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Why you can bleep off when you say I need to vaccinate my children...

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posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: icanteven

originally posted by: TXRabbit

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: Rezlooper

Thats fine. Bear all the plagues you want and put your children and others at risk.

When they are cold things in your arms, rather than the warm, animate beings they once were, and once you have the devastated parents of other children, standing in front of you, other cold, dead children who would have lived but for your poor decision making, I hope your righteous indignation and individuality are enough to save your life.

But I very much doubt they will be.

Explain how not getting vaccinated puts others at risk. I'm assuming that by "others" you are meaning those who Are vaccinated? Well.....if they're vaccinated then they have nothing to worry about, right?


Are there any cultures on this globe or even regions that don't get the vaccinations we think we need? If so, how are they doing? Have they survived?

Do you even read anything other than a handful of blogs? Herd immunity is what keeps us safe. That's why it's important for the majority of the population to get vaccinated.

Measles and polio just didn't disappear from the population. It was a result of a sustained immunization program that nearly wiped these plagues from the earth.

So by all means, do what you need to do with your family. But please keep Jr. at home so he's not at risk of sickening other children. Oh, and make sure to tell him or her that they can never travel to a foreign country since it will be easy for them to pick up a deadly disease.

Herd Immunity, another unproven BS talking point.

How about actually eradicating the diseases instead of vaccinating so we don't get them, oh wait that would be science, which is not being undertaken, no money in eradication,


posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: Winstonian
a reply to: Rezlooper

My son is now three weeks old. I knew that I wasn't super thrilled about vaccines before he was born. Over the last few months I have gone head first into full blown research mode regarding the pro and con arguments surrounding vaccines. We are now on our 5th doctors visit. We have now been approached with our first vaccine choice: Hep B. Hepatitis B is an adult disease passed mainly via dirty heroine needles, and less commonly unprotected sex. It has a ultra low mortality rate (.01%), and there are roughly 200,000 cases every year in the USA. The logic was not difficult for me. Why would I risk my child's well being by injecting him with poison with a higher risk of injury than the disease it is claiming to protect from?

For all the pro vaccine people, have you ever looked into the diseases the vaccines are for? I am going to list a few, just so you can see my logic. Vaccines are not 100% safe. No doctor can tell you that there are. Every single vaccine has the potential to make you ill, or lose your life. There is NO medicine on the face of the earth that is 100% safe. Most of the numbers that I see from various studies and statistics, is that there is roughly a 1/20,000 chance of having an "adverse reaction", all the way up to death.

Chickenpox/Varicella? When I was a kid, we ALL got the pox. It clears up without medical intervention, and is virtually harmless. Worth the risk? Three shots that have the possibility of life altering consequences? No thanks.

Measles? Maybe I would consider it if we lived in Africa and had HIV, but fortunately we don't. Pass.

Mumps? Super rare, also clears up by itself. But just to be sure, here is a quick mumps vaccine commercial/fear porn news story. Look at how hard the anchor is trying to be dramatic about the non-situation. I guess it is a 300% increase...
Corpor ate Pharma Fear Porn Story

Rubella? Yet another harmless disease that runs it's course without medical intervention.

HPV? Yet another STD we are told we "need" to protect our child from. I am sure that even you pro-vaccine people have heard of all of the cases of injury coming from Gardisal. If not, here is a good starting point:Just A Dad.

Here is a nice family that was pro-vaccine. Check out what an HPV vaccine did to her pride and joy:

For all of the people on here that are rabidly pro-vaccine, and using the same fear tactics that the medical establishment does, I can assure you that most of the people that are skeptical of the religion of vaccination have done their research. I have read countless papers, numerous studies, and more research than I would care to. Why? Because of the massive propaganda campaign being shoved down our throats. You pro-vaccine parrots are a part of this. Look at some of these comments, talking about people's kids dying because of someone's well thought out and highly informed decisions.

If you are not aware, if your child is injured by a vaccine, you cannot sue. Every vaccine has a .75 tax added to it, and then anytime someone claims to have been injured by a vaccination, they get a small payoff after months, and even years of fighting with the secret vaccine court. It really is a genius business model. They never have to take liability or responsibility for the people that are injured, and of course, they RARELY attribute the vaccine as the cause, which skews the actual numbers provided for the injuries and deaths.

Vaccine Injury Compensation Scam

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is a no-fault alternative to the traditional legal system for resolving vaccine injury petitions.

What a genius business model. Kind of sounds like the big bankster bailouts, doesn't it? The companies can maim and kill as many people as they want, and they NEVER have to dish out a single penny. The customer is the one that gets to pony up for their poison. Injured by a vaccine? Shut up and take some money, we have a business to run!

"By 2016, the U.S. Court of Claims had awarded nearly $3.6 billion dollars to vaccine victims for their catastrophic vaccine injuries, although two out of three applicants have been denied compensation." That doesn't sound fishy to you? That doesn't even make you want to question the entire vaccine narrative? Don't worry though, it was a no-fault payoff. Vaccines didn't do anything!

I know, I am a crazy conspiracy theorist because I took the time to actually make an informed decision about my kids health, instead of taking peoples word for it. I read the inserts. I understand the system.

In most cases, vaccines have a higher risk attached to them than the diseases they claim to prevent. When my son catches chickenpox, and isn't sitting in a wheelchair attached to a breathing machine, I will know that I have made the correct decision. Stop soaking up the propaganda people, you are smarter than this. Take the time and read up yourself.

It's stuff like this that makes it so fricking heart breaking. This is so damn wrong to push this toxic Dexter's laboratory type crap on innocent Children. Those responsible for it should be made accountable!

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: Restricted
a reply to: Rezlooper

So it's your basic "F" you and yours, I'm going to do what I want to do and endanger the health of everyone around me.

Frankly, I think people should be forcibly vaccinated for all the childhood diseases, and the stuff that's popped up in recent years, like HPV.

Enough of this tip-toeing around the dissenters.



The ones who believe absolutely everything they are told.

A waste of time, I think the human body needs to be actually perfected and advanced not pumped full of garbage that has created all sorts of new interesting debilitating diseases.

I can tell you, that science is not and has NEVER looked to perfect the body, it is time to force it instead of this ridiculous and SUPER OLD OUTDATED way of treating things,

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: Rezlooper

I was very hesitant when I vaccinated my kids.

But after doing the research on the doctor that linked autism to vaccines and seeing now that autism study linking smoking by maternal grandmother can induce autism in children. I call BS on the anti vaxxer community.

The anti vaxxer argument has been completely discredited. There is no shred of truth to the argument. All your doing playing with your kids life.

So you read the science papers written by corporations to promote their own products and that sways you ?

I lived through HELL because of vaccines, the government had to spend MILLIONS to keep me alive, had I known how bad it would have all been I would have given up and died, I see tons of people like this, all messed up, ignored, not helped by science.

I am telling you right now that vaccinations will be eradicated from this planet, along with all of its supporters, again, entire wastes of time.

The punishment of karma is about to drop heavily on ALL the liars.

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 02:21 PM
I don't mind you wanting to remove your prodigy from the gene pool. What I do mind is your children coming in contact with babies that cannot be vacinated yet and then dying. Other's shouldn't have to suffer because of your stupidity

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: ZaneDog
a reply to: Rezlooper

"Ben found out he is immunocompromised after he spent years trying to survive after the vaccinations destroyed his body and mind.

Ben didn't know, but now he sure does.

I am like Ben, and I can tell you that I immediately got many of the diseases I was being immunized for, was the best time ever.

Whooping cough, mumps, measles, pneumonia, which led to being allergic to almost everything on the planet, asthma beyond belief, altered physical appearance, was a totally different child overnight.

Now, as I get farther away from those immunizations, my health is almost perfect,

Obviously science either does not care about this, and the millions of others who do not even know they are sick BECAUSE of the vaccinations they received, OR they are incompetent overall in these fields and continue to guess and not want to fully understand everything.

This will change, whether anyone likes it or not.

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: HorizonFall
a reply to: kibric

Your words are very kind and uplifting. Thank you. It is good to know some remain aware.

However, they could never get me down. They have no power over me. If we stand together, they will fall.

We will rise. We will break this world out of the cesspool of suffering which the social engineers have so meticulously crafted.

Their reign is coming to an end. Only now, they finally know it.

Imagine a world where science is truly free to explore, unencumbered by anything and where people can explore EVERYTHING.

Yes, we WILL break out, and will even repair the scum that propagate this scenario throughout the Universe.

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 04:15 PM
How about the increased incidence(s) of shingles over the last decade+? Used to be shingles was an elderly disease - now even people in their 30s-40s (and sometimes younger) are contracting the disease.

Why is that?

Turns out having the chickenpox does not give you lifelong immunity. You have to constantly be exposed to the virus throughout your life (even though it manifests no symptoms after you contract it the first time) in order to keep your immunity. As children grew up they would leave their parents home. Those parents would then become empty-nesters and be far less exposed to children on a day-to-day basis; thus their immunity to the disease would dwindle - and when they were finally exposed again they would then have the adult version (and far more deadly) of the disease. Shingles.

Nowadays because of the chickenpox vaccine children are not contracting chickenpox as often and as a result younger adults are not constantly exposed to the disease. When they finally are exposed to the virus, WHAM, they get shingles. A painful and sometimes fatal disease.

But if the virus was 'commonnplace,' children would readily contract it as chickenpox (as I did in the 80s) and shingles would be a very rare disease (as I mentioned usually only noticed in very elderly individuals).

We messed with this natural check and balance and now look what's happening. Go vaccines.

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: ParasuvO

Hardly. If you knew how scientific papers work you could read them and validate the paper yourself. None of what you posted has any relevance or basis. Youtube videos and blogs aren't real science.

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: bastion

You're dreaming. Time to wake up guy.

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: ParasuvO

It's common sense that everything must be in balance, if its not you get some sort of mental and physical reaction. If I'm dying of the Black death its common sense to get something quickly that kills the bacillus. But on the other hand why would I use a soap that kills all the good bacteria, and leaves me vulnerable to the nasty ones. Why would I constantly take medicine every time I got a small disease, when it would kill my gut bacteria, and destroy my immune system. We have got far to precious.

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: starviego

So it's really a matter of the statist/collectivist versus those who believe in free will. I know what side I'm on.

That's only true of the ones pushing mandatory. And I'm your side with that. Free will or death. /NOT sarcasm

But most vaccers as you call them just want to teach you good true science so that you will except it of your own free will. Those guys are not statist/collectivists.

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 09:53 PM
What I am angry about are all those politicians who are making free choice increasingly difficult, especially regarding our children. From threats by CPS to take children away if they are not vaccinated, to school systems that make it increasingly difficult to admit an unvaccinated child. Just last year the State of California eliminated most vaccine exemptions for your school child. Watch the noose become tighter and tighter.

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 10:17 PM

originally posted by: seizeX
How about the increased incidence(s) of shingles over the last decade+? Used to be shingles was an elderly disease - now even people in their 30s-40s (and sometimes younger) are contracting the disease.

Why is that?

Turns out having the chickenpox does not give you lifelong immunity. You have to constantly be exposed to the virus throughout your life (even though it manifests no symptoms after you contract it the first time) in order to keep your immunity. As children grew up they would leave their parents home. Those parents would then become empty-nesters and be far less exposed to children on a day-to-day basis; thus their immunity to the disease would dwindle - and when they were finally exposed again they would then have the adult version (and far more deadly) of the disease. Shingles.

Nowadays because of the chickenpox vaccine children are not contracting chickenpox as often and as a result younger adults are not constantly exposed to the disease. When they finally are exposed to the virus, WHAM, they get shingles. A painful and sometimes fatal disease.

But if the virus was 'commonnplace,' children would readily contract it as chickenpox (as I did in the 80s) and shingles would be a very rare disease (as I mentioned usually only noticed in very elderly individuals).

We messed with this natural check and balance and now look what's happening. Go vaccines.

I'm not sure where you get your medical info, but it's just wrong. Someone who has been immunized against chickenpox can very rarely get shingles from someone else who has shingles. They can't contract it otherwise. There is even a rarer chance of getting it if you had the chickenpox vaccine. Your GREATEST chance by FAR, is if you had chickenpox previously.

So in order of chances of getting shingles, from greatest to least: if you had chickenpox when you were younger > if you didn't get chickenpox, but are exposed to someone who has shingles (usually someone over 60) > if you had the vaccine - but this is the same situation as the first, except a much lower chance.

Maybe sheer ignorance is why people avoid vaccines. Again.. 1 in a million chance of having an adverse reaction to hepatitis vaccine, one time.. and 1 in 85,000 chance VERY year of contracting it. I'll take the first odds, thanks.

posted on Jun, 25 2017 @ 02:46 AM
I'm reading through this post and having a very difficult time understanding the pro-vaccine side. Many legitimate points have been made, this blog is not the only source of information, but all I see as opposition is fear-mongering rather than any legit counter to stated facts.

Fact - Almost all vaccinated diseases were on a tremendous decline prior to the vaccine.

Fact - There is no study showing a control group of non-vaccinated children, and whenever someone tries it always shows a tremendous benefit to the un-vaccinated children before quickly being shut down.

Fact - Vaccine makers are protected by our government and cannot be sued even with cause.

Fact - Vaccine courts have awarded hundreds of millions of dollars to families damaged by vaccines yet these actual proven cases of damages cannot happen in a true court so are always dismissed from public discussion.

Fact - there is a clear conflict of interest with certain members on the board of the CDC that determines the vaccine schedule also holding patents for the vaccines they are mandating the public to purchase. They are personally earning billions by forcing the public to purchase their product. This has been investigated by congress, but no one ever talks about it.

Please - rather than saying something horrible about dead children or that someone is going to kill everyone - please - provide a reasoned explaination as to why these facts should be dismissed.

posted on Jun, 25 2017 @ 03:18 AM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Anti-vaxers almost sound autistic by that description....

posted on Jun, 25 2017 @ 03:41 AM
a reply to: fleabit

You know what is extremely ironic? You mentioned shingles. My very close friends son went and got his son his vaccines, and lo and behold, he now has shingles. I am sure it wasn't related to the vaccine of course.

The biggest issue is that we really don't know what the true numbers of vaccine injured people are. The statistics are all skewed. People that report that they are vaccine injured get brushed off to the side by their doctors, the vaccine reporting system, and society as a whole.

We are taught from a very young age how incredibly safe vaccines are. Doctors go to 10+ years of medical school where vaccines are treated as if they are the holy grail. My doctor, even after hearing my concerns, brushed them off and didn't even acknowledge the actual risks involved with vaccines. This is dangerous, and does not stay true to the spirit of science. Scientific advancements push forward due to questioning EVERYTHING.

Go look up the actual statistics of vaccination injuries. You will find a very common thread of insufficient and/or widely varying numbers. Also keep in mind that the vaccination compensation system is a "no-fault" court. 2/3 people that file a claim due to a believed vaccine injury are denied.

Seriously, none of this seems fishy to you? Go look at the numbers, I know you haven't, because if you did you would at least be understanding of people's concerns.

You can believe whatever you want to. I personally believe in researching the facts instead of repeating whatever I hear on TV. The data is incorrect, insufficient, and has not even been monitored for a long enough time to be able to tell what the long term adverse affects can be.

This line can be found on every single vaccine section on the CDC website:

"It is not clear whether these mild or serious problems were caused by the vaccine or occurred after vaccination by chance."

The actual vaccine injuries are unknown, and brushed to the side. Sounds safe to me. The one statistic I CAN count on, is how many people actually catch the various diseases, and how many people have actual serious problems from each disease. The stats are way more conclusive, and way more detailed than the non-existent vaccine statistics.

You are not informed, just like most people wagging their fingers at anyone questioning vaccine safety.

posted on Jun, 25 2017 @ 03:44 AM
a reply to: Crumbles

You seem to be confusing "unwilling to kiss societal peer pressure's ass and say it's like kissing an ice cream cone" with some litany of spectrum disorders. Anti-authoritarian self awareness isn't an autism symptom...

posted on Jun, 25 2017 @ 04:31 AM
a reply to: Rezlooper

I think Russian vaccines are safer

Less adjuvants

More salt in them as preservative

But sodium is ok, who cares

posted on Jun, 25 2017 @ 04:43 AM

originally posted by: Charliezin82
Fact - Almost all vaccinated diseases were on a tremendous decline prior to the vaccine.

Nobody is denying that better socioeconomic conditions helped people get healthier and live better, but that's not true. If it was true then how do you explain this:

Fact - There is no study showing a control group of non-vaccinated children, and whenever someone tries it always shows a tremendous benefit to the un-vaccinated children before quickly being shut down.

Please provide evidence for your last statement, studies that showed 'tremendous' benefits for unvaccinated children that were shut down.

Fact - Vaccine makers are protected by our government and cannot be sued even with cause.

Replied to this here:

Fact - Vaccine courts have awarded hundreds of millions of dollars to families damaged by vaccines yet these actual proven cases of damages cannot happen in a true court so are always dismissed from public discussion.

Yes, since 1986 3.7 billion dollars have been awarded (31 years). Between 2006 and 2015 2.8 billion doses of vaccines were given and 2945 people were compensated: that's 1 person compensated for every 1 million doses given, which is exactly what physicians say, serious adverse reactions are extremely rare. - LINK -

Fact - there is a clear conflict of interest with certain members on the board of the CDC that determines the vaccine schedule also holding patents for the vaccines they are mandating the public to purchase. They are personally earning billions by forcing the public to purchase their product. This has been investigated by congress, but no one ever talks about it.

Citation please.

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