. And that's how you get kids going alone in the US border, i feel like all you americans are just naive or foolish, i don't know but something very stupid is going on with all of you, in this continent.

You are just acting up in ways that sometimes are so dense it is unbearable to watch, you are destroying yourselves and you don't even notices

This is bad and sad, i don't know what to say

posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 01:39 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: carewemust

But the U.S. has endured over 200,000 acts of violence from illegal aliens since 2011.


posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 01:42 AM
I went to the US when i was 13 years old, barely able to speak English. I was treated like garbage, just like more or less here sometimes but i don't care lol. So anyway I learned the language for the most part from american friends then i went to Spain one year later and from then i have been going through a few other places. I have never seen in all that time so dense minds in any possible way.

Tickness comes to mind, or whatever it is written but really how can you be so dense?

You all look like fools discussing the petty details while the real thing keeps going on out there, how foolish and you pretend to be "adults" lmao
edit on 30-6-2018 by WarriorMH because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 01:45 AM

originally posted by: WarriorMH
I went to the US when i was 13 years old, barely able to speak English. I was treated like garbage, just like more or less here sometimes but i don't care lol. So anyway I learned the language for the most part from american friends then i went to Spain one year later and from then i have been going through a few other places. I have never seen in all that time so dense minds in any possible way.

Tickness comes to mind, or whatever it is written but really how can you be so dense?

You all look like fools discussing the petty details while the real thing keeps going on out there, how foolish and you pretend to be "adults" lmao

I'm sorry you feel that way.
I hope you are happy in Mexico.

posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 01:45 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: carewemust

But the U.S. has endured over 200,000 acts of violence from illegal aliens since 2011.


I don't see this statistic there:

But the U.S. has endured over 200,000 acts of violence from illegal aliens since 2011.

edit on 6/30/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 01:45 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
Friday June 29, 2018

It looks like these protests are against the U.S. Constitution, and the Trump Administration enforcing U.S. law. That's INSANE!

Activists are organizing a nationwide protest on June 30 to demand the Trump administration reunite families, and end family separation and detention at the border.

The Families Belong Together march is planned for Washington, DC, in Lafayette Square — across from the White House — at 11 am on Saturday, June 30. Sister marches are expected in more than 700 cities and towns across the country.

“The ‘zero tolerance’ policy is Trump’s zero-tolerance policy, and he has the ability to get rid of that policy at any time,” said Jess Morales Rocketto, the policy director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, one of the dozens of groups that are organizing the protest. “So we’re not going to stop organizing until the end of zero-tolerance policy. That’s ultimately what created this crisis, and our demand has been so clear from the very beginning that that’s what needs to happen.”
More at:

Are these protesters demanding that the Trump Administration take adult-child units (they're not always families) who are caught entering this country illegally, and release them into American society? It sounds like they will accept nothing short of this.

Even if Congress gets around to changing our immigration laws, there's no way they would (or should!) enable everyone who's able to sneak into America, to be rewarded with the freedom to stay here, and live wherever they want. That's not good for the safety of Americans. And it would be a slap in the face to those who went through the immigration process properly.


My wife who is from another country had to go through a ridged physical exam in her country and then bring the results to the US embassy to qualify to marry an American.

People have lost their freak'n minds about "just let anyone come into America". It's an invasion both locally, state and now nationwide.

posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

People have lost their freak'n minds about "just let anyone come into America".

There are not many who say that. But I will grant you that those who do are noisy.

posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 01:49 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: musicismagic

People have lost their freak'n minds about "just let anyone come into America".

There are not many who say that. But I will grant you that those who do are noisy.

There are not many that say that?

Look around.

edit on 2018-06-30T01:56:52-05:002201830America/Chicago6 by c2oden because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 01:50 AM

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: WarriorMH
I went to the US when i was 13 years old, barely able to speak English. I was treated like garbage, just like more or less here sometimes but i don't care lol. So anyway I learned the language for the most part from american friends then i went to Spain one year later and from then i have been going through a few other places. I have never seen in all that time so dense minds in any possible way.

Tickness comes to mind, or whatever it is written but really how can you be so dense?

You all look like fools discussing the petty details while the real thing keeps going on out there, how foolish and you pretend to be "adults" lmao

I'm sorry you feel that way.
I hope you are happy in Mexico.

Not much in a few ways but in the end yes, i have been treated so well and i like it

There are lots of things as in any place that are not right, so that's why i know i can see the difference, just like in Chile or Brazil where it sucked for the most part

As i'm here right now is not really very bad, i have been good for almost 8 months and it's so free and great, i wish i could show you how but i know is not possible

I wish we all could get along and be done with the stupid politic fanatic thing and just that, why can't it happen?

posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: c2oden
I do, every day.

There are not enough to matter.
Just like those "conservatives" we're not going to talk about.

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