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Flat earth theory?

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posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Also where are the "scientists" who are trying to prove this hypotheses , and Im not talking about "Youtube " im talking about peer reviewed scientific journals which outline a proof for the theory ! Where are the scientists explaining this ? AS I have never found one scientist out there doing this
What hypothesis?
"Peer reviewed scientific journals" is a system to work as gatekeepers of knowledge so would not be a source for flat earth proofs.
There are actual scientists studying flat earth but generally they cannot talk about it because they will lose their jobs but others who are either retired of self employed will talk about it.
I think the right question is where are the scientists proving heliocentrism and spherical earth?
Well, what I have seen so far is science fakery by setting up rigged demonstrations and lying about them.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: LolliKum

Apparently it is possible for volcanoes to spit out globs of mud into the air as high as the Sun.


Damn that's a new one

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: LolliKum

I am asking a very specific question. Take a look at your flat Earth. Plot the course a flight from Sydney to Santiago takes, look at how many miles it is on your flat Earth. Now tell me how many miles it is on flat Earth to do that trip.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: LolliKum
a reply to: blackcrowe

How do you consider the universe?
The Earth and the Sky above and some layers above the ordinary sky where the Sun moves around in that we cannot go into ourselves for some reason, since it seems to be a liquid substance impossible for a rocket to penetrate.
As for below the flat plane surface of the earth, I think there are some large empty spaces in it like Hell.

I should expect the unexpected.


I didn't expect that.

I have no wish to take it further. As i said. Purely out of interest.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: LolliKum

Can you do that and make a video of it and upload it to YouTube and post the link?


You can simply go outside can you not? look up at midday and then at sunset.

You asked me this under your previous screen name and I found it to be insane that you cannot go outside and look up.

Watch this video from 2:25. Seriously, no one in this forum has ever gone to YouTube?

No thanks,

Yes, when I want to entertain myself and loose some intelligence I go to YouTube.

The direction to a stationary target, where you can look at where it hits, after you fire the shot, by leaving a mark or dent or hole depending on the material used to make the target from.

So if I don't shoot at a target the bullet will travel on a curved path or will do loops and not go straight if its not aimed at a target?

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: LolliKum

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: LolliKum

Look there is a very serious concerted effort to protect the antarctic region from anyone going who is not involved in government specific missions there.

not very successfully though,

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

You can simply go outside can you not? look up at midday and then at sunset.
OK, here we go, it seems the spherical earth argument is to go back to 1492 technology, then you will believe.
You need to use a digital camera with a high magnification, then take that digital recording so you can measure it.
This is the point I have been making all along on this thread and the other thread I was posting on, Fruitage of the Spirit, that the current flat-earth phenomenon is a result of the offering to the public, of the Nikon Coolpix P-900 camera.
This started out with someone buying one of these cameras and posting video from it of seeing farther than the spherical earth theory allows, then other people bought their own camera to see if they could repeat it and so it snowballed into this huge movement.
So, no thanks, on using a dime held up at arm's length to measure the size of the Sun.
Here is another YT video showing how the sun shrinks at the horizon. The actual Sun video recordings starts at 3:41, right when he stops talking in the introduction.

edit on 2018823 by LolliKum because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: LolliKum

Look at the FE map, plot out Sydney to Santiago. Tell me how many miles it is.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: oldcarpy

Not because of FE. It's a shortcut.
Seriously, almost no one thinks of the earth except as being flat.
Spherical earth is like a propaganda thing in the Federal school system.
It is not something taken seriously by navigators or engineers.
Do you imagine for one second that when they built the Suez Canal that they designed it to conform to a sphere?
No, and it is the only flat earth proof anyone should need, it was made perfectly flat from one end to the other, to do otherwise would be completely insane.
Anyway, getting a bit off topic, what I should address is this propensity on your part to say, "flat earth" as if it was something foreign to normal geography, that someone has to first convince everyone that the earth is flat before there can be an agreement to move forward on a building project. That is just the default mode and no one even thinks at all about what if the earth was a sphere.
The way Hoax conspiracies work is that the powers that are behind them do not care if not everyone is fooled, they just want 51% of people to buy it, and those who are too smart, they kill or otherwise silence.
Well the bottom has now dropped out of this hoax that has been going on for at least 50 years of people believing in a spherical earth. Once less than 50% of people continue to buy it, they just shut up about it and hope it all goes down the memory hole and in the future the authorities will say, "We always believed in a flat earth".

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: oldcarpy

In the FE model, why do comets orbit the sun?
Your posting ability is really awful.
What on earth are you even talking about?
What model and where is there a flat earth model showing orbiting comets?
Seriously, the only reason I am even posting on a thread about flat earth is because I seem to be the only one who will actually watch flat earth videos on YouTube.
So, since I am the preeminent YT flat earth video watcher person, how is it I have never seen one where a flat earth believer shows a model with orbiting comets?
All I can figure is that you have a typing disability like severe arthritis in the fingers to where you can only type 10 words per day.
I have to imagine that what you are really thinking is something like this, "I have seen normal heliocentric models that have comets in the solar system that periodically come close to the Sun and then retreat to the furthest reaches of the near space surrounding the solar system, and my question to you is that I would like for you to explain how the same idea would look like if you were to add such things to a flat earth model".
Well, I would have to say that there are volcanoes that spit out big globs of mud into the air that end up in the same layer of what covers the earth in a dome shaped arrangement that the Sun travels through but we cannot in rockets because they need to be propelled by burning fuel that does not work in that material that acts as a fire extinguisher that make rocket engines shut down.
The mud globs do not need rocket engines but rely on huge velocities as they are projected with great force from deep below the surface of the earth and can get up to the same level as the Sun.
edit on 2018823 by LolliKum because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 06:07 PM
I always wonder if these people read over their posts and think...

holy crap i am frickin insane

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

I am asking a very specific question. Take a look at your flat Earth. Plot the course a flight from Sydney to Santiago takes, look at how many miles it is on your flat Earth. Now tell me how many miles it is on flat Earth to do that trip.
Ok, nice, this is a specific question.
There is a problem with it because it is not just a problem to figure the distance on a flat earth map but is a very serious problem on any map or globe.No one really knows how far it is.
For example, how exactly would you propose someone could determine the distance, not on a map or globe but in the real physical world?
There is no way to do it.
Until someone comes up with a reliable way to measure great distances over huge expanses of oceans, it will remain an unsolved mystery.
I have said this several times now on this forum, on this thread and on the Fruitage of the Spirit thread, that no one travels that route.
What they do is travel over the land, they will go up almost to the north pole from South Africa over Europe and then to America and to the West coast in Northern Californian and travel down the western edge of South america to get to someplace like Santiago.
edit on 2018823 by LolliKum because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 06:12 PM
a reply to: LolliKum

I have driven across the country and know exactly how many miles I went. It's not difficult to figure this out. Why do you refuse to answer? Sydney to Santiago, plot the course on FE, and tell me how far it is. I am willing to accept a estimated range.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 06:16 PM


(post by OccamsRazor04 removed for a manners violation)

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 06:55 PM


posted on Aug, 24 2018 @ 03:47 AM

originally posted by: LolliKum
a reply to: oldcarpy

In the FE model, why do comets orbit the sun?
Your posting ability is really awful.
What on earth are you even talking about?
What model and where is there a flat earth model showing orbiting comets?
Seriously, the only reason I am even posting on a thread about flat earth is because I seem to be the only one who will actually watch flat earth videos on YouTube.
So, since I am the preeminent YT flat earth video watcher person, how is it I have never seen one where a flat earth believer shows a model with orbiting comets?
All I can figure is that you have a typing disability like severe arthritis in the fingers to where you can only type 10 words per day.
I have to imagine that what you are really thinking is something like this, "I have seen normal heliocentric models that have comets in the solar system that periodically come close to the Sun and then retreat to the furthest reaches of the near space surrounding the solar system, and my question to you is that I would like for you to explain how the same idea would look like if you were to add such things to a flat earth model".
Well, I would have to say that there are volcanoes that spit out big globs of mud into the air that end up in the same layer of what covers the earth in a dome shaped arrangement that the Sun travels through but we cannot in rockets because they need to be propelled by burning fuel that does not work in that material that acts as a fire extinguisher that make rocket engines shut down.
The mud globs do not need rocket engines but rely on huge velocities as they are projected with great force from deep below the surface of the earth and can get up to the same level as the Sun.

Oh dear. That is just so much nonsense. I cannot believe that anyone can actually believe such utter tripe so I am afraid that I have to conclude that you are just trying to wind people up.

I often watch FE videos on YouTube purely because they are comedy gold.

I asked you a simple question. Mud volcanoes? Fire extinguisher that shuts rocket engines down? Sorry, I cannot take you seriously. At all. Please carry on posting this stuff though, it does make me laugh.

posted on Aug, 24 2018 @ 03:53 AM
a reply to: LolliKum

There are "uncharted oceans"? Maybe in whatever world you inhabit, not here on planet Earth, though.

Please don't quit, i could do with the laughs you are providing me with. Keep it up!

posted on Aug, 24 2018 @ 04:06 AM
a reply to: LolliKum

All I can figure is that you have a typing disability like severe arthritis in the fingers to where you can only type 10 words per day.

I don't have arthritis in my fingers (I do have it elsewhere) but what makes you think that it is acceptable to mock people with such a disability? That is not very nice, is it?

posted on Aug, 24 2018 @ 04:42 AM
a reply to: Plotus

T Rex?

Why are cakes decorated ?

Only gay wedding cakes are decorated - after a Supreme Court ruling.

BTW this was the original OP question - before you get too carried away.........

With all the evidence to the earth not being flat. What evidence do they have the the earth is flat?

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