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Someone want to explain to me how these folks died?

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posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Hecate666

I wondered why you always sound clueless, now I know it's because you can't possibly be older than 19.

Misistaken about that too.

Only clueless people make stupid assumptions about peoples age they never met.

Calling someone an old fart who shouldn't be on the road, just because they are a certain age is a very big assumption without having met someone in my books. I apologise for thinking you were 19, seeing that you are the biggest hypocrite without realising it; I guess you are closer to 16. My bad.

posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: Bhadhidar

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: EA006

originally posted by: rickymouse
The meds the person driving received for their injuries may have effected their judgement or depth perception. Meds can do that. Why it burst into flames is kind of weird though, usually something like that would only cause an accident.

So, yes it is weird, I guess once the grim reaper is called, he does not go home without what he came for.

It is weird, it doesn't say they hit the posts/columns of the gate, it says they hit the gate which to me says a head on collision.
They'd have had to be travelling pretty fast to explode on impact.

Also, it looks from the google map like each house is individually gated parallel to the road so they'd have had to turn into their gate.

If they were bombed, something was left at the gate.
Doesn't have to have been evil powers that put it there...

If they knocked the gate off and ran over it, it could have ruptured the gas tank or fuel line and caused an explosion. Converters get really hot and will vaporize the fuel after a long trip. There would need to be a spark, that could be provided by a metal gate hitting metal under the car.

I can't say that there wasn't anything fishy going on, but it is possible it was just an accident.

Mercedes-Benz was one of, if not the first, automobile companies to employ “crumple zones” at the front and rear of their vehicles to absorb the force of a collision.

One of the features of this design, which has been adopted by many other manufacturers, is that the fuel tank is mounted in a protected position between the rear wheels.

In many more modern German cars, the electrical system will cut off the fuel supply by disconnecting the electric fuel pump in the event of a serious collision.

If a fuel line were to be ruptured in a collision, a small fire could be ignited; but the car would certainly not “explode”, nor should it take anywhere near an hour to extinguish.

Furthermore, unless the passengers were somehow impaled, or perhaps decapitated, by some part of the gate penetrating the car’s cabin, it seems very unlikely that both passengers would die as a result of a collision with a “gate” at any speed.

Gates, by their very nature, are moveable, not fixed , objects, which would absorb any impact, at least in part, by being displaced by the impact.

Unless the total mass of the gate far exceeded the mass of the car; in which case we’re not talking about a mere “gate”, but more of an anti-terrorist barricade.

Gates either swing oven of flop over and go under the car. I do not think the gate would stop a car. I do not know about this particular car in the accident, I do know what I have seen with ruptured gas tanks and underbody damage from running over things. But that was long ago, cars have changed since then but the eletric fuel pumps pump from the tank now, that could cause problems. The gas was spraying out of my fuel line near the filter one day a few years ago. I had to to revamp the filter. It has a noticable smell.

If there is a conspiracy here, what is the motive?

posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: Hecate666
I am 50 and a goth.'.

Marilyn Manson is that you?

posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 12:03 PM

originally posted by: Bhadhidar

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: EA006

originally posted by: rickymouse
The meds the person driving received for their injuries may have effected their judgement or depth perception. Meds can do that. Why it burst into flames is kind of weird though, usually something like that would only cause an accident.

So, yes it is weird, I guess once the grim reaper is called, he does not go home without what he came for.

It is weird, it doesn't say they hit the posts/columns of the gate, it says they hit the gate which to me says a head on collision.
They'd have had to be travelling pretty fast to explode on impact.

Also, it looks from the google map like each house is individually gated parallel to the road so they'd have had to turn into their gate.

If they were bombed, something was left at the gate.
Doesn't have to have been evil powers that put it there...

If they knocked the gate off and ran over it, it could have ruptured the gas tank or fuel line and caused an explosion. Converters get really hot and will vaporize the fuel after a long trip. There would need to be a spark, that could be provided by a metal gate hitting metal under the car.

I can't say that there wasn't anything fishy going on, but it is possible it was just an accident.

Mercedes-Benz was one of, if not the first, automobile companies to employ “crumple zones” at the front and rear of their vehicles to absorb the force of a collision.

One of the features of this design, which has been adopted by many other manufacturers, is that the fuel tank is mounted in a protected position between the rear wheels.

In many more modern German cars, the electrical system will cut off the fuel supply by disconnecting the electric fuel pump in the event of a serious collision.

If a fuel line were to be ruptured in a collision, a small fire could be ignited; but the car would certainly not “explode”, nor should it take anywhere near an hour to extinguish.

Furthermore, unless the passengers were somehow impaled, or perhaps decapitated, by some part of the gate penetrating the car’s cabin, it seems very unlikely that both passengers would die as a result of a collision with a “gate” at any speed.

Gates, by their very nature, are moveable, not fixed , objects, which would absorb any impact, at least in part, by being displaced by the impact.

Unless the total mass of the gate far exceeded the mass of the car; in which case we’re not talking about a mere “gate”, but more of an anti-terrorist barricade.

Do you read the thread? The "gate" was actually a big cement block not a historical "gate" you are thinking of

posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: TheOnlyBilko

Yes, I read the thread.

If you had, you would have known that I was responding to Rickymouse’s speculation that the car fire might have resulted from the car running over the fallen gate and rupturing its gas tank.

I was pointing out that the gas tank on a Mercedes is typically mounted above the rear axle between the rear wheels, and is therefore to not likely to have been punctured by anything the car ran over.
edit on 30-10-2017 by Bhadhidar because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 12:57 PM

originally posted by: bknapple32
a reply to: nightstalker78

I asked to explain how this couple died. Not jumping to conspiracy. You seem sure quick to jump to yell ITS NOT A CONSPIRACY.

Again... simple facts. This guy crashed at his HOME gate. And crashed hard enough to kill himself and his passenger. Both of whom attended the vegas shooting. The crash is whats audacious. He has driven past that gate thousands of times. No other car involved. Is it not prudent to ask how in the hell this happened?

The underlying conspiratorial point would be... this wouldnt have happened if they werent witnesses at the shooting. Because things like this just dont happen. If it was any other gate... sure... unfamiliar surroundings.. If it was your typical car crash... sure... things happen. This was his home gate that he could probably drive through blindfolded
It was a community gate which most likely means at the front wnterance of the entire community. Most often, gatea like that exist off of larger roads where the speed is much greater. The bigger question in my mind is was it intentional. Did he mean to kill himself and his wife? Granted, this is all conjecture as I haven't yet read the link to see if it mentioned the location of the community gate in proximity to what kind of road.

posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 01:21 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
If there is a conspiracy here, what is the motive?

ooh, they don't like that question.

apparently the whole point of CT on this topic is to be like 'this is weird and i don't know what it means and i don't have to answer that'

posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 01:45 PM


posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 02:08 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse

If there is a conspiracy here, what is the motive?

Perhaps, he and/or she were not supposed to have survived the shooting.

Personally, that's the most compelling *possible motive*, I see here, and why I am curious about their work/economic situations.

posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 02:33 PM

originally posted by: soulwaxer

originally posted by: opethPA
a reply to: bknapple32

You know people die in car accidents every day..Hell probably every hour..

So unless their is more detail about this how is this crash any different?

I just googled it. There are 136,95 car accident deaths per hour, world-wide.

That's 2,28 per minute.


How many of those 136.95 are explosions caused by driving into a gate?

posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: EA006

originally posted by: intrptr

originally posted by: TrowaBarton
a reply to: intrptr

"Old people who shouldn't be driving do this sometimes" .......

He was 52 years old ffs, not a 80+ year old senior citizen who by all rights shouldn't be behind the wheel in most cases.

Is that why he hit the gas instead of the brake, accelerating and crashing into instead of stopping at the gate?

Do tell, "FFS".

we're assuming though it wasn't an accident

If it is five victims so far, what are the odds out of 22,000 of them being dead within 3 weeks of the shootings?

If the survivors all gathe rtogether on a memorial cruise and th eship sinks pretty good odds id say.

posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: EA006

Here's a conspiracy. The fbi had his phone, and saw he had a video of another shooter. So they realize this guy could talk saying he has a video of another shooter on his phone that the fbi confiscated. They don't want to the media/youtube mess so eliminate both of them. Their problem is solved. Send the phone back minus the telling video.

posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: fiverx313

originally posted by: rickymouse
If there is a conspiracy here, what is the motive?

ooh, they don't like that question.

apparently the whole point of CT on this topic is to be like 'this is weird and i don't know what it means and i don't have to answer that'

posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: MotherMayEye

originally posted by: rickymouse

If there is a conspiracy here, what is the motive?

Perhaps, he and/or she were not supposed to have survived the shooting.

Personally, that's the most compelling *possible motive*, I see here, and why I am curious about their work/economic situations.

You may have something there, I wonder what they did for a living? If it is a sabatage, it does not mean it is related to the shooting, that could just be a coincidence. Maybe someone took the oportunity to sabatage their car, wanting them dead for some reason. It would shift law enforcement's focus onto something in Vegas. Maybe they went to Vegas and planted something in the car that would explode when it got within range of a transmitter. It is starting to sound like a Castle TV show.

posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 03:30 PM


posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 04:17 PM


posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 04:43 PM


posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 04:54 PM


posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 04:56 PM


posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: MotherMayEye

Business filing reports are notoriously incorrect. My friend's business showed he had 50+ employees when he had 12 and the company I work for isn't even remotely close in gross revenue.

edit on 30-10-2017 by AugustusMasonicus because: networkdude has no beer

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