posted on Jun, 17 2017 @ 10:57 PM
Through the mist and shadows Night found herself lying on the doorstep of the shed. "How did I...get here? Wasn't I doing something? I'm
sure that I was, but what? She shook her head trying to find clarity. She sort of remembered grand adventures and battles where her shed friends would
sometimes join her, but somehow she found herself back home. It made her smile. She opened the door and ran about the place calling out, hoping to
hear a familiar voice. Through the blue mist she thought she could see Gordi and was that Shep? She sensed them with her Elven intuition, but they
were out of focus. Something was terribly wrong.
Pesky sat upon the Elf's shoulder. "Well, this is interesting. What do you suppose is going on Night? They can't seem to hear or see us either."
Together they continued to search empty halls and rooms. Frustrated, she walked back outside and looked up into the twilight sky. Vivid hues of purple
and blues blended together. Startled, she realized that the sky was empty. There were no dragons, no dragons at all, not even her own. The white wolf
and winged wildcat were still here, but where was Storm and Jojopo and all her shed friends? Night could only think and try to cast some Elven magic
to protect the shed from further intrusion of whatever it was that invaded the shed, but would it be enough?
Her heart sank. How could she reach Gordi and Shep and find the others? How could they communicate and try to work together to find a solution? The
questions were swimming in her head as she sighed deeply. Hugo and wolf paced as animals often do when restless or alarmed. They circled the shed
looking for any signs of danger, for any signs of others returning. Pesky fluttered her little wings and sat atop a wildflower. Hugo placed a massive
paw on Night's shoulders and stared intensely into her confused and teary eyes. "Night, the Sheddites have been through many changes and challenges,
but their courage, bravery and fierce determination have never faltered or failed. Even in the depths of despair, they rose above and saw their way
through, joined together in love and you will again, all of you." A gentle breeze blew her hair from her face as she stared back into the majestic
beast's eyes, her hope renewed.